EMS DRC Policy Manual Effective August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ TABLE OF CONTENTS Background ……………………………………………………………………… 4 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 4 101 Equal Opportunity Statement …………………………......................... 4 102 Mission Statement 5 103 Job Performance Expectations ..……………….......................... 5 104 DRC Communication ……………………………………………………. 5 105 Role of the Louisiana Ambulance Alliance …………………………. 7 106 Role of the Bureau of EMS …………………………………………… 7 107 Role of Emergency Support Function-8 and Supporting Agencies … 7 108 DRC Selection ……………………………………………………. 7 109 EMS DRC Terms of Service …………………………………………… 8 110 DRC Conduct ……………………………………………………………. 8 111 DRC Resignation 9 112 Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment 113 DRC Safety and Health Protection 114 ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… ………………………… 9 …………………………………. 10 Conflict of Interest …………………………………………………… 10 115 EMS DRC Property …………………………………………………… 11 116 Damaged Equipment …………………………………………………… 11 117 Leasing Louisiana Ambulance Alliance HHS Purchased Equipment 11 118 DRC Expense Reimbursement …………………………………. 12 ……………………………………………………………. 13 Acknowledgement Page 2 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ ATTACHMENTS A National Response Framework B Louisianan Emergency Support Function-8 …………………… 15 103a EMS DRC Job Description …………………………................. 16 103b EMS DRC Shirt Order Form …………………………………….. 18 104a DRC Communication Process ………………................... 19 104b EMS DRC Contact List .…………………………………….. 21 104c State Radio Roll Call List …………………………………….. 23 105 Administrative DRC Job Description ……….…………………… 42 106a BEMS Responsibilities 2010 ………………………………………. 44 106b Emergency Response Coordinator Job Description …………….. 45 106c BEMS Contact List 113 State Volunteer Liability Form 116 Damaged Equipment Form 117a Lease Request Form ………………………………………………… 50 117b Asset Request/Lease Check List 118a State Pocket Guide 118b DRC Reimbursement Form …….………………………………. Acronyms Page 3 of 58 ……………………………….. 14 …………………………………………….…. ……………………………. 46 47 ……………………………………….. 49 ………………………………. 51 ………………………………………………. ……………………………….………………………………. 52 56 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Background The Department of Health and Hospitals is designated as the lead state agency for Emergency Support Function-8: Health and Medical Services as per the National Response Framework established by the Office of Homeland Security. The DHH Office of Emergency Preparedness (State Health Officer, Dr. Jimmy Guidry and the Executive Director, Dr. Rosanne Prats) has been given the responsibility to insure compliance of the Emergency Support Function (ESF)-8, Health and Medical Services in the State of Louisiana response activities in support of the guidelines set forth in the National Response Framework. Please see Attachment A for information regarding the National Response Framework and ESF 8 . Under the leadership of the DHH Office of Emergency Preparedness and funding through the Emergency Preparedness Grant, regional network infrastructures/ Designated Regional Coordinators Networks have been established to assist with regional and state ESF 8 responsibilities. As subject matter experts, each of these networks provides a unique response capability to support the State’s ESF 8 mission and an EMS DRC Network was established. Introduction The following volunteer policies and procedures have been prepared in order to provide the EMS-Designated Regional Coordinator (DRC) with a description of the EMS DRC’s policies and procedures. This Policies and Procedures Manual is intended to answer questions, clarify answers and give definition to specific areas regarding the day-to-day operations of the EMS DRC. It is designed to be a positive tool and aid in your volunteer duties as an EMS DRC. The policies and procedures presented in this manual shall be in effect until changed by the EMS DRC Network. Since DRC duties are constantly changing, the DRC Network reserves the right to change any of their policies, including those set forth below, at any time. All DRCs will be notified, in writing, of those changes and their effective date. Changes will be effective on dates determined by the DRCs, and you may not rely on policies that have been superseded. Only the DRCs by majority vote have any authority to alter the foregoing. Unless otherwise indicated in a separate written contract, the volunteer service of all EMS DRCs continues to be on a volunteer, at-will basis. The service of all DRCs is entered into voluntarily, and DRCs are free to resign at any time, for any reason. Similarly, DRC Network by majority vote is free to conclude the volunteer relationship at any time, for any reason not prohibited by law, with notice. Nothing herein shall be construed as an expressed or implied promise of continued DRC service if you adhere to the policies stated herein. Page 4 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 101 Equal Opportunity Statement DRCs will be selected on the basis of experience, training, personal background, and the potential for growth for the continued success of the EMS DRC Network. There shall be no discrimination based on religion, age, sex, race or national origin. 102 Mission Statement The EMS Designated Regional Coordinators prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate disasters, both natural and man-made, while providing excellence of care and continuum of support and coordination for the citizens of the State of Louisiana in support of the ESF 8 mission. 103 Job Performance Expectations Regarding DRC relationships with other stakeholders, State and regional partners, the EMS DRC operates on the basis that every individual deserves to be treated with respect, courtesy, tact and consideration. Therefore, DRCs are expected to treat our State and ESF 8 partners, and fellow volunteers accordingly. The DRC volunteer will, at all times, portray the highest ethical standards. Please refer to Attachment 103a for the EMS DRC Job Description. The volunteer will be courteous and will endeavor to conduct himself/herself in a highly professional manner at all times. DRCs should be aware of and sensitive to any behavior that is offensive to others. It is expected that EMS DRCs will maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and grooming. Volunteers must present a neat, businesslike and professional appearance at all times during DRC functions. Every volunteer has some contact with the public, and therefore, represents the EMS DRC Network in their appearance and actions. The properly attired DRC helps to create a favorable image for the EMS DRC Network as well as reflecting his or her personal professionalism. The EMS DRC is expected to wear the EMS attire to all functions unless otherwise specified. Please see Attachment 103b for information EMS DRC attire. This policy is to provide a standard for DRCs in regard to personal safety and grooming. Personal hygiene and good personal health habits are essential elements of an effective infection control program. 104 DRC Communications During a response, communications regarding the incident or event, resources needed, etc. will be provided through communication linkages at the State and regional levels as the event or incident requires. The Communication Process will be directed by Louisiana ESF 8 leadership, BEMS, and regional partnerships. Attachment 104a provides: 1) Identifies of the communication processes for an incident requiring regional and state ESF 8 response; and Page 5 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 2) The communication process for the specific responsibility of EMS DRC coordination of surge ambulances during a major incident requiring evacuation of hospitals utilizing federal and state ambulance surge ambulances. EMS DRCs are required to communicate and notify all EMS providers and emergency partners as needed in their regions. DRCs coordinate EMS response activities on a regional basis and assist other DRCs and state partners as needed. EMS DRCs should strive for professionalism in all communications. Communications are to be clear and concise, both in content and verbiage. DRCs are asked to monitor their cell phones and emails for DRC notifications and communications during normal DRC operations. Under emergency situations, DRCs are asked to closely monitor their 700/800 MHz Radios, cell phones and emails. During emergency situations, the Admin DRC will strive to send multiple forms of communication (email, text, telephone calls, etc.) and notifications to ensure all EMS DRCs receive needed information in a timely manner. DRCs are asked to provide and update as needed the following information to the Admin DRC: DRC Full Name DRC Employer Mailing Address Physical Address (if different from the Mailing Address) Work Phone Cell Phone Fax Number Home Phone Pager Number Email Address Bulletins/Memorandums EMS DRCs are required to read all memorandums related to their duties and responsibilities. The EMS Admin DRC acts as the EMS DRC point-of-contact and will disseminate information from individual EMS DRCs, BEMS, State, Regional and ESF 8 Partners and other DRC Networks and distribute this information to the entire EMS DRC Network. The EMS DRC is responsible for distributing appropriate communications to the providers and emergency response partners in their respective region. Attachment 104b contains EMS DRC Contact Lists and on the Alliance website under the DRC tab at: http://www.louisianaambulancealliance.org/ EMS DRCs participate in the monthly State Radio Roll Call. The State Radio Roll Call information can be found under Attachment 104c. Page 6 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 105 Role of the Louisiana Ambulance Alliance The Louisiana Ambulance Alliance (the Alliance) provides the administration and facilitation of the EMS DRC Network and employer to the Administrative DRC (Admin DRC). The Admin DRC works under the direction of the EMS DRCs and the Alliance Executive Director. Functions of the Admin DRC are outlined in the EMS Administrative Job Description in Attachment 105. The Alliance by DRC recommendation and approval by the HHS Advisory Board receives HHS funds to employ the Admin DRC, maintain HHS purchased assets and pay for EMS DRC training and expenses. In addition, the Alliance acts as the recipient of unspent EMS HHS funds and spends these monies according to DRC recommendation and HHS Advisory approval as required by grant deliverables. The Alliance serves on the HHS Advisory Board and provides leadership and guidance in the planning of emergency preparedness grants. 