INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHA WAN: NEW DELHI Dated the F. No. GAC-21-IS/2014-CDN ll( ~ct., 2014 ENDORSEMENT Department of Pension & Pensioners ' Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Government of India, New Delhi has issued o. M. regarding Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners Revised rate effective from 1.7.2014. As approved by the competent authority, this O.M. No. No. 42/10/2014-P&PW(G) dated 29.9.2014 has been uploaded on the ICAR web-site and e-office for information and compliance. L j c::::Y'r (J.N. Bhagat) Under Secretary (GAC) DISTRIBUTION I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All Directors/Project Directors of all ICAR InstituteslNational Research Centres /Project Coordinators/Coordinated Research Projects/Zonal Project Coordinators/Bureaux for compliance. Sr.PPS to DG, ICARIPPS to Secretary, ICARIPPS to FA (DARE). Shri Hans Raj, ISO, (DKMA) KAB-I for uploading in the ICAR web-site. All Officers/Sections at ICAR Krishi BhawaniKAB - I & IIINASC Secy. (Staff Side), ClSC, NRC for Pig Rani, Guwahati -781131 (Assam) Secy. (Staff Side), HlSC, ICAR, KAB-II, Pusa, New Delhi-I 10012 Guard file/Spare copies C(, ""ll'''''''''' ~C;.A:R tOTo x:lo mo lXOtro-21-18/2014'('lJ:jo-q"l c •. .q~rari ~{B'~I~~·.~~~r9:I>~'~r~$4~1<44' .···.~••~C!iI"ld3fR~T01' . amcr fi{Ctil'i" . ~. ~c:ctWM~'~;.42!1()/2Qi4~qy~A15cijl""l (;;fJ)\Sdii<H29.9.2014 CfiT ',,, -,'. ,', :,,".-"," ,:-,:--<,-,<-':-'-,",,:"-~',"':-:-','-"-,-,::',~-"',,>',,-":">":,-,:-.-,,,,-,~,,,,:,-,<,,,!\, -,"-, , " " -'-',-" ~4{C!iI(~q8t4© /q~j{q~H©()I!07!2014y~46JII{ ~cf;t~ cf;t ~ if; -.nt.~ ~•. ll}'f~~I~~I~}~~!~J.>911~i~~.~)alT.~.~-31t~~ •.~m''r,Jq.'i. a.r cf;t ~\'311f9>e·m{j£1illl:jpfi¥~r,mr3101ql(>l01 ~ . .3f4(;[s OR .f?;<rr tl·· ...'. ../. • .•. : ....\...••.. ,.... ...... . .•......"'..." ...... .... OJ<IT Qa---------(;of. lJ01. WRl) 31cR ~ (~IQfI~l) 1. :m.'r.3f.'i. <t ~iq~4j"10'i1 ~~m;r<:IT/~ ~ ~/q~4'i"10'i1 f!<Ao-q 4 'lil/ ~ q~4j"10'i1 {id'lo-q4'1il/atfr<:r q~4j"10'i1 {id'lo-q4'1il <t mfr ~~l'fi/~ <t {l"afr ~~l'fii :m.'r.3f.'i. <t qft.o 2. d'I$lfoi~~l'fi., >!tlTai fo'I;;fr ~~, 3. fcl<f {i(>l1$'li1{ (~) <t >!tlTai fo'I;;fr ~I 'l!t ~ wr, .3l$rn".m, (5~<hQd'lQ), Fr ~ 31CrO'i"-1 C!iT :m.'r.3f.'i. <t >!tlTai fo'I;;fr ~/ ~.31R <fi'r C!~{iI$C <R" ~~t<];1 4. :m.C!i".3f.'i. <t {l"afr c.. ~/3fOm1dT ~ , .., (.. 31CrO'i"~ ~ t..., 31CrO'i"-1I2 , QO'iQQ{i*1"1 'lild"q<>'iif{i I 5. ~ (ifiAill{\ 'ilff) '!1UQ{i'!1'1 ~ ~ ~, *1* <Tofr, 781131 (3Rfd'I") 6. ~ (ifiAill{\ 7. '!T§" 1:fiT$<'f/31Frl~if<"1 ~ 'ilff) QilJ!Q{i'!1'1 :m.C!i.3f.'i., c ~ ~ 1:".0 !1cI01-2 dJql$ltl - F; No.AZ/ioI2014,P&1?W(G) , ,GoVeT'nrnentofIndl!;f Mii11stryofl'~rsQnnetIPubIJoG:rlevan;ces& PensionS D~partr\1e"t'ofpe:"sfbll & pell,Sioners' Welfare ';j~J FlqC)f, Lok N13yak Shavan, Market, New Delhi· 110003 0, ate: ).'11'-5 e p t, 2 0 1 II l<::!lah , :. -,::'-:- :., '-.:':~':'-'--J 5ubj~ct:Gr~!It'l)f D~ktll~~i'k~ii~;t~;sehtrkl pensioners -cRev,s¢!:tr~t~ef,fe(:i:fVe'fr{)(tt[;7; 21114•. ~ .. ~. ci1. .,., Qoltemment pensioners/family .' ' ........ tKe.ltnder~I~~~~i~dff¥6f~~t~i1'er~,,~~thlsDe;pa~mMt's ' -:;;t' .jl, '- i ..... OM No. 42/10/2014P&pWtG)<:lat~d(?tQAPflt,28,i,4:0ht;h!;$~bjeqrl1entloned~boveand to state that the presJdent)s p;j~a~e~.t9··d~"=lde.t~at·tl1e;p~a~ni!ss('(elI~f tb.RJ payable to· Central Governrnent pens'oners{f~m!lyp¢!'Isl6:r!ers.~hali,p~enl'lance~f.rointhee>Cistln9·rate of 100 % to 107% - -", ,Sf-,'--'- :_-." -','-'Ii, --".". . ,--'--. - .,:' -,-, w.eL 1 . JI.(Ly"40J.4,,· ',',;: 2. Thes.e.6cdeTSapplY t~i.(j)·Ailtl~ij)"1i~ntrafGd\(ernment Pensioners/Family Pehsi~ni'rS tnJ:.Th~:Atrt1e~.fdrc~!"el1.