Dec. 1, 1931. \ I M, DAS§QNV|LLE 1,834,605 APPARATUS FOR THE PREPARATION OF CELLULOSE XANTHATE Filed Sept. 28, 1929 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 Dec- 1,‘ 1931. M. DASSONVILLE ‘ 1,834,605 APPARATUS FOR THE PREPARATION OF GELLULOSE XANTHATE Filed Sept. 28, 1929 ‘s Sheets-Sheet 2 Dem 1, 1931- M. DASSONVILLE ‘1,834,605 APPARATUS FOR THE APREPARATION OF CELLULOSE XANTHATE Filed Sept. 28, 1929 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 4m. Patented Dec. 1, 1931 1,834,605 PATENT OFFICE I’ UNITED STATES MICHEL DASSONVILLE, on PARIS, runner, ASSIGNOR T0 socrn'rn n’nxrrorrxrrons nns rnxrrnns NQUVEAUX; or GENEVA, SWITZERLAND,’ A CORPORATION or :i SW‘ ITZEELAND APPARATUS FOR THE PREPARATION OF CELLULOSYE XANTHATE Application ?led September 28, 1929; Serial No. 395,982, and inl‘rance July 1, 1929. This invention relates to apparatus'for the lated during the action of the alkali cellulose production of cellulose xanthate, comprising by the carbon bisulphide. a double jacketed churn which is slowly ro The poles of the caps are respectively pro tated round an axis during the reaction of the vided with ?anges 5 and 6 to which are se carbon disulphide on the alkali cellulose, and cured the journals 7 and 8, each journal being 555i the object of the invention is a construction supported by a bearing 9 in which the said 10 which enables‘ a-?nal product to be obtained which is absolutely homogeneous, free from particles of alkali cellulose unattached by carbon bisulphide and also free from any excess of bisulphide. ‘ - r ; a r journal may revolve, each bearing being carried by a support 10. l ~The apparatus can be given'two different p _, motions. (1) A revolving motion of both caps around the principal axis and (2) a In its preferred form the ‘said apparatus linear motion of one of the caps in respect to consists of a metallic container or churn, the other, along the axis. ’ 15 formed by two sphericalfcaps, capable‘ of The slow revolving motion is transmitted withstanding pressure and vacuum, which to the churn by means of a worm wheel 11 65'1 slowly revolvesfaround an axis during, the fast on journal 7 and a worm 12 on the shaft whole preparation of the xanthate. ' The con 13 of a pair of fast and loose pulleys 14 and struction of the said apparatusenables the 15 respectlvely. A striking gear 16' enables temperature of the re-acting mass to be con the apparatus to be started and stopped 20 tinuously controlled, in'orderto regulate the according to the needs of the operator; action of the carbon bisulphide and to ‘bring - 7 The_ linear motion of one of the ‘ spherical the xanthate by the end of the preparation to caps 1n respect to the other in the axial direc-' the temperature most-convenient for mixing tion enables xanthate to be discharged and i. e. for the solutionof the xanthate in alkali the apparatus to be cleaned. A thorough cleaning is easy to accomplish and the worker l e. = yThe invention is illustrated by way of operates in open air thus avoiding dangers example in the accompanying drawings, of poisoning. The linear motion is de?ned and limited by the length of the removable distance pieces~17 Figure 1 is a longitudinal section of the which normally engage beneath the heads of which are intended to make clear the applica tion and operation of the invention. ' apparatus.» ‘ - - ' ‘ the bolts 17w. 80 ' Theaxial movementv of one of the'caps is Figure 2 is an end view, and v v » provided for by the end of the journal 8 Figure 3 is a plan view of the apparatus. Referring to the drawings‘ it will be-seen being furnished with a square threaded. screw that both spherical caps 1 and 1'b,'of same 18 meshing in a nut 19 ?xed axially but which radius with perfectly smootlrinternal walls, .can be'rotated from a hand wheel, 22 through so that no alkali cellulose particles will be re gears 20 and 21. Alocking device 23 enables tained, are assembled on small circles of the the square threaded screw and its nut to ro same diameter. The connecting joint 2, tate’as a whole during the rotation of the made between male and female conical mem churn, care being previously taken to dis bers, held together by means of nuts and bolts v‘connect the hand wheel and the pinion 21 by 17a, renders the apparatus?uid tight during the whole preparation of the cellulose xan 90 means of a lever disengaging device 24. ‘ The apparatus isfurther provided with‘ a conducting pipe for the carbon bisulphide, Both spherical cap members constituting constituted by a cylindrical conduit located the container or'churn are provided with a in the axis device of the 26 apparatus placed under and fed pressure. by double jacket 3, between which continuity is gauging thate. ‘ I ensured, even during the opening of the appa ratus, by means of two'?exible'tubes 4:, en abling a heating or cooling fluid to be circu The carbon bisulphide is volatilized andt-he alkali cellulose particles driven by the- re~ volving motion, roll upon the smooth walls 100 2 1,834,605 of the apparatus, successively o?ering all able cap, and then back through the second their surfaces to the action of the atmosphere half of the ?xed cap. saturated with carbon bisulphide. An advan In order to facilitate the loading of the ap tageous arrangement for the introduction of paratus, manholes 36 of suitable diameter are carbon bisulphide is that shown in-the draw provided at a convenient height. The process 70 ings, wherein the journal 7 is provided with is watched through the sights 37. The tight ness of the joints of the manholes and of the The apparatus also comprises means for the sights is obtained by the use of suitable ma removal by suction and the recovery of car terials resistant to carbon bisulphide and hav a central admission conduit. 10 bon bisulphide vapours. ing no roughness capable of retaining par ‘ To this end, the churn is internally pro ticles of material already treated or to be vided with a funnel 27 connected to the re treated. covering apparatus by means of a conduit 25 What I claim is :— 15 and a vacuum pump. At the?end of the re— ~ action the carbon bisulphide vapours satu 1. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a pair of caps rating the atmosphere of the churn are sucked making joint, means for rotating said caps out and the excess liquid sulphide impregnat as a whole, and means for moving saidcaps ing theparticles of xanthate is volatilized. apart axially. In order to. avoid cellulose xanthate ?akes :20 from being carried off under the action of the 75 80 2. