Welcome to ICCA Mediterranean Chapter SUMMIT ROME, 2nd – 4th February, 2014 Our first 40 years... Italian members were crucial supporters for the foundation of ICCA Med Chapter from STUDIO EGA ICCA Member since April, 26th 1977 some boring figures boring figures estimated total number of participants (countries) 250.000 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 2003 2012 0 Source: EGA elaboration of ICCA data boring figures compound annual growth rate (number of participants) 12% Average CAGR 03/12: 6,5% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Source: EGA elaboration of ICCA data boring figures estimated total number of participants (cities) 250.000 200.000 150.000 100.000 2003 2012 50.000 0 Source: EGA elaboration of ICCA data boring figures cities trend of performances 15% CAGR 03/12 Average Size Average CAGR: +6,1% Size N. of Meetings Athens 10% Milan Florence Size London N. of Meetings 5% Istanbul 0% Amsterdam Dubrovnik Average CAGR: -2,5% -5% 0% 5% -5% Rome 10% 15% Vienna 20% CAGR 03/12 Number of Meetings Berlin -10% Size N. of Meetings Paris Madrid Size -15% -20% N. of Meetings Source: EGA elaboration of ICCA data Bubbles size = market share 2012 (participants) in e m ag to pa zi in e to lla de lla lla su a io n e de s ne ne zi o az io tin a tin de s ob ilit à M ei se rv iz i At tra tto ri Ac ce ss ib illi tà az ris to r tiv ità R ic et tti vi tà ic e R al i li al i gr es su zz id lla el la Pr e de de ua lit à Vi ss u de zz id ua lit à Pr e Q zi co n es ng r co gr es su F& B po si tiv i al i es su es zi co n sp a az i sp gl is pa de m ag Im di ua lit à al i gr es su ng r co zi co n az i sp de gl is Q to Vi ss u C os ffe rta de ll'o Q ua lit à sp a Media Im Q ac ità C ap boring figures key factors in the evaluation process of destination by PCOs 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 Source: University of Rome Tor Vergata, 2011 boring figures rome congress centres performance on key factors Capacitàof spazi congressuali capacity meeting spaces 1,05 experience of meeting spaces Vissuto degli spazi congressuali 1,00 Qualità congressuali qualityspazi of meeting spaces 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 cost ofdegli meeting Costo spazispaces congressuali Qualità espositivi spaces qualityspazi of exhibition Immagine dell'offerta di spazi perception of meeting spaces congressuali F&B F&B Source: University of Rome Tor Vergata, 2011 rome Roma average Media boring figures rome destination performance on key factors Qualità Ricettività qualitydella of hotels image ofdella thedestinazione destination Immagine 1,05 hoteldella ratesRicettività Prezzi 1,00 0,95 0,90 Vissuto della destinazione experience of the Qualità della ristorazione quality of food 0,85 destination 0,80 cost of Prezzi deiservices servizi Mobilità mobility accessibility Accessibillità Attrattori factors attracting Source: University of Rome Tor Vergata, 2011 rome Roma average Media future opportunities milan 142 participant countries 88% of world population 21 mln expected visitors ( 30% from abroad) 500.000 beds within 90 min distance from Milan MiCo – Milano Congressi In the heart of Milan/Designed in 2002 and double-sized in 2005/18.000 delegates total capacity/70 rooms/2 plenary rooms up to 4.000/Auditorium up to 1.500/54.000 sq m of exhibition space/12-15 international congresses per year/35-50 corporate events per year future opportunities rome the cloud new rome congress centre In the heart of Rome/8.000 delegates total capacity/35 rooms/ 1 plenary rooms up to 3.000/2 Auditorium up to 1.300/10.000 sq m of exhibition space Thanks enjoy your stay in rome! emma aru, president of ega
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