Monthly Newsletter - First United Methodist Church of Marshalltown

First United Methodist Church
202 West Main Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158-5893
a monthly newsletter from
Phone (641) 752-3668
“Loving God -- Loving People”
Pastor Dale Scritchfield
Return Service Requested
February 2015
Pastor Craig Luttrell
Whose Church?
I am quite certain that I have used “my” language in relation to church throughout my life and continue to use
such language to this day. Perhaps you employ such language as well. “We are hosting (such and such) an
event at my church this weekend.” “My church is doing a lot of service minded things in the community.” “I
am leading a Bible study at my church over the next few months.” “I love being a part of my church!”
I do not believe there is anything inherently wrong with using “my” language in relation to the church we are
a part of. After all, often times we use such language to indicate a sense of love and appreciation for the
body of people we belong to. Besides, we use such language when we talk about any number of things: My
family, my workplace, my school, and so on. And besides, we tend to be a highly individualistic culture and
so our language is more often than not oriented around “my”, “me”, and “I”.
There is a danger, however, in describing the church as my church (or even our church). In the Gospel of
Matthew, chapter 16, verse 18, Jesus says, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” Did you catch that? Jesus says, “…on this rock I
will build my church.” Jesus makes it clear that The Church, including First United Methodist Church,
belongs to him. It doesn’t belong to you, it doesn’t belong to me; rather, it belongs to Christ and Christ
Now, you might think I am splitting hairs here. Just because I use “my” language doesn’t mean I really
believe the church “belongs” to me. And after all, we who are a part of this church are charged with taking
care of one another and the facilities and so on. I completely agree we are indeed responsible for these
I would like to suggest, however, that there is a danger in using too much “my” language in relation to
church. Because we are fallen beings, we are subject to selfishness and possessiveness. When we
become selfish and possessive about the church, we become more interested in keeping things the way
we like them than making things the way Christ wants them (repeat that sentence a couple of times). When
we become possessive and selfish about the church, we become more focused on protecting service styles
and times and programs than on reaching new people for the Kingdom of God. Many churches have
dwindled and even died because keeping things the same (the way we like them!) became more important
than making room for new people and adapting accordingly.
Worship Schedule
8:45 am—Sunday School*
9:30 am— Fellowship Time
10:00 am—Worship*
2:00 pm — Zomi Christian Fellowship
*Nursery available.
[email protected]
Church Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am - Noon
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FUMC Staff
Senior Pastor: Dale Scritchfield x1002
Associate Pastor: Craig Luttrell x1003
Worship Leader: Janet Collison x1016
Organist/Bell Director: Jan Randall
Youth & Children:
Receptionist: Jo Ruff x1000
Admin Assistant: Barb Matya x1008
Finance Secretary: Dawn Muller x1007
Custodians: Steve Cherveny x1001
Ruth Jacobson
Please turn in articles for the March newsletter to Barb Matya by February 16th at
[email protected]
I believe the primary role of the Church of Jesus Christ is to bring glory to God by making disciples, who
make more disciples, who make even more disciples. It is, after all, the role of the Church to fulfill the Great
Commission. I would like us, as a church, to be thinking and praying about how we can focus more of our
energy on making disciples in 2015. Are there some things Christ calls us to change in order to make room
for more potential disciples? What do each of us need to do to become more dedicated disciples ourselves?
What can your pastors do to foster discipleship more effectively?
As we enter into the Lenten season this month, and move forward and make important decisions about the
future of First United Methodist Church, I pray we all will remember and embrace the truth that this church
ultimately and finally belongs to Jesus Christ.
Pastor Craig
SPRC by Karen Duden, Chairperson
Aaron & Grant Fitz,
Todd Eipperle, Scott Vial
Derek Johnson,
Dalton VanZwol,
Elizbeth Coble
Greetings from SPRC! Our committee has formed an ad hoc committee to review staff job descriptions.
Several job descriptions are outdated and we feel it is important to have current ones. This process includes
getting input from the staff about their work. We respect the work they do and want to have an accurate
description to reflect their work and the expectations of the church.
We continue to pray about the position of youth minister. As of this writing, we have received interest from
4 individuals. Our committee will move forward with reviewing the information we've received and will plan
the interview process. We will keep the congregation posted. In the meantime, we continue to appreciate
your prayers and support as we move forward. Thank you!
