St Pius Messenger The Family Parish Established 1968 June 1, 2014 St Pius X Catholic Church 201 EAST BAYOU PARKWAY P.O. BOX 80489 LAFAYETTE, LA 70598-0489 Office 232-4656 Fax 233-9468 Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8 - 4 (lunch12-1) Fri. 8 - 12 REV. STEVEN C. LEBLANC Pastor REV. WILLIAM SCHAMBOUGH Associate Pastor DEACON PHILIP LIZOTTE PASTORAL COUNCIL Mr. Kenneth Werther, Pres., Mr. Rick Cambre, Vice-Pres., Mr. Matt Hebert, Secretary, Mr. Sammy Russo, Mrs. Helen Dauphin , M r . Brad Hamilton, Mrs. Angelle Pearce, Mr. Matthew Hebert, Mrs. Glenda Laughlin, Trustee, Mr. Jim David, Trustee MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00, 7:00 PM Monday - Friday 6:20 AM First Saturday 7:30 AM SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Baptism 2nd and 4th Saturday: 2:30 PM Baptismal Preparation Class is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Reconciliation Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM 6:00 to 6:15 AM Before weekday Mass For other times, call the Parish Office Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least SIX months before the tentative marriage date. Anointing of the Sick Call the Parish Office. The Ascension of the Lord SODALITY OF MARY IMMACULATE AWARDS TO BE PRESENTED At the First Saturday Mass on June 7, 2014 several Sodalists will receive yearly awards. ASPIRANTS Isabelle Billedeaux Isaac Billedeaux Cosmas Herrera Victoria Ladd Gianna Stelly First Year: FAITHFUL ONE Nate Billedeaux Second Year: SERVANTS Claudia Billedeaux Hannah Stelly Third Year: CHILD OF MARY Joshua Billedeaux Children of Mary who elected to remain in Sodality George Merhej II Attended 5 Consecutive First Saturdays Claudia Billedeaux (2 sets) * Joshua Billedeaux (2 sets) * Nate Billedeaux (2 sets) George Merhej II (2 sets) * Hannah Stelly (2 sets) * * - Denotes Perfect Attendance. New Associate Assigned to St. Pius X On July 1, St. Pius will be welcoming Rev. Mr. Taj V. Glodd as the new associate pastor assigned to St. Pius by Bishop Jarrell. Rev. Mr. Glodd will be ordained by Bishop Jarrell on Saturday, June 21, 2014 meaning that this will be his first assignment as a priest. He is from Crowley and a parishioner of St. Theresa Church. We look forward to welcoming him to St. Pius. Welcome Seminarian Sal Istre St. Pius welcomes seminarian Sal Istre to the parish as his summer assignment during the months of June and July. Sal just completed his second year of college at St. Ben’s in Covington and is originally from Our Lady of Fatima Church in Lafayette. ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND TRANSITIONAL DIACONATE This year, Bishop Michael Jarrell of the Diocese of Lafayette is pleased to ordain seven men to the priesthood, and one man to the transitional diaconate. Rev. Mr. Patrick Broussard, Rev. Mr. Michael J. DeBlanc, and Rev. Mr. Samuel Fontana, along with Rev. Taj. V. Glodd will be ordained June 21. Rev. Mr. Matthew S. Barzare, Rev. Mr. Nicholas G. Dupre, Rev. Mr. Bryan E. Webre will be ordained into the priesthood on June 14, 2014, and will also include Mr. Charles William Massie IV, who will be ordained to the transitional diaconate. Please remember these men, and all those currently studying for the priesthood in your daily prayers. Page Two June 1, 2014 The Ascension of the Lord He was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight. Acts 1:9 Eucharistic Adoration PARISH OFFICE WORKERS AND MINISTERS Mrs. Debbie Hebert, Business Manager/Acct. Mrs. Barbara Abshire, Pastoral Asst. Mr. Ashton Mouton, Jr., Evangelization Minister Mrs. Rose Mary Corman, Secretary Mrs. Judy Hoffmann, Receptionist Mrs. Barbara Boudreaux, Coordinator of Sacramental Programs Mr. Blake Paul Harson, Education Minister Mr. John Ray Perkins III, Youth Minister Mrs. Karen Melancon, Music Minister Mr. Kevin Martin, Organist Sr. Ameline Theriot, Director of R.C.I.A. Ms. Mallory Wainwright, Sacristan Mr. Edward Baudoin, Maintenance Director Mrs. Angela Fangue, Hospitality Ministry Mrs. Pris Hebert, Homebound, Needy Dr. Catherine Janes, Hospital Ministry Mr. Jesse Gary Nursing Home Ministry Mrs. Ednamae Sahuc, Children’s Sodality Mrs. Jackie Richard, Pro-Life Coordinator Eucharistic Adoration is a special time when we can speak to Jesus, aware that we are in His real presence and talk to Him about whatever is on our minds, and we can listen for His response. Just think of your Holy Hour as spending time with your best friend enjoying each other’s company and listening to whatever He wants to tell you. Pope Benedict XVI says: “Adoration is