106 Role of the Bureau of EMS with the DRC Network The Department of Health and Hospitals has designated the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (BEMS) to support various responsibilities of the Louisiana ESF 8 response. The Bureau of EMS utilizes the EMS DRC Network as one of the most significant assets to assist the Bureau in fulfilling these responsibilities. Please see Attachment 106a for BEMS Responsibilities, 2010, and Attachment 106b, BEMS Emergency Response Coordinator Job Description, and 106c, BEMS Contact List. 107 Role of ESF 8 and Supporting Agencies The Department of Health and Hospitals is designated as the lead state agency for Emergency Support Function-8, Health and Medical Services as per the National Response Framework established by the Office of Homeland Security. The DHH Office of Emergency Preparedness (State Health Officer, Dr. Jimmy Guidry and the Executive Director, Dr. Rosanne Prats) has been given the responsibility to insure compliance of the ESF 8 , Health and Medical Services in the State of Louisiana response activities in support of the guidelines set forth in the National Response Framework. (See Attachment A for information regarding the National Response Framework and ESF 8 ). Private organizations such as the Louisiana Ambulance Alliance, Louisiana Hospital Association, and Louisiana Nursing Home Association provide support to the DRC Networks. 108 DRC Selection There is to be one (1) Primary and one (1) Alternate EMS DRC per Department of Health & Hospital Regions in the State, except in Region 5 where there is 1 Primary and 2 Alternate DRCs*. Identification of Candidate(s): When there is an open primary and alternate DRC position in a Region, recommendations to fill the position are requested from the following: Page 7 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 1) EMS providers within that Region; 2) Requested from the other DRCs in that Region; 3) Other DRCs throughout the State. At the preference of the Primary and 1st Alternate DRCs, additional Alternate DRCs can be selected. The selection of these additional DRCs is an internal process with that Region’s Primary and Alternate DRCs and need not be brought to the entire DRC Network for approval. These Additional DRCs may attend DRC Functions only at the request of their Primary and/or 1st Alternate DRC should they both be unable to attend. These additional Alternate DRC, have no DRC voting authority unless voting by proxy for their Primary DRC, no HHS funding for their position and only receive reimbursement for their DRC travel if they were attending a DRC function at the request of their Primary DRC. Selection of DRC Candidate(s): Interested DRC candidate(s) will submit an electronic copy of their resume to the Administrative DRC or their designee that will be forwarded on to the DRC Network for review and approval. Approval of DRC Candidate(s): Upon approval of the candidate by the DRC Network that candidate’s resume is sent on to the BEMS designee for final approval. Once approved, a letter from BEMS confirming the candidate’s selection will be sent to the approved candidate. Addition to the DRC Network: Newly selected DRCs will provide the Admin DRC with all contact information outlined in Section 104 and the Admin DRC will add the new EMS DRC to all DRC communication distribution lists. 109 EMS DRC Terms of Service All Primary and Alternate DRCs are required to attend monthly EMS DRC Meetings and other official EMS DRC functions. Should a DRC need to miss a scheduled meeting or function, that DRC should contact his/her other DRC to ensure Regional coverage at all EMS DRC meetings and functions. If both/all DRCs in a Region are unable to attend a DRC meeting or function, those DRCs should send a delegate to represent that Region. EMS DRCs missing more than 3 DRC Meetings consecutively and/or 5 DRC Meetings per year, at the vote of the DRC Network can be removed from volunteer service. DRCs with excessive absences and voted by the DRC Network for removal from service, will be sent a certified letter from the EMS DRC Chair asking for corrective action from the DRC or the DRCs resignation, see below, Section 110, DRC Resignation. Page 8 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 110 DRC Resignation For a voluntary resignation, DRCs are asked to give at least two (2) week notice to the Admin DRC to distribute to the DRC Network. Resigning DRCs in good standing with the EMS DRC Network are also asked to assist the DRC Network in suggesting possible replacements for his/her vacated position. 111 DRC Conduct It is essential for orderly, safe, and efficient operations that certain rules and regulations be established for the guidance of all. The EMS DRC Network will take appropriate action with any volunteers who violate any of the following rules while conducting EMS DRC duties, which may include immediate dismissal. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. a. Immoral or illegal conduct. b. Theft of monies or EMS DRC property or the monies or properties of another person or EMS DRC. c. Intoxication or the use of any intoxicants, illegal drugs, or narcotics. d. Use of any prescribed or over the counter medication that would impair the ability to perform DRC duties must be reported. e. Excessive or unexcused absences from DRC functions. f. Abandonment of DRC duties. g. Falsification of EMS DRC records, skills certificates, credentials, etc. h. Unauthorized dissemination of confidential or sensitive information as spelled out in the EMS DRC’s Confidentiality Agreement. i. Willfully destroying or defacing EMS DRC property. j. Any act that seriously injures or tends to injure the best interest of the EMS DRC Network 112 Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment Sexual harassment is unlawful and is against the EMS DRC Networks policy. If you feel that you have been the subject of sexual harassment, you will be protected by this policy. We are committed to providing a work environment that is free of all discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment occurs when submission to or rejection of unwanted sexual conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions, or when unwelcome sexual conduct creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile working environment. Any volunteer who wants to report an incident of sexual or other unlawful harassment should promptly report the matter to the DRC Network and BEMS. Volunteers may raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Any DRC who becomes aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment should promptly advise the DRC Network and the appropriate person at BEMS. Page 9 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be subject to termination of volunteer status. In general, all volunteers will be expected to provide a positive image and conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. 113 DRC Safety and Health Protection It is the policy of EMS DRC Network to provide a safe and healthy work environment for DRC volunteers. It is expected that each volunteer will comply with all safety and health requirements established by the DRC Network and/or by federal, state or local law, regulations, standards and/or guidelines. All DRCs are required to sign a State Volunteer Liability Form, see Attachment 113. Reporting All observed safety and health standards and any incidents resulting in injuries to DRCs will be reported immediately to the Admin DRC to send to BEMS and the DRC Network. In addition, all EMS DRCs are encouraged to submit suggestions to the Admin DRC concerning safety and health matters. Records The Admin DRC will maintain a log and summary of all record-able occupational injuries and illness for each calendar year. The records are retained by the Admin DRC and are available to volunteers, former volunteers, and their representatives for examination. Exposure to Disease, Contamination, and Communicable Diseases EMS DRCs are expected to adhere to federal and state guidelines in regards to contagious diseases for the safety of themselves and others by using appropriate protective gear and employing safety practices/regulations. 114 Conflict of Interest As a volunteer of the State of Louisiana, the DRC’s primary responsibilities are to the State, the EMS DRC Network and ESF 8. It is essential that DRC volunteers treat information about any EMS provider, ESF 8, DRC’s, suppliers, internal operations, and internal records, with absolute confidentiality. Additionally, the DRC’s personal relationships should in no way compete with, or compromise, the State, the EMS DRC Network or ESF 8 interests. The following guidelines, when strictly adhered to, will help you avoid situations where a conflict of interest could occur: a. Do not accept gifts or other favors of value, which are offered as a result of carrying out your duties as an EMS DRC. b. Do not divulge internal information, statistics, records, or operating methods to anyone outside of the EMS DRC Network. Page 10 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ c. Cooperate with the EMS DRC Network in resolving any possible conflict situation involving yourself or your family. By observing these guidelines, you will protect yourself and the EMS DRC Network from difficulties and/or legal repercussions, which naturally result from a conflict of interest. 115 EMS DRC Property Every EMS DRC will be working with assigned HHS purchased equipment, using supplies, and handling EMS DRC property. All DRCs will be required to sign lease forms for their DRC issued equipment per State guidance requirements. The Administrative DRC will be responsible for executing and maintaining lease forms for all equipment and supplies. Resigning and/or terminated DRCs must return all assigned EMS DRC equipment to the Admin DRC or designee within 30 days of resignation/termination. Equipment may be reassigned as needed at the request of the lessor. 