February 9, 2014 - Church of St. Peter

The Parish of St. Peter
Quincy, IL
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 9, 2014
Dear Parishioners,
~Mass Intentions~
February 10-16, 2014
10. Monday 8:00 am
Karen Timpe Elliot
11. Tuesday 8:00 am
Arlene Stuckman
12. Wednesday 8:30am
Bob Laws
13. Thursday 8:00 a.m.
Sue Wayne Kueberick
14. Friday 8:00 a.m.
Dorothy & Wayne
15. Saturday 8:00 am
R.J. Favre
15. Saturday 5:00 pm
Roberta Felde
16. Sunday 8:00 am
Our Parish Family
16. Sunday 9:30 am
Marian Schultz
16. Sunday 11:00 am
Lisa Real
— Mass Schedule —
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.,
9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of
Saturday 7:30-7:50 am
or 3:30-4:30 pm,
or by appointment.
Even though I will not be present this weekend to celebrate Mass with you, I
still wanted to write my bulletin column. By now I can imagine and I hope that I
will be enjoying some warmer weather and that my golf swing would be the envy of
most golfers. The former may be more reality than the latter as that latter is only a
dream in my head. Whatever the case, I do miss you and will be home on Monday.
Our celebration this weekend is that of the 5th Sunday in Ordinary time. As
I stated in previous columns, “Ordinary Time” is the season of the Church in which
we are called to reflect upon what it means to be a Catholic Christian. In our gospel
for our Mass this weekend, Jesus uses two differing images to describe what He expects of us as followers. The first image is that of salt. I know we live in a day and
age in which salt intake is not recommended for healthy hearts, yet, this spice is
used to enhance the taste of most foods. The image of salt is a beautiful image of
how to live our Christian faith—we are to bring out the best in people, as salt enhances the taste of most food. Perhaps we need to look at our lives—are we contributing to the good of others, or does our disposition and attitude bring out the
negative of others. This is a great image upon which we all need to reflect. The
second image is that of light for Jesus calls us to be light of the world. Perhaps we
need to look at our lives as light—are we living lives of truth, honesty, and being
people of character? Or do we bring darkness into the lives of others through our
example, leading others into occasions of sin and sin itself? Our gospel gives us
much food for thought if we truly are going to follow in the footsteps of Christ. We
are called to make a difference. Let’s pray this week that we will have opportunities to effect others in the way they see Christ through our actions or non-actions.
As we look ahead, our season of Lent is about a month away as it will begin
on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. I bring this to your attention as we begin the planning process of using this Lenten season to make changes in our own lives, sort of
enjoying what is termed a “metanoia” experience where we “turn away from sin
and become more faithful to the gospel.”
As I stated in last week’s bulletin column, I will be the spiritual director for
the next Men’s Cursillo from March 27-30th. We are looking for more candidates
from St. Peter Church and so I encourage men who have never made a Cursillo to
become a part of this weekend experience. From previous experience, I have found
the men who have attended richly rewarded and come back to the parish with an
enthusiasm and zeal that makes a difference in their lives. If interested, please either see me, Dennis Boudreau, or Terri May. We would be more than happy to
have you join us.
Again, the next Stewardship Conference is from Feb. 25-27th in Wichita,
Kansas. If any one is interested in attending this informative and inspirational two
day experience, please give us a call at the parish office.
Next Meeting
Tag, You’re It, Gym Night
February 9th :
All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders
& their friends welcome!
Saints Alive!
Let Me See Your Halo
March 7 at 6:30—8:00p.m. in the gym
4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun
with your friends while learning about the Saints &
your Catholic Faith. Fr. Raja, Sr. Alicia, & others
will lead these inspirational evenings, spiritual,
social, & service activities. Wear your Saints Alive Shirt or pick one
up that night!
Channing Martin Maurice Howe, son of Andrew &
Melanie (Dreyer) Howe, was made a child of God
through the reception of the sacrament of Baptism on
Saturday, February 1, 2014.
Area Events
Tues. February 11: 17th annual ‘Rosary Prayer Service’, 1:30
pm; held at the dedicated ‘Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes of
Ghost Hollow’ at the spring in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes
Feast Day. Everyone is invited. Dress for the weather and bring
a folding chair. Grotto is located at the intersection of Ghost
Hollow and Herleman Roads. Prayer Service will be held in the
home at 4507 Ghost Hollow due to inclement weather. For
more information contact Janice E. Pohlman at 217-222-5769.
Sat. March 1: 8th Annual Altrusa International of Quincy Trivia
Night, doors open at 5:30pm, event starts at 7:00pm; StKnights
of Columbus, Father McGivney Hall $100 for a table of 8 (age
16 or older). A fundraiser for local literacy projects in our area
schools, and eat snacks and drink soda/beer. Reservations are
required. Email [email protected] or 217-653-4404.