essentially an embrace with Jesus in which I say to Him, “I am yours, and I ask you, please stay with me always.” By Rick Garland, Adorer and Division Leader for Perpetual Adoration. For more information or to sign up for Adoration contact Ashton Mouton, Chapel Coordinator, at (337) 296-6713 or [email protected]. Adorers will be present after all Masses on Sunday June 22nd to answer questions and or to help you select a suitable Adoration Hour. Please remember our Associate Pastor, Fr. William Schambough in prayer this week, as he celebrates the second anniversary of his priestly ordination, June 6. PERPETUAL ADORATION TESTIMONY OF FAVORS GRANTED Thank you sweet Jesus for carrying me through each day! Thank you for a safe holiday for my family! To participate in this ministry, sign up online at then click on Adoration on the left side of the screen or use the Sign up cards that are available at the Chapel entrance or in the church vestibule, call 232-4656 or email [email protected]. Page Three June 1, 2014 The Ascension of the Lord News and Upcoming Events WEAR RED NEXT WEEKEND – PENTECOST SUNDAY: We love our Ragin’ Cajuns and red shows our loyalty. Next Sunday the Church will be dressed in red as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. So we ask you, the Church, to come also dressed for the occasion, dressed in red because we love our faith. See you next Sunday dressed in red. SIGN UP TIME FOR ALTAR SERVERS Any boy or girl who will be in the 6th grade in the fall of 2014 is eligible to become a St. Pius X Altar Server. Please call the Parish Office, 232 -4656, and speak to Mrs. Barbara Abshire to sign up. STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE MAY 25, 2014 Envelopes …(239) $ 17,543.00 Loose Checks..(92) 3,048.00 Online Giving..(16) 950.00 Loose Cash ……… 3,626.00 BAKE SALE After all masses next weekend, May 31 - June 1, there will be a bake sale under the breezeway outside of the church. The bake sale will assist those students who are interested in attending Faith Camp. Total ………..….… $ 25,167.00 A RIDE TO MASS Can you help by providing a ride to get to Mass? Currently there are parishioners who could use your help. They do not have transportation to mass, so if you have extra space in your car and would like to assist, please contact Barbara Abshire at the Parish Office: 232-4656. SPECIAL NEEDS CURSILLO The Special Needs Cursillo is scheduled for July 24-27, 2014. The weekend is held in Prairie Ronde, LA. This is a very spiritual weekend and so only Catholics and those in valid marriages can attend, for the Sacraments are the focus of the weekend. The weekend is not limited to age or whether you have a handicap or not; it is for those who need a slower paced weekend or cannot go at any other time. All spiritual talks are the same as a regular weekend, the difference is rest time and registered nurses on staff to administer medication if necessary and doctors on call if needed. Transportation and sponsors are available by calling Gloria Matte. Any questions? Call Gloria Matte @ -658-3759. GARAGE SALE NEXT SATURDAY KofC Council 8901 will hold their Annual Garage Sale in the Life Center on Saturday, June 7 from 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Proceeds are used to support our council's charitable activities. Donation by Parishioners of items to sell will be appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at the Life Center on Friday, June 6 from 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Call 993 - 0212 for more information or to schedule a pick-up. Thank you in advance for your generosity. PANCAKE BREAKFAST NEXT SUNDAY Start your day off with a hearty breakfast of pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and all the trimmings in the Life Center after the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning Masses. BABY SHOWER JUNE 15 The Knights of Columbus is holding a baby shower at Church for the benefit of mothers and their children assisted by the DesOrmeaux Center Sunday, June 15, Father's Day . Items may be dropped off in the baby cribs set up outside the main entrance of Church. STM CHEER CAMP July 29-August 1 9:00-12:00 pm Grades K-8 Participants will learn cheers, chants and a dance. The cost is $90.00 per camper. For additional information visit or email [email protected] VOCATION SUPPER FOR YOUNG WOMEN DATE: Thursday, June 26 TIME: 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Immaculata Center (1408 Carmel Drive) In Marian Hall CONTACT: Director of Vocations, (337) 261-5690 DEADLINE to REGISTER: June 