EMSC Advisory Committee May 14, 2014 Present: Sam Vance, Megan Cody, Philip Ewing, Diana Kraus, Dominic Lucia, Kate Remick, Joe Schmider, Sally Snow, Debbie Wiederhold, Liz Yankiver, Jeff Mills Desired Outcomes: Report from the NPRP workgroup Report from the Pediatric EMS Recognition Program workgroup Report on EMS Week events Report on revision of the EAC by-laws Vote on PEM or EMS Fellow application submissions Make a plan of action for integration/collaboration with Perinatal Advisory Council Report on miscellaneous EMSC related topics What How Who Time Introductions Welcome and introductions Review desired outcomes Sam Group 5 minutes 7:30 – 7:35 National Pediatric Readiness Project Workgroup Pediatric EMS Recognition Workgroup Report from the NPRP Workgroup on work completed Dr. Remick/Sam 15 minutes 7:35 – 7:50 Report from the Pediatric Equipment Workgroup on work completed Report on EMS Week events Logo Contest winner Governor’s Proclamation Crew of the Year Award Report from the Bylaws workgroup Vote on Fellow applicant Sam 10 minutes 7:50 – 8:00 Sam 10 minutes 8:00 – 8:10 Sam Develop a plan of action to integrate/collaborate with the Perinatal Advisory Council Discuss and make decision as to sending a letter from EMSC regarding the shortage of tobacco funds Report on many different EMSC related topics Review meeting. Further issues from the group Sam/Joe 5 minutes 8:10 – 8:15 5 minutes 8:15 – 8:20 10 minutes 8:20 – 8:30 EMS Week EAC Bylaws PEM or EMS Fellow Perinatal Advisory Council Tobacco Fund Miscellaneous items Wrap Up Sam/Group Sam/Group 15 minutes 8:30-8:45 Sam 10 minutes 8:45 – 8:55 5 minutes 8:55 – 9:00 Sam Group NEXT MEETING: August 19, 2014 at 11 am, Dell Children’s Medical Center, Austin, Texas NPRP Workgroup Dr. Remick gave a report on the work accomplished by the NPRP workgroup thus far o A webinar entitled, “Next Steps in Pediatric Readiness: Is it Time for Pediatric Facility Categorization in Texas?” was held April 17 and April 28 A total of 132 people attended both days Participants were a mixture of trauma managers, ED managers, some CEO’s, members of DSHS as well as an intern for the Senate HHS committee, the Senior Advisor from HHS to Speaker Joe Straus and the Chief of Staff of Representative John Zerwas The recorded webinar is now available on the EMS for Children State Partnership website The link to the recording was sent to the State Partnership listserv May 6 o The program has received formal endorsement from the Texas Pediatric Society (TPS) and the Texas Emergency Nurses Association (TENA) We expect to receive endorsement from the Children’s Hospital Association of Texas (CHAT) after their next meeting Waiting on a response from the Texas College of Emergency Physicians (TCEP) Dr. Remick will be making a presentation to the general assembly of the Texas Hospital Association August 19 Sam will be giving a brief update to the Pediatric Committee of GETAC and the RAC Chairs May 15 Dr. Macias will be presenting the program to the GETAC May 16 Pediatric EMS Recognition Workgroup Sam gave a report on the work accomplished by the workgroup thus far o The last meeting was held on March 31. One was scheduled for April 29 but only had one member present, so it was cancelled o The group is approximately a quarter of the way through the first draft o Sam will be giving a brief presentation on the program to the EMS and Medical Director’s Committee’s of GETAC on May 15 o The next meeting has not been scheduled yet EMS Week Sam gave a report on activities scheduled for EMS Week: May 18 – 24 o Monday, May 19, 6:30pm: EMS for Children Logo Contest winner presentation To be held at Hunt County/AMR EMS at their headquarters: 3003 Ramsey Blvd., Greenville, TX 75401 o Wednesday, May 21, 10:30am: EMS for Children Day proclamation on the South Steps of the State Capitol Senator Charles Schwertner has been invited to make the presentation. Will find out today, May 14 if he will be able to attend o Friday, May 23, 10:00am: EMS for Children Crew of the Year Award To be held at Quail Point Lodge, 107 Twilight, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657 The winner is a crew from Marble Falls Area EMS, Horseshoe Bay Fire Department, and the ED and Trauma Team from Dell Children’s Medical Center EAC Bylaws Sam gave a report on the work accomplished by the workgroup thus far o The last meeting was held April 23 The group is three quarters of the way through the first draft o The next meeting has not been scheduled yet PEM or EMS Fellow