StPIUSX 112 F"IIWILW DRJvf' SJ IIN'l,ROVE, PA 17870-9406 FATH R DAN POWFLL I'A \(lI( C,'.lllllll< L.\.vII'LJ 1\\1'1 II I( 1\ I II \< l.!. I II .\ I\.:'-J \ I 'J I \'[ n IT Y fIUlA"-"ll (,,'( ,,,\·\11.\ ('1\\ 1)\ 'J 1'1 \\\ j II (" r-I~ 1),\1\, 1\ >\\'111 Orl-ll.lllULJJt: Iv\UNDAY-IRI[)AY :JOAM ')I'~\' L. "1)All~ Illl",II\ MR 10 rPIII· 5CARTllll • 1'\ I\\H,\I \"lll 1\11 1': S7D..)7,U 113 • I: 57037-1.0 I ';(> • TPILJ~\I'ARI'lII.NLr (-: ,>rXC~lll'T () r:r March 29-30, 2014 Fourth Sunday in Lent Scripture Readings: 1 Samuel 16:1 6-7, 10-13. Ephesians 5:8-14. John 9:1-41. This gospel is many things: a miracle of healing, a constant play on the theme of light and darkness, a rebuke of the Pharisees. It illustrates John's method of using an event to develop around it a teaching, and to give one more testimony of the belief that Jesus is divine. NEXT WEEK'S SCRIPTURE READINGS: Ezekiel 37:12-14. Romans 8:8-11. John 11:1-45. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 3:30-4:30 pm; Wednesdays from 5-6 pm or anytim by request. EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday, March 29 Sunday, March 30 , Sunday, March 30 .,., Sunday, Mar h 30 Tuesday, April 1 Sf Francis Paola Wednesday, April 2 .. , '" Wednesday, April 2, .. , , Thursday April 3 ., ,.... Friday, April 4 St. Isidore Friday, April 4 Saturday, April 5 Sunday, April 6 Sunday, April 6 Sunday, AprlJ 6. 5 pm-Vince Macaluso-Marie Macaluso and Family 8:30 am-Ann Marinello-Ruth DeLuca 10:45 am-J01m Gabata-Joseph & Karol Scartelli 6 pm-People of the Parish & Susquehanna University Students 12 oon-Adoration Chapel-John Gabala-The Kreamer Family 7 am-Adoration Chapel-Mario Stello-Bob & Edna Cravitz 3 pm-Selinsgrove Center-Pat Rock-St. Pius X Palish 12 Noon-Adoration Chapel-Elinor Zimmetman-Michael & Michelle Schlenker 7 am-·· Adoration Chapel-Prayer Box Intentions 10:30 am-The Manor-Dr John Gabala-Liz Kotarski 5 pm-J.D, Smith-Rachel Tomaszewski 8:30 am-Stella Gate -Tim and Carla Minori 10:45 am-Christopher H. Thomas, Jr.-April Giesen 6 pm-People of the Parish & Susqueharula University Students BISHOPS ANNUAL LENTEN APPEAL-THE LIGHT OF FAITH St. Pius X has mailed to each household a Bishop's annual Lenten Appeal letter and response envelope. Additional envelopes are available in the Narthex and the Parish office. You may place your pledge/donation in the collection basket or return it to the parish oftice. OUf parish assessment/goal this year is $ 69,200. We ask that you give prayerful consid eration to what you will give. Thank you in advance for your generosity. PLEDGES TO DATE: $ 31,845 127 pledges from 738 families BALANCE DUE: $37,355 The Parish has assistive listening devices available for those who wi. h to use them during weekend Masses. GOD'S PLAN FOR GIVING TITHING Last Week's Collection Children & Teen Envelope Collection Total Income for March 22-23, 2014 $ Last Year's Collection 11,968.18 46.50 12,014.68 10,1 09.27 PARISH INDEBTEDNESS $ 1.900,000.00 Loan Amount Principal Balance Monthly Interest Profit from last week $ 419.00 1,326,088.27 6,630.44 DEBT RED CTiON Year- To-Date (fiscal year) oal 72,000.00 Actual 44,456.76 Month of March Goal 8,000.00 Actual 5,304.00 SUPERMARKET GIFT CARDS SALE We appreciate your continuing support of our Sup nuarket Gift Certificate program from Giant Food Stores and Weis Markets. Remember, you receive full value for the amount of gift cards purchased, and St. Pius X Parish receives 10% from Giant and Weis Markets. Gift C rtificates are available to purchase before and after each weekend Mass in the Narthex. Gift cards are also available during the week from the Parish office, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm. MINISTRY SCHEDULE: WEEKEND OF APRIL 5-6, 2014 5 pm 8:30am 10:45 am Extraordinary Ministers Belinda Albright, Dennis Van, John & Lorraine Yagel, Madaline Moleski Sherry