116 Damaged Equipment DRCs are to inspect all assigned equipment prior to use. If damage is found, note it on the Damaged Equipment Form and submit this completed form to the Admin DRC. If you damage any equipment, notify the Admin DRC using the Damaged Equipment Form. See Attachment 116 for the Damaged Equipment Form or download this form under the DRC tab of the Louisiana Ambulance Alliance Website at: http://www.louisianaambulancealliance.org/ 117 Leasing Louisiana Ambulance Alliance HHS Purchased Equipment DRCs may request Alliance HHS Purchased Assets by contacting the Admin DRC or designee. DRCs complete the Lease Request Form, found in Attachment 117a or on Alliance Web Site at: http://www.louisianaambulancealliance.org/ The Admin DRC will check asset availability and will send the DRC a Lease Agreement if Asset is available. Both parties will execute the lease. Original leases are held by the Alliance Office. Availability of Assets are determined based on need for that asset (i.e.: Emergency use is given a higher priority than day to day or special event use). If the need for that asset is equal, then the assets are allocated on a first come, first served basis. This language is included on Asset Request/Lease Check List, see Attachment 117b, and Lease Request Form. Assets are picked up, transported and returned by the lessee. Again, this language is included on Asset Request/Lease Check List and Lease Request Form. Lessee/lessor will complete a written pre-event asset inspection and upon return of the asset both parties will complete a post event written asset inspection of the asset(s). Some larger assets will have specific care and maintenance tasks for the lessee to complete before asset return. Page 11 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 118 DRC Expense Reimbursement EMS DRCs can be reimbursed for their travel expenses for DRC related travel. DRCs follow the State’s travel policy for reimbursement. These guidelines are detailed on the State’s Pocket Guide, Attachment 118a or at http://doa.louisiana.gov/osp/travel/travelpolicy/pocketguide.pdf DRC Reimbursement Forms to print out and compete by hand can be found in Attachment 118b or at the Alliance web site: http://www.louisianaambulancealliance.org/ . For expense reimbursement, DRCs must include receipts and driving directions (MapQuest: http://www.mapquest.com/directions, Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-googledd&utm_medium=ha) for mileage reimbursement. Completed Expense Reimbursement are returned to the Admin DRC or designee. The Admin DRC verifies and processes the expense request. Please refer to Attachment 104b for Admin DRC contact information. Page 12 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Acknowledgment EMS DRC EMS Policy and Procedure Manual (Initiated August 20, 2014) Volunteer Acknowledgement: I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the DRC Policies and Procedures Manual. I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the contents of this policy and procedures manual. I understand that this handbook is descriptive only and is not intended to create a contract of volunteer service, as it relates to our at-will policy. The EMS DRC Network at its sole discretion may modify the statements made herein at any time. I further understand that the DRC Network has the sole discretion to determine the duration of my volunteer service and may terminate my volunteer status without notice and without reason and any oral representations to the EMS DRC are null and void. This policy manual replaces and supersedes all earlier versions. SIGNED: __________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________________ PRINT NAME: __________________________________________ PRINT TITLE: __________________________________________ This acknowledgment is to be signed by each EMS DRC volunteer. Original signed acknowledgment is to be filed in the Administrative DRCs files. Page 13 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment A - National Response Framework National Response Framework Following September 11, 2001, the federal government has been hard at work to improve the response to local, multi-jurisdictional and multi-state events and incidents. Some of the many significant federal initiatives are: National Response Framework • Key Principles • Emergency Support Functions National Incident Management System Massive grant funding to state and local organizations to increase response resources National Response Framework – Key Principles 1. Engaged partnership 2. Tiered response 3. Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabilities 4. Unity of Effort through Unified Command 5. Readiness to Act National Response Framework – Emergency Support Functions Emergency Support Functions (ESF) are the grouping of governmental and certain private sector capabilities into organizational structure to: • provide support, resources, program implementation, and services that are most likely needed to save lives, • protect property and the environment, • restore essential services and critical infrastructure, and • help victims and communities return to normal following domestic incidents. There are 15 federal Emergency Support Functions (Louisiana has added a sixteenth ESF – Louisiana National Guard. Page 14 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment B - Louisiana Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF 8) Louisiana State Emergency Operations Plan, June, 2009 ESF 8: Purposes ESF 8 provides public health and sanitation, emergency medical and hospital services, crisis counseling and mental health services to disaster victims and workers, to supplement and support disrupted or overburdened local medical personnel and facilities and relieves personal suffering and trauma. In addition, ESF 8 provides coordination of the State’s Catastrophic Mass Fatality Plan which may be enacted during a state declaration. ESF 8: Scope Medical care refers to emergency and resident medical care; doctors, technicians, supplies, equipment, ambulance and emergency medical services, hospitals, clinics, and units, planning and operation of facilities and services. Pre-hospital emergency services and medical transport refers to the coordination of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) professionals, equipment and supplies to address disaster response surge, triage, treatment and transport. Page 15 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 103a – EMS DRC Job Description HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GRANT BIOTERRORISM PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM EMS DESIGNATED REGIONAL COORDINATOR JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: EMS Designated Regional Coordinator Objective: To facilitate the development and implementation of an Inter-EMS Emergency Preparedness Plan for designated DHH regions in the State of Louisiana. To lead the regions’ process for development of, testing of, continuous improvement of and management of Regional EMS Response to Emergency situation: specifically to facilitate the Emergency plan for your DHH Region; to participate in tabletop exercises to test the integrity of the Regional Inter-EMS Emergency Preparedness Plan; and to be the leader for your region in the event of a statewide Emergency in which EMSs are tasked to respond in the State of Louisiana. Qualifications: Identified by representatives of EMS within the region. Previous experience in Emergency Management, EMS preparedness and a working knowledge of EMS within the designated region are basic requirements for the position. Must have a working knowledge of the Incident Command System including National Incident Management System course IS 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, and 800 and knowledge of all federal, state, and local regulations and guidelines regarding emergency operations plans and programs. Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, experience in operational problem solving/decision making and a desire to perform the functions and duties of the role is critical. Essential Job Functions: Serve as the voice of regional EMS in real-time decision-making: Regional Coordinator will respond to a declared state of emergency to the OEP office designated for response. Regional Coordinator will serve as the voice of all participating EMS in the region and make decisions about the deployment of regional EMS resources during the incident. Regional Coordinator will communicate with the EOC critical information concerning the availability of EMS resources within the region. In turn, the EOC will disseminate critical information to the coordinator that will be shared with designated EMS coordinators. Regional Coordinator will collect vital facility information on all EMS in their region to pass on to the EOC and/or to the State Emergency Operations Center during an incident. Develop and maintain regional EMS response organizational chart. Coordinate the delivery of essential supplies, including pharmaceuticals within the region: Regional Coordinator will facilitate the delivery of resources needed for individual EMS Provider within the region. Regional Coordinator will coordinate with the local EOC according to plans developed for the region. Coordinate the assignment of staffing resources: Redeployment of personnel and volunteers arriving from inside and outside the region will need to be coordinated with the State Emergency Operations Center. Assigned responsibilities within the region will be further defined for each region. Page 16 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 103a (continued) – EMS DRC Job Description Provide appropriate after action support to other regions. Lead role in developing surge capacity resources: Regional Coordinator will take the lead in developing a real time plan for surge capacity based on the incident and resources available within the region and communicate with BEMS at Emergency Operations Center. Regional Coordinator will determine extraordinary demands for specific resources and expertise and communicate with BEMS at the Emergency Operations Center so that