~jBr:~i:piV4ji!'!.nPej1S'i0l1ers pai d outofthe Defence Service . Esti rr\ates i (ii9 ,4;q,l:ri~t~:§e.r.Vl~l;?e!J'1'fQ;r\~,ijY):R!!UW<lYP~T!~IOrye'r~al}d (vi Thel;!u rma Civilian pen5iQ[\~rSJf~1l1IJYR~l1,;'1~i)~~$.~J??Rf!DS19l)~t§rf~\'11!1IeSQf.CHspf~ced .Government pensioners from pakjstan,Whd'~rfl~dlinl1~"tj&?~i~.btJt;l~ge~tn~ii~i1SI6!lOjn beh5'tf. of Government of Pakistan and7reln}i'C!l\Pt)()f~(H1i?~ie¥-:gf.afJ~~ljr,WaD.ceof R$ •.. 3500/" terms of thIs Departm<:\nt'soNl N(>j;£~!1/$l?-f8':PV'/{6kdar~aj:pjl'i9!? read With this Department's OM Nd, 2.3/312008'P&pWCBI.d."t~<!~5,9,:tq98.;~.. ,i; . . 3, .•••..•,....••.. central~bYe~n~~n{~ij1~I~*~~ixrhd~~~areWPJ'1mp swmamouht onabSQrptlon in~ J>sW~vtonomSu$bt),~}'~(J~.ra.\ieb,i:\~!i~~' ,aHgili'il€,i'o test()J-atlo l1 of 1/3'" cQmmuted portion of pel1siol'l 7sw"ejla#'tevi?t?n:of):h~,r"stQ~vEltii6Wt1tll'1 ferrn" of this Department's OM No: 4/59j~7cP&;P\iyipjgat~d 1~. \l;',j~9~.~I)~j~~.~eePtijjedto tbe payment of DR @ 107 % W. e. f. m,2e~408ruJlt),,nsIqn l.e,th~cr'eVjS'e"penti6hwhIChthe ab$.oroed employee would have recerVedOIl thada.t~pfrf'{)I)'fia~he9~1;~@vml\Jmll sum. payment on absorption and De~m~SS.Pj?n$ldJ1SllbJ"'C£:tofu!fjHn}etit?fth",q.mdifldnstal<;l. downlnptlra 5 of the 0, M. dated lU7.'l8,Ir\ thiS.C9hOeC£:i;lil"IO$t;rtlctiqr,Scoritallled in thi. Department's O~1 No,4/29/99-P&PW (D) dat€d. i2J;2009.r~f~i:;. . Payment orDRi n vofvlngafractlonofil. l'llpeeshall be rounded off to the next higher 4.. . rupee. Contd .. 2.. - -, - '-':.'~ -2- 5. Other provisions governing grant of DR In respect of employed family pensioners ilnd re-employed Central Government Pensioners will be regulated In accordance with the provisions contained In this Department's OM No. 45/73/97-P&PW (G) dated 2.7.1999 as amended vide this Oepartment's OM No. F. No. 38/88/2008-P&PW(G) dated 9 th July, 2009. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where. a pensioner is in reteipt of more than one penSion, will remain unchanged. In the case of retired Judges of the $upremeCourt and High Courts, necessary orders 6. will be issued by the Department of Justice separately. 7. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authOrities, Including the nationalized banks, etc. to calcwlate the quantum of DR payable in each individual case. 8. The offices of Accountant Get1et'llJ and Allthorised Public Sector Sanks are requested to al/ange payment of relief to pensioners etc. eHl the basis of these Instructions without waiting· for atlY further Instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank·of I!i91a In view of No, S2S-TA, 1I/34-S0-n dated 23/04/1981 of the Comptroller and Avdltdt Genera! of India addressed to iill Acc;ountant Genet'llis and Reserve .Bank of India Circular No. GANB No. 2958/GA-64 (II) {CGL)/81 dated the 21 st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and Its subsidiaries and all Nationalised Banks. 9. InJheir application to the pensioners/family pen:slo"er$ belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts D"partment, these orders issue eonsuftatlQn with the C&AG. 10. This Issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure conv"yed vide their OM No. No 1(4)lEV!2004 dated 26th Sept,2014 11. Hindi version will follow. ( Charal1jit Tal1eja) UnMr Secretary to the GOVernment of India Ali Ministries/Departments of the Government of IndIa/Chief Secretaries and AGs of all States/UTs.,. "Please visit this Department's website http://.lromEdfJnf! for the orders on penSion matters including above orders,
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