SARDAR VALLABHBHAI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SVNIT - SURAT TENDER DOCUMENT FOR SUPPLY OF FLUID MECHANICS LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS WITH BASIC ACCESSORIES CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT S. V. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SURAT – 395 007, GUJARAT (YEAR 2014-15) SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 1 TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders are invited for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Equipments with basic accessories at Water Resources Engineering Laboratory in Civil Engineering Department. The Blank Tender documents along with specifications will be available from the Civil Engineering Department of the Institute on payment of Tender fee (Non-Refundable) of Rs. 2000/- by cash or by D.D. of Rs.2050/- (Including Postage Charges) drawn in favour of Director, S. V. National Institute of Technology, SURAT. Tender document can also be downloaded from SVNIT Web Site, in case of which the Tender fee in terms of D.D. of Rs. 2000/- shall be deposited with the Tender. The Blank Tender documents will be issued from 02/02/2015 to 27/02/2015 between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on all working days (Monday to Friday, except public holidays & institute holidays) and be submitted duly filled between 05/02/2015 to 27/02/2015 (except public holidays & institute holidays) up to 4:00 P.M. by Registered Post or Speed Post only. Late receipt of tender will not be considered under any circumstances. DIRECTOR SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 2 TENDER FORM 01. Tender Form Issued to M/s. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 02. Nature of Work: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Equipments with basic accessories in Water Resources Engineering Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT Surat. Issue of the Blank Tender From: 02/02/2015 Last date of issuing tender form: 27/02/2015 (up to 16:00 hours) Last date of Submitting the tender offer: 27/02/2015 (up to 16:00 hours) Date of opening the tender: 03/03/2015 (at 15:30 hours) Tender form fees: Rs.2000/- If Paid in cash/DD (personally) Rs.2050/- If paid by DD & required by post vide Receipt no. __________ Dated___________ Tender reference no.: SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 Total estimated Cost of items quoted: Rs. ______________ Earnest Money Deposit: 2 % of rate of items quoted i.e. Rs._____________ By Crossed Demand Draft No. ________________ dated ___________ Drawn on ________________ payable at Surat. Receipt no. ____________ dated _____________. Time Limit: 90 Days (Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Testing) The Earnest money of above amount will have to be paid by Crossed Demand Draft in favour of “Director, S. V. National Institute of Technology, SURAT”, and enclosed along with the Tender documents. EMD shall not bear any interest and without this amount, the Tender shall not be considered. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. Name of the Authority : The Director, S. V. National institute of Technology Surat – 395007, (GUJARAT). 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. Tender Issued to the above party Prof. & Head, CED. SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 3 TENDER DOCUMENT THIS TENDER DOCUMENT CONTAINS: I. II. III. IV. V. SCHEDULE OF TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS DECLARATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTRUMENTS I. SCHEDULE OF TENDER List of Instruments to be procured for the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory in Water Resources Engineering Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department. Sr. No. Name of Laboratory Equipment Quantity 1 Study of Pipe Fittings Apparatus 01 2 Orifice & Mouthpiece Apparatus 3 Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus 01 01 4 Friction in Pipe Lines Apparatus 01 5 Notch Apparatus 01 6 Metacentric Height Apparatus 01 7 Impact of Jet on Vanes Apparatus 01 8 Nozzle Meter Apparatus 01 9 Reynolds Apparatus 01 10 Pitot Static Tube Apparatus 01 11 Venturimeter and Orificemeter Apparatus 01 12 Free and Forced Vortex Flow Apparatus 01 13 Bendmeter apparatus 01 14 Rotameter apparatus 01 II. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please fill up the Following Details 01. Mode of Delivery SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 : F.O.R. (Nearest Railway Station) OR F.O.R. Surat OR F.O.R. Institute Basis OR Ex-godown /Shop/Showroom. 