Sign up HERE! - Vale View Primary School

Vale View Primary School
Mill Lane
North Reddish
0161 221 0118
28th Jan 2015
Dear Parents / Carers,
We are delighted to be able to offer children the opportunity to visit a multicultural market
in school. This will be a great chance to find out about Britain as well as other countries,
such as Nigeria, Ghana, India and China.
The multicultural markets will be in school on Thursday 12th and Friday13th February.
Each class will be given a time to attend.
The activities children participate in may include Pakistani sweet tasting and Henna.
Please indicate below if your child has any specific allergies.
Parents/carers are invited to attend the
markets on both days from 2:40-3:10pm.
Please sign up if you’re interested in
attending; there are limited places.
The markets will take place in the
school’s main hall.
Kind regards,
Mrs Sarah Jenkins
Diversity Co-Ordinator
I am interested in attending the Multi-cultural market on
Thursday 12th February, 2.40 – 3.10pm
Friday 13th February, 2.40 – 3.10pm
Name of child……………………………………….
My child’s allergies:
C:\Users\brian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\HTRXR185\Multicultural markets 12th 13th Feb 2015.docx
Email: [email protected]
c:\users\brian\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\inetcache\content.outlook\htrxr185\multicultural markets 12th 13th feb 2015.docx