The Board of Trustees of Harris Township, Ottawa County, met in

The Board of Trustees of Harris Township, Ottawa County, met in regular session on
Monday, August 18, 2014, with the following members present: Trustees: Beverly
Haar, Jerry Haar, Carol Baker, and Fiscal Officer, Dave Robenstine. Chairman Carol
Baker called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Residents in attendance: Tom Deitemyer of Johnnie’s Electric
Also attending: Diane Sorg, Cemetery Sexton; and Mike Murray, Road Supt. Fire Chief
Jim Wilburn entered at 7:50pm.
The minutes of the last regular meeting held on August 4, 2014, were read and approved
on a motion made by Beverly Haar and a second by Jerry Haar. Upon calling the roll, the
motion was unanimously approved.
The following expenses were reviewed:
#27234 Void
27235 $3.06 OPERS: penalty for a small late filing
27236 397.68 Ottawa County Trans. Agency: front tires on JD tractor
27237 392.37 Superior Uniforms: uniforms for part time EMS personnel
27238 802.28 Bauman Auto Group: repairs to cemetery truck gas tank
27239 445.05 Buckeye Sanitation: junk hauling and landfill fees
27240 39.84 Sean Peters: reimbursement for buying water for fire dept.
27241 601.58 Bound Tree Medical, LLC.: supplies for EMS
27242 578.00 RFK Painting & Papering: EMS office painting, labor & materials
27243 162.00 Chick Canvas: repairs to the turn out gear
27244 807.68 Village of Elmore: utilities at garage, fire station, & cemetery
27245 3590.50 Johnnie’s Electric Service: partial payment on EMS office renovations
27246 412.06 Yackee Electric Service: plugs for EMS units
27247 240.82 John Deere Financial: cemetery weed eater parts and JD 6400 tractor
27248 600.00 Vision Quest: lettering on the EMS Tahoe
27249 29.79 Toledo Edison: civil defense siren electricity
27250 29.66 Verizon Wireless: cell phones for fire and EMS units
27251 273.75 Penn Care: supplies for EMS
27252 954.38 Great Lakes Billing Assoc.: July contract ambulance billing fees
27253 49.00 Elmore Postmaster: stamps for Township
27254 13.77 Ohio School District Income Tax: August withholdings
27255 518.13 Treasurer, State of Ohio: August State tax withholding
Voucher #269-214 $3076.96: IRS: August Federal Withholdings
EFT bi weekly payroll 08/03/14 through 08/16/14, paid on 8/21/14
134.66 Jason Adkins: EMS
116.33 Anthony Barnett: EMS
610.67 Jeffrey Herman: EMS
585.92 Lisa Lemmon: EMS
727.58 Amanda McGinnis: EMS
536.65 Michael McGinnis: EMS
431.34 Eugene Michel: cemetery
1249.42 Michael Murray: roads and junk
170.69 Deborah Pocino: EMS
470.49 Brian Richards Jr.: EMS
106.48 Joshua Riedel: EMS
226.16 Kevin Sanders: EMS
133.49 Katherine Shreffler: EMS
608.02 Eric Sidle: EMS
699.15 Diane Sorg: cemetery
271.50 William Sorg: cemetery & roads
134.43 David Stillman: EMS
216.33 Kelly Teal: EMS
EFT monthly August payroll, paid 08/29/14
517.72 Charles Almroth: fire station maintenance & zoning inspector
667.11 Carol Baker: Trustee
665.68 Beverly Haar: Trustee
774.11 Jerald Haar: Trustee
1171.24 David Robenstine, Fiscal Officer
A motion was made by Beverly Haar and seconded by Jerry Haar that the preceding list
of expenses totaling $25,243.53 approved as the lawful obligations of Harris Township
and that the Fiscal Officer is authorized to issue warrants in favor of the same. Upon
calling the roll, the motion was unanimously approved.
The Fiscal Officer recommended for the following supplemental appropriations:
$1500.00 from 2041-410-190-0000, cemetery salaries to 2041-410-323-0000, repairs and
maintenance, for repairs to the cemetery truck.