4 02. If delivery is Ex-godown/shop/show room : ____________% the rate of packing, forwarding and freight charge etc. must be specified clearly. 03. Taxes (a) If exclusive, rate of (1) Sales Tax (2) Surcharges on S.T. (3) C.S.T. (4) Service Tax if any : Exclusive / Inclusive 04. Excise duty Rate of Excise duty, if applicable : Exclusive / Inclusive : ____________% 05. Octroi : As per directive of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) authority the Octroi exemption certificate will be issued to the outside parties only. 06. Delivery Period including instillation, Commissioning & Testing of system : _______ Days 07. Payment : After commissioning & Testing of system 08. Validity : _______ Days 09. Discount : ______________ % 10 Warranty : 3 Years Minimum 11. Telephone No. Fax No. E-Mail Address : : : : : : : ____________% ____________% ____________% ____________% SIGNATURE OF THE PARTY WITH FULL ADDRESS & STAMP SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 5 III.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The Tender for items (equipment/apparatus) must be submitted with the name of equipment / instrument / clearly mentioned on the top of the envelope including Tender Reference Number with Tender document. The offer should be complete with technical literature, and user’s manual and other relevant manuals. 2. Tender shall be submitted in two parts for each equipment/ apparatus separately. Part – I Part – II - Technical Proposal - Financial Proposal Each of the above mentioned two parts shall be sealed in separate envelopes duly superscribing Part – I (Technical Proposal) and Part – II (Financial Proposal) on the respective envelopes. The two envelopes (Technical proposal and Financial Proposal) shall be put under one sealed cover duly super-scribing the name of the equipment. 3. The bidder shall submit the following information in the Technical Proposal: i. Organization Profile along with audited financial reports of last 3 years. ii. List of similar supply orders received from reputed organization like IITs’ and NITs’ in past three years. At least three such supply orders received and executed by the firm since last three years, would be mandatory requirement for acceptance of the Tender. iii. List of equipment supplied in past along with their specifications and present deployment. iv. List of practical to be performed on each equipment including observation table, sample calculation using computer program and results etc. v. An undertaking that financial proposal does not contain any condition(s). vi. Deviations if any shall be mentioned in the technical proposal itself. 4. The bidder shall submit only cost along with breakup as per BOQ in the financial bid. The financial bid shall not contain any conditions. The BOQ shall also contain cost of extra items as proposed by the bidder in the technical bid. 5. The rates shall be quoted including standard accessories and spares etc. to be supplied with the unit. The detailed specifications, physical dimensions, guarantee period after sale services etc. should also be clearly stated. 6. The purchaser being an Educational Technical Institute, the concession applicable in rates / taxes under State / Central Government notification should be considered while quoting. Though Institute cannot issue ‘C’ or ‘D’ forms, a certificate regarding the exclusive use of equipment/Instrument to be procured for the purpose of teaching/research can be issued if any concession in this regard be made available to the purchaser, CST shall be charged at concession rate on scientific equipment/instruments as per notification of the state in which SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 6 city is situated. The certificate for CST concession (Concessional rate of Central Sales Tax) for availing concessional rate will be issued by this Institute in respect of its purchase made in course to Inter-State trade or commerce from dealer/manufacturer outside the Gujarat State. 7. In case of the authorized dealers quoting on behalf of manufacturers a copy of certificate stating that the equipment being quoted by the party is on behalf of the concerned manufacturer and manufacturer undertake the responsibility to provide the after sales maintenance of the equipment must be enclosed. Also, the dealership certificate must be enclosed with the Tender documents. 8. Team of expert shall visit the site/factory of manufacturer prior to awarding the work. If on the visit of team of expert to the firms in India, it is found that the firm is not having proper infrastructure/capacity for development/manufacture of the quoted equipment/apparatus; the Tender of the firm will be rejected. The firms, who are supplying the equipments/apparatus being manufactured abroad, have to show similar equipments supplied by them in IITs’ /NITs’ in proper working conditions. 