Sat. June 28: 1st Annual Running for the Youth, registration
begins at 7:00 a.m., starting time 7:30 a.m.; Eagles Club.
5K/10K Run or 5K Walk. $25 per person or $75 per family.
Start and ends at Eagles Club. Free t-shirt with paid entry before
May 28. All proceeds go to the Blessed Sacrament Catholic
Lighthouse Leadership School and the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO). For more information contact Shelly Reichert (7798729 or [email protected]) or Lori Quevillon (316-1299).
CD of the Week: “Love or Lust” by Jason and
Crystalina Evert who discuss how scare tactics,
guilt trips and the climbing teen pregnancy rates
don’t really inspire anyone to love. In this CD you will discover the difference between love and lust while getting
straight answers about dating, relationships and sexual purity.
“A Time to Mourn…A Time to Heal”
This 4-week series will again be offered at the following
times at the St. Peter Parish Office. This is open to
anyone in the Community who has experienced the
death of a loved one in the past several years.
Tuesdays, March 11, 18, 25, April 1 from 9:30
a.m. – 11:00 a.m. or Thursdays, March 13, 20, 27,
April 3 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. RSVP to Kathy in the
Parish Office, 222-3155. We are looking forward to seeing
you there.
Adoration Chapel Openings
The Adoration Chapel has several daytime openings including some alternate weeks or months. Please call Sharon
Zehnle at 223-6279 or Mary Voorhis at 224-0084.
Stewardship Conference
There will be a Stewardship Conference on February 25,
26, and 27 in Wichita, Kansas. Anyone interested in attending please call the parish office at 222-3155.
QND Winter Cheer Camp
QND Winter Cheer Camp, Saturday Feb 22,
2014. Registration 4:45 - 5:30pm in the QND
Catholic Times
Lobby. Cost is $25, ages 3yrs - 8th Grade. Mail
For those of you that don’t receive collection envelopes, you to Coach Tracy Grant 708 Ashley Ave. Quincy Il
can contribute the $15 for your Catholic Times by placing it in 62301. Call 257-2524 with any questions.
an envelope, labeling it Catholic Times, and place it in the colCursillo Ultreya
Cursillo Ultreya will be Friday, Feb. 28, 2014. Ultreya will
Protecting God’s Children
begin with a special Mass at 6:30 pm. At Quincy University
This one-time program is required for every volunteer 18+ in Chapel. Celebrant is Fr. John Doctor. St. Peter Parish is
the Diocese. If you haven’t already participated, please sign up providing hospitality. Handicapped entrance is available.
in the Narthex after mass or phone the Parish office. Upcoming
Anyone interested in making a Cursillo or needing more
class: February 24th 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the Martha Jane room.
information about the Ultreya may contact Gabe and Holly
St. Veronica Guild
VanderBol, our St.Peter Cursillo area representatives, at
The St. Peter Veronica Guild will meet Thursday, February 13 779-1329.
in the Lower Level of the rectory after 8:00 a.m. mass, making
Our Quincy Cursillo Movement has been a blessing to
prayer shawls & blankets for those who need to feel the love of many lives over the past @40 years. Nearly 10, 000 men
Jesus in a time of need. All are welcome, please join us!
and women have participated in a weekend and the followup programs. Do feel invited to join in that number! Visit
Chess Club
The St. Peter Chess club will meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays the website at www.quincycursillo.org “
of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Maria Goretti room. The next
Diocesan Youth Conference
meeting is February 11th.
Seek the Kingdom! On February 28 – March 1, I invite
Please keep the following in your prayers:
high school teens and their youth ministers to celebrate the
~Josh & Noel VanderBol
~Sierra Miller
young church at Lake Williamson Christian Conference Cen~Kristopher Schreacke
~Billy Smith
ter in Carlinville for our annual conference. Our weekend
~Michael Dolan
~Kenzie Craven
includes a keynote session with Sal Solo, a former pop star
~Barb Sohn
~Charlotte & Robert Siebers ~Ron Lucke
now Catholic speaker and musician. Breakout sessions
~Karen Wiewel
~Frank & Isabelle Meyer
~Shirley O’Hara
help teens learn how to seek God’s kingdom in a variety of
~Patricia Real ~Theresa & Kenneth Althoff ~Gerald Mast Sr. contexts. And we close the weekend with Mass with Bishop
~Deacon Bill Neuser ~Mary Archer
~Becky Lopez
Paprocki. Details are posted on the diocesan website at
~Samantha Jones ~Charlotte Gilliland ~Tracy McDonald
www.dio.org/youthministry/dyc. Please contact Sr. Alicia at
~Peg Fox
~Carol Eickelschulte ~Judy Schneider
the parish office if you are interested.