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulOse xanthate comprising a pair of spher- _ . vacuum the funnel 27 is provided with a ical calotte shaped caps making joint on the screen 28'perforated with holes of small ‘di same small circle and having smooth internal ameter constituting asieve. In this way losses surfaces, means for rotating said caps as a of the manufactured product, obstruction of .whole, and'means for moving said caps apart the pipes and coating of the vacuum pump 3. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel An important factor enabling the cellulose lulose xanthate comprising a pair of churn axially. are avoided. ‘ ~ ' . ‘ ‘ xanthate to be obtained in the'best conditions members makingjoint, means. for rotating 'is thatit is possible ‘to control thetempera said churn members as a whole, means for ture of the reacting mass at every instant. moving said churn members apart axially, The viscose obtained by mixing the xanthate and means for guiding and limiting the rela is improved when the xanthate is obtained at the proper temperature. In the present invention an arrangement has been provid ed for the purpose,‘ consisting of the double jacket 3 and the circulation of a heating or coolingr ?uid. Internal ribs 29 acting as baf ?es not only strengthen the apparatus, but tive motion of said churn. members during such axial movement. ' 4. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulosexanthate comprising a pair of churn 100 members making joint, means for rotating said churn members and axial screw means ‘on one of said churn members for movinnr it ‘C) also ensure a propericirculation of the ?uid. away from and‘ towards the other ‘churn As above mentioned continuity through member. the double jacket is obtained even during 5. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel the opening of the apparatus, by means of the lulose xanthate comprising a pair of double flexible tubes 4 connecting both spherical caps jacketed churn members making joint, means and arranged at the opposite ends of one or for rotating said churn members, means for :45 more diameters ; rapidly operable connections moving said churn members apart‘ axially, 30, mounted on valves 31 permit‘ very easy and ?exible conduits coupling the jackets of removal of the ?exible tubes, while by open said churn members. ' ing the above mentioned valves, ‘very rapid 6. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel complete ‘discharge of the double acket can lulose xanthate comprising a pair of double .59 be effected. ' I 105 UL j acketedchurn members making joint, means An advantageous construction which en for rotating said churn members, inlet and sures the continuity of the circulation of the outlet conduits both-joined to the jacket ‘of heatingyor cooling ?uid in the double jacket one of said churn members, and ba?ies in said consists in the provision of the admission and jackets to direct the flow therein ‘of a tem voutlet conduits 32, 33 of the above mentioned perature controlling medium from said in jacket in the journal- 7. This construction let through half the jacket to which it is is further characterized by the feature that COHHBCtQdLthBHCQ through the other-jacket, with only two ?exible tubes 4, at opposite and thence through the other half of the to which said outlet conduit is con ends of a single diameter, the admission and jacket nected. ' outletconnections 34 and 3570f the double 7. Apparatus for themanufacture cel— jacket-are located in the plane of the ?ex~ lulose xanthate comprising a pair of ofchurn ible tubes. The circulation of the ?uid agent members making joint, a journal on each said owing to the distribution of the baffles, is churn member, saidjournals being coaxial, ' from one half of the fixed cap to the Inov-' means for rotating said churn _ members 120 125 130 1,834,605 through one of said journals, a screw formed on one of said journals, a nut meshing with said screw, means for rotating said nut with respect to said screw, and means for locking said nut to said screw. 8. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a pair of caps making joint, means for rotating said caps 10 15 as a Whole, means for moving said caps apart axially, nuts and bolts for holding said caps together and removable distance pieces on said bolts enabling said caps to move apart without removal of said nuts and bolts. 9. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a pair of double jacketed caps making joint, means includ ing a journal on one of said caps for rotat ing said caps as a whole, means for mov 20 ing said caps apart axially, two diametrical 1y opposite ?exible tubes connecting the jackets of said caps, inlet and outlet conduits for a cooling medium formed within said journal, and pipes connecting said conduits 25 with said jackets, said tubes, conduits and pipes being arranged in a common axial plane. 30 10. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a pair of churn members making a circumferential joint, an axial journal on each of said members, means for rotating one of said journals, and means for moving said churn members apart axially. 35 11. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a pair of hollow members making a circumferential joint, means for rotating said hollow members as a whole, and means for moving said hollow members apart axially. 12. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a jacketed churn, an axial journal fast on said churn, means for rotating said journal churn, means for feeding carbon bisulphide axially of said 45 journal, and inlet and outlet conduits for circulating a temperature controlling medium in said jacket formedwithin and rotating with said journal. 13. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel lulose xanthate comprising a pair of jacketed churn members making joint, means for ro tating said churn members, means for mov ing said churn members apart axially, and rapidly detachable ?exible tubes connecting 55 the jackets of said churn members. 14. Apparatus for the manufacture of cel~ lulose xanthate comprisinga pair of jacketed 60 churn members making joint, means for r0 tating said churn members, means for mov ing said churn members apart axially, a valve on each of said jackets, and ?exible tubes connecting said valve junctions. In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification. $5 MICHEL DASSONVILLE.
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