9. The rate should be inclusive of all taxes with F.O.R. destination at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat. The rates must be quoted as per format specified in the SUMMARY SHEET. Note: The Institute cannot issue ‘C’ or ‘D’ forms for tax concessions The Institute is exempted from the payment of the Octroi duty to the out side party situated beyond Surat Municipal Corporation Octroi limits. Necessary certificate for the same shall be issued on submission of Invoice and RR/Goods Consignment (LR) in the name of the consignee only. 10. The Supplier shall complete the installation and commissioning of the entire system within the stipulated time period after the confirmation of order. 11. The supplier should clearly state the delivery period and time required for installation and commissioning of equipment from the date of receipt of firm order. But, it should be within 90 days from the date of purchase order. In case, if the supplier anticipates delay in delivery of any or all items due to the reasons beyond his control, the supplier shall apply for suitable extension stating the reasons for the same and state his expected date of delivery. The Institute, if feels suitable, may extend the date of delivery. 12. In case of delay in satisfactory completion of work, a penalty of 5% (five percent) of the total value of the ordered unit will be levied for each week of delay or part thereof. 13. The supplier or the Indian representative should install the system and bring in to complete operation, at a location of the purchaser’s choice and to satisfaction, without any charge. 14. The supplier or the Indian representative should give performance warranty for the complete system for the warranty period specified by the supplier from the date of the SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 7 completion of the satisfactory installation. The warranty period in no case shall be less than Three years from the date of satisfactory installation. 15. The supplier or the Indian representative should provide necessary training, for two persons for operation and one person for servicing of the entire system. No extra charges will be paid for the training. 16. The supplier shall arrange for repair/replacement of the defective/worn out components of the unit at this Institute premises during the warranty period at purchaser’s first instructions within 15 (fifteen) days. This will be carried out at the cost of supplier and no charges whatsoever will be paid including T.A. and D.A. of the Service Engineer for the same. 17. In the event of material supplied are not being in accordance to the specifications of items ordered or is found in damaged condition, the supplier will at his cost and risk, arrange to replace the same without any claims whatsoever for the same. 18. In case the quoted rates are as per the valid and prevailing contract with DGS&D, New Delhi, the supplier shall furnish a certified photocopy of the same to the purchaser. It may also be mentioned whether supplier can accept a direct order based on DGS&D rate contract. 19. The Tender, as quoted once shall be considered final. No change, alterations and modifications shall be permitted at a later stage. Incomplete Tenders will be rejected without assigning any reason. 20. The supplier shall provide user’s list and the certificates of satisfactory operation of the unit from at least three organizations, like IIT’s and NIT’s to which the similar unit has been supplied during past three years. 21. The validity of the Tender may be kept open for a minimum period of 90 days after the receipt of the offer. However, it is desirable to have a longer validity period. 22. The Earnest Money Deposit: 2% of the total quoted rates for each equipment separately. The Earnest money will have to be paid by Crossed Demand draft drawn in favour of Director, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, and enclosed along with the Tender documents. This amount will be refunded later (only after satisfactory execution of the purchase order), on receipt of written request from supplier. EMD shall not bear any interest. Tender document without EMD amount shall not be considered. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. Note: The work will be awarded separately for each equipment/apparatus. After receiving the purchase order, if the supplier is failed to execute the order, the EMD will be forfeited and institute will be constrained to make note of this for necessary action against the party. SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 8 23. The supplier shall provide technical / service manual, operation/ installation manual along with calibration charts free of cost. 24. Supplier should clearly mention the after sales service facility / capability and provide the same during guarantee / warrantee period. 25. In case the unit is internationally certified for quality and bears the ISO 9000 or TQM certification, a copy of relevant certificate may be enclosed. Such equipment shall be given preference. 26. Payment: Advance payment will not be made. The 80% of the total amount will be paid on supply of equipment and after checking of specification and installation and successful commissioning of the equipment Remaining 20% of the total amount will be paid after 6 months from date of installation and successful operation of the equipment, on receipt of a request letter from the supplier. This Institute is a Technical Education National Institute under MHRD, Govt. of India. The Government Auditors have objected for making payment in a Advance against delivery / documents through Bank and hence, the payment is normally made by cheque drawn on the SBI, SVRCET Branch, Surat within a period of 30 days from the date of satisfactory installation of unit / Supply of Item. In any case no advance payment will be made. 27. The goods are required to be duly insured with any Nationalized Insurance Company and the insurance charges will be borne by the institution against the relevant documents of the insurance company. 28. The Director reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of the Tender items or split of the Item/Items of the Tender. Rights are also reserved with the Director to reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. 29. In case of any dispute, the matter will be subjected to SURAT jurisdiction only. 30. The Tender for equipment must be sent in sealed envelope with the superscription “Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Equipments with basic accessories” in Water Resources Engineering Laboratory and addressed to The Head, Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat-395 007. (Gujarat) Note: The Tender may be accompanied with an undertaking from the party / supplier that the terms and conditions of the Tender are acceptable and binding on the party/supplier. SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 9 Please return this copy of terms and conditions duly signed and stamped along with the Tender documents. Technical and financial bids are placed in separate envelopes. DIRECTOR SVNIT SVNIT/CED/TENDER/WRE –LAB/ ANNUAL PLANNED GRANT/2014-15 10 IV. DECLARATION I/We hereby declare that the terms and conditions of the Tender stated herein, and as may be modified / mutually agreed upon are acceptable and binding to me/us. Name and Address of Supplier/Manufacturer Place : Telephone No : Fax Number : Email : Mobile No : Date : Name and Signature of Tenderer with Office Stamp 11 V. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. STUDY OF PIPE FITTINGS APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To determine loss of head in the fittings at various water flow rates To measure the loss coefficient for the pipe fittings TECHNICAL DETAILS: From 15mm to 25mm Sudden Enlargement From 25mm to 15mm Sudden Contraction 5 No. of fittings No. ½” Bend ½” Elbow ½” Ball valve ½” Gate valve FHP Pump, Crompton/Sharp make Water Circulation Using Measuring Tank with Piezometer, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Flow Measurement Capacity 100 Ltrs Sump Tank U-tube manometer (mercury filled) Pressure measurement Electronic Stop Watch On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator etc. Control Panel Stainless Steel (SS) Material of Tanks and wetted parts 2. ORIFICE & MOUTHPIECE APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To determine the co-efficient of discharge of different Orifice and mouthpiece FEATURES: Acrylic test section Closed loop water circulation Compact & stand-alone set up MS Excel sample calculation program Stainless Steel tanks and wetted parts Superb Painted structure Simple to operate & maintain Electronic (Digital) point gauge TECHNICAL DETAILS: Set of 2, Material Acrylic (Diameter 10mm and 15 mm) Orifice Set of 3, Material Acrylic (Diameter 10mm with L/D = 1, 2.5 & 4 ) Set of Mouthpieces Capacity 30 Liters. Material of Construction (MOC) - SS Constant level tank Capacity 100 Liters. MOC - SS Sump Tank 12 Measuring tank Hook/Pointer Gauge Pump Piping Stop Watch Material of Tanks and wetted parts Capacity 40 Ltrs. MOC - SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale To measure X-Y co-ordinates of Jet (5 Nos Trajectory Probes) FHP capacity make Tullu / Crompton Greaves around 0.5 HP GI / PVC Electronic / Digital Stop Watch with 1/10 second Accuracy Stainless Steel 3. BERNOULLI'S THEOREM APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To verify Bernoulli's Theorem experimentally FEATURES: Acrylic test section Closed loop water circulation Compact & stand-alone set up MS Excel sample calculation program on Stainless Steel tanks and wetted parts Superb Painted structure Simple to operate & maintain Piping with necessary Valves and Fittings TECHNICAL DETAILS: Material Acrylic, Size Test Section Capacity 20 Ltrs. MOC SS Inlet Tank Capacity 100 Ltrs. MOC SS Sump Tank Capacity 40 Ltrs. MOC SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale Measuring Tank Material P.U. Tubes (9 Nos.) Piezometer Tubes FHP capacity make Tullu / Crompton Greaves of 0.5 HP Pump GI / PVC Piping Electronic /Digital Stop Watch with 1/10 second Accuracy Stop Watch Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 4. FRICTION IN PIPE LINES APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To determine the losses due to fiction in pipes FEATURES: Choice of Test Section Closed loop water circulation Compact & stand-alone set up MS Excel sample calculation program Stainless Steel tanks and wetted parts 13 Superb Painted structure Simple to operate & maintain TECHNICAL DETAILS: A set of total 3 pipes is provided out of: Pipe Test Section Material GI of Size Diameter ½” , 3/4”, 1” & 1 ¼ " (Length 1 m) Material SS of Size Diameter ½” Capacity 100 litres MOC SS Supply Tank Capacity 40 Liters MOC SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale Measuring tank FHP capacity make Tullu / Crompton Greaves Pump GI / PVC Piping Electronic Stop Watch U-tube manometer (mercury filled) Pressure measurement Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 5. NOTCH APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To determine co-efficient of discharge using different notches FEATURES: Closed loop water circulation Compact & stand-alone set up MS Excel sample calculation program Stainless Steel tanks and wetted parts Superb Painted structure Simple to operate & maintain Electronic point gauge TECHNICAL DETAILS: Material Brass, Set of 3 Test Notches Notches: Rectangular Notch (50 mm wide), 45° V Notch & 60° V Notch Size 1000 x 250 x 200 mm MOC SS Channel Section Capacity 100 litres MOC SS Sump Tank Capacity 40 Litres MOC SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale Measuring tank To measure X-Y co-ordinates of Jet Hook/Pointer Gauge To measure head of water in channel Vernier gauge FHP capacity make Tullu / Crompton Greaves 0.5 HP Pump GI / PVC Piping Electronic/ Digital Stop Watch with 1/10 second Accuracy Stop Watch Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 14 6. METACENTRIC HEIGHT APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: Determination of the metacentric height and position of the metacentric height with angle of heel of ship model FEATURES: Graduated Arc for measuring tilt angle A set of weights to be supplied with the apparatus (5-7 weights) TECHNICAL DETAILS: Pontoon Water Tank Front Window of Tank Material of Tank and wetted parts Size 300 x 200 mm (approx.) with a Horizontal Guide Bar for hanging weights Size 600 x 400 x 400 mm (approx.) Made of Glass/Perspex Stainless Steel 7. IMPACT OF JET ON VANES APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To study the force developed by impact of jet on different surfaces. FEATURES: Visible Test Section Closed loop water circulation Compact & stand-alone set up MS Excel sample calculation program Stainless Steel tanks and wetted parts Superb Painted structure Simple to operate & maintain TECHNICAL DETAILS: Material Brass, Set of 2 Test surface Flat Plate & Hemispherical Cup Material Brass/SS with two different diameters (4 and 6 mm) Nozzle Material SS, 2 opposite sides made of glass. Enclosure Capacity 100 liters MOC SS Sump Tank Capacity 40 Liters MOC SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale Measuring tank FHP capacity make Tullu / Crompton Greaves Pump GI / PVC Piping Electronic Stop Watch 15 8. NOZZLE METER APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To measure discharge through Nozzle meter and to calibrate it TECHNICAL DETAILS: Nozzle of Stainless Steel, Housing of Clear Acrylic, Compatible to Nozzle meter 1" dia pipe. FHP Pump, Crompton/Standard make Water Circulation Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Flow Measurement Capacity 100 Ltrs Sump Tank Electronic. Stop Watch On/Off Switches, Mains Indicator, etc. Control Panel Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 9. REYNOLDS APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To determine the Reynold's number and hence the type of flow either laminar or turbulent To study transition zone TECHNICAL DETAILS: Tube Dye vessel Dye material Capillary Tube Constant Head Water Tank Flow pipe length Water Circulation Flow Measurement Sump Tank Stop Watch Control Panel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 10. Material Borosilicate Glass Material Stainless Steel, Suitable Capacity Potassium Permanganate Material Copper/Stainless Steel Capacity 40 Ltrs 700 mm FHP Pump, Tullu/Champion make.