February Minutes 2014

Ancaster Senior Public School
Parent Council Meeting
Minutes: February 19, 2014
Lisa Neale
Melanie Cowe
Trish Haycock
Lorraine Adam-Doornbusch
Melanie Cowe, Rhu Sherrard , Jeremy Russell, Jennifer Potter, Julie Clapham, Al Boyan, Trish
Haycock, Lori Gregory, Lorraine Adam-Doornbusch, Rhonda Drury, Jenn Dolan, Lisa Neale
1. Chair Report
a) Building Blocks for School Council – Melanie attended this event and felt it was an
excellent resource with lots of information about roles, reports, meeting timelines, etc.
She shared a document that outlined the highlights of this meeting and will be attached
with the minutes.
b) There was discussion regarding the website and minutes. As there was no quorum for
the October, November and January meeting they cannot be posted on the website.
c) A vote was brought forward to approving the minutes from previous meetings via email.
Motioned – Jenn Dolan, Seconded – Rhu Sherrard. All members were in favour.
d) Parent Reaching out Grant – This was done previously on the council. An application to
get a grant for Parent Involvement for opportunities to receive funds. There is a list of
schools that were granted ie. AHVS 2010/2012 – Parent Handbook. This has to be used
within the school year. There needs to be a volunteer to take this task on.
e) Representative for Parent Involvement Committee – A representative parent is needed
to be part of the Parent Involvement Committee. If you are interested in taking on this
task please look to their website - www.hwdsb.on.ca/pic and then contact Melanie.
f) The School Council Constitution is from 2007 and it was felt that at the next meeting this
should be looked at to make any changes the council feels necessary – ie. Option to
vote via email.
2. Treasurer Report
a) Trish Haycock reported as of today – the balance is still $1291.11. The Feb 14
Valentine Bake Sale collection was approximately $313 and Trish will follow-up with Ms.
Noonan regarding these funds.
3. Fundraising Committee
a) Lori Gregory met with her committee on Feb 4, 2014. A number of strategies for
fundraising were discussed: more bake sales, Dance-A-Thon, Silent Auction and basket
raffle for May 7, 2014 open house. Lori has the ASP logo and requires the charity #.
Jenn will send the template to Lori. Draft letter will be compiled that will be going out to
organizations; a separate letter will be drawn up to go to parents informing them of what
these funds are going towards.
b) Some other great suggestions were theme baskets that each class be asked to pull
together items. A list of baskets will be provided to Lisa Neale. A Dance-A-Thon
possibly for Spring Fling – Lisa Neale would like to see the setup of how this would be
run to see if this can be coordinated for that day. Lori will speak with Nada to ask her
to forward this on to Ms. Neale.
c) Next meeting – Mar 4, 2014 – Lori Gregory’s house. An email will be sent out to
fundraising group regarding this meeting
d) A school wish list needs to be provided and Lisa Neale will speak with staff regarding
this. It was noted that new jerseys will be required for intramural sports.
4. Graduation Committee
a) The Graduation Committee met on Feb 13, 2014. 10 people in attendance
b) They will not be doing separate fundraising as per the January minutes. They will work
in collaboration with the fundraising committee – supporting them with any assistance
they may need. They will be requiring approximately $1,800 and it was agreed by the
council that this $ will be provided to them for this venue.
c) There will be fees for 2 photographers – Jennifer will speak with Mme Talbot to
coordinate the flow for these pictures to be taken at the ceremony.
d) Grade 8 Graduation will take place on Monday June 23, 2014 – 6:30-10:30
e) Marquis Gardens at 1365 Sandhill Dr in the Ancaster Business Park has been booked
for the dinner and dance.
f) A photo booth has been booked for this event and they will require a deposit for this
5. Principal Report
a) ASPS House Survey - Lisa Neale met with Nicole Summercell and starting March 3 all
students will be coming through the learning centre to participate in this survey. It is
anonymous but grade specific. It is also voluntary. Questions such as how this is going,
and open comments will be part of this survey. This should take a day and the data will
be collated and returned. A letter will be going out to the parents shortly regarding this
School Wish list – A school wish list was sent around to the staff and a number of items
were identified. 1. Musical for 2014/2015 – approx. $4,000 will be required for this. Ie.
Royalties, costumes. This is an important event and it is important to get approval for
these costs ahead of time. 2. New uniform Jersey’s – these are outdated and there
are not enough for the sports teams. Al Boyan will get a quote for this. 3. Fiction
Books for Literacy Classrooms - Staff felt that these would be more beneficial to have
class sets that can be shared among the literacy classes. This way they can participate
in a guided reading group. 4. Weighted blanket & class matt - requested for special
education class. 5. Screen for Gym – Screen needs to be replaced – approx. cost
$2,000. Jeremy Russelll suggested East Hamilton Radio might have something that
might be suitable. 6. Graphic Novels for Library - items for leisure reading have been
suggested. 7. Printer for Library – desperately requiring new printer for Library – black
and white fine – approx. $800. 8. New microscopes for labs
It was discussed that whatever fundraising would happen this year - $ for graduation is
first, then we will assess what funds come in to put towards the wish list. Motioned –
Lori Gregory; Seconded – Rhu Sherrard. All members were in favour.
HWDSB Pathways Night – for Gr 7-10 coming up. Will provide an understanding of the
high school programs being offered.
HWDSB Budget Priorities and Input - Touches based on early learning, math program
strategies, school revitalization, and 21st century learning. Lisa will be sending out this
event via webmaster.
Transitions have taken place for Gr 8’s to Gr 9. Grad photos took place today and
options sheets must be submitted by Feb 20th. Towards end of May there will be
another planning session for high school.
Director’s Student Voice Forum– Feb. 27. 2 Gr 7 student and 2 Gr 8 students will be
attending. This forum will capture and guides responses to HWDSB student input.
6. Teacher’s Report
a) Ski Trip in February was very successful. 100 student to Mt. St. Louis and 35 students
went on to Quebec City. Thank you to the parents that helped out with these events
b) Basketball – Sr. Girls won this year. Tryouts for the Gr 7 boys and girls will be this week.
c) Day 4 – Chess, Checkers and Ping Pong – A thank you to Mrs. Sidhu who donated a
ping pong table so they will have 2 for their tournaments.
d) Belaying
e) Talent Show auditions have started. There is some wonderful talent. The event will be
on March 5th and parents are welcome.
f) Swim team tryouts will be starting in April
g) Ice hockey has been looked at in the past. There was some trouble approving this in the
past. This will be looked into – hoping to get something set up for April
h) Growth development units will be coming home shortly.
i) The school will not be participating in the Feb 20 – Indoor Games in Hamilton.
Jeremy Russell wanted to thank the teachers for the Ski Trip. He also mentioned that he
would speak to Mike Walsh, to see if they can get the Board to approve if this is through
hockey skills.
k) Jeremy also will check to see if he can provide ASPS with pinnies through a contact.
l) Jeremy will inquire about the co-op students through AHVS to assist with gym programs.
7. New Business
Included above.
8. Next Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 7:30. Minutes will be sent out for approval via email.
Next meeting – Apr 16, 2014