Rides to Church by Paige Legg
We have a list of volunteers willing to drive people to church on Sundays. Now we are ready to gather a
list of names of people seeking rides. If you need a ride or know of someone who would come if they had
a ride, please call David Santana (753-1318) or myself (485-2598). You can also sign up at church on
"Singspiration” Hymm Sing
First Baptist Church on Sunday, February 8 at 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Our own Combo of Bill, Bruce & Jan will provide the music.
New Sunday School Class on the “Parables”
Starts February 8 at 8:45 am
In the Lower Tower Room
Led by Steve Cherveny
Everyone is invited to join, just bring your Bible.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully
administering God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
Local & Global Missions by Barb Matya
Thank you to Janet and the choir for taking the December soup kitchen. If you or your group would like
to help with this ministry, please contact me. Please see dates below. Our next dates are February 11
and March 11.
Thanks to everyone who brought items for the Supply Closet in January.
We are collecting dish soap for the February Supply Closet.
We donated to the following:
 Our 4 missionaries (Carroll, Kies, Fogleman, Haenze) - $500 each
 Salvation Army - $1,000
 Iowa River Hospice - $500
 The Caring Center - $500
 CIRSI - $500
 FUMC Family Fund - $500
This Month’s Usher / Greeter Teams
Dennis & Heidi Drager
Marilyn Crosser
Jane Markey
Thank you
Thank you for the kind notes and prayers received by
so many in the loss of my brother-in-law. We shared
them with our family in Texas and we all appreciate
you words of sympathy and encouragement.
Gina & Tom Ruddock
Lenten Breakfast Schedule
Julia IntVeldt
Elva Weaver
Please contact Lawrence
Mann if you would like to
greet after worship to help the
[email protected]
6:30 - 7:15 am
“Lessons of the Cross”.
February 18
February 25
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
April 1
First Presbyterian Church, 101 South Center Street
Central Christian Church, 300 West Main Street
First United Methodist Church, 202 West Main Street
St. Henry’s Catholic Church, 211 West Olive Street
Our Savior Lutheran Church, 3001 South 6th Street
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1011 South 3rd Avenue
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 11 West Linn Street
Tuesday Bible Studies by Reva Roland
We are studying "Gideon" by Priscilla Shirer. This seven week study will go through February
24th. Our next bible study, "Hebrews" by Lisa Harper, will begin on Marsh 10th. This study is also a
seven week session. Classes are held at 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 5:30 pm in the Oasis Room. If you
are interested in participating in the studies please contact Reva Roland at [email protected]
or her cell 641-691-1335. Women and men of the community are welcome to attend.
If you’d like to receive the newsletter
online, please call the church office or
e-mail [email protected].
Change for Change
Women at the Well
At Mitchellville
You Can Now Hear Our
Weekly Sermons at
February 1 & 18
UMW by Edie Hodges
Monthly Meetings:
Trustees: Thursday, February 5 at 5:00 pm
Finance: Tuesday, February 10 at 5:00 pm
SPRC: Tuesday, TBD at 5:45 pm
The family of Jean Ottilie.
Paul & Carrie Barr in the death of Carrie’s
father, Leonard Grimes.
Barbara Graves in the death of her
husband, Bob.
Lindsey Grandstaff in the death of her
father, Rick.
February 5 - UMW Board Meeting at 9:30 am in the Lower Tower Room
March 6 - CWU
UMW is still selling the religious greeting cards. Stop by the church office and Jo will help you.
They sell for $6.00 a box of 12.
Thursday, April 23 at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm in Fellowship Hall for the Spring Salad Luncheon. Mark
your calendars. We always appreciate the salads and sweet treat donations for this event. We would
welcome new people to the Salad Luncheon Committee. Let UMW know if you are interested. We
love volunteer workers for the kitchen and dining room. More information will be coming.
Missions: Tuesday, TBD at 4:00 pm
Ad Council: Tuesday, February 17 at 5:00 pm
Weather Policy
If Marshalltown schools
close because of bad
weather, the church
office will be closed.
Weather Cancellations
To find out if church activities are
cancelled, check
KIX-101 FM
KFJB 1230 AM
KDAO 99.5 FM / 1190 AM
KCCI TV Channel 8
Please notify the church office of any address or
e-mail changes or if you desire to be removed from
the mailing list.
If you would like to receive this newsletter via
e-mail, please send your e-mail address to
Barb Matya at [email protected]
Monday Night Prayer Time
5:15 - 6:15 pm
You are invited to join.
Church Conference
Sunday, February 1
After Church
On Heating System
February 18
7:00 pm
Pick up your Lenten
devotional February 8.