Evans, Linda Houser, Brandon Bucher, Joseph & Karol Scartelli Michael & Sarah Tirpak, Kathy Dalius, Libby Thomas, Bill Switala Reader Jim Stemoroski Lauren Finnerty Ross Merante Servers Aaron Dues, Connor Andretta, John Cerezo Becca Bausinger, Jared Hoffman, Kaitlin Pauling Austin LaBant, Noah Kohan, Madison Dominick Ushers John Abromitis, Don Adamsky Bob Bausinger, Ron Butkera Bob Cravitz.. Bob DeVine Music Minister Diane Jay Mark Kain Carla Minori Please pray for our family, friends and loved ones who are ill and/or hospitalized: David Bailey Juanita Barlow Julia Becker Bruce Bennett Jane Bennett Kyle Blett Christian Bohling Don Borruso Donald Bowersox William Colegrove Mary lou Coukart Diane Deluca Fr. Phil DeRea Richard Donahoe Fran k Doughtery Thomas Downs David Everett Gloria Fidler Caleb Fornal Vicki Fox Missy Gabala Reilly Grzywacz Gary Gwynn III Christopher Hunt Jim Jackson David Kehler Kathy King Joe Kontura Sam Miriello Harvey Kreamer Judy Moyer Tim legg Sue Mull Michael Muller Andy Litavec Michael Maimone Melanie Oliveri Billy McDonald Billy Pensyl Nancy Ruffatto Emma Merante Francis Sebastian Eddie Miller Tony Minori Susan Shemanski Lisa Startzel Gregory Ulsh Helen Underhill Chester Wands Madison Wasser Fred White Walter Worhacz Betty Yagel Shirley Zoch MEN'S RETREAT Men Engaged in Spiritual Combat: Faith in a Secular Age: On May 10, Catholic men will have the oppor tunity to encounter the Lord Jesus in a profound way by learning about the dail spiritual battles we face in the world and how to win. Dr. Ralph Martin will deliver the Keynote Address and a workshop. Other workshops will be offered by 12 dynamic speakers over two sessions. he Holy Sacrifice f the Mass. Eucharistic Adora tion and the opportunity for Confession will be available. The conference will take place at Bishop McDevitt High SchooL Bishop Ronald W. Gainer will be in attendance. Cost is $30 per person. lunch included. Don't miss the grace! For more infonnation go to:, cal! (717) 657-4804 ext 227 or email [email protected]. Registration forms may also be found in the ~ arthex. Please call or text Craig DeFazio if yo II are planning on attending tllis retreat at 570-898-4778. so lie can !lave an idea of how many men are attending from St. Pius X. Visit our website: Our weekly bulletin and homily can be found on our parish website! Like us on Facebook- ~olJow r Dan on TWITTER: @FR_DAN_POWELL Scriptures & Lunch will meet on Thursday, April 3, 2014 in the parish library after the Noon Mass. RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY The Rosary is prayed: Monday-Thursday-l 1:40 am-Adoration hap 1: Tuesdays- 7 pm -Adoration Chapel and Thursdays- 5:30 pm -in the Church MASS AT THE MANOR OF PENN VILLAGE & EMERIT S GRAYSON VIEW Mass will be celebrated on the First Friday of each month at 10:30 am in the Chapel at the Manor located on Route 204 in Selinsgrove. Also, on the second Friday of each month, Mass will be celebrated at the Emeritus at Grayson View at 10:30 am. Parishioners are welcome to attend Mass and if able, are asked to help esco11 residents to Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION OPEN! GS The following days and hours are available: Mondays from 12 noon -1 pm; Tuesdays from Midnight-l am and 4-5 am, Anyone interested in these hours, please contact Libby at 570-809-2199. HaLY WEEK CHOIR The choir will be providing music for Holy Week including Tenebrae, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil. Rehearsals will be at 7 pm on the following Thursdays, April 3 and 10. here is no better way to experience Holy Week then by singing in the choir. New members are always welcome. W could also use additional instrumental ists such as flute. violin, guitar or other. If you have any questions, contact iane 570-658 7568 or deebjay t COLLEGE MAS 0 SUNDAY EVE IN SAT 6 PM During the