Innovative Hospitality Management MASTER PROGRAMME IN INNOVATIVE HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Syllabus 2013-2014 Academic Year Course title: In-company research thesis Lecturer: PROFESSORS LEVENT ALTINAY Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Department of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management OXFORD [email protected] Tel: 00 44 1865 483832 Publication for the exclusive use of TSI Turismo Sant Ignasi, ESADE- Universitat Ramon Llull; and Hogeschool Zuyd, Hotel Management School Maastricht No reproduction permitted Innovative Hospitality Management MASTER PROGRAMME – COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: In-company research thesis CODE: TFM COURSE TYPE: Compulsory ECS CREDITS: 14 ECS LECTURER: Prof Levent Altinay YEAR: 2013/2014 BLOCK: Barcelona/Maastricht General Introduction: During placement, a research assignment inside the company is developed, as part of the requirements of the program. At the start of the research project there must be a set of problems, which will enable the student to set up the research. A well defined area shall be determined, to which the research can make a significant contribution. The first step consists in exploring the company’s and project context. The student examines the situation in detail in order to define the practice-oriented research project. The project might range from feasibility studies, clarifying a policy problem, identifying bottlenecks, making recommendations for improving an existing situation or evaluating processes, for instance. Its contribution in terms of practical implementation will be highly valued. Specifications and timeline: Research Proposal The Research Proposal is due either one month after reception of these guidelines (in case the internship started prior to the date of reception), or one month after the contract starting date, in all other cases (for example: start of internship May 15, delivery is June 15). This is the latest possible submission date. However, if your proposal is ready prior to that date please do not hesitate to submit it. The earlier you have the proposal accepted the better. Please follow the Proposal Assessment Form guidelines provided at the Research Skills module, and forward your document in digital format to the Methods tutor - Dr. Levent Altinay: [email protected]. The tutor will offer the student detailed feedback via the rubric (if needed be, a second version is acceptable). After reviewing the second version, the methods tutor will evaluate and grade the proposal. A minimum grade equal or higher to 4.5 is required to be authorized to continue with the research thesis. Please be aware that the Master’s fraud and plagiarism regulations are applicable, as outlined in the Norms & Regulations document. Research Thesis Innovative Hospitality Management An academic supervisor will be appointed, to be in charge of the guidance of the student, throughout the completion of the research project. The students will be informed of the assigned academic supervisor once the research proposal has been accepted and marked. The student may contact him/her for content related academic guidance. The academic supervision of the projects is assigned to Faculty members of the three collaborating institutions (TSI, MHMS & OXB). The final version of the report must be forwarded to the academic supervisor, via e-mail, no th later than September 7 , with a copy to [email protected]. The academic supervisor will notify the student within 1 week of submission if the report is acceptable for oral presentation and defence. The grade of the written project will be submitted following the timelines specified at the Norms & Regulations of the program. Research Oral Presentation and Defence The defence and oral presentations will take place on September (See academic calendar) at TSI Turismo Sant Ignasi (ESADE-URL) in Barcelona. The public presentation has a duration of 15 minutes, unless otherwise specified, followed by questions formulated by the jury (defence). Presentation and defence will be conducted publicly, unless the project is designated as confidential. If so, the company and the student must notify the academic supervisor in writing no later than September 1, specifying the reasons. Attendance to the presentations of the fellow students is recommended but not compulsory. The IHM class will be auditing the presentations. Late Submissions Request for granting delayed submission must be forwarded in writing to the methods tutor/ academic supervisor and the coordinators, at least one week prior to the submission date. The Academic Board will examine each case specifically and will notify the outcome to the student accordingly. The Academic Board will determine the alternative submission date or will inform the reasons for refusal. Penalties for Late Submissions without Authorization Research assignments submitted up to one week late without authorization will be penalised by 25%. Submissions received later than one week without authorization will be deemed a fail and a retake will be required. Presentation Formats (Electronic Format, Paper, CD) Please follow the guidelines below when forwarding electronic documents: The file should be named as follows: IHM Your full name Subject.extension Only official names may be used: Examples: IHM Jan de Vries Research proposal.doc Files named otherwise may get lost! If you are sending very large attachments (>2 MB), always notify the recipient. One copy of the final report has to be handed in on the day of presentation, together with two CD-Rom copies (including the Oral Presentation support material) unless otherwise indicated. Unless a company has designated a research project as