31 :ttl"",.... q REI c: t_ : INDIAN COUNICILOF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ~ "fiR. ~ mi'~ ~ F.No. PER· 12(1)/2007-Per.-IV 1fT1f. ott ~ 110001 23382688 7TH October, 2014 ORDER Sub: Amendment in Rule 10 ({) of the ICAR Headquarters <Allotment of ResidenceS> Rules 1981 The Governing Body at its 231" meeting held on 25th June, 2014 has approved the following amendments in Rule 10(4) of the ICAR Headquarters (Allotment of Residences) Rules 1981 :Rule No. Rule 10(4) I· Existinll Provision The Council may reserve not more than four quarters of Type IV for allotment to officers appointed to managerial positions its at Headquarters on tenurial basis, irrespective of their priority date. Amended Provision Eighteen (18) Type-V and eight (8) Type-VI quarters at the NASC Complex shall be reserved for allotment to officers appointed as Assistant Directors General I Deputy Directors General at the ICAR Headquarters on tenurial basis as per entitlement. This will include Chairman and Members, ASRB also. Allotment of these quarters to other officials will be considered only when no ADG or DDG is in waiting as an applicant for these quarters. Such an allotment shall subsist till no eligible aooointee as mentioned above is available. The amended provisions shall come into force with immediate effect. . c:::;:. 'IV ,J. Ravi) Director (P) Distribution: 1. All Officers at the ICAR headquarters including KAB 1111 2. All Officers of ASRB, KAB-1. 3. DS(GAC) I US (E&M) I Caretaker, NASC 4. CDN Section 5. ISO, KAB-I, ARIS Cell 6. Guard file ,
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