time that Susquehanna University is in session, a Sunday ev ning Mass is celebrated at St. Pius X Church. A Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 6 pm. HARRISBURG DIOCESA~ COUNCIL OF CA 'HOLIC WOMK' ONVE;'o/TION "BE THE VOICE OF CATHOUC WOMEN" Please join us for our 89 th Annual HDCCW Convention, Monday. May 5 lr0111 9 am - 4 pm at The Cardinal Keeler Center, H ITisburg. Registration will take place from 8 AM - 9 A . Bishop Ronald Gainer and priests of the diocese will concelebrate Mass. Our keynote pea 'er will be Sister Geralyn Schmidt, SCC. There will be exhibits, a meditation room and a silent auction to benefit the HDCCW Scholarship Fund. Reli gious articles and fair trade items will be available for purchase. All are welcom (regardless if you are a member of your Parish CCW or not) for this special day of spirituality and fellowship with women from around our Diocese. Cost for the day is $25.00 which inclu es continental br akfast and lunch. Please contact Debbie at 717-514-8815 or mvdbO to register. Deadline is Monday, April 21. W sincerely hope to see you there~ lIats arc encouraged. CAPSULE CALENDAR Sunday, March 30- 9:30-10:30 am-PREP classes-lower level Sunday, March 30- 6:45-8:30 pm-St Pius X Youth Group-Family Portrait-Lower level Monday, March 31-6 am -12 Midnight-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel Tuesday, March 25-12 am-12 Midnight-Adoration of the Bl",ssed acrament-Adoration Chapel Tuesday, April I -7 pm-Rosary Prayer Group- doration Chapel Wednesday, April 2-12 am-12 Midnight-Adoration of the Blessed Sacram nt-Adoration Chapel Wednesday, April 2-6-7 pm-Kid's Choir Practice Thursday, April 3-12 am-12 midnight-Adoration of the Bless d Sacrament-Adoration C lapel Thursday, April 3-12:30 pm- Scriptures & Lunch-Parish Library Thursday, April 3-7-8:15 pm-RCIA-Iower level Thursday. April 3- 7 pm-St. Pius X Parish Choir Practice-Church Friday, April 4-12 am-6 am-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel Friday, April 4-5-6:45 pm- Lenten Soup Dinner-Lower Level Friday, April 4-7 pm-Stations of the Cross-Church Saturday, April 5-6 pm-Gift Program-Consoling the Heart ofJesus-Lower Level P.R.E.P. PREP PHONE NEWS UMBER: 570.374.41 13 E-MAIL: [email protected] PREP CLASSES are held on Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am. Life Teen Youth Ministry Meetings 6:45-8:30 pm. April6-F'amily Portrait April 13- World Youth Day- Trip to Harrisburg for rally and dance April 27 Alleluia, Alleluia ?Questions? [email protected] or 570-374-4113 LIKE our page on face book at: stpi usxparish youth Y UTH MINISTRY BEACH TRIP Attention all students in grades 6-12, You are invited. Destination Cape Henlopen State Park. Father Dan's Annual Youth Beach Trip June 22-27, 2014. Fr. Dan has invited YOU to this 5 day summer extravagan za packed with daily Mass, boardwalk trip, beach games, volleyball, biking, swimming, and so much more. A gO-Cali night has been requested and approved. Your $25.00 deposit is requested by Easter Sunday. For more information call Laura Williams at 570-374-4113 or prl.:pstpiusx a gmatl com STATIO S OF THE CROSSILENTEN SOUP DI . ERS Stations of the Cross will be held on Fridays of L nt at 7 pm in the Church. Prior to Stations, a Lenten Soup dinner will be held in the social hall located on the lower level. The dinner will be held from 5- 6:45 pm. There is no charge. PI ase join the Catholic Campus Ministry students as they host the dinner on Friday, April 4,2014. On April 11th, the 7th grade PREP students will be leading us in the Living Stations of the Cross. DEANERY LENTE T PE A CE SERVICES 7pm Monday, April 7- St. Joseph, Danville Tuesday, April 8-St. Monica, Sunbury Wednesday, April 9- St. Pius X, Selinsgrove Thursday, April 10-, 1. Joseph, Milton Friday, April Il-Sacred Heart, L wisburg ST. PIUS X KID'S CHOt SCHEDULE The SPXC Kids' Choir will rehearse for the 10:45 am Easter unday as on Wednesday, April 2 from 6-7 pm and April 9 and 16 from 5-6: 15 pm in the church. For the full schedule and other details. please contact Julie at [email protected] or 570.743.0360. K IGHTS OF COLUMBUS EWS The St. Katharine Drexel Assembly ·ourth Degree Knights of .olumbus will be hosting an informational open house for Third Degree Knights, those that will be Third 0 gree prior to. ay 30. 