Altos de la Ciudad - City Heights E

Altos de la Ciudad
City Heights Academy Friday 30th January 2015.
Issue No. 15 Spring Term
Noticias del Director
Dear Families and
General Election countdown
This week saw the start of the 100
day countdown to the General
Election. This is likely to be the
most unpredictable election of my
life and I will be watching with
interest to see what all the parties
have to say about education
matters. I know from talking to our
students that many of them have a
keen interest in politics and we are
keen to engage them in debate
about the key election issues. I am
hoping that we can get some local
politicians from a range of parties
to come and talk to our students
and that we can hold a general
election here in the school with
students representing and
canvassing for the key political
Can I have some more, sir?
As you will see elsewhere in the
newsletter, Ms Demetriou is
beginning plans for a production of
Please remember:
If your child is absent for
any reason please leave a
message on each day of
absence by dialing
020 3691 4600 and
selecting option 1.
Oliver! in late-June/early-July. After
the fantastic production of “West
Side Story” I know that many
students will be keen to audition for
parts or offer to help backstage. If
your child loves the greasepaint and
limelight or if they have never acted
before but would like to try, please
encourage them to audition.
Staff recruitment
Believe it or not, we are already
beginning the planning for recruiting
our staffing needs for next
September. As well as appointing
teachers, we will be hoping to
recruit Learning Support Assistants
and office staff. We hope to hold a
couple of recruitment fairs in March
and I hope that some of you may be
keen to apply or know other people
who would. I will highlight the
Recruitment Fair dates once we have
fixed them.
Mr Henderson, Principal
It was great to see students all
dressed up in their very fashionable
attire for our first non-uniform day.
We raised almost £200, which will
be split between a "Lend with Care"
for details) and an El Consejo fund,
which our student council members
will use to fund student-led
initiatives. Well done to Isis and
India (Year 8) for writing the
proposal and making it
Mr Conaghan
Assistant Principal
We have had 54
responses. Can you
help us get it to 70
by next week?
Please remember to complete
the OFSTED Parent View
There are 12 questions to
select a response to.
This will only take a few
Please visit
City Heights
E-ACT Academy
and our postcode:
Year 8
Parents’ Evening
A reminder that Year 8
Parents’ Evening is on:
Thursday 12th February from
5—7.30 p.m
Please return reply slips
confirming attendance or follow
the link below to fill in a short
Mr. Guerin, Vice Principal
¡Novedades del mundo... !
El último grito para su smartphone
viene de Argentina
We have all seen crazes like Angry Birds and Candy Crush
sweep across the world’s smartphones. The latest to hit the
headlines is an app called Trivia Crack which has now been
downloaded over 100m times worldwide.
The app was developed by an Argentinian company one year
ago and spread through Latin America before an English
language version was released last summer. Its Spanish
name is Preguntados. It is a trivia quiz with an international
database of over 1 million questions. This allows you to
select questions from your local context or see how much
you know about Argentinian Entertainment, Art, History,
Science, Geography and Sports.
Like many games, it is free to download but the company earns money from adverts and selling spins, coins and boosts. It allows you to
play on your own or, virtually, against other players. You can also write your own questions and have them rated by others online.
With Argentina’s economy still wobbly, could this game be the export that brings foreign money in? Or will it follow the path of so many
other app crazes and disappear after six months?
Mr Henderson, Principal
The Music department is offering instrumental lessons for your child. The lessons
will take place during the day or after school and care will be taken to ensure
minimal disruption to your child’s school day. There will be 4 students in each
session. Lambeth Music Service will be providing an exciting programme for the
following instruments:
Trumpet and Trombone (Break time on Tuesdays)
Saxophone and Flute (12.55pm or 1.25pm on Tuesdays – through
Drums “Its Wicked Mad Sick!”- Lamar Ebanks “Great teacher!'“- Luke
Mullings (3.45pm on Wednesdays)
The cost will be £5 per session of 30mins, based on 4 students in a group.
In addition, if you need to hire an instrument (with the exception of drums) from
Lambeth Music Service, they charge £15 per term.
If your child is interested in learning any of the instruments, please can you get a
letter from Reception and pay as soon as possible. Due to the fact that lessons
are starting midway through the term, we will be charging for 7 sessions from
next week, which will bring us to the Easter break.
Reply slips should be sent via
your child to Reception along
with the payment of £35
(+£15 for instrument hire) by
the end of this week.
—————————————-I am very excited to announce
that City Heights students will be
performing “Oliver!” on 2nd and
3rd July 2015. We are starting the audition process on the first week back after
the February holiday. Subsequent rehearsals will take place the following week
and will continue every Monday and Wednesday from then on from 3.50-5pm.
There will be a rehearsal schedule and any child involved in the show will be
expected to attend all rehearsals they are required for.
Tickets will be on sale after the Easter holiday. However, you can register your
interest by emailing me on [email protected]. Tickets will cost £5 per
adult and £4 per child/concession and we expect to sell out.
Please encourage your child to get involved in the production; whether it be
acting, singing, back stage or promotion.
Miss Demetriou
Subject Leader for Performing Arts
On Thursday 22nd January, City
Heights hosted the first round of the
Urban Debate League. Eight teams
came along from five
different schools and the City
Heights team, once again, did
themselves proud, winning their
first debate to give humans the right
to sell their organs. The Debating
Club will continue to run as an
Enrichment Club every Friday, but
after half term, we will be running
an additional session for all those
students who are interested in
representing City Heights in future
competitions. Please see Mrs
Ampofo for more information.
Mrs Ampofo, Director of English
School closes
at 2.45 pm
Friday 13th February
School re-opens on
Monday 23rd February
at 8.30 am