St. Charles East PTO Meeting Minutes President, Celeste Scimo - Vice President, Colleen Crous Treasurer, Katie Robak - Secretary, Sherry Mauch 3/25/2014 Approved Attendees: Sherry Mauch, Katie Robak, Celeste Scimo, Colleen Crous, Christine Hopper, Lisa Ruud, David George, Maria Crudele, Val Grohe, Anisha Kalra and Keith Glavan. Meeting Called to Order at: 6:05 PM March 2014 Minutes approved. Motion to approve by Lisa Ruud. Motion seconded by Colleen Crous. January 2014 meeting minutes were amended to include the changes made to the Senior Award Application which include: PTO membership dues paid by st November 1 of the current school year, question added to essay portion (Has your parent ever been involved in the PTO? If so, how has your parent’s involvement with the PTO during anytime from Kindergarten through 12th grade impacted you?), student signature, and student will not qualify for PTO Senior Award if more than 50% of their college education is paid for by a scholarship. Amendment approved. School Reports VEI (Virtual Enterprise, Inc.) students gave a presentation about their student run organizations and what they did at the two trade shows they attended this year. Each student has a role in the business (i.e. VP, marketing, HR, etc). VEI is a business class that gives students the opportunity to run their own business. PTO gave VEI a grant for two trade shows this year in TN and CA to help offset costs. VEI students thanked the PTO for their grant. Student Council Representative, Anisha Kalra: Student exchange with NHS was a success – student council students from both schools met to talk about how their student councils work and they shared ideas. Sadies week and dance were a success. Next year students will start planning earlier for Sadies week so they have move time to implement everything they want to do. Student th Council will host a Hop A Thon to support Juvenile Arthritis on April 13 at STCE Sports Complex from 2 – 6 PM. Raffle tickets will be sold and entrance fee is $5. Money raised will be donated to Juvenile Arthritis. Juniors have met and formed Prom decoration committees. Teacher Liaisons, Maria Crudele: Math Department would like to remind students that there is extra help in LRC during late start Wednesdays or in B121 for peer tutoring. Math resource center periods are 4 – 7 every day. The math department has 11 students who qualified to go to the State math meet. The Foreign Language department is rolling out a new curriculum next year. VEI students and Mr. Glavan came to thank PTO for their grant. Mr. Glavan thanked PTO for help with Sadies week and Dance – it th was a success! The Burger Challenge is now the Sandwich Smackdown. Students will work with Colonial Café on April 16 from 3 – 10 PM at the Randall Rd location. 15% of profits will go to the winning team’s charity of choice. The Skills USA state competition is during Spring Break and nine students will attend. Family & Consumer Science Fashion Show is April 17 at 7:30 PM at the Arcada. They need help from parents to run the fashion show backstage. Tech Ed – Auto hosted another successful Labor for Lazurus House fundraiser and they raised $780. Autos – 10th annual Auto Club Show is May 17th from 1- 4 PM. $10 to enter a vehicle. Free to attend. Music, food, games. Event will be held at St. Charles East High School. Principal, Charlie Kyle: No Report. Treasurer Report, Katie Robak: See attached report. Senior Awards and Staff Appreciation expenses will be paid out in the next two months. PTO is looking for a new accountant to prepare tax returns and do an annual audit. It was suggested that we look for a parent who is willing to volunteer their time to do this for the PTO or check with Central Boosters or Band Boosters to see who they are using (possibly get a group discount). We will reach out to parents in the next O & B and Principal’s newsletter. Committee Reports Post Prom, Colleen Crous: Security committee has secured an EMT and Police Officers for the event – still need additional parent volunteers. Decorations committee has started meeting weekly and the Post Prom Studio is up and running in the Butera Shopping Plaza. An empty storefront is donated by a STCE parent where we can work on large decoration projects. We are looking for nd rd volunteers on May 2 to help with decorations during the day and into the evening, on May 3 during the day to finish up th decorations and during the event itself and on May 4 in the morning to help clean up and take down decorations. Ticket committee is looking for additional volunteers to help sell tickets during student lunch periods during the weeks of April 15 (Prom tickets only), April 21 (Post Prom and Prom Tickets), and April 28 (Post Prom tickets only). We have hired a DJ. A letter with information about Prom and Post Prom was sent to all Junior and Senior parents asking for parent donations of $20.14 to help support Post Prom 2014. The second installment for the Games