Jewels of St. Julie A Newsletter for the Parish Family of St. Julie Billiart February 2015 St. Julie’s Lay Ministers Give and Receive A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A LAY MINISTER– by Bonnie Koller Are you or a family member considering a move to a long term facility within the Parish? Whether this is to be permanent or temporary, if you or your family member is Catholic and would like to receive Communion, you can contact St. Julie’s Parish and arrange for a Lay Minister (technically an “Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion) to come out to visit you. They come on a designated day to several nursing homes in the Hamilton area so you know exactly when to expect them. We also have a Lay Minister who visits shut -ins. You might be interested in just a visit and that is another possibility. Whatever you decide the Minister will spend some time visiting and talking with you about your day and how things are going for you. In December I had the pleasure of tagging along with two of the Lay Ministers, Denny Williams and Elaine Ohlinger. I found that the Ministers are as positively impacted by the time spent as the people. Denny has been visiting The Butler County Care Facility for the past three years. He said, “I get more out of it then I put into it.” He feels these visits are so important for the residents because many of them get no visitors. Of the many residents we visited, Linda said the Elaine Ohlinger visits with Doverwood residents Joan,& Mabel, along with Mabel’s son Dan. visit with her helps her to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Diane has a complete picture board of family members and points out how she misses them. When I asked Continued on Page 3 Confirmation Contemplations Confirmation occurs every other year for our cluster of parishes. Candidates from St. Julie, St. Peter in Chains and St. Joseph will be confirmed at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral on Wednesday, April 15 at 7 pm. As part of the preparation each Confirmation Candidate writes a letter to Archbishop Schnurr. They explain what Confirmation means to them and why they wish to be confirmed. The purpose of the letter is to help them clarify what is happening in their faith lives and what it means to be confirmed. We share some of their ideas with you. Please keep them in your prayers. “Confirmation for me means that we have to live a certain way because of what Jesus taught us.” Luis Cruz “I helped at the Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage Tour. It was really something I will remember because of all the stories about the people who have been healed by the water. My mother and I helped by passing out the intention forms and collecting them. It was really a great experience and I’m glad I got to help at this event and I’m hoping someday I can again. Actually I hope I can go to Lourdes France someday and get the full experience.” Jessica Reece “To me confirmation means to be apart of the Holy Church. I want to be confirmed Continued on Page 2 Confirmation 2015, cont. because I want to work for Jesus and get closer to Him.” Jordan Perez “Confirmation means accepting responsibility for your faith. I will be given a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action. As a true witness of Christ I will confess the name of Christ boldly and never be ashamed of Christ. I want to be confirmed because I want to be a follower of God and know what is wrong from right.” Melony A. Mares “I want to be confirmed because it will give me the graces of the faith and it will help me as a person spiritually and emotionally. It means to me that I am willing to stay with this religion and that the faith will have me here with open arms.” Alex De Alba “The work that has influenced me the most in the preparation for Confirmation is researching the saints. Researching the saints reminds me that anybody can become a saint if they are determined and if they do good things to others in their life. I want to choose an inspiring Saint’s name to be my Confirmation name. I want to say “yes” to God’s path as an adult in the Catholic Church.” Emily Conn “In my everyday life, when I’m given a moral choice I’ve started to think more like a Christian person. Also, in my prayers I’ve started to do less of asking God to help me and do things for me and more of thanking Him for what He’s already done in my life.” Christian Peerzada “The service I have done impacted me greatly. When I worked at the soup kitchen, I saw many people that were extremely poor. One lady told me that she still has faith. This has shown me many ideas. First, it shows me that God has blessed me greatly for what I have. Also, it shows me even when going through rough times; you can always have faith to fall back to.” Isabella Saylor “All the service work I’ve done has made me realize that many people are very unfortunate and lack the basic necessities of life. It helped me understand that what little I can do at my age, still helps people. I also know that I’m very lucky to have what I have in my life right now. As a parish, I’m proud to see how generous other members are with their time and money.” Jake Heyser St. Vincent DePaul Reports December 2014 During the month of December 2014, The St. Julie Billiart Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul expended funds totaling $3,106.87 in the following categories: Utility Assistance: Rental Assistance: Clothing: Furniture: Household Items: Operating Expenses: International Twinning: $ 532.14 (3) $ 1,965.00 (5) $ 8.50 (1) $ 250.00 (1) $ 38.85 (2) $ 12.38 (1) $ 300.00 (1) In addition the members of the St. Julie Billiart conference donated 115 hours of time, made 19 Home/ Elder care visits, 4 prison visits, responded to 48 Help Line Calls involving 98 people. A total of 101 people were helped, and 