2015 年高智爾球友誼賽報名表Team Registration Form

2015 年高智爾球友誼賽報名表
Team Registration Form for the 2015 Wiserball Friendship Competition
Team Name
*Name of team leader
*Cell phone of leader
*隊長 email
*Email of leader
隊員 1 姓名(中文)
Name of teammate 1
隊員 2 姓名(中文)
Name of teammate 2
隊員 3 姓名(中文)
Name of teammate 3
隊員 4 姓名(中文)
Name of teammate 4
隊員 5 姓名(中文)
Name of teammate 5
隊員 6 姓名(中文)
Name of teammate 6
報名表請填妥後發至 [email protected]
Please send this registration form to [email protected] after you have filled it out. We will
send you back with a confirmation letter. Please take the confirmation letter to the registration
desk at the Cultural and Art Museum on January 18, 2015.