Meet Julie - Perspectives Family and Workplace Mediation Services

From a stay-at-home mom to a career in
Family and Community Advocacy,
Julie is a mediator with a common sense
assertive style, and the emotional
intelligence to provide a safe space
for everyone to be heard.
In 2004 Julie began her career as a Family Advocate and Parent Educator with the Family Tree
Center. She relied on her communication skills and background in Early Childhood to mediate
conflicts within the family. Those initial experiences laid the groundwork for bigger challenges
to come as she accepted the Parenting Program Coordinator position at the Montana Women’s
Prison (MWP), an extension of The Family Tree Center.
During her four years at MWP, Julie mediated relationships between the women, their children
and caregivers. She often elicited other professionals in the community in the careful planning
for parent/child visits and reunification. The overriding goals were to give voice to the children
swept up in the crisis, and to broaden everyone’s perspective in order to create proactive plans
in the best interest of the children.
In 2009, Julie worked for Billings Head Start as a Family Involvement Coordinator. She used her
skills in assertive communication and empowerment to work toward increasing parent’s
investments in the classroom and the Parent Policy Council. She worked with staff to examine
the intake process to ensure both biological parents were informed of their child’s education
and experiences at Head Start, unless otherwise restricted by law.
During coursework in the Marriage and Family Counseling Program in Bozeman Montana, Julie
discovered the field of mediation. Seeing and experiencing a process that allows people in
conflict to craft their own resolutions, Julie was inspired. She began transitioning into a field
that seemed to fit her skillset and career aspirations. Over the past two years, Julie has been
involved with many mediations ranging from small claims and workplace conflicts, to family
cases regarding parenting agreements. 75% of these cases have reached a partial agreement,
been continued, or completely settled.
Julie is devoted to her mediation practice, and equally devoted to her role as a Parent Educator
with The Family Tree Center. As she works with parents in her classes, Julie utilizes active
listening and understanding, while also carefully challenging unhealthy beliefs and behaviors
when they are potentially damaging to children.
Julie is completely committed to growing the awareness and use of Facilitative Mediation in the
Billings Community and surrounding areas. She feels strongly about mediation because she has
witnessed the positive impact on relationships mired in conflict, especially the resolutions that
have been reached for the children.
As a mother of four, and having spent ten years listening to the struggles of many families, Julie
understands the need for resources and supportive relationships in the community. Long-term,
Julie plans to open a Cooperative Family Center to serve as a hub of community resources and
place of connection. It will also provide an avenue for family-oriented businesses and
professionals to connect and collaborate. The emphasis will be to celebrate healthy families
and empower community members to get involved with family-oriented activities and events.
With investments from community to families, in time there will be a return on these
investments from healthier families contributing back to, and helping create, a healthier