~Richard Slight
~Brad Cassens
~Dorothy Rakers
Diocese Victim Assistance Coordinator
~Fred Manning
~Bill Gergen
~Alexandro Crott
Pat Kornfeld, the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator,
To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish Office can be reached at (217) 321-1155 or [email protected].
222-3155 or email [email protected].
The School of
St. Peter
Week of February 9, 2014
A Message from Mrs. Janet Bick
“St. Peter School provides a quality education built on Catholic values and teachings.”
CONGRATULATIONS to Olivia Rueter who has been selected as the 8th grade winner for
the Dorothy Quincy Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution American History Essay Contest. The letter that was sent to Olivia stated “Your essay was an excellent
writing of the lives of children during the American Revolution and the judges enjoyed
reading it.” Olivia’s essay has been sent for judging on the district level. Olivia and her
parents will be guests at the DAR Tea later this month.
ST. PETER SCHOOL CHESS CLUB: Chess is a centuries old game that helps children of all
ages develop patience, forward-thinking, strategy and respect. Beginners to skilled players in grades kindergarten through 8th grade are welcome to join the Chess Club being
organized by Chris Gill. Besides interested participants we need volunteers to assist Mr.
Gill as well as chess sets. If you are interested in volunteering to help or have a chess set
you would like to help in any way or have questions please contact Chris Gill at
[email protected].
TEACHERS CONTINUING TO LEARN: This week our 7th and 8th grade teachers, Mrs.
Blickhan, our computer teacher, and Mrs. Venvertloh, assistant principal, will be attending the Midwest Education Technology Conference in St. Louis. With the increased technology in our classrooms and with the QCES initiative taking place at this time to have
iPads in our 8th grade classrooms for each 8th grader next school year professional development is a high priority to make the best use of this technology.
IMPLEMENTATION MEETINGS will be held on Monday, March 10th, beginning at 6:00
p.m. in the cafeteria. Please join one of our committees: Marketing and Development;
Academics; Building and Grounds; or Catholic Identity/Student Life. We welcome new
ideas and input. School Board will meet following the meetings.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 7th Grade QCES Crusaders Basketball Team who won the Regional Title. They are now in the Sectional playoffs.
Thursday, February 27th at 6:30 will be the Dress Rehearsal for the Grandparent/
Special Person Day All School Musical.
Friday, February 28th is Grandparents/Special Person Day.
Monday, March 17th we are inviting any children who are interested in attending St.
Peter School next year to spend the day with us.
Open House for anyone wanting more information about St. Peter School for grades
Preschool through 8th grade will be on Monday, March 3rd, 6:00-7:00 p.m. You will be
able to take a tour of the school, meet the teachers, ask questions and find out everything we have to offer. Details will be coming out soon.
Kindergarten Round-Up for those who will be five years of age by September 1st, 2014
will be held on Friday, March 28th. We will have two sessions 9:20 –11:00 a.m. and
12:50-2:30 p.m. Letters will be sent out to all parishioners who have children of the age
for kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year.
WCU GRADE SCHOOL GRANTS: Western Catholic Union is offering twenty $500 grants.
The eligibility requirements are as follows: to apply for the Grade School Grants, which is
for the 2014-2015 school year, A) the student must be in K-8th grades. B) the student
must attend a Catholic grade school, C) the student must be a WCU life or annuity member, D) at least one parent of the student must be a WCU life or annuity member. If you
meet all of the requirements above please ask for form and we can get one to you. The
deadline for the 2014-2015 grant is March 1, 2014. (If you have any questions, feel free
to call 1-800-223-4928.)
Monday: Hamburger on
bun, green beans, mixed
fruit, potato sticks, milk.
Tuesday: Pork chop,
cheesy potatoes, peas,
applesauce, milk.
Wednesday: Lasagna,
cooked carrots, pineapple,
garlic bread, milk.
Thursday: Chicken strips,
baked beans, pears, milk.
Friday: Sausage & gravy
over a biscuit, string
cheese, fruit, milk.