resources around the state can be better deployed. Assist in the development of a vehicle inventory by type and organization for the region: Regional Coordinator will provide real time information to the EOC during an incident addressing truck inventory, resources, and staffing. Attend DRC emergency preparedness committee and other related sub-committee meetings Regional Coordinator will contribute ideas to the HHS grant planning process. Coordinator will identify inconsistencies among plans and proposes corrective measures. Assist with the Coordination and execution of Emergency Preparedness Regional EMSwide drills Regional Coordinator will assist with the coordination and execution of regional EMSwide drills. Page 17 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 103b – EMS DRC ESF 8 Shirt Order Form DRC Name: ________________________________________________________________ DRC Contact #: __________________________________________________________ DRC Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Style Gender Color Size (Please check one style/line) (Please check one gender type/line) (please quantity for each colors wanted) (Please enter one size/line) Men’s Red Polo Oxford Ladies White Navy S M L XL Price* 2X 3X Submit Order Form to: Karla Long Houston Administrative DRC Fax: 225-906-3866 Email: [email protected] *Price: Admin DRC will place order and give the DRC a total cost of their order. Detach here ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Sample Form: Style Gender Color Size (Please check one style/line) (Please check one gender type/line) (please quantity for each colors wanted) (Please enter one size/line) Polo Oxford Men’s Ladies X X X X Red White Navy 1 0 2 0 1 0 S M L XL 2X 3X X X Ordered: Men’s Polos, 1 Red, 2 Navy, Size XL Ladies Oxford, 1 white, size M Page 18 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 104a – DRC Communication Process Louisiana ESF 8 Communication Structures, 2009 Page 19 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 104a (continued) – DRC Communication Process Page 20 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 104b – EMS DRC Contact List REGION 1 Frank Graff III, NREMT‐P, LEM Region 1 Primary DRC Care Ambulance Service, Inc. 1901 Westbank Expressway, Suite 200 Harvey, LA 70056 frank.graff@careambulance‐la.com Work: 504‐367‐4231 Cell: 504‐234‐7193 Fax: 504‐361‐5917 Thomas A. Hartley, NREMT‐P East Jefferson General Hospital EMS 3120 Lime St. Metairie, LA, 70006 [email protected] Work: 504‐889‐7152 Cell: 504‐905‐7000 Fax: 504‐889‐7159 REGION 2 Chryal Honore, NREMT‐P Region 2 Primary DRC Louisiana State Penitentiary 18480 Tunica Trace (Highway 66) Angola, LA 70712 [email protected] Work: 225‐655‐2569 Cell: 225‐933‐1677 Fax: 225‐655‐2445 Lauri Scivicque, NREMT‐P East Baton Rouge Parish Department of EMS 704 Mayflower Baton Rouge, LA 70802 [email protected] Work: 225‐389‐5155 Cell: 225‐202‐0789 Fax:225‐389‐5235 REGION 3 Chad Davis, NREMT‐P Region Primary 3 DRC Acadian Ambulance & Air Med Services, Inc. 7130 Third Street Lockport, LA 70374 [email protected] Work: 800‐259‐1111 Cell: 985‐637‐0695 Fax: 985‐876‐8719 Ken Rousseau, BA, NREMT‐P St.Charles Hospital EMS Page 21 of 58 PO Box 87 Luling, LA 70070‐0087 [email protected] Work: 985‐307‐8719 Cell: 504‐415‐4780 REGION 4 Donald Simon Jr., NREMT‐P Region 4 Primary DRC Acadian Ambulance & Air Med Services, Inc. PO Box 98000 Lafayette, LA 70509‐8000 [email protected] Work: 800‐259‐3333 Cell: 337‐319‐7710 Fax: 337‐706‐1855 Kirk Coussan, NREMT‐P Acadian Ambulance & Air Med Services, Inc. PO Box 98000 Lafayette, LA 70509‐8000 [email protected] Work: 800‐259‐3333 Cell: 337‐316‐1767 Fax: 337‐291‐4472 REGION 5 Robert E. Daughdril, BS, NREMT‐P Region 5 Primary DRC & DRC Chair Office of Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness Calcasieu Parish Police Jury P O Box 3287 Lake Charles, LA 70602‐3287 [email protected] Work: 337‐721‐3806 Cell: 337‐540‐4157 Fax: 337‐437‐3583 Lane W. Owers, NREMT‐P Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc. 2827 4th Avenue, Ste. 245 Lake Charles, LA 70601 [email protected] Work: 800‐259‐3333 Cell: 337‐316‐2974 Fax: 337‐291‐2273 REGION 5 Continued Stephen C. Kershaw, NREMT‐P MedExpress Ambulance Service 7525 Highway 71 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Alexandria, LA 71302 [email protected] Work: 318‐473‐1895 Cell: 337‐496‐5557 Fax: 800‐475‐9771 REGION 6 Mark Majors, BS, NREMT‐P Region 6 Primary DRC MedExpress Ambulance Service 7525 Highway 71 Alexandria, LA 71302 [email protected] Work: 318‐473‐1895 Cell: 337‐523‐5201 Fax: 800‐475‐9771 Dustin Etheridge (EMS DRC Candidate) Acadian Ambulance & Air Med Services, Inc. 702 Monroe Street Alexandria, LA 71301 [email protected] Work: 800‐259‐3333 Cell: 318‐541‐6395 Fax: 800‐259‐5600 pause 9 pause 3635# REGION 7 Craig Edwards, NREMT‐P Region 7 Primary DRC Balentine Ambulance Service 3516 Mansfield Road Shreveport, LA 71103 [email protected] Work: 318‐222‐5358 Cell: 318‐272‐6593 Fax: 318‐221‐2340 Jeff Watson, NREMT‐P Bossier City Fire Department 620 Benton Road Bossier City, LA 71111 [email protected] Work: 318‐741‐8714 Cell: 318‐453‐8775 Fax: 318‐741‐8739 REGION 8 Gary Peters Region 8 Primary DRC Advanced EMS 900 Shreveport Road Minden, LA 71055 Page 22 of 58 [email protected] Work: 318‐382‐0380 Cell: 318‐669‐0185 Fax: 318‐382‐0383 Jim Holt, NREMT‐P East Carroll Parish Hospital Ambulance Service 500 Lake Street Lake Providence, LA 71254 [email protected] Work: 318‐559‐4092 Cell: 318‐418‐1140 Fax: 318‐559‐0909 REGION 9 David Marcus, NREMT‐P Region 9 Primary DRC Northshore EMS 74153 Wyndotte Road Kentwood, LA 70444 [email protected] Work: 985‐735‐9507 Cell: 985‐514‐0540 Fax: 985‐735‐0955 Frank Jordan St. Tammany Fire District #4 709 Girod Street Mandeville, LA 70448 [email protected] Work: 985‐626‐8671 Cell: 985‐789‐2700 Fax: 985‐626‐8082 ADMINISTRATIVE DRC Karla Long Houston Louisiana Ambulance Alliance 2045 North 3rd Street, Suite 224 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 [email protected] Cell: 225‐933‐1616 Fax: 225‐906‐3866 Louisiana Ambulance Alliance Donna Newchurch Executive Director 5010 Highway 1 Napoleonville, LA 70390 [email protected] Work: 225‐612‐3177 Fax: 225‐612‐7466 Cell: 985‐513‐0952 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 104c – State Radio Roll Call List CALL SIGN DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED TIME 10:00AM - 10:05AM OAAS 1 BRAY OAAS 2 GUILLOT OAAS 3 OLIVIER, TINA OAAS 4 ANDERSON OAAS 5 RYLAND OAAS 6 BURNS 10:05AM - 10:10AM OAAS 7 OLIVIER, ANNE OAAS 8 ELEY OAAS 9 BALES OAAS 10 LEBIEN MIS1 PERILLOUX OAD 01 Trudy Gallman OAD 02 Ken Saucier 10:10AM - 10:15AM OAD 03 Teresa Hardin OAD 04 Joyce Ben OAD 05 Laurie BeaughHebert OAD 06 Egan Jones OAD 07 Trudie Abner Page 23 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OAD 08 Jerri Parks OAD 09 Springs of Recovery OAD 10 Galen Schum OAD 11 Rochelle Dunham 10:15AM - 10:20AM OAD 12 George Sewell OAD 13 Misty Hebert OAD 14 Ingrid King OAD 15 Tanya McGee OAD 16 Eddie Cantebury OAD 17 Don Pledger OAD 18 Richard Barfoot OCDD 1 Greg Andrus OCDD 2 Kathy Kliebert OCDD 3 Mark A. Thomas OCDD 4 Roslyn Matthews OCDD 5 Peter Calamari OCDD 6 Jeffernier Shorts OCDD 7 David Colvin OCDD 8 John Hall Page 24 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OCDD 9 Richard Landry 10:20AM - 10:25AM OCDD 10 Connie Mead OCDD 11 Nora Dorsey OCDD 12 Rebecca Thomas OCDD 13 Deanne Groves OCDD 14 Kin Hodge OCDD 15 Randy Waguespack OCDD 16 Samuel McDaniel OCDD 17 Ronald Williams OCDD 18 David Gill OCDD 19 April Lee OCDD 20 Jim Plank OCDD 21 Kim Rushing OCDD 22 Herman Bignar New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (NOAH) New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (NOAH) Jefferson Parish Human Service Authority Jefferson Parish Human Service Authority OMH 1-10 OMH 1-20 OMH 1-30 OMH 1-40 Page 25 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OMH 1-50 Metropolitan Human Service District OMH 2-20 Metropolitan Human Service District Eastern Louisiana Mental System (ELMHS) Eastern Louisiana Mental System (GS) OMH 2-30 Eastern Louisiana Mental System OMH 2-40 Eastern Louisiana Mental System OMH 3-10 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 3-20 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 3-30 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 4-10 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-20 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-30 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-40 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 5-10 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-20 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-30 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-40 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 6-10 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 6-20 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 1-60 OMH 2-10 Page 26 of 58 10:25AM - 10:30AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OMH 6-30 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 7-10 Region 7 - Mental Health OMH 7-20 Region 7 - Mental Health OMH 8-10 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH 8-20 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH 8-30 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH9-10 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-20 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-30 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH 9-80 Southeast Louisiana Hospital Florida Parishes Human Services District Florida Parishes Human Services District Florida Parishes Human Services District OMH-HQ-1 Cassandra Wilson OMH9-40 OMH 9-60 OMH 9-70 OMH-HQ-2 10:35AM - 10:50AM Garcia Bodley MVA 7 Faith Willis MVA 9 Timothy White MVA 10 JERRY PHILLLIPS Page 27 of 58 10:30AM - 10:35AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ CAHSD-1 Jan Kasofsky CAHSD-2 Carol Nacoste CAHSD-3 Jamie Roques CAHSD-4 Becky Decker CAHSD-5 Shirley Link CAHSD-6 Stanley Mong CAHSD-7 John Nosacka CAHSD-8 Deborah Duckworth CAHSD-9 Karen Collier CAHSD-10 Mike Steinkamp CAHSD-11 Vivian Gettys BEMS-MD BEMS-1 PHILLIPPE BEMS-2 BEMS-3 LAMBERT (ALAN) BEMS-4 MORRISON (TIMOTHY) BEMS-5 ERWIN EMS-101 Frank Graff III EMS-102 Tom Hartley Page 28 