Curriculum Vitae
of Ugo Scuro, born in Rome, Italy, May 20, 1946.
Qualifications: admitted to the Bar, 1971, Italy; Admitted to practise before
the Supreme Courts, 1988; Consultant to the judges in matters relating to
corporate, finance and bankruptcy.
Education: University of Rome (Doctor of Jurisprudence, full marks,
1968); Kings College, University of London, 1973; John Cabot International
College, Rome, 1976; Boston University, 1988.
Associate: Baker & McKenzie, Rome 1974 – 1976.
Visiting Professor: Unfair Competition and Corporate Security, LUISS,
School of Management, Rome, 1995.
Others activities: General Secretary of “Nuovo M.I.L.L.E”. – Movimento
per l’Italia Libera nella Libera Europa, Member of Rotary Club of Rome.
Author: “Piano di risanamento e amministrazione controllata” (1996). CoAuthor: “Commento alla legge fallimentare in domande e risposte” (2000);
“La Qualità Globale” (1995); “Comparative Report on Force Majeure in
Western Europe” (1982).
Practice Areas: General practice, Litigation, Corporate, Bankruptcy,
Contracts, Antitrust.
Languages: Italian, English.