Pre-Hospital Care Committee - Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati

Pre-Hospital Care Operations Committee Meeting
July 23, 2014
Sharonville Fire Department
Becky Baute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Troy Bonfield, West Chester Fire Department
Joshua Borkosky, UC College of Medicine
Jim Burks, VA Medical Center
Greg Cifuentes, City of Fairfield Fire Department
Larry Cole, Cheviot Fire Department
Nancy Coomer, Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati
Ken Crank, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Derek Douglas, Cincinnati Fire Department
Jeff Durr, Anderson Township Fire Department
Pam Erpenbeck, Good Samaritan Hospital/Western Ridge EMS Coordinator
Bob Herrlinger, Anderson Township Fire Department
William Hinckley, MD, University Air Care
David Hoffman, Mercy Fairfield/Greenhills Fire Department
Randy Johann, Bethesda North Hospital
Mark Johnston, The Christ Hospital
Andy Kalb, Forest Park Fire Department
Hamilton Lempert, MD, Premier Physician Services
Donald Locasto, MD, Cincinnati Fire Department
Dan Mack, Miami Township Fire & EMS
Joe McElroy, Deerfield Township Fire Department
Bob Murray, Evendale Fire Department
Phillip Oblinger, MD, TriHealth/RPAB
Edward Otten, MD
Jim Owen, Good Samaritan Hospital/Western Ridge
Rick Sunderhaus, Air Care & Mobile Care
Jon Van Zile, MD
Tom Wolf, Montgomery Fire Department
Julie Zix, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Dr. Jon Van Zile called the meeting to order and introductions were made. Ken Crank was thanked for
making meeting arrangements.
Old Business.
-Cinnamon Dixon, DO, a CCHMC physician, gave a presentation on dog bites.
-Sharon Ward, Heritage Pharmaceutical & Supply, distributed information about her company, a full-line
pharmaceutical and medical supply source for fire departments in the state of Ohio. Their primary
concentration has been in the Columbus, OH area but are branching out into southern Ohio counties.
Protocol Subcommittee.
Dr. Lempert reported that a draft of the 2015 protocol document is still scheduled to be out for review on
October 1, along with instructional powerpoint presentations. The 2015 protocols will include a number
May 28, 2014
of new and revised protocols, including TXA, removal of dopamine and Lasix, EMS providing over-thecounter drugs at certain venues, hypotention and spinal immobilization. He added that advanced EMT
protocols are being added back to the protocol document. Dr. Lempert said the subcommittee is also
working on a drowning/near-drowning protocol but it may not be ready until 2016. Dr. Lempert also
noted that EMS units in Adams and Brown counties have expressed interest in possibly adopting the
Hamilton County protocols. The 2015 drug list will be out next month to allow plenty of time for drug
license renewals.
Greater Cincinnati EMS Coordinators.
Jim Burks:
-Reported that his group developed a preliminary run report to be completed before EMS leaves the
emergency room, adding that the real run report would still be needed by the hospital. He distributed
copies of the proposed report, and it was suggested that the EMS coordinators have it reviewed by their
hospital medical directors for possible additions, deletions, etc.
-Distributed an updated list of EMS coordinators.
Continuing Education.
Please send information to Nancy Coomer at the Academy, ncoomer@academyofmedicine; it will be
distributed to PHCOC members and put up on the EMS web page,; click on
Emergency Services (left side of home page).
Membership Concerns.
New Business.
10. Future Meetings.
September 24, 2014 – West Chester Fire Department
November 17, 2014 – UC Air Care/Mobile Care
January 28, 2015 – Good Samaritan
March 25, 2015 – need EMS location
May 27, 2015 – VA Medical Center
July 22, 2015 – need EMS location
September 23, 2015 – The Christ Hospital
Jonathan Van Zile, MD