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ EMS-201 Chryal Honore EMS-202 Laurie Scivicque EMS-301 Chad Davis EMS-302 Ken Rousseau EMS-401 Donald Simon Jr. EMS-402 Kirk Coussan EMS-501 Robert Daughdril EMS-502 Lane Owers EMS-503 Stephen Kershaw EMS-601 Mark Majors EMS-602 Shannon Mann EMS-701 Fred Weaver EMS-702 Craig Edwards EMS-801 Gary Peters EMS-901 David Marcus EMS-902 Frank Jordan LAA 1 Donna Newchurch Page 29 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ LAA 2 Karla Long CALL SIGN DESCRIPTION OAAS 1 BRAY OAAS 2 GUILLOT OAAS 3 OLIVIER, TINA OAAS 4 ANDERSON OAAS 5 RYLAND OAAS 6 BURNS OAAS 7 OLIVIER, ANNE OAAS 8 ELEY OAAS 9 BALES OAAS 10 LEBIEN MIS1 PERILLOUX OAD 01 Trudy Gallman OAD 02 Ken Saucier OAD 03 Teresa Hardin Page 30 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OAD 04 Joyce Ben OAD 05 OAD 06 OAD 07 Laurie BeaughHebert Egan Jones Trudie Abner OAD 08 Jerri Parks OAD 09 Springs of Recovery OAD 10 Galen Schum 10:50AM - 10:55AM OAD 11 Rochelle Dunham OAD 12 George Sewell OAD 13 Misty Hebert OAD 14 Ingrid King OAD 15 Tanya McGee OAD 16 Eddie Cantebury OAD 17 Don Pledger OAD 18 Richard Barfoot OCDD 1 Greg Andrus OCDD 2 Kathy Kliebert 10:55AM - 11:00AM OCDD 3 Mark A. Thomas OCDD 4 Roslyn Matthews Page 31 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OCDD 5 Peter Calamari OCDD 6 Jeffernier Shorts OCDD 7 David Colvin OCDD 8 John Hall OCDD 9 Richard Landry OCDD 10 Connie Mead OCDD 11 Nora Dorsey OCDD 12 Rebecca Thomas OCDD 13 Deanne Groves OCDD 14 Kin Hodge OCDD 15 Randy Waguespack OCDD 16 Samuel McDaniel OCDD 17 Ronald Williams OCDD 18 David Gill OCDD 19 April Lee 11:00AM - 11:05AM OCDD 20 Jim Plank OCDD 21 Kim Rushing OCDD 22 Herman Bignar New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (NOAH) OMH 1-10 Page 32 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OMH 1-40 New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (NOAH) Jefferson Parish Human Service Authority Jefferson Parish Human Service Authority OMH 1-50 Metropolitan Human Service District OMH 1-20 OMH 1-30 OMH 2-20 Metropolitan Human Service District Eastern Louisiana Mental System (ELMHS) Eastern Louisiana Mental System (GS) OMH 2-30 Eastern Louisiana Mental System OMH 2-40 Eastern Louisiana Mental System OMH 3-10 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 3-20 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 3-30 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 4-10 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-20 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-30 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-40 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 5-10 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-20 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 1-60 OMH 2-10 Page 33 of 58 11:05AM - 11:10AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OMH 5-30 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-40 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 6-10 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 6-20 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 6-30 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 7-10 Region 7 - Mental Health OMH 7-20 Region 7 - Mental Health OMH 8-10 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH 8-20 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH 8-30 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH9-10 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-20 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-30 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH 9-80 Southeast Louisiana Hospital Florida Parishes Human Services District Florida Parishes Human Services District Florida Parishes Human Services District OMH-HQ-1 Cassandra Wilson OMH9-40 OMH 9-60 OMH 9-70 Page 34 of 58 11:10AM - 11:15AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OMH-HQ-2 Garcia Bodley MVA 7 Faith Willis MVA 9 Timothy White MVA 10 JERRY PHILLLIPS 11:15AM - 11:20AM CAHSD-1 Jan Kasofsky CAHSD-2 Carol Nacoste CAHSD-3 Jamie Roques CAHSD-4 Becky Decker CAHSD-5 Shirley Link CAHSD-6 Stanley Mong CAHSD-7 John Nosacka CAHSD-8 Deborah Duckworth CAHSD-9 Karen Collier CAHSD-10 Mike Steinkamp CAHSD-11 Vivian Gettys BEMS-MD BEMS-1 PHILLIPPE BEMS-2 BEMS-3 Page 35 of 58 LAMBERT (ALAN) Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ BEMS-4 MORRISON (TIMOTHY) BEMS-5 ERWIN 11:20AM - 11:25AM EMS-101 Frank Graff III EMS-102 Tom Hartley EMS-201 Chryal Honore EMS-202 Laurie Scivicque EMS-301 Chad Davis EMS-302 Ken Rousseau EMS-401 Donald Simon Jr. EMS-402 Kirk Coussan EMS-501 Robert Daughdril EMS-502 Lane Owers EMS-503 Stephen Kershaw EMS-601 Mark Majors EMS-602 Shannon Mann EMS-701 Fred Weaver EMS-702 Craig Edwards EMS-801 Gary Peters EMS-901 David Marcus Page 36 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ EMS-902 Frank Jordan LAA 1 Donna Newchurch LAA 2 Karla Long CALL SIGN DESCRIPTION OAAS 1 BRAY OAAS 2 GUILLOT OAAS 3 OLIVIER, TINA OAAS 4 ANDERSON OAAS 5 RYLAND OAAS 6 BURNS OAAS 7 OLIVIER, ANNE OAAS 8 ELEY OAAS 9 BALES OAAS 10 LEBIEN MIS1 PERILLOUX OAD 01 Trudy Gallman OAD 02 Ken Saucier OAD 03 Teresa Hardin OAD 04 Joyce Ben Page 37 of 58 11:25AM - 11:30AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OAD 05 Laurie BeaughHebert OAD 06 Egan Jones OAD 07 Trudie Abner OAD 08 Jerri Parks OAD 09 Springs of Recovery OAD 10 Galen Schum 11:30AM - 11:35AM OAD 11 Rochelle Dunham OAD 12 George Sewell OAD 13 Misty Hebert OAD 14 Ingrid King OAD 15 Tanya McGee OAD 16 Eddie Cantebury OAD 17 Don Pledger OAD 18 Richard Barfoot OCDD 1 Greg Andrus OCDD 2 Kathy Kliebert OCDD 3 Mark A. Thomas OCDD 4 Roslyn Matthews OCDD 5 Peter Calamari Page 38 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OCDD 6 Jeffernier Shorts OCDD 7 David Colvin OCDD 8 John Hall 11:35AM - 11:40AM OCDD 9 Richard Landry OCDD 10 Connie Mead OCDD 11 Nora Dorsey OCDD 12 Rebecca Thomas OCDD 13 Deanne Groves OCDD 14 Kin Hodge OCDD 15 Randy Waguespack OCDD 16 Samuel McDaniel OCDD 17 Ronald Williams OCDD 18 David Gill OCDD 19 April Lee OCDD 20 Jim Plank OCDD 21 Kim Rushing OCDD 22 OMH 1-10 Herman Bignar New Orleans Adolescent Hospital (NOAH) OMH 1-20 New Orleans Adolescent Hospital Page 39 of 58 11:40AM - 11:45AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ (NOAH) OMH 1-40 Jefferson Parish Human Service Authority Jefferson Parish Human Service Authority OMH 1-50 Metropolitan Human Service District OMH 1-30 OMH 2-20 Metropolitan Human Service District Eastern Louisiana Mental System (ELMHS) Eastern Louisiana Mental System (GS) OMH 2-30 Eastern Louisiana Mental System OMH 2-40 Eastern Louisiana Mental System OMH 3-10 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 3-20 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 3-30 Region 3 - Mental Health OMH 4-10 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-20 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-30 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 4-40 Region 4 - Mental Health OMH 5-10 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-20 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 1-60 OMH 2-10 Page 40 of 58 11:45AM - 11:50AM Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ OMH 5-30 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 5-40 Region 5 - Mental Health OMH 6-10 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 6-20 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 6-30 Central Louisiana State Hospital OMH 7-10 Region 7 - Mental Health OMH 7-20 Region 7 - Mental Health OMH 8-10 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH 8-20 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH 8-30 Region 8 - Mental Health OMH9-10 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-20 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-30 Southeast Louisiana Hospital OMH9-40 OMH 9-60 Page 41 of 58 Southeast Louisiana Hospital Florida Parishes Human Services District Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 105 – Administrative DRC Job Description HEALTH RESOURCES & SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (HRSA) GRANT NATIONAL EMS BIOTERRORISM PEPAREDNESS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGNATED REGIONAL COORDINATOR JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: Administrative Medical Regional Coordinator Position Overview: To support the volunteer Medical Regional Coordinators (MRC) in their efforts to facilitate the development and implementation of a regional EMS Emergency Preparedness Plan. The Administrative DRC will assist in meeting the HRSA Grant deliverables as under the direction of the DRC and the Louisiana Rural Ambulance Alliance staff in the following planning areas. This position must be funded and renewed annually. HRSA Grant Specific Objectives: Administrative functions that support to the MRCs development of regional surge capacity planning in specific to the areas identified in the HRSA grant guidance Coordinate the development of the Regional Influenza Plan Support for the Regional implementation of the CHEMPACK Program Essential Functions: Communicate, coordinate and facilitate the region wide HRSA EMS rounds Coordinate EMS documentation activities that ensure regional responsibilities are met in areas of participation in HRSA planning activities, expenditure tracking and receipt collection, survey implementation, and other documentation activities. Collaborate with local, regional, and state entities in support of strengthening regional infrastructure (such as but not limited to: Metropolitan Medical Response System, Medical Reserve Corps, Emergency Medical Service, Office of Public Health, Office of Homeland Security, etc.) Represent the regional EMS systems in regional and state emergency planning activities. Attend and/or represent MRC at HRSA MRC meetings. Foster the continued development of the Special Needs Sheltering regional plans. Conduct EMS surveys for needs assessment and planning purposes. Assist in the development of regional training programs, including seminars, community drills, and on-site programs when needed. Develop and Manage and foster the development of inter-EMS two-way radio communications via weekly roll calls. Facilitate the development of a 3 day emergency on duty roster Provide group notifications and updates to regional EMS providers and appropriate entities via email. Facilitate regional research in areas of surge capacity planning. Identify, assess, and log LRAA Preparedness Assets. Work with GOHSEP on positions of ESF1, ESF8, and Public Safety. Page 42 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Emergency Situation Functions: In emergency situations, the Administrative MRC will responsible for: Acting as a supportive role for the Medical Regional Coordinator in real-time decision-making. Assist the MRC as they serve as the voice of all participating EMS providers in the region Assist the MRC in communicating critical information concerning the availability of EMS resources within the region. Assist the MRC in collecting vital EMS Provider information on all EMS providers in their region and collaborate as needed with the regional Emergency Operations Center and/or to the State Emergency Operations Center during an incident. Qualifications: Previous experience in Emergency Management, emergency preparedness and a working knowledge of EMS within the designated region is required. Candidate must have a working knowledge of the Incident Command System, and knowledge of federal, state, and local regulations and guidelines regarding emergency operations plans and programs. Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, experience in operational problem solving/decision making and a desire to perform the functions and duties of the role is critical. Strong administrative, presentation and communications skills a must. Education / Training 3 Years emergency preparedness and planning experience, preferably in EMS planning. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience preferred. Identified and recommended by representatives from regional EMS systems. At least 5 years of work experience within the healthcare field. EMS experience preferred. Licensure / Certification Requirements Must have a working knowledge of the Incident Command System including National Incident Management System course IS 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, and 800 and knowledge of all federal, state, and local regulations and guidelines regarding emergency operations plans and programs. Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, experience in operational problem solving/decision making and a desire to perform the functions and duties of the role is critical. Page 43 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 106a – BEMS ESF 8 Responsibilities 2010 The Bureau of EMS has been designated as a key support agency to ESF 8. Some of the BEMS ESF 8 responsibilities include: • Supporting Hospital Evacuation Process • Supporting Nursing Home Evacuation Process • Oversight of surge ambulance contracts including credentialing of responding ambulances and personnel; • Supporting Shelter Operations – Medical Special Needs Shelters (MSNS) – Critical Transportation Needs Shelters (CTNS – Federal Medical Shelters (FMS) • Oversight of the Emergency Preparedness Grant for EMS providers Page 44 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 106b – Emergency Response Coordinator Job Description This is a highly responsible position to serve as the federally funded statewide HRSA Hospital Preparedness, CDC Bo-terrorism Program, Emergency Medical Services for Children and Public Access to Defibrillators grants coordinator in the Office of Public Health/ Emergency Preparedness and Response / Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. This person coordinates all budget activities of the federally funded statewide HRSA Hospital Preparedness and CDC Bio- terrorism Program in the Office of Public Health/ Emergency Preparedness and Response. The ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, problem solve, prioritize project tasks, and work with little or no supervision. Strong organizational skills are a must. Possess excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to prepare and present grant material. Strong communication skills required, including the ability to convey succinct and concise summaries of grant activities. The ability to design presentations and create spreadsheets and documents that support project activities is required 40% Manage internal HHS accounting and reporting system (data and implementation) for allocations of HRSA monies to individual pre-hospital providers, including tracking of receipts, signatures, and supporting documentation for spending agreements, reallocations, and special projects. Ensure that providers are in compliance with Federal grant guidelines and deadlines. Reviews final spending report and forwards to grant PI. Create grant spending and financial tracking reports. Review final grant spending reports and forwards to EMS Director and grant PI. 25% Develop new plans and/or processes within the scope of Emergency Preparedness and Response section. Communicate and correspond (phones, e-mail, fax, and letters) with providers, DRCs, DRC Network and local, state and federal entities in support of grant activities. Communicate and correspond (phones, e-mail, fax, and letters) with and seek approval from HHS Advisory Board and other HHS subcommittees. 20% Develop meeting and handouts for HHS DRC, Advisory Board and other HHS meetings. Collect, compile and manage descriptive data from providers to contribute to developing prehospital emergency response plans including survey development Facilitate requests through the Incident Command Structures for Emergency Support Function 8 - Health and Medical. 15% Participate in grant and preparedness updates with EMS Director and Grant PI. Participate in all GOHSEP directed drills and present at State Emergency Operations Center during emergency situations, including nights and week-ends if necessary. Manage budget for travel and reimbursement of statewide volunteers and HHS staff. Develop process for the collection of NIMS Implementation Compliance Activities and requirements for pre-hospital. Prepares and submits contract evaluation documents. Prepare and present grant material via PowerPoint to prehospitals as directed by Grant PI. Participate in ESF 8 planning meetings such as CHEMPACK, Pandemic Flu, and hurricane planning as directed by Grant PI. Page 45 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 106c BEMS Contact List Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Staff Directory 11224 Boardwalk Drive, Suite A1 Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Stephen Phillipe Sr. Bureau of EMS Director/Emergency Response & Preparedness E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1761 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Cell: 225‐485‐5545 Rebecca Harris Program Monitor, Contracts/AED Grant E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1448 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Marcia Fries Program Monitor, HHS Grant E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1644 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Cell: 225‐405‐7584 Debbie Huffman EMSC Grant Coordinator E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1532 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Patsy Covington Certification Coordinator E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1598 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Tina Phagan Exam Coordinator E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1533 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Page 46 of 58 Alan Lambert Deputy Director, Education & Professional Standards E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1770 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Stephanie Price Office Coordinator E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1651 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Timothy B Morrison EMS Tri‐Regional Coordinator E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 318‐361‐7236 Fax: 318‐362‐3163 Cell: Betty Kerry Receptionist E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐275‐1782 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Steve Erwin Ambulance Services Coordinator E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐342‐9405 Fax: 225‐275‐1826 Cell: 225‐268‐6071 Evon Smith Emergency Medical Planner E‐mail: [email protected] Phone: 225‐342‐7872 Fax: 225‐342‐4497 Cell: 985‐974‐9688 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 113 State Volunteer Liability Form AGREEMENT TO VOLUNTEER SERVICES DURING A DISASTER OR EMERGENCY This agreement is between the State of Louisiana through the Department of Health and Hospitals (hereinafter referred to as “LDHH”) and ________________________________ (hereafter referred to as “Volunteer”). Volunteer agrees to provide services to or on behalf of the State of Louisiana through LDHH during a state declared disaster or emergency. Volunteer agrees and understands that he/she will not receive monetary compensation from LDHH for his/her services. LDHH agrees to accept the services of Volunteer. Volunteer agrees to serve under the supervision and direction of LDHH, and to abide by all applicable LDHH policies, rules, and regulations, including policies concerning the HIPAA Privacy Rule. If pre-registered through the LAVA system, Volunteer acknowledges that s/he has reviewed LDHH HIPAA Privacy Policy numbers 1-3. Volunteer also agrees to abide by all reasonable rules, restrictions, and policies of any disaster relief organization or entity to which Volunteer might be assigned or deployed by LDHH. Volunteer expressly affirms that, to the best of Volunteer’s knowledge, s/he does not have any communicable diseases. If the Volunteer is providing services within his/her given health care professional discipline and scope of practice, then by signing this agreement the Volunteer acknowledges that s/he has current credentials and/or professional licenses. LDHH and Volunteer agree that Volunteer, to the extent allowed by law, shall be considered as an employee of LDHH for the limited purposes of indemnification and immunity for any actions that may arise in the course and scope of Volunteer’s assigned duties. Page 47 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Volunteer acknowledges receipt of the LDHH handout entitled “Information on Liability Protection for Volunteers in Emergency