23, 2014 It is customary that the pastor, a deacon, or a religious accompany the candidate(s) to the Vocation Supper. A sponsoring pastor/deacon/religious may bring one or two candidates. If the young person is under the age of 18 and is the only candidate sponsored by a priest, deacon, or nun, then a parent (or other family member over the age of 18) must also attend the Vocation Supper. Space is limited to fifteen (15), so please register early. VACATION BIBLE CAMP VOLUNTEERS St. Pius X Catholic Church is blessed to have a Vocation Chalice Ministry. Today the family of Jesse and Dalta Gary 2014 Vatican Express Vacation Bible Camp will be held June 16 - 20, from 8:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Volunteers are needed to work. Our Volunteers are adults and students who have completed 6th grade through High School. For more information call Blake Paul Harson at 232-4656. will receive the Vocation Chalice at the 9:30 am Mass. Please join them, this week, in prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. If you would like to have the Vocation Chalice in your home for a week of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, please call the Parish Office. Page Four The Bayou House will be opened this week on Tuesday for Sports Night and Thursday for IMPACT. See you there! 309 E Bayou Pkwy. 6:30PM to 8:30 PM. We would like to congratulate all of our teens who graduated in the last couple of weeks, and all of our Core Team members who have earned their degrees! We love and we are proud of each of you. Be confident of our prayers! QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Youth Minister: John Ray Perkins III [email protected]—Phone: 337-232-4656— Page Five June 1, 2014 The Ascension of the Lord READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: MASS INTENTIONS May 31 - June 7, 2014 Saturday 5:00 p.m. Allen R. Comeaux; Cathy Schexnider; Joseph Spaetgens; Joey Garzotto; Rev. Donald Theriot; M/M Felix Robichaux & Family; M/M Freddie Waguespack & Family; m/m Wallace Waguespack & Family; Isaac Venable; M/M Freeman Moreau; Helen Venable; Romain “Theo” LaBorde & Family; Judith H. Weathers; Bonnie Daldey; M/M Nelson Marcantel; M/M Duane Pagel Sunday 8:00 a.m. M/M Joseph Gaudet; Lillian Fontenot; Hilda Gaudet; M/M George Magnon Sr.; George Magnon; M/M Elmo Broussard Sr.; Tony Danna; Joe Danna; Special Intention; Donald Gautreaux; Elizabeth & Clement Gautreaux; In thanksgiving; Ada Hebert; Justin Broussard; Bobby Wallace; John Schoelen Family Sunday 9:30 a.m. Samuel Joseph Russo; Col. Joseph G & Saida Saloom Hannie & Family; Oren P. Simon Sr.; Marie Shreve Diettling; Joseph C. Shreve Jr. Sunday 11:00 a.m. The St. Pius X Parish Family Sunday 5:00 p.m. Jeannine LeBlanc; Bella LeBlanc; Eunice Bernard & Families; Allen R Bares; George & Georgina Baquet; Margaret B Rees; Golden Dufrene; Charlie Rose Beasley Sunday 7:00 p.m. Monique Meaux; Norma Jean Miller; Gertie Theriot Monday 6:20 a.m. Boogie Picou; Tony Comeaux; Melinda Courville; Special Intentions (9) Tuesday 6:20 a.m. Wilda Epperly Wednesday 6:20 a.m. The Holy Souls List Thursday 6:00 p.m. Eddy Williams; Special Intentions (9) Friday 6:20 a.m. Special Intentions (9) Saturday 7:30 a.m. Allen R. Bares; Heather Bares; Solange Baquet Saturday 5:00 p.m. John & Ruby Melancon; the Sonnier Family; Chris & Jonathan Daly; Mildred & Hubert Cortez; Harry & Dana Breaux; M/M Cleus Breaux; M/M August Meyers; the Falterman/ Rochel Families; Joey Garzotto; Rev. Donald Theriot; M/M Leno Garzotto & Family; M/M Baptista Garzotto & Family; M/M Fernand Andre & Family; Richard & Verna Zaunbrecher; William & Marie Zaunbrecher; Thomas & Marie Johnson; M/M Isaac Venable; M/M Freeman Moreau; Helen Venable; Romain “Theo” LaBorde & Family; Judith H. Weathers Died in Christ Michael Broussard Wife of Pat May the Lord grant our brother peace! Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter Acts 19:18; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 St. Charles Lwanga and Companions Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b -19 St. Boniface Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 7:20-26 St. Norbert Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2a, 24, 35c, 27-28, 29bc-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1 -11; Ps 04:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 1213; Jn 20:19-23 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:1-11). Psalm — God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47). Second Reading — May the Father of glory