A motion was made by Jerry Haar and seconded by Beverly Haar to approve the
supplemental appropriations as presented. Upon calling the roll, the motion was
unanimously approved.
The Fiscal Officer presented the following Then and Now Purchase Orders:
#35-2014 made out to Baumann Auto Group, Inc. for repairs to the cemetery truck gas
tank in the amount of $802.28; and
#36-2014 made out to RFK Painting and Papering for painting of the EMS office in the
amount of $578.00. A motion to approve the Then and Now Purchase Order #35-2104
and #36-2014 as presented was made by Beverly Haar and seconded by Jerry Haar.
Upon calling the roll, the motion was unanimously approved.
The Fiscal Officer informed Trustees that second half real estate settlement has been
received from the County Auditor and recommended repaying the advance of $75,000.00
made January 13, 2014, from the General Fund to the new EMS Service fund. A motion
was made by Carol Baker and seconded by Jerry Haar to repay the advance from fund
#2283, EMS Service Fund to Fund 1000, General Fund made on January 13, 2014. Upon
calling the roll, the motion was unanimously approved.
The Trustees signed a regular blanket certificate and a purchase order to Cleveland
Communication for the station speaker system.
Tom Deitemeyer was present to review the status of the EMS office renovations along
with confirming a final amount due. He presented warranty books and a certificate of
completion. Discussion was held on several minor issues that have surfaced and Tom
will have those items reviewed and corrected. He then left the meeting.
Cemetery: A letter from the OSS Solid Waste District confirming the award of the grant
in the amount of $550.00 toward signage was reviewed. Carol Baker will follow up with
getting signs ordered and obtaining the required documentation.
Fire & EMS:
Chief Wilburn presented a request in the amount of $190.00 that would allow Asst. EMS
Chief Mike McGinnis to become a certified instructor to teach the emergency driving
course. This is half the fee and his employer, Sandusky County, will pay the other half.
After discussion, a motion was made by Carol Baker and seconded by Beverly Haar to
approve the request as presented. Upon calling the roll, the motion was unanimously
Chief Wilburn told Trustees an estimate to purchase the screen doors in the EMS office is
$240.00 each. Jerry Haar asked Mr. Wilburn to review pricing before making a final
Fiscal Officer Robenstine reported on the meeting held at Lake Township on Wed.,
August 13th attended by Fire Departments serving the Turnpike. Safety and financial
issue were the topics of discussion. Turnpike representatives will take all input into
consideration before making any changes.
Mike Murray reported he will be beginning crack sealing and is currently mowing along
the roads.
Trustees will be meeting participating in a joint meeting with Allen, Benton, and Portage
Townships to consider a joint application for Issue II funds. The meeting will be held at
the Courthouse on Wed., August 20th at 10:00 with representatives of the County
Engineer’s office.
It was reported the Zoning Commission has approved the proposed zoning test
amendment at the meeting held on Wed., August 13th.. Trustees will hold their hearing
on the text amendment at their regular meeting to be held on Sept. 2nd.
Zoning permit #583 was reviewed.
Trustees discussed a couple candidates for appointment to the JEDD Board. One the
JEDD agreement is approved, Trustees will get with Woodville Township Trustees to
finalize these appointments.
A notice was received from the County Health Department indicating the 2015 fee will
be $7749.32 vs. the $7996.16 paid this year by the Township.
A letter from the Ottawa County Budget Commission was received indicating the local
government receipts for 2015 is estimated at $12,919.72 vs $11,886.40 in 2014.
Trustees signed a letter for support for Jon Waters, former Ohio State Band Director.
The letter is being sent to the President of OSU and the Chairman of the OSU Board of
A proposal to enhance the Township website was considered. Trustees agreed to review
more limited options at this time.
Trustees signed a letter to the owner of a building site in Golden Acres subdivision as
complaints have been received in regards to lack of grass cutting on the site.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Beverly Haar to adjourn.
Chairman Baker declared the meeting duly adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol A. Baker, Chairman
David Robenstine, Fiscal Officer