Kestrel Heights MIDDLE SCHOOL News January 5- 9 Looking Ahead…… December 22nd-January 2nd— Enjoy Winter Break! January 9- International Night 5:30-7:30 January 16- Half day, end of 2nd quarter January 19- MLK Jr. Holiday January 20- Teacher Workday (No Students) January 23- Middle School Report Cards International Night Come join us Friday January 9, 2015 from 5:307:30 for International Culture Night. Stroll through the many Cultural Exhibits to learn about the rich history and traditions of different cultures. Then, taste your way around the globe and states with delicious food made by 7th and 8th graders. school activity or the YMCA will not be permitted in the building after 3:30. Lowes Grove Please note that Lowes Grove is not an acceptable place for students to go after school. The school has informed us that the authorities will be called for any Kestrel students found trespassing on school grounds. Lost and Found All lost and found items will be donated to charity after the winter break. Parents, please encourage your children to claim lost items by Friday, January 9. KHS Board Donations will be accepted at the door. All proceeds go towards PTSO funded projects. Please email Ms. Haas, [email protected], with questions. Afterschool Care/Pick-Up We have several students from the elementary and middle school going onto High School campus at the end of the day. They are under the impression that they can "hang out" there while their older sibling is playing basketball, cheering, or in some other after school activity. Students must be under the direct supervision of their parent at all times when at the HS. Parents, unless students are directly involved in an after school activity, they cannot be in the High School building after 3:30pm. Middle school and elementary students (that are waiting on middle school siblings) are also not to be on the Middle School grounds after 3:30pm unless involved in a supervised activity. Middle Students must be picked up by 3:30 unless they are involved in a supervised afterschool activity or are in YMCA afterschool care. Students not involved in an after Please remember to visit the board section of the Kestrel Heights website. We are utilizing the blog section for summaries of topics we feel need a little more information than official minutes will allow or deem appropriate. Thank you! The Kestrel Heights Board of Directors Reminder for Parents Please make sure that you schedule in-class arrivals. For example, if you would like to have a quick chat with your child’s teacher make an appointment and this can happen after school hours. If your child forgets their lunch, please leave it at the front office. It will be delivered by lunch time. Please make all appointments for in-class visits or volunteering with your child’s teacher at least 24 hours in advance and wait for a confirmation. Conferences can be planned before 7:30am and after 3:00pm according to the staff member’s availability. 7th Grade Field Trip On January 15th, the 7th Grade will go to NCCU to visit the BRITE institute from 9am to 12noon for a tour. Drop off Please do not drop off students at the top of the hill to walk down. You must go through carpool line. This is a huge safety concern for all of our parent drivers and students walking across traffic patterns. If you arrive right at 8:00 am, your child will be late and you will need to park and sign in your child. Expectation is for all students to be seated and ready to learn at 8:00am. Remember, carline starts at 7:30am for middle school. Cold Temperatures With the cold temperatures, please make sure your children are dressed appropriately to play outside. P. E. and recess will be outside if weather permits. 2015-16 Student Lottery We are now accepting new student applications for the 2015- 16 lottery. All applications, including siblings of current Kestrel students, are due by Thursday, February 26th. Applications are available on our website or in our front offices.
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