930 miles were driven by our volunteers. In addition 1,750 families were served at local food pantries by our volunteers. Total receipts for the month were $2,130.00 It's Girl Scout Cookie time! Girl Scout Troop 42599 at St Peter in Chains School are selling at Masses at St. Girl Scout cookies. The Julie’s 2015 Cookie Sale will inmarch 14/15 clude the following cookies: Thin Mints (mint flavored with a chocolate coating), Tagalongs (chocolate covered peanut butter), Samoas (caramel and coconut), Do-Si-Dos (peanut butter sandwich), Trefoils (shortbread), Savannah Smiles (lemon), and new Rah-Rah Raisins (oatmeal raisin). The cookies cost $4.00 per box and payment is due upon delivery. Orders must be placed by March 25, 2015. The Girl Scout Troop is partnering with the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center as their Operation Cookie recipient. If you would like to purchase cookies to donate, please contact the cookie manager noted at the end of this message. To place an order or if you have questions, please call or e-mail Jenni Craft at (513) 518-3574 or [email protected]. St. Stephen Cemetery The Knights of Columbus Council 968 are continuing to care for the Grotto with additional cement repairs done in November and more to come in the Spring. St. Julie had a manger scene in church this year. LAY MINISTRY, continued from Page 1 Karen how these visits impact her she said “I feel blessed.” Denny said of his visits to the residents, “This is my Spiritual time.” As you walk the halls of the facility you get the sense that each day is pretty much a continuum to the next for the residents. I could see the faces of those we visited brighten at the sight of Denny; something they must really look forward to. A very sweet lady was spending some time in the dining area when we stopped to talk to her. Denny said they call her the “Mayor” of the home. She was all smiles and up-beat. Even though she was using a walker I got the impression she could have put it aside and walked right out the place. In contrast to the County Home, Elaine visit’s the Doverwood Retirement Community. A section of the facility is set up as an assisted living area where the residents have their own apartments with a small kitchen and sitting area. There are also fast food eateries and a movie theater for the residents to enjoy. Elaine has been distributing Communion for approximately three years. She feels it’s such a joy and she gets so much out it. She said she gets attached to a lot of the residents. I noticed they light up as well when Elaine shows up and enjoy sitting and talking with her about family and matters of importance to them. When we first walked in we found Gladys and Margaret sitting at the activity table. They were able to take Communion right there. John, Alvera and Mabel were in their rooms. Alvera wasn’t feeling well. She said it always makes her feel better when Communion On December 4, our St. Peter students in grades 4-8 participated in the 2nd Continental Math League. Listed below are the winners (with 4 or more correct) by grade. Grade 8: Kevin Hock (4), A.J. Phan (4) Grade 7: Jack Brandabur (4), Andrea Clark (6), Colin Crank (4), Emma Fritsch (6), Keegan Gormley (4), Sophia Mitrione (4), Andy Moore (5), Emily Sauer (5), Sophie Tischler (6), Ben Nguyen(5) Grade 6: Ryan Kirkendall (6), Tate Brandabur (4), Oscar Guevara (4), Taylor Wissman (4) Grade 5: David Clark (6), Paige Luebbe (4), Andrew Schwartz (4), Eli Halverson (4), Eli Schweinfest (4) Grade 4: Spencer Blauvelt (5), Teagan Hickey (5), Ainsley Brandabur (4), Meagan Kirkendall (4), Jasmine Kirsch (4) Congratulations to our thinkers! comes. John was working on his computer when we came in and he was also very happy to see Elaine. He said, “Receiving the Lord is always good.” Mable was very happy to see Elaine and also one of the more talkative of the residents. Of receiving Communion, she said, “ I look forward to it; I think it’s wonderful.” I could feel the impact this has on those looking forward to the regular visits. But much more how it impacts those who do it. It appears that the Lay Ministers derive much more from the time spent on their missions than even the residents do. I was not able to do visits with Marty Bach and Amy Kibby but I was able to talk to them about their experiences as Lay Ministers. Unlike Denny and Elaine, Amy visits shut-ins. At the time of this article she said she makes visits to an elderly, ill woman on oxygen. She visits with her about an hour and brings her Communion. She said she enjoys the visits as well when she takes the host to her shut-in on weekends. “It means so much to her and she is very vocal about how important it is to her and how much she looks forward to it,” said Amy. Amy started her visits in September this year but began her Eucharistic Ministry when she lived in Michigan. She said this work is so fulfilling. She loves to serve in this way. She would love for more people to get the calling and would be willing to talk to them about her experience. She said, “its an honor to be a part of this.” Marty Bach, another Eucharistic Minister from St. Julie’s, goes to Birchwood and Glenmeadows Nursing homes. Continued on Page 4 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL When you make your pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA), you keep Christ at the center by putting into motion a whirlwind of outreach and good works done every day. ALTAR ROSARY NEWS The Altar Rosary Society wishes everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! The next meeting will be held February 2, 2015. The luncheon will begin at 12:45 following the noon Mass and will be held in the Fenmont. Please plan to attend and bring a friend. If you have never been to a meeting, we invite you to come join us to see if Altar rosary is a way you would like to give