Situations” (revised 8/27/2008). Volunteer agrees to be responsible for any actions that are not directly related to the performance of his/her volunteer assignment(s). LDHH and Volunteer agree that the Volunteer’s service may be immediately terminated at any time by either LDHH or Volunteer. VOLUNTEER: Volunteer Name: _________________________________________________________ Volunteer Signature: ____________________________________ Date______________ If Volunteer is under 18 years of age, the Parent/Guardian of Volunteer must consent: Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________Date_______________ LDHH REPRESENTATIVE: Name: __________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________Date_________________ Page 48 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 116 Damaged Equipment Form LOST OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT FORM Contact Name: Contact Title: Company/Provider: Company Address: Work Phone: Fax: Mobile Phone: Email: Date of Asset Damage/Loss: Alliance Item(s) Damaged/Lost: Describe Damage/Loss of Item(s): Location of Loss/Damage: Can damaged Asset be repaired? yes no If “yes” describe repairs needed: Page 49 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 117a Lease Request Form SHORT TERM LEASE APPLICATION Contact Name: Contact Title: Company/Provider: Company Address: Work Phone: Fax: Mobile Phone: Email: Name/Title of Company Representative Signing Lease: Alliance Item(s) Requested: *Event or Proposed Use of Item(s): Event or Proposed Use Address: Brief Description of Event or Proposed Use: Event or Proposed Use Dates: Begin: End: **Item Pick Up & Return Dates: Pick Up: Return: *Alliance Asset Item Availability of is determined based on need for that asset (i.e.: Emergency use is given a higher priority than day to day or special event use). If the need for that asset is equal, then the assets are allocated on a first come, first served basis. **Lessor is responsible for the safe transport and return as scheduled above of leased item(s). Please complete & return this form to Karla Long, Administrative DRC Fax: 225.906.3866, Email: [email protected] Short Term Lease Form can be found at: http://www.louisianaambulancealliance.org/ Page 50 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 117b Asset Request/Lease Check List ALLIANCE LEASE REQUEST CHECK LIST Complete Short Term Lease Application. Return competed Short Term Lease Application 2 weeks prior or before Asset is needed to Karla Long, Administrative DRC, via fax: 225.612.5621, or email: [email protected]. Upon lease request approval*, Asset Lease will be emailed to you to print and sign. Fax or email signed lease to Karla Long, Administrative DRC, via fax: 225.612.5621, or email: [email protected]. Mail original signed lease to address above for the Alliance office to keep on file. Alliance office will assist you with needed Asset pick up and Return information. Lessor is responsible for the safe transport and return as scheduled of leased item(s). * Alliance Asset Item Availability is determined based on need for that asset (i.e.: Emergency use is given a higher priority than day to day or special event use). If the need for that asset is equal, then the assets are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Page 51 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 118b DRC Reimbursement Form GENERAL: TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION: All non-routine travel must be authorized and approved in writing by the head of the department ,board, or commission from whose funds the traveler is paid. Routine Lodging Overage Allowances: (Receipt required) A Department Head or his/her designee has the authority to approve actual cost for routine lodging provisions on a case by case basis not to exceed fifty percent over PPM-49 current listed rates. Justification must be maintained in the file to show that attempts were made with hotels in the area to receive the state/best rate. In areas where the Governor has declared an emergency, a Department Head or his/her designee will have the authority to approve actual routine lodging provisions on a case by case basis not to exceed seventy-five percent over PPM-49 current listed rates. Single Day Travel: Meals are not eligible for reimbursements on single day travel. This means that when an authorized traveler of the State is in travel status where no overnight stay is required, no meals are eligible for reimbursement. Each Department Head or their designees are to determine the reasonableness of when an overnight stay is justified. However, the Department Head will be allowed to authorize Single Day meal reimbursements on a case-by-case basis or by type(s) of single day travel when it is determined to be in the best interest of the department. In those cases, the department must keep the approvals in the travel file and must be responsible to take appropriate steps to report the reimbursement as wages to the employee. If a Department Head or his/her designee determines that Single Day Meals will be provided for, they must follow the following allowances: To receive any meal reimbursement on single day travel, an employee must be in travel status for a minimum of 12 hours. The maximum allowance for meal reimbursement for single day travel will be $30.00. Breakfast and Lunch: ($20.00) The 12 hour travel duration must begin at or before 6 a.m. Lunch: ($12.00) Requires 12 hours duration in travel status. Lunch and Dinner: ($30.00) The 12 hour travel duration must end at or after 8 p.m. Travel with Overnight Stay: Travelers may be reimbursed for meals according to the following schedule. Breakfast: When travel begins at/or before 6 a.m. of the first day of travel or extends beyond 9 a.m. on the last day of travel, and for any intervening days. Lunch: When travel begins at/or before 10 a.m. of the first day of travel or extends beyond 2 p.m on the last day of travel, and for any intervening days. Dinner: When travel begins at/or before 4p.m. of the first day of travel or extends beyond 8 p.m. on the last day of travel, and for any intervening days. Meals Allowance – Including Tax and Tips Receipts are not required for routine meals within these allowances. Partial meals such as continental breakfast or airline meals are not considered meals. If meals of state officials on actual exceed these allowances, receipts are required. Inclusion of suburbs is allowed for meals on a case by case basis. Routine Lodging Allowances – Employees will be reimbursed lodging rate, plus tax and any mandatory surcharge. ( Receipts are Required )For lodging rates, the inclusion of suburbs shall be determined by the department head on a case-by-case basis. When two or more employees on official state business share a lodging room, the State will reimburse the actual cost of the room; subject to a maximum amount allowed for an individual traveler times the number of employees. Department head approval must be provided to allow lodging expenses to be direct billed to an agency. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Tier I $ 8 $12 $18 $38 LODGING: In-State Cities (except as listed) Baton Rouge – EBR Covington/Slidell – St. Tammany Lake Charles – Calcasieu Lafayette Breakfast Lunch Dinner Routine Lodging $70__ $103_ $99_ _ $82 __ $89 _ Tier II $10 $14 $24 $48 LODGING: Routine Lodging New Orleans, Orleans, St. Bernard, Jefferson, Page 52 of 58 ___ Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Plaquemines Parishes (July 1 – Sept. 30)____________$104__________ New Orleans, Orleans, St. Bernard, Jefferson, Plaquemines Parishes (Oct.1 – June 30) $133_________ Out-of-State (Except Cities listed in Tier III & IV) $85_________ Breakfast Lunch Dinner Tier III $12 $16 $24 $52 LODGING : Routine Lodging__ Atlanta, Austin, Cleveland, Dallas/Fort Worth $135 Denver, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Galveston, Hartford, Houston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis/ST. Paul, Nashville, Oakland. CA., Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Me, Portland, OR., Sacramento, San Antonio, San Diego, St. Louis, Tampa, Wilmington, DE, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, all of Alaska and Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa Breakfast Lunch Dinner Tier IV $13 $18 $29 $60 LODGING: Routine Lodging__ Baltimore MD, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA $175_______ Alexandria, VA, Arlington, VA, Boston, MA, New York City, Washington, DC $225 __ Chicago, IL, International Cities $200_______ AIRFARE: Remember, while use of the contract travel agency is mandatory: purchase of state contract airfare is not mandatory. The State Travel Office strongly encourages use of lowest logical airfares, NOT state contract fares. The State always supports purchasing the “best value” ticket. You should ask the state’s contracted travel agency to check for the lowest logical rates based on your personal needs. Remember, PPM49, Section 1504 B2 (d) states “The policy regarding airfare penalties is that the State will pay for the airfare and/or penalty incurred for a change or cancellation if required by the State or other unavoidable situations approved by the agency’s department head. State contract airfares are for official business only. No personal use. When Selecting State Contract Airfare, traveler must pay by either the State’s Corporate Travel Card or the agency’s CBA (Controlled Billing Account). REMEMBER– A ticket is not purchased until you confirm your reservations with a credit card. MILEAGE: Reimbursement from official domicile to area of travel based on most direct route. Mileage shall be reimbursable on the basis of $0.48 per the following: For official In-State business travel 1. Employee should utilize a state vehicle when available 2. Employee may rent a vehicle from Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s State Motor Pool Rental Contract, if state vehicle is not available; 3. If an employee elects to use his/her personal vehicle, reimbursement may not exceed a maximum of 99 miles per round trip and/or day at $0.48 cents per mile. RENTAL CARS ( Receipt Required) In-State Vehicle Rental. The State has contracted with Enterprise Rent-A- Car for the State Motor Pool Rental Contract which