Saint Paul’s Catholic Church Office: 1515 ~ 8th Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651 Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686 Tel: 466-7031 Fax: 466-7203 Email: [email protected] St. Paul’s WebPage: April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter / Tercer Domingo de Pascua GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION GENERAL SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION SACRAMENTAL Confessions / Confesiones Wednesdays / Miercoles 5:00-6:00 PM Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM Baptisms / Bautismos 1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:30 AM in English or at the Sunday English Masses with Fr. Jairo. 1er y 3er sábado del mes 10:30 AM en español. Marriages / Matrimonios Contact the Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding. Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la boda. MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:00 PM Español, Melba Sunday / Domingo: 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM English, Englsih, English, Español, Español, Nampa Melba Nampa Nampa Nampa Monday / Lunes: 8:00 AM English Tuesday / Martes: 8:00 AM English Wednesday / Miercoles: 8:00 AM English, Hospital 6:00 PM Español, Iglesia Thursday / Jueves: 8:00 AM English Friday / Viernes: 8:15 AM English, Old Church Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Any time. Contact the priests at the Parish Office A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes de la parroquia Quinceañeras Segundo sábado del mes, 10:00 AM. Christian Initiation for None Catholics (RCIA) Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith? Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031 PARISH TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Administrator: Parochial Vicar: Retire Priest: Deacon: Deacon: Children Religious Ed.: Youth Minister: School Principal: Business Manager: Bookkeeper: Administ. Secretary: Receptionist: Maintenance: Father Jairo Restrepo, JCL Father Javier Corral Father William Taylor Michael Collins Jose Luis Granados Marisela Linan Mari De Leon Randy McCormick Gina Urquidi Carol Amador Patricia Hernandez José Rodriguez PARISH COUNCILS AND GROUPS / CONSEJOS PARROQUIALES Y GRUPOS Pastoral Council, St. Paul’s:……….. Nancy Harmon Pastoral Council, St. Joseph’s:……. Roger Welsh Parish Finance Council:……………. Kurt Batey St. Paul’s School Board:…………….Rusty Bengoa Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board:……….Ted Rush Comite Latino:………………………...XXXXXXX Perpetual Adoration Coordinator :… Chris Johnson Homebound…………………………..Judy Kimbrough Vocations Committee:……………….Judy Kimbrough Knights of Columbus:………………..Keven Stadther Catholic Daughters of America:…….Barbara Marrone Jr. Catholic Daughters of America:.. Mary Ann VandeBrake Catholic Women’s League:…………Paulette Blaseg Saint Vincent de Paul Society:……..Jim Daniels Sunday Apr. 19 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM Monday Apr. 20 8:00 AM Tuesday Apr. 21 8:00 AM Wednesday Apr. 22 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Thursday Apr.23 8:00 AM Friday Apr.24 8:00 AM Saturday Apr.25 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Nampa: Easter Memorials Melba: Easter Memorials Nampa: Pro-Populo Nampa: Easter Memorials Nampa: Easter Memorials Nampa: Vicent Galindo † Nampa: Don Behrendt † Nampa: Howell James † Nampa: Ignacio Gonzalez M † Nampa: William Loulis Smith † Nampa: Vickie Hauge Nampa: Robert Laible † Melba: LAST WEEK COLLECTION COLECTA DE LA SEMANA ANTERIOR Saint Paul’s / San Pablo Envelopes & Loose Collection / Sobres y dinero efectivo Date 04/12 YTD Actual $ 14,410.94 $ 501,186.48 Children’s Collection……………. $ Colecta de los Niños Projected $ 12,182.33 $ 474,695.85 981.00 Saint Joseph’s / San Jose Envelopes & Loose Collection…. $ 1,090.05 Sobres y dinero efectivo Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery is a Catholic Cemetery located at the corner of Powerline and Greenhurst. To purchase a plot at Mount Calvary Cemetery please contact: Danny Jacobson (208) 442- 8171 The Coolest Week of the Summer at St. Paul’s Vacation Bible School New friends * Amazing experiments * Glacier games Lip-smacking snacks * Surprising adventure * Incredible music Location: Old St. Paul’s VBS will last from: June 1st - June 4th Each day’s fun begins at: 5:30pm The VBS day ends at: 8:30pm For more information, call: 466-7031 St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 4 PARISH NEWS GLUTEN FREE HOST AVAILABLE If you are allergic to Glutten now you can receive the Precious Body of Our Lord at the Eucharist. We have Hosts that contain 0.01 % gluten. If you are interested please contact Fr. Jairo. ADORATION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENT OPEN HOURS Come in for a visit or sign up for an hour. We can always use substitutes. Open Hours: Sunday at 1:00am, Monday at 1:00 a.m., Tuesday at 12:00 a.m., 1:00 a.m., and 2:00 a.m., Thursday at 3:00 a.m. and Saturday at 3:00 a.m. Call Chris Johnson at 467-0332.. BIBLE STUDY WITH FR. BILL TAYLOR Fr. Bill Taylor wants to add a Bible study to the menu of excellent studies already going on at St. Paul’s. The study involves a search into the text and its message for our lives. Each lesson ends with prayer. The class will be at the parish office at 10am and 12pm noon (bring a sack lunch) . Please bring a Bible and notebook. Please contact the parish office to sign up, 466-7031. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPES Since we no longer have a second collection at Mass, we invite you to deposit the envelopes with your gift on the regular collection at Mass. Even though we do not have the second collections, the needs are still there and your help is appreciated! MARIAN MOVEMENT The Marian Movement of Priests meets every Tuesday at 9am in the Adoration Chapel. The Annual meeting will be held on May 23 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at Our Lady of the Valley. All are welcomed to attend the weekly meetings and/or the annual meting which will be led by Fr. Keller. For more information please contact Pat 454-9198. VACCATION BIBLE SCHOOL St. Paul’s Invites Children to Everest VBS: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power a summer kids’ event called Everest VBS will be hosted at Old St. Paul’s from June 1st to June 4th. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Summit Celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Everest VBS is for kids from Kinder to 6th grade and will run from 5:30pm-8:30pm each day. You may register your child at the parish office during the week, Registration fee is $20, May 15th is the last day to register. For more information, call 466 -7031. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE CWL is having their annual plant sale in the east parking lot of the church on Saturday May 2 and after Masses on Sunday. There will be over 70 varieties of tomatoes and many varieties of hot peppers and bell peppers, $1.50 each. While supplies last, customers will get a free tomato plant. Come early and browse through the selection of other vegetable and herbs as well as flower plants. The sale starts at 8am on Saturday, May 2. ALSO CWL: CWL WILL HAVE IT'S RUMMAGE SALE ON SATURDAY,APRIL 25,2015 IN DEMPSEY HALL FROM 8AM-2PM. WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF ITEMS TO SUIT EVERYONE'S INTEREST AND WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN. BRING A FRIEND OR TWO AND ENJOY A FUN SHOPPING DAY! PILGRIMAGE WITH BISHOP PETER You are cordially invited to join other pilgrims from Idaho to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Pope Francis will be there, Bishop Peter will be there and I hope you can join us in reigniting the fire in marriage and families. There are flyers in the gathering area with more information. MASS AT NURSING HOME There will be a Care Center Holy Mass at Streamside Assisted Living on Friday, at 10 a.m. All are invited. Those who are ill may receive the Sacrament of the Sick at this Mass. Knights of Columbus Scholarship The Knights of Columbus Council #2014 offers educational scholarship opportunities for children of registered St. Paul’s Parishioners who will attend Bishop Kelly High School during the 2015-2016 school year. This scholarship is worth up to $1000. Scholarship applications and criteria can be located in the narthex of the church. Scholarships must be submitted to Henry Atencio at [email protected] by May 4, 2015. For more information or to request an application contact Henry at 573-0914. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Natural Family Planning strengthens marriages! Next available course series starting May 31! NFP courses teach married and engaged couples the scientific sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness. NFP calls for shared responsibility by husband and wife, eliminates the use of harmful hormones and chemicals, can be used by women with irregular cycles, and helps couples celebrate God's vision of human sexuality. Through NFP, fertility is viewed as a reality to live, not a problem to be solved. It is over 99% effective at postponing pregnancy and has greater success than other interventions at helping couples struggling with infertility. The 3 course series will be held at the Riffle Center, St. John's Cathedral, Sundays from 12:30-3:00, May 31, June 28, & July 26. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please contact Jeff and Erika Cowman ASAP at [email protected]. PRE– BAPTISMAL CLASS All parents and godparents are invited to participate in the pre– baptismal classes on April 21 at 7:00pm in the Church. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 5 MINISTRIES NEWS St. Paul’s Catholic School News St. Paul's School students are selling $1 chocolate bars after Mass this weekend. Please consider purchasing a chocolate bar and supporting the school! Also, the St. Paul's Annual Golf Tournament is coming up on Saturday, May 16th at Centennial Golf Course in Nampa. This has been described as "the favorite event of the year"! Lots of fun with raffles, best golf shots, lunch and drinks! Put your 4-person team together and have a great time while raising fun ds for the school. For registration and information, contact Stephanie Rider [email protected] or call the school at 467-3601. Advertise your business! $100 hole sponsorship available. Papa John's Pizza Week!! Order pizza this week Monday thought Friday from Papa John's on 12th Ave and just mention it is for St. Paul's fundraiser. A portion of your purchase will go to the school! Children’s Ministry News The St. Paul's School PTO is a group of parents and teachers that come together to support the school and help raise funds to supplement the school budget allowing the tui on to stay affordable. PTO is an integral part of the school and is comprised completely by volunteers. Youth Ministry News Youth ministries will sponsor doughnuts & coffee along with cookies and cocoa April 19th after 8 am and 10 am masses. Calling all current 6-8th graders. Time to sign up for Summer Camp!!! All info can be found in the gathering area of the church. Please note dates for Sundays and Saturdays during the months of March & April: April 12th April 18th April 19th April 25th April 26th Religious Ed in section First Communion Retreat Retiro de Primera Comunión Last Day of Religious Ed. First Communions at 5pm Mass First Communions 8, 10am & 12pm Mass We are recruiting Core team members for our upcoming youth ministry teams. Training is provided. We need YOU our programs cannot continue to grow without adult volunteers. Pick up more info after masses next week or Contact the Mari at the parish office. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 6 PARISH GROUPS NEWS EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass because of illness or incapacity to travel and would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring the Eucharist to you at home or in the hospital or nursing facility, please notify the parish office or call Judy Kimbrough at 249-5511. We will be happy to make arrangements with you. Spanish speaking is available. IDAHO CATHOLIC APPEAL The Idaho Catholic Appeal is the one diocesan-wide campaign that serves the needs of our people beyond the boundaries of any one parish. By supporting the work of the 20 ministries funded by the2015 Appeal, we are able to work in communion toward fulfilling our roles as faithful stewards. We are asking that everyone participate in the Appeal through both a commitment to prayer and a financial gift. Our parish goal is $71,027 and so far we have received pledges of $43,661. If you have not yet made your contribution, please do so today. Every gift is important—and necessary—if our parish and diocese are to continue to effectively serve others. Pledge envelopes are located at the back of the church. CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER “A wedding is a day. A marriage is a lifetime.” Catholic Engaged Encounter is an investment in the future of your marriage! If you are in a relationship and marriage is in the future, please consider attending one of the weekends. Visit the web site at: or call Brian & Christine Field at 208-8308037; or Terry & Nicole Derden at 208-577-8240 Catholic Engaged Encounter has a weekends scheduled for 2015 June 1214; and Oct. 9-11. These weekends will be held at NAZARETH RETREAT CENTER in Boise. YOUNG ADULT RETREAT You are invited to attend a Young Adult Retreat on Saturday, April 25 in St. Jerome Parish in Jerome from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sr. Bernadine Reyes, OSB, from Texas and Fr. Caleb from our dioceses will be the facilitators. The retreat will be available in English and Spanish and participants will be given tools for discerning God’s will in their life. For more information or to register go to or call Katie at 208-731-0857 POSITIONS AT BISHOP KELLY Bishop Kelly High School is hiring for the following positions: Science, Preferred Subjects ,Physical Education ,Math, Preferred Subjects ,Social Studies ,Digital Media ,Speech and Debate ,Student Support Services Instructional Assistant . Please visit for more information. SERVANT SCHOOL Servant School is an opportunity for deepening your Catholic faith through courses offered by professors and Church leaders. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, April 27. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT DEACON RICHARD KULLECK 208-342-1311 or [email protected] SHARE YOUR LOVE Share your love and experience the unique opportunity to experience your world through someone else’s eyes by opening your home to an International Exchange Student. We are currently seeking host families for several 15-18 year old boys and girls from countries such as Germany, Poland, Colombia, Brazil, and China among many others for the 2015-16 school year. CCI Greenheart is the leader in cultural and education exchange. Please call Ann at 208-899-0505 or email [email protected] for more info. CATHOLIC CRUISE Come and sail away on a 25 night Catholic Vancouver to Sydney, Australia Cruise with Father Joseph Mucha September 23– October 18, 2015 on Holland America Volendam out of Vancouver, British Columbia—Ports of call: Seattle, Washington; Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; Pago Pago, American Samoa; International dateline; Suva, Fiji; Lautoka, Fiji; Aneityum, Vanautu; Easo; Isle of Pines, New Caledonia; Noumea, New Caledonia; Sydney, Australia. Prices begin at $6109 for two passengers this includes all port fees and taxes . Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $600 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further into or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or [email protected] . PRO-LIFE CHOCOLATE After Mass today, you can purchase organic, fair trade chocolate to help raise money to get Pro-life billboards up in the Treasure Valley. The Treasure Valley Pro-life Billboards are half way to their $40,000 goal. Please stop by their table located in the entrance of the church. All proceeds go to support the billboards. Bishop Kelly Youth Football Camp June 22nd -25th 2015, Grades 4th -8th for the 2015-2016 school year. Football fundamentals, helmet, camp shirt, insurance and lots of FUN! Contact Tim Brennan, , [email protected] HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE Everyone is cordially invited to a pilgrimage with Fr. Marcos to the Holy Land on October 19 thru 28. You may find more information in the gathering area. AdverƟser of the Week DeMeyer Furniture & Mattress 855-2700 3530 E. Franklin Rd., Meridian Please support these vendors who make our bulle n possible. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 7 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL CLASES PRE– BAUTISMALES CLASES DE BIBLIA Padres y padrinos que desean bautizar próximamente están invitados a participar en las clases pre bautismales el día 14 de Abril a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia. Las Clases de biblia con el padre Jairo reiniciaran este Miércoles después de la misa de las 6 pm. Todos son están Invitados. HOSTIAS ESPECIALES GLUTEN FREE Están cordialmente invitados a que acompañen a otros peregrinos de Idaho al Congreso Mundial de las Familias en Filadelfia. El Papa Francisco estará ahí, nuestro Obispo Peter estará ahí y esperamos que ustedes también nos acompañen renovando el fuego de las familias y matrimonios. Puede encontrar hojas con mas información en la entrada principal de la Iglesia. Si usted es alérgico al gluten ahora podrá recibir el cuerpo de nuestro Señor en la sagrada Eucaristía, que continúe menos de 0.01% gluten. Favor de comunicarse con el Padre Jairo para mas información. PEREGRINACION CON OBISPO PETER NO SEGUNDAS COLECTAS EN LA MISA Ya no estamos haciendo segundas colectas en las misas; pero les pedimos que continúen el uso de todos los sobres, como los sobres para Caridad, Escuela o Edificar en la Fe. Sus contribuciones pueden ser puestas en la canasta de la colecta dominical. Si usted aun no esta recibiendo sobres y le gustaría favor de comunicarse con la oficia parroquial. HORAS DISPONIBLES DE ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Ven a visitar a nuestro Señor. Horas vacantes: Domingo a la 1:00am, lunes a las 1;00am, martes a la 12:00am,1:00 a.m. y 2:00 a.m., Jueves a las 3:00am y Sabado a las 3:00 am. Por favor, considere una hora a la semana o si no, tal vez ser un sustituto. Puede llamar Chris Johnson 467-0332. ESCUELA DE SIERVOS La Escuela de Siervos es una escuela de formación para adultos incluyendo cursos con profesores y líderes de la iglesia. Diálogos, oración y convivencia es una parte del fin de semana. Te esperamos. Tema: INTRODUCCIÓN AL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO, parte II Y Tema: EL CATECISMO DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA. FECHA DE LIMITE: lunes, 27 de abril