CENTR RAL INSTIT TUTE FOR COTTON RESEARCH R H, NAGPUR R Prress Note foor ICAR Reeporter DG IICAR unveils delayed d monsoon contingency producttion plan fo or cotton Dr S. Ayyyappan, Dirrector Generral, Indian Council C of Agricultural A R Research (IC CAR), releaseed contingency plan advissories for cottoon titled ‘Cottton Action Plan P 2014’ in a function heeld on 19th Jully, 2014 in Nagpur. N The action plan was w jointly prrepared by thhe Central Institute for Cootton Researcch (CICR), thhe National Buureau of Soil S Survey & Lannd Use Planning (NBSS, LU UP), Nagpur and a the Centrral Research Institute for Dryland D Agricuulture (CRIDA A), Hyderabadd. The 'Cottoon action plaan 2014' bulleetin contains advisories foor 70 main ddistricts of fivee major cottoon growing states s with focus on actionn plans to ennsure healthyy crop growth for high yiellds despite thhe unforeseeen delay in thee onset of moonsoon acrosss the country. The strategies were desiggned based oon key factorrs including thhe actual weeekly rainfall pattern p receivved in each of the 70 distrricts so far, thhe predicted dry spells foor the seasonn and soil thematic maps on surface texture and depth d of thesse districts. The T conditionaal probabilitiess of dry spellss were calculaated by Dr YG G Prasad, Prinncipal Scientisst, CRIDA baased on 40 year long teerm seasonall rainfall and weather patterns using Markov Chaain probabilityy. Dr. S. Ayyyappan expressed happineess and lauded the contribuution of the three ICAR insttitutions in theeir efforts to ccombat the climatic aberrattions resultingg from delayed monsoon. The cottoon contingenccy action plann contain dettails of the package p of prractices to bee followed annd precautionns to be takeen especiallyy in fields whhere cotton sowings s weree delayed. Thhe contingenccy advisoriess are availablee on the instituute website www.cicr.org.in w n. Dr K.R. K Kranthi, Direcctor, CICR, Dr S. K. Singhh, Director, NBSSLUP, N Drr. M. S. Ladaaniya, Directoor, NRCC, Dr M.V. Venuggopalan, Prinncipal Scientisst, CICR, Dr R.B. Singanddhupe, Dr Mahendra Singgh Yadav andd other scienttists of the ICA AR institutes w were also preesent on the ooccasion. ICAR Direector General Dr. D S. Ayyappan releasing "Cottton Action Plann 2014". Also sseen are CICR Director D Dr. K.R R. Kranthi, NBS SS & LUP Directtor Dr. S.K. Singh, NRCC Direcctor Dr. M.S. Laadaniya and othhers
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