Sam briefly went over the nominations for this position on the EAC o Only one nomination was received Meg Marino, MD from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston A vote was called to accept or decline the nomination of Dr. Marino o Dr. Marino’s nomination was accepted with a unanimous vote o Sam will contact Dr. Marino by May 23 advising her of her acceptance and detail the requirements of the position Perinatal Advisory Council Joe Schmider gave a report on the Perinatal Advisory Council rd o This is a council that created by House Bill 15 of the 83 Texas Legislature that develops and recommends criteria for designating levels of neonatal and maternal care, including specifying the minimum requirements to qualify for each level designation o Joe suggested that EMS for Children have representation on this council since it is a pediatric issue o Sam also suggested that this would help us with ideas for the development of our Pediatric Facility Recognition program o Joe stated that Jane Guerrero, Director of DSHS Office of EMS and Trauma, is the DSHS representative to this council and suggested we speak with her as to how we could integrate with them Sam, Dr. Macias, Dr. Remick and Dr. Shah have a meeting immediately following this one on another matter and will talk to Jane regarding this issue then Tobacco Fund Sam led a discussion regarding the diversion of permanent tobacco funds that occurred in the 2014 – 2015 state budget o Joe Schmider gave information regarding how the Legislature amended the tobacco fund legislation in a special session in 2011 in a bill focused on public school financing. The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute (CPRIT) were the only ones who received any of the money from the permanent fund for EMS and Trauma Care. This went undetected until DSHS tried to use the money it believed it had been appropriated. This has resulted in a potential $1 million shortfall for fiscal year 2015. As the Texas EMS and Trauma Acute Care Foundation (TETAF) acts as a facilitator for DSHS and the Regional Advisory Councils (RACs), they are calling for individuals and organizations to write letters to their legislators imploring them to find a way to make up for this shortfall o Dr. Remick suggested that we as the EMS for Children State Partnership, Texas write a letter in support of this action in that this shortfall could have potential negative impact on the care that children in Texas receive After deliberation and discussion, it was determined that Sam will draft a letter of support for this measure that he will present to the EAC at the August 19 meeting Miscellaneous Items Sam presented several miscellaneous EMS for Children related issues o EMS Reassessment The State Partnership has received the state data, but not the national data. NEDARC is not sure when they will have this available. o Texas EMS Conference Sam has been working with Kelly Harrell of the Texas EMS Conference and has been able to secure the keynote speaker spot. With Dr. Shah’s help, we have been able to secure Dr. Marianne Gausche-Hill as the keynote speaker for the conference Dr. Macias suggested we take her to dinner the evening of November 24 Sam will make arrangements for this dinner to include invitations to members of the EAC, DSHS and the Texas EMS Conference leadership o Texas Parent to Parent Conference This will take place June 13 – 14 Sam and Debbie will be presenting an outbreak session o HPP and EMSC federal collaborative HRSA announced that EMS for Children and the Hospital Preparedness Program have formed a collaborative at the federal level In order for states to receive their federal grant funding from HPP they must include their state’s EMS for Children program in their process Wrap Up Further items were brought forward for discussion o Dr. Macias suggested that we invite representatives from the DSHS Trauma Registry to the August workshop to give a presentation on the data they can provide us on children Sam will invite representatives from the registry to the August workshop o Diana Kraus stated that Dell Children’s Medical Center is now using an iPad based language interpretation device that is called “Language Line”. She states this is a great tool that parents and kids can talk directly to for interpretative services and wanted to bring it to everyone else’s attention st NEXT MEETING: August 19, 2014, 1100 – 1600. Dell Children’s Medical Center, 1 Floor Main Boardroom
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