
Centre of Advanced Faculty Training
Division of Plant Pathology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi 110012
“Genetic and pathogenic characterization towards managing nationally important
plant pathogens causing wilt and blight”
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, invites applications from faculty
members, and researchers of Indian universities / research institutions for a 3-week training
programme on sponsored by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, scheduled
from 13/01/2015 to2/02/2015
The major objective of the training programme is to train young faculty and scientists on “Genetic
and pathogenic characterization towards managing nationally important plant pathogens causing
wilt and blight”. The training programme will focus on hands -on training in research methods in
the laboratory in addition to lectures by experts on current trends so as to enable the participants
to apply the same in their research programmes.
I) M.Sc./Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and working in the rank of Assistant Professor and equivalent
in Plant Pathology under Agricultural University /ICAR Institute
ii) Working not below the rank of Assistant Professor and equivalent in the concerned subject
under Agricultural University /I.C.A.R. Institute
How to apply
The participant’s application will be received online (ICAR mandate) using CBP portal through
or under the link Capacity Building Programme IASRI at ICAR website. After filling the online
applications, take a printout of the application and get it approved by the competent authority of
the organization and upload the scanned copy of application through CBP portal on or before
12.12.2014. Selection of participants will be from online applications and the selected participants
list will be uploaded/displayed on the portal. However, he/she may send an advance copy (via
email) directly to the Course Director/ Course coordinator. The selected candidates will be
informed individually also. The participants are requested to keep in contact with the Course
Director/ Course Coordinator regarding their selection status.
Total No. of participants: 25 (Twenty five only)
TA/DA & Accommodation
The participants will be provided, to and fro fare restricted to AC-II-Tier train fare or any state
road transport services as per the ICAR guidelines. Participants should produce a certificate that
they have not been given TA/DA by their host institute (Head of the Department/Institute) and
the training period should be considered 'On Duty' by the participant's parent institution. Boarding
and lodging for the participants will be provided at the ICAR guest houses and the charges will
be met by the training programme.
About the training programme
Characterization of the population structure of fungal pathogens is important for understanding the
biology of the organism and for development of disease-control strategies, and for molecular
studies among individuals, which is one of the components of population structure. Different
pathogens has different host range and show very high levels of diversity in pathogenicity and
morphology. However, the classification system based only on morphology has not provided an
accurate tool for the identification neither has morphological classification system resolved the
relationship of isolates. So, a molecular approach is promising in establishing the objectives.
Among the methods which researchers have used to analyze the phylogenetics of different
pathogen is being attributed to rDNA-IGS, rDNA-ITS regions, large submit RNA gene and
translation elongation factor-alpha (tef)). Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region is probably the
most widely sequenced region of DNA in fungi. rDNA-ITS and rDNA-IGS (intergenic spacer)
regions show a higher degree of diversity than other ribosomal regions such as small subunits
(SSU) and large subunits (LSU). Therefore, the objectives of this training will be: (i) Identify
disease and isolate associated pathogen (ii) to determine their pathogenicity; and (iii) to determine
phylogenetic relationships and usefulness of the genetic marker within the pathogen (iv)
development of IDM strategies .For Bacterial Genetic Diversity REP-PCR, 16S ribosomal ERNA,
AFLP RAPD is used or this nationally important pathogens will be undertaken for study.
Ralstonia solanacearum, causing bacterial wilt disease is one of the most devastating pathogen of
tomato. It is distributed in wet tropical, subtropical, warm temperate regions and even in some cool
temperate regions of the world and has an unusually broad host range. Pomegranate bacterial blight
caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.punicae is another major nationally important disease.
This fruit crop has an economic value in export . Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis
subvar cauliflora), is an important winter vegetable crop cultivated throughout the world. Among various
biotic and abiotic factors, diseases play an important role in limiting the production of cauliflower. The
crop is subjected to attack by a variety of pathogens both in the nursery as well as in field. Alternaria blight
(Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. and Alternaria brassicicola (Schwein) Wiltshire) is the most wide
spread and destructive disease of cauliflower which leads to considerable yield and quality loss both in
terms of curds and seed yield. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important pulse crops.
The disease is widespread in the chickpea growing areas of the world.
Hands on training will be given on isolation, morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization,
diagnosis, genetic diversity as well as develop bio-intensive IDM strategies for the management of
these diseases
Dr. Rashmi Aggarwal
Course Director & Head
Division of Plant Pathology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi 110 012
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Tel: 091-011-25843474 (O)
Fax- 091-011-25843113, 25840772
Dr. Pratibha Sharma
Course Co-ordinator & Professor
Division of Plant Pathology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi 110 012
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Tel: 091-011-25848418 (O)
Fax- 091-011-25848418, 25840772
Application form for training programme on “Genetic and pathogenic
characterization towards managing nationally important plant pathogens
causing wilt and blight”
13/01/2015 to 02/02/2015
1. Name of the applicant
2. Sex: Male/ Female
3. Present position
4. Age and date of birth
5. Communication Address
6. Phone Office Residence
7. Mobile
8. Fax
9. E-mail
10. Permanent address
11. Educational qualifications (from graduation onwards)
12. Research experience
a) Area of research
b) Publications during last five years (Please attach list)
c) Indicate the future plans on utilizing the technical expertise gained from the training
programme in your research (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
d) Indicate whether you have attended for summer/winter school /training programme
13. Dietary requirements:
14. Arrival information
a) Train Name / No.
b) From To
c) Date
d) Time
15. Departure information
a) Train Name / No.
b) From To
c) Date
d) Time
Signature of the Applicant
Endorsement & Seal of the Head of Department /Head of the Institution