confidential, the projects will be accessible through the libraries of MHMS and TSI Tourism School Sant Ignasi. Access to Information Sources Innovative Hospitality Management To access bibliography we strongly recommend you to visit the available libraries in your area, including the University libraries, if geographically possible. The MHMS electronic databases provide you online remote access to a wide range of hospitality and tourism related academic journals. In a separate document you will receive the list of databases. Fraud and plagiarism Please be aware that the Master’s fraud and plagiarism regulations are applicable, as outlined in the Norms & Regulations document Evaluation: Members of the Jury JS – José Sánchez DF – Daniela Freund de Klumbis ZR – Zaida Rodrigo DB – David Bowie KdA – Katharine d’Amico MH – Math Heckman EB – Esther Binkhorst EJ – Ewoud Jansen TK – Tugba Kalafatoglu LA – Levent Altinay TS – Ton Stekelenburg RS – Ricard Santomà JP – Jorge Peralta The students’ performance will be evaluated by a faculty jury as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. i. In class Test Research Proposal Research Written Report Research Presentation/Oral Defence 10 % 20% 50 % 20 % Research Proposal (see Annex 1) / Marking criteria (see Annex 2) Index of the Research Proposal: Working Title Background (rationale) Research aim and objectives Academic context (literature review) Chosen Research Approach Methods (including sample) Time scale and resources, possible constraints Presentation Length research proposal: Maximum 10 pages including references and tables/figures ii. Research Written Report Criteria for the Evaluation of the Research Report: Cover page Abstract (250-300 words) Acknowledgements Table of contents Introduction Literature review chapter(s) Innovative Hospitality Management Conceptual framework Methods Findings and discussion Conclusions and implications List of references (according to Master IHM regulations) Appendices Indicative length research paper: 50 pages, not including appendixes and list of references iii. Research Presentation Criteria for the Evaluation of the Research Presentation: Elaboration, use of techniques; Clarity; Overview; accuracy of the summary; Definition of terms; State of the question, use of sources; Organization of materials; Analysis and reasoning: internal consistency; Analysis and reasoning: external relevance; Synthesis (conclusions). iv. Oral Report Defence Criteria for the Evaluation of the Oral Report Defence: Argumentation; Knowledge of the research subject; Self-reflection; Presentation and decisiveness; Strength and clarity of defence. Innovative Hospitality Management Annex 1 Proposal Assessment form Student name: Project working title: Comments on main aspects of the proposal: Working title (max 12 words): 5 points This should represent the content of your proposal. Remember that your working title may alter as your research progresses. Background (Rationale) (max 2 pages) : 20 points This section should highlight the importance of the topic for the literature (new body of knowledge) and also for you (interest, career opportunities etc). Emphasis should be placed on the theoretical gaps. The following questions should be answered briefly. a) What in summary does the existing research tell us about the topic? b) What in summary does the existing research NOT tell us? What are the research gaps in the literature? c) What are you proposing to do? In answering these questions, you should express your research topic in the form of a problem which needs solving, a question that needs answering or something which you find exciting and has aroused your curiosity. Research aim and objectives: (max 1 page) – please state them either as bullet points or research questions) (10 points) The background section should lead smoothly into clear statements of your aim and objectives. These should leave the assessing tutor and your project supervisor in no doubt as to precisely what it is your research seeks to achieve. Remember, your research aim and objectives should be achievable within the time frame of their masters’ programme and within their available resources. Academic context (Literature Review): (max 3 pages) (20 points) In this section, you are expected to: Discuss the key academic ideas (theories) within the area of your research topic referencing them to their main proponents (authors)? Innovative Hospitality Management Indicate how your research relates to these ideas (theories)? Please define the research focus clearly. Chosen Research Approach: (max 1 page) (10 points) In this section, you are expected to answer the following questions: Which research philosophy is going to underpin your research process (phenomenological, Positivist) OR which research approach (inductive or deductive) is going to underpin your research process? What is the strategy you are intending to use? Why are you intending to use this strategy? In answering these questions you should explain briefly the philosophies or approaches, strategy or strategies you intend to use (e.g. case study, survey, experiment, action research or perhaps a combination) and why. Methods (including sample): (max 2 page) (15 points) In this section, you should answer the following questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of at least three data collection in general? How do you intend to obtain your data? Why are you using this or these methods? What is your likely sample? Time scale and resources, possible constraints: (max 1 page) (15 points) In this section, you should answer the following questions: What are the key activities that you will need to undertake to complete you dissertation? How long do you think each of these activities