The Corporafion of the Township P.O. Box 550, 280 Burleigh Street of Apsley, Ontario KOL 140 (705) 656-444s or 1-800-755-6931 Fax: (705) 655-4446 email : d.wilson@ NORTH KAWAPTHA Roll #: 1 Description: Con 8 PtLot32 536-0 1 0-003-1 9800-0000 1.94 Ac 2014 Zoningz Assessment: 20100 Residential Buildine Permit Available All of the information - lJpon Proper Application is on our website at TENDERS: 1. A tender shall be on Form 7 and shall be, (a) typewritten or legibly handwritten in ink; (b) accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount made by way of money order or by way of bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation; (c) submitted in a sealed envelope which indicates on it that it is a tax sale and provides a short description or Municipal address of the land sufficient to permit the treasurer to identiflz the parcel of land to which the tender relates and; (d) A tender shall relate to only one parcel of land. COI\TACT INFORMATION Township of North Kawartha PO Box 550, 280 Burleigh St. Apsley, On KOL lAO Judy Everett, Treasurer Ext 238 j everett@norlhkawartha. on. ca . Dolores Wilson Tax Collector/Deputy-Treasurer Ext 233 email : [email protected]. ca ltz' +--py: -Ñß1 \, \ \ tsr:ts.n \'' ,\\ \ ll il Ri{ct o*) v'. ->-/' .9 rJì N N N UrlíY ,ry7 3 qr'fqiff H t/v çt, z* e) 3?o,'o Y rzz,to tr'i't' - 1_? B 'Þ1 Io uì N 'sa+ PT l2ø.'o r't | ,'' A) ls \ þ t' ^9 4t2'.7 - 3- zaz 1+,t? n.S .rJ tb Ll s\ .\ \ .l 285! ' \ s,ü 4rÈ:st/e- $ ñl *l pâr¿T I (prrn) f,' / 4Sr¿-3s69 I ,, tz¿,ö l5a.'o \t \t lc. J - (+.2+l A) Þl *LJ \":{ ,/ l5-0r ' sl z ör"'otnr lu$ ñ $ 7\ -'l '7,2" 248.'o1 | " l',oo .1^99'ot Q.ze ,t-.. ¡ se,'31 ztza,tl (a t+s+sZ) r'# PÊl r¿.r a- 34.9.'6+ 348.'o 'f c^rc. ì rl \I I (t\ v ñl N I \'; I .D /s -3L G0 s t'Ç -?rç-)ü= - ((-ñ C\ -7_ €v 1 .år*/'( ¡.! r¿/ ô-.zf$-'b/ /-'>+ U, ( 41:'1grñ"t ) I,t.^ilttaÂ,i ( 0/ a - 003 - Je9 JÕ3. I l¿" Ac Po, " 3-2( ,) (ze. / ?1 t l'l unicipol Act, 2001. c_ 25. s. 379(2) O. Reg. 181/03,s. 5(1),Forh6 FORM 6 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER The Corporation of the Township of North Kawartha TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land[sJ described belorr¿ and wíll be received until 3:00 p.rn- local time on Frida¡', September 26, 2014, at the Township Offìce, 280 Burleigh Streer, P.O. Box 5S0, Apsley, Onrario, KOL 140. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. at thç Townshíp Office, 29ó Burleigh Street, Apsley, Ontario, K0L 140. Part Lot 32, Concession 8, geographic Township of Chandos, as in K2S j.4 except R103060, Part 7, Plan R148¿139 and parr 1, plan 45R9286, Township of North Kawartha, County of Peterborough, being all of PIN 28272-01 13 (LT) Roll No. 1 5-36-010-003-19800 s4,77 6.27 Part Lot 9, Concession 12, geographic Township of Chandos, as in R573042, Township of North Kawartha, Counfy of peterborough, being all ofPIN 28276-0149 (LTJ Roll No- 15-36-010-102-02300 $5,941.42 PartLot23,Concession2,geographicTownshipofChandos,parti.,plan 4SRTSB7, Township of North Kawartha, County of peterborough, being all of PIN 28265-0181 (LT) Roll No. 15-36-010-200-04203 $8,788.52 Tenders mttst be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certifìed by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Excepr as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests wñh the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by Ehe Municipa! Act,2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under thatAct. The successfuì purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus aãcumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to prorride vacant possession to the successful purchaser, Tender package is available on our website For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, contact: Name of Municipality or Board CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH DOLORES WILSON, DEPUTY TREASURER Address of Municipaliry or Board 2BO BURLEICH STREET, P. O. BOX 550, APSLEY, ONTARIO. KOL 1AO Telephone: (705) 656-44+5 Fax: OOï Note: This document need not be registered. 656-444 ft : iit' i;:ï ;":ffi i?:.,,.ffi 1,". FORM 7 Munbaqr Act. p.æ:.c.25, ss.37g (S).357 (l) U itoo. 18t/03. s.6 (l). Fom ? TENDER TO PURCHASE TO: RE: ¿. Sale of: (description of lane l/we understand thal this lender must be received by the treasurer's ' shallbe notified of its acceptance. This tender is submifted pursuanl Dated ât Name of TencJerer Address of Tenderer þ of fice not rater rhan 3:00 p.m. rocar time on and that in the event of this tender being accepted, l/rve lhe Municipal Act, 2001 and the MunicÌpal rax sa/es Rures. this... Name of Tenderer Address of Tenderer
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