HOC Supply Closet
February Collection
Dish Soap
February Worship Styles
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 18
February 22
Insurance Requirement
Please do not sit in the front
row of the balconies.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Thursdays at 10:00 am in the
Anyone is welcome to join in.
United Methodist Women is an organization that centers its mission on the needs of women, youth and
children all over the world. Thank you for the support the congregation of First United Methodist Church
gives to the various fundraising events throughout the year. Thanks for your tasty donations, your service
and your money gifts. Here is an accounting of projects we give to:
District Pledge (National and Global projects)
Gift in Memory, Mission
World Thank Offering
State Projects (Shesler Hall, Hawthorne Hill, Bidwell-Riverside)
Local Youth Wednesday night, Peanut Butter Jelly lunch
Packaging Event
Nursery Curtains
Good Samaritan Fund
Van Orman House
House of Compassion
Food Box
Salvation Army
Child Abuse
Caring Center
Iowa River Hospice
Blended with Sanctuary Singers, Communion
Traditional with Alleluia Ringers
Ash Wednesday with Sanctuary Singers, Communion
Blended with Sanctuary Singers, Kids Sing
Exercise Class
8:15 - 9:00 am
Fellowship Hall
All you need is an
exercise ball & mat.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully
administering God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
Finance Committee Report by Kevin Miller, Chairperson
Music News by Janet Collison
Wow, I am still amazed at your generosity. Christmas Eve service collected over $5,200. We gave the
House of Compassion over $4,000 and $600 to two of the missionaries we support. I want to thank you for
your generosity which you show time after time when called upon.
February is now upon us. Later this month, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
Right now, we are in that calm time between Christmas and Lent. I think for some of us, we become a little
complacent in our faith during this time. 2 Corinthians 13:5 says “Test yourselves to see if you are in the
faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you--unless
indeed you fail the test?” It is time for us to examine ourselves and see if we pass the test and find Jesus
in our heart. President John Kennedy is well known for his quote in his inaugural address “ask not what
your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” We need to change that to say: ask
not what your God can do for you, ask what you can do for your God. If we do this, we will pass the faith
test and we will help those in need, we will spread God’s word, and give gifts to God that will help our
Church to do God’s work.
Keep God and our Church in your prayers and again I want to thank you for all you have done and will continue to do. You are all such a blessing.
Building Endowments
Over / Under
Apportionments Paid
Mission Giving
House of Compassion
Food Box
Salvation Army
Student Day
Blanket Ministry
Wellspring Mission
This month, I’d like to mention the children of our fellowship. This picture was taken right after their Christmas
program - what a hoot! If you were able to come and hear our children present their program, you had a real
treat. And I’m so glad to announce that the children, lead by Niki Casey, will be gracing our Sunday worship
3 times this spring with more music.
Jesus was very clear in telling us how He feels toward children. In Matthew 19:14, He comes right out and
says to His disciples: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these.” As a church, let’s promote our children to come to Jesus, sing to Jesus and learn
about Jesus.
In fact, Jesus says that we as adults should approach the truth of Jesus like a child. In Mark 10:15, Jesus
says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
This sounds uncomplicated, simple and straight-forward, cheerful and not full of worry.
So all of us, aged new-born to 105, are to be children to some degree. Let’s worship Jesus, sing praises to
Jesus, and learn about Jesus and promote that “joy, joy, joy, joy… down in our hearts” just like our little
children! Amen and glory to God!
*Please note these figures
are from December which
is one of our bigger giving
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:9
Hand in Hand Ministry by Gina Ruddock
As I write this, our Hand in Hand group just finished helping out with a new initiative in the community that aims
to ensure that no child goes hungry. The Marshalltown Community School District has started a new program
that sends small packages of food home for the weekend with kids in the most need. Identified by school staff
as needing a little extra help, this program tries to make sure that they return to class on Monday satisfied and
ready to learn.
Once a month, volunteers gather to bundle the packages that will be needed for the month and we
decided to give it a try. 1200 packages were assembled in the Fisher gym, containing cereal, fruit
cups, granola, pasta cups, milk, juice, raisins and other snacks. As we walked the line filling each bag, I could
not help but think about and pray for the little one who would receive these simple items. Such small treats that
will mean a great deal to a hungry child. I found myself saying a prayer for this anonymous child, that it would
be enough and that they would feel the warmth that was certainly present in the room of volunteers last night.
And guess what…it was fun! In a short time the work was done, the bags boxed up and ready to go for the
month. And it was a great way to work Hand in Hand with others in the community.