2014, or those interest ed in becoming members of the Fourth Degree on June 1. The open house will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2014. at 7:30 p.m. in the Knights of Columbus room at St. Pius X ~hurch in Selinsgrove. Wives are most welcome. and light refreshments will be served. For additional information regarding this open house please contact Faithful avigator Tom Frederick at 570-898-4726. CRAB CAKE SALE St. Pius X Knights of Columbus ar now selling fresh made CAPTN CHUCKY'S crab cakes. Cakes are $5.00 each and are available in boxes of four, six, or twelve. Orders will be taken after the Masses this week end and up until March 31. Make checks payable to COL MBUS CLUB. Cakes will be delivered the week end of April 5-6. The Knights thank you for your continued support! Please consider remembering St. Pius X Church in your will and estate planning. CHECK OUT FR. DAN'S BLOG: CATHOLICS COME HOME St. Pius X Catholic Church is offering a six week series entitled ., atholics Come Home" beginning Wednesday evening, April 23, 2014 from 7-8:30 pm. The sessions provide an opportunity for Catholics who have not been active in their faith to discuss questions and concerns. Pre-registration is requested. If you know someone who is no longer active in the Church, please invite them to join us. For information ask them to call Catholics Come H me coordinator, Joe Scartelli at (H) 570-374-9954 or © 570-313-7606 or parish office 570-374-4113. THE HARRISB 'RG BEGI! i IG EXPERIENCE Have you lost a loved one through separation, divorce, or death? The Hanisbuig Beginning Experience is a peer min istry for the Separated, Divorced and Widowed, rooted in the Catholic hurch, s rving people of all faiths. Beginning Experience weekends offer hope for a new beginning. a sense of community, and an opportunity for healing among those you can trust - people who have experienced a similar loss. During the we kend, a team of adu Its who have experienced the loss ofa spouse will lead participants through a series of presentations, private reflections, and small group sharing. The next weekend is scheduled for June 13-15,20 J 4 at Camp Hebron, 971 Camp Hebron Rd., Halifax, PA (just a few miles North of Harrisburg, PA). The Weekend begins Friday at 8 p.m. and ends Sunday about 5 p.m. A Beginning Expe rience Weekend will be the best gift you could give yourself. For information and an application form contact, [email protected], call 717-512-2718, or go to SAVE THE DATE: ST PIUS X A NUAL GOLF TOURNAME T-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2014 ! FAMILY PIG ROAST, OLLOWI G THE TO RNEY A 1:30 PM. Details to foHow. VOLU TEERSNEEDED The cleaning angels ministry is looking for individu ls or teams to help with cleaning duties at the church. The work requires only 1 or 2 hours a month. At this time, we are in need of two people to help with mopping and cleaning pews and kneelers. For more information, Contact Pat eiland-Hess 570-374-9445 [email protected] OR Faye Straub 570-539-8482 fslogg hughes. net HERSHEY PARK Discount tickets to Hexsbcypam are available to parishioners at a significant savings. Order forms are available in the Book and Magazine rack in the Narthex and in the parish office. Orders must be received at the parish by Sunday, April 27. 