service to the parish. We hope you have time to review the membership form that came out in the January Newsletter. Consider becoming a member. Thank you to all who have supported Altar Rosary. For information, please contact Marilyn Vidourek at 894-5851 or at [email protected] Lay Ministry, cont. from page 3 She has been distributing the Host to residents of these facilities for approximately one year. She began her ministry at St.Peter’s twenty-five years ago. She goes every two weeks and says of her experience, “how fulfilling it is to be exposed to the faith of these people.” She talked about the impact her exposure to the residents has on her and said she has a little spot in her heart for them. Marty said her visit may be the last contact a resident has before they die. Each resident, in addition to receiving Holy Communion, is read a passage from the Bible and asked to join in praying The Lords Prayer. Everyone of the Eucharistic Ministers I talked to remarked as to how their experience has been so gratifying for them. I got a special sense of some higher power at work and an overwhelming spirituality emanating from within. There are a total of eight Eucharistic Ministers involved in this special work in the name of the parish. They are Marty Bach, Tom Fening, George Kearney, Amy Kibby, Elaine Ohlinger, Linda Reboulet and Denny Williams. There is room for more. If you are interested in becoming a part of this special community contact Father Mike to learn how you can also impact those in need. ## A Note from Susan Delp, Altar Rosary Society The Altar Rosary Society (ARS) would like to thank everyone for their generous support of our Giving Tree Project this year. The items donated were given to Mercy Health St. Rafael’s Social Service Agency Santa Shoppe. Your gifts enabled families in need - due to illness, injury or loss of job—to put gifts under the tree at Christmas for their children. We delivered books, games, dolls with accessories, action figures, toy cars and trucks, tea party sets, sports balls and baby toys, just to name a few. Also appreciated was the gift wrap, bows, etc. for the parents to wrap their presents. All of this would not have been possible with your generosity and the help of “Santa”s Elves”. Thank you to Mike & Elaine Ohlinger and Jerry & Pat Gordon for delivering the gifts to St. Raphael’s from church, and to my husband, Don Delp, for helping to sort and bag items for delivery. Health and happiness to all in 2015! St. Maximilian Kolbe Church Welcomes Nationally Acclaimed Speaker Jesse Romero Sat., Feb. 7 St. Max Parish Gym After rediscovering his Catholic roots, Jesse studied and prayed his way back to a fervent on-going practice of Catholic Faith. Through his experiences with non -Catholics and fallen-away Catholics alike, Jesse is well versed on all Catholic issues and topics. Talk 1: Moral Relativism Talk 2: Christianity Religion or Relationship Talk 3: Spiritual Warfare– Put on the Catholic Armor of God Talk 4: 12 Steps on How to be a Holy Catholic Cost $15.00 per Person$25.00 per Couple Send Payment to : St. Max Kolbe Church, Attn: Sharon Christi, 5720 Hamilton Mason Rd, Liberty Twp., OH 45011 Include “Jesse Romero” Your Name, Phone, #Attending, Check/Payment. Beautiful Irish Dancing!! Ann Olhauser and Penny Dixon brought plenty of IRISH BLING for the volunteers of the IRISH DINNER to wear. Irish Teen Volunteer: Joseph Albinus Great crowd at the Irish Dinner with Youth getting plates for those who could not. Great food and great fun at this Irish Dinner, one of the most well attended that has been held so far! Jackie and Betty in their Irish garb! Badin High School Student, Jesus Guevara mentors Confirmation Candidates at PREP. Confirmation Candidates Serving our First Communion Families by putting together the Banner packets. It is a joy to learn a new skill and to share it. Here the Conn Family shares a smile and a hug after making rosaries. Jim Wander has started a Rosary Making Ministry at St. Julie. He taught 7th grader, Alessandra Clavel how to use a special tool to make the rosaries. She taught the other students and parents how to make them on our service day. Emily Conn with sister at the Posada. Confirmation Candidates working at a Bake sale to raise money for Thanksgiving Turkeys. Calendar of Intentions St. Julie’s Newsletter (383367-173) Published Monthly January 9, 2015 Volume 26 Issue 2 Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit No. 173 Hamilton, Ohio ST. JULIE BILLIART PARISH 224 DAYTON STREET HAMILTON, OH 45011-1634 A PRAYER FOR THE 2015 Heavenly Father, Help us to realize the overwhelming needs of others right here in our communities: those who need food, education, companionship, those who need support, comfort, and most of all, those who need to hear the good news of salvation that your Son, Jesus Christ, made possible. Open our hearts to the realization that we should share the blessings You have given us, by seeing that others receive food, clothing, protection help...and the Sacraments. Bless our efforts as we work together with our brothers and sisters in the parishes throughout our Archdiocese to provide support to so many people through the Catholic Ministries Appeal. We make our prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, and with the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Amen CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL o ur parish will again be participating in the Lenten spiritual renewal program called Living the Eucharist. This program will provide us with opportunities to grow in our faith through learning more about the Eucharist, participating more actively in Sunday Mass, and living the Eucharist each day as disciples of Jesus. Call the office by February 10th to sign up for a faith sharing group.
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