BASW Cymru Committee Meeting 17 September 2014. Telephone

BASW Cymru Committee Meeting
17 September 2014.
Telephone Conference 1900 - 2000
Present and apologies
Present: Ian Ellison (chair), Robin Moulster, Craig Richardson, Nick Lovell, Jayne
Cross, Delyth Lloyd Griffiths, Cath Taffurelli, Dave Allan, Jean Letton, Ian Woolrich,
Gaye Sheridan.
Apologies: Carol Davies, Steve Elliott, Johnny O’Hagan, Carys Davies, Neeta
Baicher, Marrianne Palin, Alex Clapson.
Appointment of Equal opportunities Monitor
Ian Woolrich
Minutes of previous meeting for accuracy
Matters arising (items not arising on the agenda)
Expense claims should be agreed more quickly if sent to RM for signature than if
sent to Caspian Point. The London Conference has also led to a backlog of claims.
CPEL – the Registration of Social Workers consultation.
Action point - RM to deal with this, comments to RM by 18 September.
Social Work Awards Sub-group feedback.
CT met RM and PT on 17/9. There are nominations for three award categories only
– Practice Teacher, Spirit of Social Work and Social Work Team. CT and RM to draft
synopses and agenda and decide if the winners would be asked to say a few words;
invitations to go out asap; site visits done by PT on 17/9 and arranged for RM and
CT on 1/10; Positif are sorting a photographer; Susan Bowen or colleagues to alert
us if AMs are likely to be late or busy; trophies and certificates have been ordered;
CT had a list of tasks for committee members on the night:
Registration – NB, JL, MP, Carys D
Meet & greet – SE, NL, JO
Meet & greet patrons & speakers – IE, CT, RM
Food and drink – IW, DLG
Membership – Carol D, GS
Those with jobs allocated should be at the Pierhead Building by 1700 if possible. If
arriving before 1700 meet at Caspian Point office.
Mark Drakeford or Vaughan Gething would probably attend in place of Gwenda
Thomas following the reshuffle. RM thanked CT, IE and DLG and everyone else
involved in the judging.
Action points – PT to arrange invitations with Sara Hickin
CT/RM to draft synopses, agenda, decide on winners words
RM/CT to complete site visit
Committee members to be aware of tasks on the night
PT to check trophies and certificates, source frames
Budget/resource issues
Robin informed the committee of the latest BASW Cymru budget figures (to 30.6.14)
Policy, Ethics and Human Rights Committee feedback
Although SE not in attendance – he will circulate PEHR Cttee minutes when he has
Action points – SE to circulate minutes & all
Committee members to respond
as appropriate.
Council feedback (inc. governance review update)
CT informed the committee that she and IE had attended a team building exercise as
part of Council. The interface between Council, BASW Trust and SWU needed to be
developed and resolved.
Any Other Business
University visits were going well with GS having done 2 so far and gaining 11 new
members from Cardiff Uni. and 8 from USW already. Carol D is sick so may not be
able to complete her planned visits to Bangor and Glyndwr – PT to deliver student
packs to Carol D. and RM to call her on 25/9 to discuss rearranging dates if
necessary. RM thanked GS for co-ordinating the visits; CT, NB and other committee
members for supporting visits; and PT for making up the packs.
Action points – PT to deliver student info. packs
RM to contact Carol D
GS and others to complete visits
Regulation and Inspection – WAG officers will attend November’s committee
meeting due to the importance of reserved functions and other social work issues.
Consultation is due later in 2014 with full implementation in 2017 once regulations
and codes are completed.
SSWB(W) Act - SSWB(W) Act – 11 November meeting in Wrexham of Technical
groups looking at how to pull together various strands for inclusion in regulations.
Formal consultation on regulations due Sept – Nov 2014 followed by a second
tranche. The Act is expected to be fully operational by April 2016.
SWU – No-one was appointed to the new Wales SWU post, which will be readvertised.
Membership numbers – UK now over 16,000; Wales 1,161 plus new university
recruits. RM thanked staff and committee members for their work, more numbers
adds weight to BASW’s role as representing the profession.
Next Committee meeting – important one to attend with WAG officer attending; key
issues to discuss such as conference and Neil Thompson’s feedback on the awards
process and judging.
Date of next meeting
19 November 2014, Elan Valley Hotel 10.30am-3.30pm