is likely to take? What are the likely dates associated with the completion of these activities? Do you have sufficient resources (money, access etc. to undertake the proposed research)? Presentation (5 points) You are expected to present a well structured and professional report. A correctly presented list of references using the Harvard System. *Please note that your proposals should be maximum 10 pages including the references and tables/figures. Innovative Hospitality Management Annex 2 Marking criteria DISTINCTION (9-10) Your Proposal provides a powerful rationale for the subject. The proposed topic is challenging, as well as being appropriate to the requirements of the Master’s Dissertation (in terms of focus and academic level). The aims and objectives are precise, realistic and consistent with the rationale. You provide a thorough review of the relevant literature in the subject area by using a range of appropriate and up-to-date sources. Identifies and critically evaluates an appropriate theoretical framework which underpins the study. There is evidence of evaluation and selectivity of the material presented. The literature review also demonstrates an excellent understanding of the subject through critical interpretation and analysis of issues. The proposal evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen research approach. A research method(s) is chosen which is excellently justified through the evaluation of at least three methods. Potential limitations are assessed. A realistic, detailed and practical time plan has been developed. The proposal is well structured and excellently presented. MERIT PASS (7-8,9) Your Proposal provides a good rationale for the subject. The proposed topic is very appropriate to the requirements of the Master’s Dissertation. The aims and objectives are well conceived and formulated, and are consistent with the stated rationale. You provide a thorough review of relevant literature in the subject area using appropriate sources. There is evidence of a theoretical framework having been developed. The literature review demonstrates an understanding and critical review of the subject and its implications for the study. The proposal identifies and begins to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen research approach. A research method(s) is chosen which is well justified through the evaluation of at least three methods. Potential limitations are identified. A realistic and practical time plan has been developed. The proposal is well structured and presented. PASS (5,5-6,9) Your Proposal provides a relatively sound rationale for the subject. The proposed topic is appropriate to the requirements of the Master’s Dissertation. The aims and objectives are consistent with the stated rationale. You provide a review of relevant literature in the subject area using appropriate sources. There is some evidence of a theoretical framework having been developed. The literature review demonstrates an understanding of the subject and its implications for the study. The proposal identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen research approach. A research method(s) is chosen which is justified through the evaluation of at least three methods. Potential limitations are identified. A realistic and practical time plan has been developed. The proposal is effectively presented. REFER (4,5-5,4) Your Proposal does not provide a specific rationale for the subject. The proposal is unfocused and not presented well. The aims and objectives are poorly conceived. There is evidence that you have carried out some review of the literature, but this is likely to be limited. You have not identified an appropriate theoretical framework to underpin your study. The proposal does not sufficiently identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Innovative Hospitality Management chosen research approach. A research method(s) has been chosen which is not sufficiently justified through the evaluation of at least three methods and as a result may be inappropriate. Potential limitations are not identified. Lack of a realistic and practical time plan. The proposal is not well presented. FAIL (Below 4,5) Your proposal fails to address the requirements of the assignment. The structure, use of English, research, discussion and referencing completely fail to meet the standards expected at Master’s level. You demonstrate a lack of knowledge and understanding of research methodology. Innovative Hospitality Management Annex 3 In-Company Research Project - Presentation and Defence Evaluation Member of the Jury: Student’s name: insufficient sufficient good very good excellent with honors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 very strongly insufficient strongly insufficient 1. Organization of materials; Structure of the presentation 2. Analysis and reasoning: internal consistency 3. Analysis and reasoning: external relevance 4. State of the question, use of sources 5. Use of language; Use of non-verbal communication 6. Clarity of conclusions and synthesis 7. Elaboration; Use of techniques bad Criteria for the Evaluation very bad Presentation (10% of the Final Grade) Feedback: Total Grade Presen tation: : ______ /7= ______ Defence (10% of the Final Grade) 1. Argumentation 2. Knowledge of the research subject 3. Self-reflection 4. Presentation & decisiveness 5. Strength & clarity of defence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Grade Defenc e: ______ /5= ______ Innovative Hospitality Management Additional comments: Publication for the exclusive use of TSI -Turismo Sant Ignasi, Hotel Management School Maastricht and Oxford Brookes University. No reproduction permitted
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