give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1:17-23). Gospel — Jesus instructs the Eleven to baptize and teach people of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE PRIESTS THIS WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Pope Francis Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Bishop Michael Jarrell Rev. Edward Degeyter Rev. Herbert Delaunay Rev. Michael Delcambre Rev. Mark Derise Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of this world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. CLERGY WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE JUNE 7- 8, 2014 Saturday 5:00 pm 6-7 Fr. Steve LeBlanc Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 6-8 Fr. William Schambough Fr. William Schambough Fr. William Schambough Fr. Steve LeBlanc Fr. Steve LeBlanc Presider is subject to change. Page Six June 1, 2014 Men Empowered For Positive Change (MEPC) Annual Day of Reflection for African American Men NEXT Saturday, June 7, 2014 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. St. Charles Chapel – St. Charles Church Parish, 174 Church Street Grand Coteau, LA Registration Adults: $20.00 Youth: $10.00 For Information on how to register, email:[email protected]; or contact the St. Charles Church Rectory, 337-662-5279. Holy Cross & St. Pius X Have you been away from the Church for a while? Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again? Have you ever thought of returning? If so, Holy Cross and St Pius X would like to welcome you back. We have a special ministry for people who have been away from the Church. We would like to address your questions and make you feel at home once more in the Catholic Church. Please join us, at Holy Cross Church for a six session series to be held on Tuesdays, beginning May 27, 2014 thru July 1, 2014 in the Grace Meeting Room, Administration Bldg. A. If you know of any inactive Catholics who may be interested in this program, please notify. For more information, please call the Catholics Returning Home coordinators, John Schexnaildre at 337-984-9636 or 337-654-9671; or Ashton Mouton at 2324656 or 337-296-6713. The Ascension of the Lord SUMMER COMMUNICATION SKILLS WORKSHOPS Presented by: Daniel Jurek, M.Min., M.A., LPC-S, LMFT, Certified Spiritual Director Pax Renewal Center is offering a two-part communication skills workshop to introduce couples to specific dialogue and communication skills as well as help build connections and spousal intimacy. Couples will have time to practice these skills during each session. When: Communication Session 1 will be held on Tuesday June 10th and Thursday July 8th . Communication Session 2 will be held on Thursday June 19th and Tuesday July 17th (you choose one date in each session) **The classes may be taken together or independently, in any order Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Place: Community Foundation of Acadiana, 1035 Camellia Boulevard, Suite 100, Lafayette Cost: $50 per class per couple To register or for more information, please go to or call 337.993.1960 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) PSR 2014-15 REGISTRATION Registration is available online: http:// PSR will be held on Mondays from 5:20 - 6:40 PM PSR Begins Monday, AUGUST 18, 2014 VITA Volunteer Instructors Teaching Adults Help make a difference. Become a VITA volunteer tutor. Tutors provide one-to-one reading instruction to adults who want to improve their reading or English skills. Tutor Training Workshop: Session 1: Thurs., June 12, 2014 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm Session 2: Thurs., June 19, 2014 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm Session 1 is a prerequisite to Session 2 VITA is located at 905 Jefferson Street, Suite 404 in Lafayette. Contact us at 234-4600, by fax at 234-4672, at [email protected] or see the website: Third Annual Quo Vadis Days Camp Our Lady of Wisdom Church 501 East St. Mary Blvd. August 8 - 10 Register at: or call Robin Hebert 232-8742 ext. 6 Or [email protected] Attention all Catholic young men ages 14-25: do you know where your life is going? The Lord Jesus has a specific plan for your life, a particular path to be and to do something great for his kingdom! Come discover what it is at the Third Annual Quo Vadis Days Camp. At QVD you will spend time with other young men your age serious about hearing the Lord's voice in their lives and following him. These are blessed days of prayer, fun, and fraternity. You will learn to pray better and make great friends. QVD is led by priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Lafayette