Rental is due and will be paid in the next week. We have received cash donations from the Athletic Boosters ($3000) and Zimmerman Ford ($1000). We are expecting St. Charles East PTO Meeting Minutes President, Celeste Scimo - Vice President, Colleen Crous Treasurer, Katie Robak - Secretary, Sherry Mauch 3/25/2014 Approved an additional $2000 donation from the St. Charles Youth Commission in the next two weeks. Newsletters about Post Prom will start going out with the O & B after Spring Break. th Staff Appreciation, Amy Brasley & Juli Kyle: Celeste reported that Pi Day on March 14 was a success and they served over 40 pies. On April 15 (Tax Day), we will be providing staff with Pay Day candy bars. Student Activities, Val Grohe & Dawn Senger: On behalf of the PTO, the Student Activities Committee would like to thank all the parents who helped make STCE Sadie Hawkins week a huge success. Over 370 students attended the dance. STCE needs parent involvement and appreciate your time and dedication. Thank you also to Skills USA who organized the Sadie Hawkins Dance. A special thank you to our ticket sellers and dance chaperones! Lisa Rudd, Becky Small, Denise Freese, Grace Roberts, Mandy Fortier, Becca Huskisson, Monica Jonard, Marianne Michelotti, Tina Sheehan, Gaby Fillipi, Kathy Born, Gail Finn, Amy Blood, Tracey Fernandez, Janice Mastropolo, Cynthia Mason, Jody Field, Jeff & Kristen Ford, Sid & Mona Hasan, Steve & Mary Lou Spoerl. We love volunteers!!! Everyone was so nice to work with! Thank you! The PTO is looking for volunteers to help distribute snacks and drinks during the PSAE Testing on April 23rd & April 24th. Please contact Val Grohe @ [email protected] if you are interested in helping out. The PTO will be organizing volunteers to sell tickets for the Senior Barbecue & Breakfast on May 13th, May 14th, May 15th, May 16th, May 19th, May 20th, May 21st, & May 22nd. If you would like to volunteer to sell tickets please contact Val Grohe @ [email protected]. Senior parents especially are welcome as this is a wonderful way to see your students class! The Senior Barbecue is Thursday, May 22rd. The Senior Breakfast is Friday, May 23rd. Both events are for students only. Best wishes to the Class of 2014! STCE Directory, Katie Robak: We are looking for a volunteer to chair this committee next year. We discussed the FERPA flags and how they work. FERPA flags are managed by the parent and unless the parent indicates they don’t want their information released, it is available for the PTO Directory. Parents manage this information for each child individually through Home Access Center. The school does not reset the flags each year – they stay the same from year to year unless the parent makes a change. There was discussion about making the PTO Directory available online like North High School. We will talk to Lisa Dandre about this option for 2014-15. Grounds Beautification, Celeste Scimo: Celeste checked and all of the Fall plantings seemed to have survived the Winter and are starting to show buds. She will work on the urns once the weather warms up. Greater Education Foundation, Julie Strahl: No Report. District PTO Representative, Christine Hopper: Becky McCabe and Jason Peason spoke about student enrollment at the elementary, middle and high schools. Kindergarten enrollment for 2014-15 is the lowest it has been in years and they expect the trend to continue. They spoke about how enrollment impacts the number of sessions per grade level and staffing. The Suicide Helpline information is printed on student IDs and in the student planners. They handed out cards at the DPTO meeting that can be passed out to students. Mary Gerkin will be the STCE PTO representative next year for the DPTO. Senior Awards: Information and application has been posted for Seniors. We have three applicants so far and the deadline is April th 4 . We expect to receive more applications over Spring Break. Encourage your Seniors to apply! Senior Signs, Sue Woloszyk: Prose Orthodontics will continue to sponsor our Senior Signs and Sue is working on putting together a group to help her put out the signs. President’s Report, Celeste Scimo: We are looking to fill the following positions for next year: Vice President - Plan to be next President, Grounds/Beautification – fill urns 4 times a year and other special projects you want to tackle, Directory – Get Directory database up and running, Registration Database – key in all volunteers and segment out to appropriate chairs, Post Prom Co-Chairs – Major coordinators of this awesome event, however, Subchairs do much of busy work, and Senior Signs – get senior signs th sponsored, designed, printed and distributed one weekend in May. Celeste will be hosting a PTO Social at her home on May 29 at 6:30 PM for all current PTO chairs and incoming PTO chairs. The meeting was adjourned at: 7:10 PM Respectfully submitted by Sherry Mauch, STCE PTO Secretary
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