2014. Checks should be made out to t. Pius X Church. BISHOP RO ALD W. GAl ER MASS OF INSTALLATIO I DVD A DV of the Mass of Installation of Bishop Ronald W. Gainer will be available for $20. To order please visit the Diocesan w bsite at or mail a check, payable t : Diocese of Harrisburg, along with your name, address, phone number and email addr ss to: Installation Mas' DVD, Communications Office, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111-371 O. RELAY FOR LIFE EWS The Relay for Life Team will be holding their annual yard sale on May 2 & 3 in Freeburg. We are accept ing donations of items for thi sale. If you have an thing to donat . please call Pauline at 570-374-2745 or Barb at 570-743-7438. Thank you! PRAYE SUAWL MI ISTRY EWS The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Sunday, April 6,2014 from 12-2 pm. w members are always welcome! Also, we are looking for folks to make rosaries (for our prayer shawls & for the prison ministry). Contact Kathy Dalius for more information: [email protected] t 570-374-9883. PLEASE HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER In a continued effort to encourage full participation of all the baptized in our parish, we would like to reach out to people with any special needs or disabilities. It would help us to do this better if you tell us what kind of help you need. Please contact the parish office at 570.374.4113 or email [email protected]. GIFT EWS t. Pius X Annual PaJm Sundav Seder Dinner (With Something Special!) The Seder Dinner is the Passover meal that Jesus presided over on the Thursday night before His passion. The language used at the Seder would have been Hebrew since Hebrew had been the common language among the Jews for at least 1000 years before Jesus" time. The something special tltat will be pan of this year's Seder celebration is that we will observe it both in Hebrew and in English. Come and experience the dinner that Jesus and his 12 apostles ha that fateful Thursday night hearing the language they spoke and heard. Join your fellow parishioners to experience this 3000 year old tradition by meeting on the church lower level on Palm Sunday, April 13, 1:00-3:00 pm. Children are especially welcome. Participants at the dinner are asked to bring a salad or side dish to share. The parish will provide the lamb, wine and dessert. Reservations are necessary: To register: please call or email theParishOffice(570.374.4113/[email protected]) or CaroJ/Paui Parowski (570.539.4283 / [email protected]) with information about the number planning to attend. pedal for Holv We k-A Film: The Passion oUlre Christ For many people Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ has become a part of their Lenten journey. This film excels at making the Passion come to life and feel REAL. If you hav n t seen it. this is your opportunity to better understand the torment Jesus suffered during his Passion. If you have seen it, sharing its viewing with your fellow parishioners could reinforce and deepen the Holy Week experience for you. All who view this film have a better understanding of the Passion and a deeper desire and ability to comfort Jesus in his time of torment. The pr sentation will begin promptly at 7 pm on Tuesday, April 15 in the church's lower level. For your planning, the film runs 2 hrs, 4 min and is rated R for violence. The dialogue in the film is in Hebrew and Latin (with English subtitles) and therefore sounds as it would have in Jerusalem at that time. The parish will provide water and soft drinks. We hope to see you the evening of Tuesday, the 15th as we remind ourselves of what our loving Savior enduredfor us. • w . EASTER I'LOWER OFFERl G FORM Please return by Sunday, April 13, 2014 Donation: $10.00 for each flower IN MEMORY 01': IN HONOR OF: NAME OF DONOR: _ TELEPHONE # _ YOU MA Y BRING THIS FORM TO THE PARISH OFFICE OR PLACE IN THE COLLECTION BASKET.
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