and is sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Vocations. QVD will be held from Tuesday, June 24 to Thursday, June 26 at Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center in St. Martinville. There is no cost to attend the camp. Ask your parish priest for registration information or contact Father Kevin Bordelon at the Office of Vocations, [email protected] or 261-5690. Page Seven June 1, 2014 The Ascension of the Lord Around the Diocese PARISH ACTIVITIES FOR VOCATIONS Please join us for our monthly “Holy Hour for Vocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday, June 2, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. PERPETUAL ADORATION CALL PARISH OFFICE BIBLE STUDY TUESDAY 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM (FALL & SPRING) CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM CHILD CARE SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:00 AM CHOIR PRACTICE WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1ST & 3RD THURS.: 6:30 PM NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR SATURDAY: 4:30 PM PARISH COFFEE LAST SUNDAY: AM MASSES ST ELIZABETH SETON ROSARY GROUP WEDNESDAY: 9:30 AM FAMILY ROSARY GROUP TUESDAY: 6:00 PM PIUS SENIOR ORGANIZATION (PSO) THIRD THURSDAY: 11:00 AM SUNDAY PRESCHOOL SEPT.- MAY 9:30 AM WOMEN’S GUILD QUARTERLY HOLY HOUR FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for June is Rev. Conley Bertrand, Founder and Director of Come, Lord Jesus! “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday, June 3, at Hotel Acadiana, 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $12.00 and includes meal, drink dessert and tip. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). PRAYER SERVICE AT THE START OF HURRICANE SEASON A special “Prayer Service at the Start of Hurricane Season” will be held on Tuesday, June 3, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. at Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette. All are invited to attend this evening of prayer sponsored by the Cathedral and supported by the Central Region. Rev. Chester Arceneaux, Rector of the Cathedral, will lead the non-Eucharistic Prayer Service and give the homily. This “Prayer Service at the Start of Hurricane Season”, along with services being held in the West, North, and South Regions, is open to all and provides an area-wide opportunity for prayer and awareness at the start of Hurricane Season, which begins June 1, 2014, and continues through November 30, 2014. For more information, please call the Cathedral (232-1322) or contact Mary Bergeron (654-8682 or [email protected]). PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: RETRACING THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC CHURCH LAFAYETTE Fr. Aaron Melancon will be leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land October 15 - 24, 2015. In this nine-day spiritual adventure we will walk in the footsteps of Jesus and experience holy places. For info., contact Kayla Raffary at Magnificat Travel at 291-1933. Called to Serve Weekend of June 7—8, 2014 MASS TIME LECTOR #1 LECTOR #2 5:00 PM Emile Babin Bob Fangue 8:00 AM Bob Henry Billie Henry 9:30 AM Susan Hebert Matt Hebert 9:30 11:00 AM Ron Hebert Leslie Ladd Children’s Church Resumes in September, 2014 E.C. Sibille, Annette Toni Hare, Wylene Trahan, Hebert Vicki Custer, Jo Ann Hebert 5:00 PM Paul Menard Kathy Killeen Katie Martin, Robin Harbourt 7:00 PM Ann Porche Ann Porche Aaron Miller, Ed Rose, Ann Porche June 2 - 6 June 7 EUCHARISTIC MINISTER HOST June 7 Expadie Laperouse, Evelyn Landry, Tony Compagno June 8 Eric Garland, Bill Bellefontaine Dan & Lisa Killeen 6:20 a.m. Weekday Altar Servers: 7:30 a.m. First Saturday Mass EUCHARISTIC MINISTER CUP Jackson Hader ALTAR SERVERS Andre & Steven Perret ST. PIUS X MISSION STATEMENT ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC CHURCH ENABLES ALL WHO SEEK TO HEAR THE Paul & Henrietta Boriskie, Steve & Cheryl Hesse Clay Montesano, Isabella Russo Ned & Margie LeBlanc, Lou Courville, Tere Adams Jacob Breaux, James Way, Matthew Adams Katie Martin, Brian Decou, Paul Chenevert, Geb Bull CHRIST GOSPEL AND LIVE THEIR FAITH AS GOOD STEWARDS. IN LIVING THE GOOD NEWS, CENTERED IN THE EUCHARIST, WE BRING CHRIST TO OTHERS SO ALL MAY LIVE IN Brock & Christian Cambre, Braxton Higginbotham Jack Hymel, Chuck & Michael Schaub Riley Broussard, Gabriel Chiasson John Sahuc and Riley Broussard Steven and Andre Perret, Jackson Hader and David Starkovich FREEDOM AND GRACE.
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