Costo: $75.00 (incluye las comidas para el sábado y domingo). PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN FAVOR DE COMUNICARSE CON MARICELA: 208-350-7536 o al [email protected] PEREGRINACION A TIERRA SANTA El Padre Marcos les hace una cordial invitación a una peregrinación a Tierra Santa. Los días del 19 al 28 de octubre. Puede encontrar mas información en la entrada principal de la Iglesia. DIEZMO La Campaña Católica del Diezmo es la campaña a nivel diocesano que sirve a las necesidades de nuestro pueblo más allá de los límites de cualquier parroquia. Al apoyar el trabajo de los 20 ministerios financiados por la Campaña del 2015, estamos en condiciones de trabajar en comunión hacia el cumplimiento de nuestras funciones como administradores fieles. Estamos pidiendo que todos participen en la campaña del diezmo mediante un compromiso de oración y una contribución monetaria. Nuestra meta este 2015 en la parroquia es de $71,027 y hasta el momento hemos recibido compromiso de contribuciones por $43,661. Si todavía no ha contribuido, por favor hágalo hoy. Cada donación es importante y necesaria si nuestra parroquia y diócesis han de seguir sirviendo eficazmente a otros. Los sobres de compromiso se encuentran ubicados en la parte posterior de la iglesia GRUPO DE ORACION Y APOYO PARA MUJERES Les invitamos a todas las mujeres de esta comunidad, a ser parte de una maravillosa experiencia de oración por nuestros esposos, hijos y comunidad. todos los miércoles 10 am en la oficina 1515 8th Street South, Nampa Idaho 83651. mayor información Linda Wright 760-7918082. El Señor tiene un nuevo Camino en tu vida y tu Matrimonio. Radiotón de Primavera 2015” de Sal y Luz Radio. Sal y luz les agradece el apoyo del radioton de este año . Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Vic’s Family Pharmacy Locally owned & operated “Full Service Pharmacy” Custom Compounding Now in 2 locations in Nampa A1R COURT OUR LADY OF VICTORY 467-5259 454-3377 922-4837 • 761-5645 (Habla Español) IMPACTED BY THE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS AFFORDABLE CARE ACT? MEETINGS 1ST Tuesday of Month - 7:00 PM Brian Flowers “YOUR LOCAL GROCER” 407 12th Ave. Road 467-3991 Restoration: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 2014 leaks, water heaters, fixtures, drain stoppages, etc. (208) 466 - 3545 MEETINGS 1st & 3rd Wednesday 4th Degree 4th Monday All at 7:00 P.M. FREE Medical equipment to loan to anyone needing it; walkers, canes, wheel chairs, beds, lifts, etc. etc. Call to see what we have. H.E.L.P CENTER Debbie Aguirre Shank Funeral Assistant Parishioner - St Paul’s Jim Schmerer Managing Partner Funeral Director Bob Ross Funeral Director Parishioner –Holy Apostles Thurs 1-4 and Sat. 10-2 (208) 461-9248 Kuna Event Center 321 W. 4th St. Kuna, ID 83634 922-2868 Quinceañera’s, Weddings, Banquets and Meetings [email protected] NAMPA BINGO GO B I N 12 05 07 16 29 56 69 95 20 75 2 80 83 5 12 45 9 08 77 9 15 20 Carniceria-Taqueria - Abbarrotes Butcher Shop-Deli-Grocery Items Open 7 Days a week 24/7 Red Carpet Service Drain & Sewer | Repairs & Service Water Heaters & Softeners Gas Piping | Excavation A1 PLUMBING 376.7473 CatholicMatch Idaho Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved ~ 1.800.795.2070 / Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call Sheila 3530 Franklin Road, 3530 E.(1E.Franklin Road,Meridian Meridian Block East of Eagle Rd) TUES, WED, THURS, FRI, SUN Call 465-7522 135 Lonestar Rd Nampa Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device at the Columbian Center 2900 E. Railroad St, Nampa Afternoons & Evenings Owner: John Yraguen Sec: Debi Timmons - Asst: Rod Timmons 800-HRBLOCK Plumbing service and remodels: 404 10th Avenue South Nampa, Idaho 83651 415 12th Ave S St. Paul’s parishioners 466-1101 Open Til 11 PM, 7 Days a Week FIND OUT. Catholic Owned and Operated Flood, Fires, Smoke, Mold Boise 208.377.0113 Eagle 208.938.5825 919-9275 IS YOUR REFUND NO. 1348 466-8511 Now Doing House Cleaning Pork or Beef Yraguen Chapel 442-8171 1-800-616-4138 (1 Block East ofSunday: EagleNoon Rd) - 6 Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm • 855-2700 Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm Sunday: Noon • 855-2700 -6 059 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Sheila Miller 800-616-4138 Dr. Patrick Niland Caldwell Appliances • Electrical • Plumbing Concrete Work • Auto Mechanic Carpentry • Yard cleaning & hauling Nampa Funeral Home ©CPI 376.7473 24/7 Red Carpet Service 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Nampa Handyman HEATING A/C 12th Ave Road- 465-7000 Dallan Woods- 442-1000 Orthodontics for Children & Adults Pedro Garcia & Hijos PERFECT
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