【問題】 次の文章は、2014 年 6 月 20 日に THE JAPAN NEWS by Yomiuri Shimbun に掲載 された“Government to OK use of anonymous personal data”という見出しの記事です。 これを読み、以下の設問に答えなさい。なお*のついた語(句)には注があります。 The government plans to allow companies to provide personal data they own to third parties without consent from the individuals the data pertains to if the data is scrubbed of identifying details, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned. A study panel* of the government’s IT Strategic Headquarters* has compiled a draft for an outline on the utilization of data ① concern personal information, such as browsing history and smartphone location tracking. The draft was to be presented at a meeting of the headquarters’ study panel on personal data on Thursday, and shortly to be adopted by the headquarters. The government will then seek opinions from the public with the aim of revising the Personal Information Protection Law* at an ordinary Diet session next year. The government reportedly aims to realize the plan in 2016. With more and more companies utilizing so-called big data, a blanket term for huge quantities of digital data systems, (A)there ② accumulate through information and telecommunication are growing calls for the protection of individual personal data such as Internet browsing history. The government believes consumer concerns must be dispelled* by establishing rules on such data to realize its plan to revitalize the nation’s economy through the utilization of big data, which was incorporated in its growth strategy. The draft proposes that companies ③ allow to offer without consent from individuals data that was scrubbed of identifiable information. Regarding how such data will be rendered anonymous, the draft hypothesizes that personal information would be made ( 1 ) ― for example, ages would be stated as “in his or her 20s” or “in his or her 30s” and addresses would be limited to prefectures, with no mention of municipalities*. Companies will use such data in accordance with voluntary rules to be compiled by relevant industry organizations and others. (2)The draft also calls for the establishment of a third-party organization tasked with inspecting and supervising companies to prevent exploitation of the rules and to ensure personal information is made anonymous. The envisaged* watchdog will be granted authority to make on-the-spot* investigations and issue recommendations for relevant companies, according to the draft. Regarding such information as fingerprints* and other biometric data, the government is to decide whether such data could be offered to third parties without consent from the relevant individuals by the time the bill will be compiled. (B)According to the draft, such information as race, beliefs and social position are considered to be sensitive information and companies are prohibited from using it in principle. 1 Regarding the utilization of personal data, many consumers are concerned that their preferences and behavioral patterns, as well as their names and addresses, will be exposed. Last year, East Japan Railway Co. suspended the selling of records of train and bus use by Suica* card holders. individuals from the data, but JR East claimed it would be impossible to identify (C)the firm reversed its position due to stronger than expected criticism from users. [注] study panel 「検討会」; IT Strategic Headquarters 「IT 総合戦略本部」; Personal Information Protection Law 「個人情報保護法」; municipalities 「地方自治体、市区町村」; on-the-spot 「現場での、その場の」; dispel 「払拭する」; envisaged 「想定された」; fingerprints 「指紋」; Suica 「スイカ;JR 東日本で導入されている IC カード」 【設問】 問1 下線部①〜③の語を、文脈をふまえてそれぞれ適切な形に変えた場合、正しいものを 次のア〜エから一つずつ選びなさい。 ① (ア) concerns (イ) concerned (ウ) concerning (エ) to concern ② accumulate (ア) accumulate (イ) accumulated (ウ) accumulating (エ) being accumulated ③ 問2 concern allow (ア) be allowed (イ) allowing (ウ) having allowed (エ) to be allowed 下線部(A)〜(C)の文について、その意味に最も近い和文をそれぞれ次のア〜エより一 つずつ選びなさい。 (A) there are growing calls for the protection of individual personal data such as Internet browsing history. (ア) インターネットの閲覧履歴を削除して個人情報を保護するための必要性がます ます高まって来ている。 (イ) インターネットの閲覧履歴のような個人情報を保護する必要があるとの訴えが ますます増えて来ている。 (ウ) インターネットの閲覧履歴などから分かる通り、個人情報を保護することはます ます重要性を増して来ている。 (エ) 個人情報やインターネットの閲覧履歴などのデータが保護されるべきだと要求 する声がますます高まって来ている。 2 (B) According to the draft, such information as race, beliefs and social position are considered to be sensitive information and companies are prohibited from using it in principle. (ア) 大綱案によれば、人種や信条、社会的地位などの情報は機微情報と考えられ、原 則として企業はこれを利用することを禁じられている。 (イ) 大綱案では、人種や信条、社会的地位といった機微情報は取り扱いに留意され、 原則として企業はこれを利用することを禁じられている。 (ウ) 大綱案は人種や信条、社会的地位などの情報を機微情報と見なし、これらが企業 に無断で利用されることのないよう監視している。 (エ) 大綱案は人種や信条、社会的地位といった機微情報の取り扱いに留意し、これら が企業に無断で利用されることのないよう監視している。 (C) the firm reversed its position due to stronger than expected criticism from users 問3 (ア) 予想通り利用者からの批判はさらに強くなったが、企業は態度を変えなかった。 (イ) 予想通り利用者からの批判はさらに強くなり、企業は方針転換を迫られた。 (ウ) 利用者からの批判の声が想像以上に強く、企業は立場を守ろうと必死になった。 (エ) 利用者からの批判の声が想像以上に強かったため、企業は方針転換を行った。 空所( (ア) 1 clear )にふさわしい語を次のア〜エから選びなさい。 (イ) proper (ウ) unique (エ) vague 問4 下線部(2)を和訳しなさい。 問5 本文について正しく述べているものを、次のア〜エから一つ選びなさい。 (ア) The government is trying to wipe away the consumer concerns by making related regulations. (イ) The word ‘big data’ means the enormous quantities of digital data collected by the government and some companies. (ウ) When a company uses biometric data such as fingerprints, erasing identifiable information from the data is unnecessary. (エ) According to the passage, it is acceptable that records on Suica are given to third parties with no consent from its users. 3
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