Mon., Feb. 10: IESA Girls
Crusaders Volleyball game
vs. Liberty 6:00 home
Tues., Feb. 11: St. Peter
Night at Papa John Pizza
Wed., Feb. 12: School Mass
8:30 a.m. prepared by the
Thurs., Feb. 13: Art classes;
Fri., Feb. 14:
Happy Valentine’s Day
Follow us on FACEBOOK
to keep up with school
School of St. Peter
2500 Maine Street
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: 217-223-1120
Website: www.stpeterschool.com
Email: [email protected]
Mark Your Calendar
Tues. February 11: Novena 8:30 a.m., Church
Ladies Bible Study 9:00am, Martha Jane Room
RCIA Class 7:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room
Wed. February 12: PSR 6:15 p.m., School
Cub Scouts 6:30 p.m., Cafeteria
Ladies Cursillo 7:00 p.m., Fr. Bauer Rm
High School Catholic Studies, 7:40pm, Martha Jane
Thurs. Feb. 13:
St. Veronica’s Guild 8:30 a.m., Lower Level Conf. Room
Cribbage 1:00 p.m., Martha Jane Rm
Catholicism 7:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room
Fri. February 14: TMIY 5:45 a.m., Gym
Saints Alive 6:30 p.m., Gym
Sat. February 15: Rosary 7:30 a.m., Church
Men’s Cursillo 8:30 a.m., Maria Goretti
Sun. February 16:
Daycare 9:30 a.m., Maria Goretti Room
Children’s Liturgy 9:30 a.m., Martha Jane Room
Fr. Leo’s column continued
Once again, I remind our parishioners to make
sure that if they are being admitted into Blessing Hospital that they specifically identify themselves as parishioners of St. Peter. Without being specific, your name
will be entered into the “Catholic” admissions and unless we look under this category and know all the names
of parishioners, we will not be visiting you. So please
cooperate and do not presume that we know about your
admission. In fact, I also highly recommend you to call
us upon your admission and let us know. People wonder why their pastor or vicar did not visit them—it’s
because we didn’t know you were there.
—Mass Servers—
An analysis of survey responses will be made public and shared with the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.
Respondents can remain anonymous and all responses are kept confidential.
To participate in this study or for additional information,
please visit www.ben.edu/catholicsurvey or call (630) 829-6460.
Feb. 2
Total to Date
Annual School Fund
Holy Days
Debt Owed to diocese
Diocesan Collections
QND Open House
Quincy Notre Dame High School will hold an Open House on Sunday, February 23, 1 – 3 p.m.
Parents and students interested in QND are invited to attend. They will have the opportunity to
meet QND students, parents and faculty, find out more about the 1:1 learning program, explore
the school and discover the new things happening at QND.
The schedule for the QND Open House is as follows:
1:00 p.m. - Welcome and overview with Principal Mark McDowell and QND students (QND
1:30 p.m. - "Ways to Make QND a Reality" presentation with question and answer session
about financial assistance, completing the PSAS form, Gene Grawe Fund and more (QND
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - Meet faculty and tour QND
Please RSVP to Mary Pat Vahlkamp at 217-224-2598 or email
[email protected] before February 20.
Catholic Times: $340 Latin America: $50
Ret. Religious: $5 Dep. Children: $10
Cemetery: $7 World Mission: $10 Hope & Justice: $5
13th Annual
St. Peter Marti Gras
Catholic Times: $21,380
Pension: $74,250
Adults Only
Saturday, February 22nd 7:30 p.m. — 11:30 p.m.
Music by Trifecta
Sign outside a Church:
“Know God, Know Peace.”
Researchers from Benedictine University seek active Catholics from the Diocese of Springfield
in Illinois to complete a brief online survey, which will help them understand why some continue to participate in the Catholic Church.
February 10-15:
John Ley
Deacon Bob Lundberg, Juett & Daniella Kendrick
The next time the parrot uttered an expletive,
Dave did as the vet said. Then, feeling guilty, Dave Roof Collection
opened the freezer.
“No God, No Peace
Are you an active Catholic from a parish in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois?
Why do you continue to attend Mass?
—Daily Mass Ministry Schedule—
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: Dave’s parrot was Total Budget Goal
always using bad language, so he asked the vet how he
could stop it. “Every time the bird swears, put it in the Difference
freezer for 15 seconds,” advised the vet.
Shivering, the parrot came out saying, “I’m sorry for all the bad language I’ve been using.” Dave was
astounded at the sudden change. Then the parrot said,
“by the way, what did the chicken do?”
Parish in Action
Weekday Masses, February 10-15:
8:00 a.m. Ava Monteyne, Chloe Wedding
Saturday Mass, February 15:
5:00 p.m. Tori Felde, Paul Cornwell
Sunday Masses, February 16:
8:00 a.m. Whitney Taylor, Alex Kinsel
9:30 a.m. Clayton & Philip Dyer, Chase Seals
11:00 a.m. Emanuel, JJ, Magdalen Hun
Amt. Assessed
Amt. Pd.
Bal. Due
For reservations or more information contact Heather Leindecker at
217-430-6776 or [email protected]
316 parishioners have contributed as of 1/09/14