(Submersible pump) Using Measuring Cylinder. Capacity 100 Ltrs Electronic On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc. Stainless Steel PITOT STATIC TUBE SET-UP EXPERIMENTS: To find the point velocity at the centre of a tube for different flow rates of water and calibrate the Pitot Tube. To plot velocity profile across the cross section of pipe 16 TECHNICAL DETAILS: Pitot Tube Test Section Water Circulation Flow Measurement Sump Tank Stop Watch Control Panel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 11. Material Copper/SS of compatible size fitted with Vernier scale. (Static and stagnation pressure tubes) Material Clear Acrylic, compatible to 1" Dia. Pipe. FHP Pump, Crompton/Sharp make Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Capacity 100 Ltrs Electronic On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc. Stainless Steel VENTURIMETER & ORIFICEMETER APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To determine the co-efficient of discharged through Venturimeter and orifice meter. To measure discharge through Venturimeter and Orificemeter as flow meters. FEATURES: Each line provided with flow control value for setting of different flow rates. Pressure tubes of different pipe lines are connected to common manometer through cocks. Easy to operate and replacement of Venturimeter & Orificemeter. Flow control value at the end of each line assures full running of pipe. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Material Clear Acrylic compatible to 1"Dia. Pipe Venturimeter Material Clear Acrylic compatible to 1" Dia. Pipe. Orificemeter FHP Pump, Crompton/Sharp make Water Circulation Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Flow Measurement Capacity 100 Ltrs Sump Tank Electronic Stop Watch On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc Control Panel Mercury manometers (differential) Pressure head measurement Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 12. FREE AND FORCE VORTEX FLOW APPARATUS EXPERIMENTS: To study the free and forced vortex flow phenomenon. FEATURES: DC Motor with Tyristor Drive X-Y Co-ordinate Probe 17 TECHNICAL DETAILS: 800 x 400 x 1500 mm Box dimensions 250 mm Revolving Tank Dia 4 No. Of Orifice: Capacity 100 litres MOC SS Sump Tank Capacity 40 Litres MOC SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale Measuring tank FHP capacity make Tullu / Crompton Greaves 0.5 HP Pump GI / PVC Piping Electronic/ Digital Stop Watch with 1/10 second Accuracy Stop Watch Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 13. CALIBRATION OF BEND METER EXPERIMENTS: To demonstrate the use of Bend meter as flow meter. To determine co-efficient of discharge for given Bend meter. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Material Stainless steel compatible to 1"Dia. Pipe Bend meter FHP Pump, Crompton/Sharp make Water Circulation Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Flow Measurement Capacity 100 Ltrs Sump Tank Electronic Stop Watch On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc Control Panel Mercury manometers (differential) Pressure head measurement Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 14. ROTAMETER TEST RIG EXPERIMENTS: To measure discharge through Rotameter and calibrate it. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Compatible range Rotameter FHP Pump, Crompton/Sharp make Water Circulation Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Flow Measurement Capacity 100 Ltrs Sump Tank Electronic Stop Watch On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc Control Panel Stainless Steel Material of Tanks and wetted parts 18 Note: Provide MS-Excel sheet calculations/software for all the experiments performed on above equipments. Installation of all the equipments including minor civil/electrical jobs to be included in the quoted rates for the items. Breakdown services to be provided within a week in warranty period. 19
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