use is mandatory In-State Motor Pool Rentals Compact$ 32.00 $176.00 weekly $640.00 monthly Mid-size/Intermediate $34.00 $187.00 weekly $680.00 monthly Only the rental of compact or mid-intermediate model is reimbursable, unless non-availability is documented, or the vehicle will be used to transport more than two persons. Refer to PPM49 for additional rates/information and to determine the insurance coverage that is reimbursable. Written approval from the department head prior to departure is required Gasoline (Receipt Required) Reimbursements require a receipt for regular unleaded gasoline, or diesel when applicable. This applies for both state owned vehicles and rental vehicles, as mid-grade, super, plus or premium gasoline is typically not necessary. ENTERPRISE CAR RENTAL: National Account Number: NA1403 RESERVATIONS (24/7) 1-800-RENT-A-CAR OR ENTERPRISE .COM Out-of–State Avis Budget Dollar Enterprise Hertz National Thrifty Phone Number 1-800-331-1212 1-800-527-0700 1-800-800-3665 1-800-736-8222 1-800-654-3131 1-800-227-7368 1-800-847-4389 Corporate Discount #’s A628000 T243800 TA8565 XZ14070 70592 5004172 0010176533 TAXI: (Shuttles, Airport limousines, etc.) The cost of public ground transportation such as buses, subways, airport shuttle/limousines, and taxis are reimbursable when the expenses are incurred as part of approved state travel. Airport Shuttle/limousines and taxi reimbursements, including tip, requires a receipt to account for total Page 53 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ daily amount claimed. A driver’s tip for shuttles/limousines and taxis may be given and must not exceed 15% of total charge. Amount of tip must be included on receipt received from driver/company. All other forms of public ground transportation are limited to $15 per day without a receipt, claims in excess of $15 per day requires a receipt. At the agency’s discretion, the department head may implement an agency wide policy requiring receipts for all public transportation request less than $15 per day. PARKING: Airport Parking Contracts: Baton Rouge Airport: the state’s current contract rate is $3.50 per day (no receipt required). for parking in the indoor parking garage as well as the outside fenced parking lot at the airport. Documentation required to receive the contract price is either state ID or travel itinerary issued by the state contracted travel agency designating the employee is on “official state business”. At the agency discretion an employee may be paid actual expenses up to $5.00 per day with receipt. New Orleans Airport – Park‘N Fly: The state’s contract rate is $6.00 per day, $36.00 weekly at Park’ N Fly (no receipt required). Park’ N Fly requires agency issued photo ID, business card, state issued corporate card or flight itinerary. At the agency discretion an employee may be paid actual expenses up to $8.00 per day with a receipt. For areas other than the above contracts: Up to $5.00 can be reimbursed without a receipt. Anything over this amount must have a receipt. REIMBURSEMENT FOR OTHER EXPENSES TELEPHONE: Official State Business: All charges must have a receipt. All communication expenses shall be relative to official state business and should be so indicated on the travel expense voucher. Internet Access charges for official state business from hotels or other travel locations are treated the same as business telephone charges. (Receipts Required) Personal Calls: Domestic Overnight Travel: up to $3.00 in personal calls upon arrival at each destination and up to $3.00 for personal calls every second night after the first night if the travel extends several days. International Travel: up to $10 in personal calls upon arrival at each destination and up to $10 for personal calls every second night after the first night if the travel extends several days. BAGGAGE TIPS: Hotel Allowances – Not to exceed $3 tip per hotel check-in and $3 tip per hotel checkout, if applicable. Airport Allowances – Not to exceed $3 tip for airport outbound departure trip and $3 tip for inbound departure trip. LUGGAGE ALLOWANCE: (Receipt Required) A Department Head or his designee may approve reimbursement to a traveler for airline charges for first checked bag for a business trip of 5 days or less and for a second checked bag for a 6 – 10 day business trip and/or any additional baggage which is business related and required by the department. The traveler must present a receipt to substantiate these charges. Travelers will be reimbursed for excess baggage charges (overweight baggage) only in the following circumstances: When traveling with heavy or bulky materials or equipment necessary for business. The excess baggage consists of organization records or property. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL International travel must be approved by the Commissioner of Administration, or the entity head or his designee for Higher Education entities prior to departure, unless specific authority for approval has been delegated to a department head. Request for approval must be accompanied by a detailed account of expected expenditures (such as room rate/date, meals, local transportation, etc.) and an assessment of the adequacy of this source to meet such expenditures without curtailing subsequent travel plans. International travelers will be reimbursed the Tier IV area rates for meals and lodging, unless U.S. State Department rates are requested and approved by the Commissioner of Administration prior to departure. Itemized Receipts are required for meals and lodging claimed at the U.S. State Department rates. WAIVERS The Commissioner of Administration may waive in writing any provision in PPM 49 when the best interest of the state will be served. PLEASE REVIEW PPM 49 THOROUGHLY BEFORE MAKING YOUR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE AND FOR PROPER REIMBURSEMENTS. TRAVEL TIPS: 1. Plan ahead. If you have a unique situation coming up and unsure what is the proper protocol or method to handle something, call your Travel Coordinator and ask. Many questions can be answered by visiting our web site. 2. Submit Travel Authorization and request special approvals prior to travel taking place. 3. Obtain all necessary signatures before submitting the expense account for processing. 4. Attach all required receipts to the expense account. 5. Adequate justification should be provided for any unusual expense. 6. Foreign exchange rate should be provided for any unusual expense. 7 . Turn in Travel Expense Account immediately upon returning from trip to ensure timely reimbursement. Page 54 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ 8. Attach a copy of the Travel Authorization if single trip or conference/convention. Web Site: www. doa.louisiana.gov/osp/travel Prepared by: Division of Administration La. State Travel Office 225-342-6322 LOUISIANA STATE EMPLOYEES FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 POCKET GUIDE TO TRAVEL REGULATIONS For more detailed guidelines, refer to PPM No. 49 - General Travel Regulations (Effective July 1, 2010) ALL AIRFARE MUST BE BOOKED THROUGH SHORT’S TRAVEL AGENCY. SEE BELOW CONTRACTED TRAVEL AGENCY SHORT’S TRAVEL MANAGEMENT d/b/a SHORTS TRAVEL SERVICE Waterloo, IA Toll free (888) 846-6810 Fax: (319) 433-0847 Email: [email protected] Website: www.shortstravel.com/la ** PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A $15 CHARGE PER CALL FOR AFTER HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 1-888-846-6810 After 5 p.m. and on weekends. This service is for emergency travel only and not for booking advanced travel. Page 55 of 58 Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Standard Procedure Subject: EMS DRC Policies & Procedures Manual ============================================================================ Attachment 118b – DRC Reimbursement Form TRAVEL EXPENSE ACCOUNT Page 1 of 2 DATE OF CLAIM BA-12 (3/97) DEPARTMENT The statement on the reverse side must be completely filled in by the payee prior to signature. Receipts must be attached as required by travel regulations. NAME OF OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE DIVISION ADDRESS SECTION CITY FOR PERIOD Expense Summary Lump-Sum Allowance $ Per Mile Cost: Automobile: mi. @ .48 $ mi. @ .48 $ Lodging Subsistence: Meals $ $ (SEE PPM 49 FOR RECEIPTS REQUIRED FOR SPECIAL AND HIGH COST AREA MEALS) $ $ Tolls and Parking $ Tips (for baggage handling only) $ Other Expenses $ Less: Travel Advance $ Total Costs $ Reimbursable Certificate of Payee I certify that this expense account is just and true in all respects; that the distances shown were actually and necessarily traveled on the dates specified on official business only; that the expenses charged were incurred on official business of the State and none of the expenses have been paid by the State; and that the full amount is justly due. SIGNED BY PAYEE TITLE OR POSITION OFFICIAL DOMICILE Certificate of Head of Budget Unit I certify that the charges set forth on this expense account have been examined by me; that the services for which the charges are made were necessary and proper; and that, in my opinion, the amounts claimed are just and reasonable. NAME SIGNED BY: TITLE REMARKS BY HEAD OF BUDGET UNIT IN EXPLANATION OF UNUSUAL ITEMS, ETC. Agency No. Page 56 of 58 Orgn. Object Sub Obj. Amount Rptg. Category Revision Date: August 20, 2014 Document Reference DATE SUBSISTENCE HOUR DEP. ARR. MEALS ODOMETER READING (SPECIFY AM/PM) TERRITORY TRAVELED SHOW ALL POINTS VISITED TOTALS DEPART ARRIVE MILES TRAV. LODGIN G $ NO. COST TOLLS AND PARK. TIPS $ $ $ OTHER EXPENSES DESCRIPTION COST $ Attachment – Acronyms BEMS – Bureau of Emergency Medical Services DHH EOC – Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Emergency Operations Center DRC – Designated Regional Coordinator EMS – Emergency Medical Services Louisiana ESF 8 – Louisiana Emergency Support Function 8 – Health and Medical Services LAA – Louisiana Ambulance Alliance LHA – Louisiana Hospital Association LNHA – Louisiana Nursing Home Association NH – Nursing Home PHERC – Office of Public Health Public Health Emergency Response Coordinator Reg. Medical Director – Office of Public Health Regional Medical Director TOC – Tactical Operations Center
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