Run Date : ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ®äú±É´Éä INDIAN RAILWAYS JÉÖ±ÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäVÉ OPEN TENDER DOCUMENT 16/01/2014 Page 1 of 5 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MATERIAL MANAGER ®äú±É Êb÷¤¤ÉÉ EòÉ®JÉÉxÉÉ , Eò{ÉÚ®úlɱÉÉRAIL COACH FACTORY, ( KAPURTHALA ) ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòiÉÉÇ EòÉ xÉɨÉ: Tenderer's Name {ÉiÉÉ: Address : : ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆJªÉÉ /Tender Number : 3117130374 ÊxɪÉiÉ ÊiÉÊlÉ /Due Date : 28/02/2014 at 14:25 Hrs. ¤ÉªÉÉxÉÉ ®úÉ榃 Document Cost (Rs.) : 1,000 * Earnest Money (Rs.): 55,100 * Rs. 250 Extra , CD Cost (if applicable) SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT TENDER NO. : 3117130374 TO BE RECEIVED AT 14:25 HRS. ON DATE 28/02/2014 IN THE TENDER OPENING SECTION OF STORE BRANCH (PURCHASE SECTION) AT RCF/KAPURTHALA. Gò¨É ºÉÆ. Sr No. Ê´É´É®úhÉ B´ÉÆ Ê´ÉʶÉι]õªÉÉÆ/ bÅ÷É<ÆMÉ Description Drawing/Specification +{ÉäÊIÉiÉ ¨ÉÉjÉÉ Required Quantity PL Number 1 . SET OF SEATS FOR LHB GS (LHB SHELL 33600193 ON ICF BOGIE)COACHES,UPHOLSTERY TO RDSO SPEC. # RDSO/2008/CG-07 REVNIL, SHADE ALNAC-03(REF. L.NO.MD35131 DT.26/03/09 & DT.12/09/08) PAINTING AS PER MDTS140. RELEVANT NOTES OF DRG.NO.LG61001 ALT a ARE APPLICABLE.(COLOUR SHADE FOR SEAT FRAME SATIN BLUE TO ISC:177 MD22151 DT 26.05.09,CUSHIONING MATERIAL TO RDSO SPEC. # C-K607 REV-01(Ref. MD35131 09/08/2011)OR RDSO SPEC# RDSO/2007/CG-04. MPLSBLGSASP VERSION 4 Unit |ÉÉÎ{iÉ ºlÉÉxÉ FOR/Destn. Insp. Agency 31.00 SET Thirty-One HSQ Packing Instruction : PI117 VER1.0 PI117 - SEAT AND BERTH: ALL EXTRUDED PORTIONS OF SEAT & BERTH SHOULD BE PROTECTED VER1.0 WITH PLASTIC COVER . EACH INDIVIDUAL SEAT SHOULD BE COVERED WITH TRANSPARENT POLYTHENE SHEET ALL AROUND SO AS TO PREVENT INGRESS OF DUST & WATER . THEREAFTER , EACH SEAT SHOULD BE PROPERLY WRAPPED WITH BUBBLE SHEET AND THEN IT SHOULD BE PROPERLY PACKED WITH PLASTIC COATED HAISSEN CLOTH. ALL HARWARE/ASSESSORIES SHOULD BE SEPARATELY PACKED IN WOODEN BOX FOR EACH COACH SET. A LIST SHOULD BE PASTED ON EACH BOX SHOWING ORDER NO ; PL NO ; DESCRIPTION OF THE ITEM, DRG. NO /SPEC. NO; QTY. , FIRM'S NAME & ADDRESS AND DATE OF DESPATCH. ETC. ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ EòÒ Ê´É¶Éä¹É ¶ÉiÉæ (ªÉÊnù EòÉä<Ç ½þÉä):- SPECIAL CONDITIONS ( if any ) :- I 1 . SPECIAL CONDITION: 1. CUSHIONING MATERIAL TO BE RECRON OR PU FOAM WITH LATEST RDSO SPECIFICATION . HOWEVER SUPPLY OF SEATS AND BERTH IN A COACH SHOULD BE EITHER WITH RECRON OR PU FOAM. 2. FIRM WILL PROVIDE FIBRE GLASS WOVEN CLOT ALL AROUND PU FOAM AS FIRE PREVENTION MEASURE AS PER IS:1273. 3.IN CASE RDSO APPROVES THE SOURCES FOR PU FOAM, THEN PU FOAM TO BE PROCURED FROM RDSO APPROVED SOURCES. 4. THE FIRM WILL SUBMIT TEST AND GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE OF PU FOAM ALONGWITH THEIR SUPPLY OF SEAT AND BERTHS. 2 . WHILE FILLING UP THE TENDER, TENDERERS ARE ADVISED TO GIVE DD NUMBER, DATE AND AMOUNT OF TENDER COST IN THE OFFER. THE DATE OF DEMAND DRAFT SHOULD BE DATE OF TENDER OPENING OR ANY PRIOR DATE. ANY DEMAND DRAFT PREPARED AFTER THE DATE OF TENDER OPENING WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AS VALID COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS. THE Printed by : U250302 Run Date : ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ®äú±É´Éä INDIAN RAILWAYS JÉÖ±ÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäVÉ OPEN TENDER DOCUMENT 16/01/2014 Page 2 of 5 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MATERIAL MANAGER ®äú±É Êb÷¤¤ÉÉ EòÉ®JÉÉxÉÉ , Eò{ÉÚ®úlɱÉÉRAIL COACH FACTORY, ( KAPURTHALA ) ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòiÉÉÇ EòÉ xÉɨÉ: Tenderer's Name {ÉiÉÉ: Address ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆJªÉÉ /Tender Number : : : 3117130374 COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE RECEIVED IN PURCHASE OFFICE PREFERABLY ON THE DATE OF TENDER OPENING BUT NOT LATER THAN 7 DAYS FROM TENDER OPENING (EXCLUDING THE DAY OF OPENING). OFFERS RECEIVED WITHOUT COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. NO POST TENDER CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE MADE WITH THE FIRM FOR OBTAINING TENDER DOCUMENT COST. FIRM SHOULD SUBMIT REQUISITE EMD AS PER CLAUSE NO. 4.0 OF TENDER CONDITION BOOKLET. DELIVERY PERIOD : TO START IMMEDIATELY AND TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN TWO MONTHS. 3 . 4 . 5 . NO FORM C OR D WILL BE PROVIDED BY RAIL COACH FACTORY, KAPURTHALA. FIRMS ARE REQUESTED TO QUOTE RATE OF "SALE TAX/VAT WITHOUT FORM C OR FORM D" RAILWAY WILL RECOVER FROM THE CONTRACTOR AS AGREED LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND NOT BY WAY OF PENALTY, A SUM EQUIVALENT TO 2% (TWO PERCENT) OF THE PRICE OF ANY STORES (INCLUDING ELEMENTS OF TAXES, DUTIES, FREIGHT ETC.) WHICH THE CONTRACTOR HAS FAILED TO DELIVER WITHIN THE PERIOD FIXED FOR DELIVERY IN THE CONTRACT OR AS EXTENDED FOR EACH MONTH OR PART OF A MONTH DURING WHICH THE DELIVERY OF SUCH STORES MAY BE IN ARREARS WHERE DELIVERY THEREOF IS ACCEPTED AFTER EXPIRY OF THE AFORESAID PERIOD, SUBJECT TO A MAXIMUM OF 10% (TEN PERCENT) OF VALUE OF DELAYED SUPPLIES. EVALUATION OF OFFERS : OFFERS WILL BE EVALUATED ITEMWISE FOR INTERSE RANKING. 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA :- FOR ITEMS FOR WHICH APPROVED SOURCES DO NOT EXIST: NOTE : (i)Cushioning material of Densified Thermal Bonded Polyster has to be purchased from following Firms identified by RDSO or any other Firm identified during the currency of the contract:1.M/s Savitri Engineering Products, Delhi. 2.M/s Oriental Veneers Products Ltd Thane 3. M/s Durable Polymers ,Lucknow. 4. M/S Flexo Foams/Uttrakhand. Any other source recognized by RDSO will also be acceptable during the currency of the Contract. (ii)Compreg Plywood to RDSO specifications from RDSO approved Firms has to be purchased. (iii)Vinyl coated upholstery to latest RDSO specifications no.RSO/2008/CG07 Rev-NIL is to be procured from following approved RDSO approved sources:1.M/s Viniroyal Plasticoates Private Limited, Plot No.319,Village Baska, Taluka-Halol ,Distt.: Panchmahal,Gujrat-389350. 2.M/s Royal Cushion Vinyl product Limited ,Plot No.55, Village- Gardhia, Taluka Salvi, Distt. Vadodra, Gujrat-391520. 3.M/s RMG Polyvinyl India Limited,10/1, Industrial Area, Sikandrabad, Distt.Bulandahahar-203205. 4..M/s Premier Ployfilm Limited,40/1A,Site-IV, Industrial Area, Sahibaba, Ghaziabad (UP)-201010. 5.M/s Rsponsive Industries Limited, Betagaon,Mahagaon,Near Gaushala,Boiser (E),Distt. Thane-101501. 6.M/s Valley Valvete (P) Ltd., Survey No.235, Village Oran, Post Vadvasa, Taluka, Prantij, Distt.Sabarkantha-383205 (Gujrat) Any other source recognized by RDSO will also be acceptable during the currency of the Contract. A) BULK ORDERS WILL BE PLACED ONLY ON THE MANUFACTURERS (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT OF MANUFACTURERS) AND WHO HAVE SUPPLIED SUCCESSFULLY THE SAME ITEM TO RCF IN PAST. B) DEVELOPMENT ORDER ON NEW FIRMS CAN BE PLACED UPTO 20% QUANTITY BASED ON ASSESSMENT OF FOLLOWING:- THE PERFORMANCE STATEMENT OF THE FIRM FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS FOR SUPPLY OF Printed by : U250302 Run Date : ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ®äú±É´Éä INDIAN RAILWAYS JÉÖ±ÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäVÉ OPEN TENDER DOCUMENT 16/01/2014 Page 3 of 5 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MATERIAL MANAGER ®äú±É Êb÷¤¤ÉÉ EòÉ®JÉÉxÉÉ , Eò{ÉÚ®úlɱÉÉRAIL COACH FACTORY, ( KAPURTHALA ) ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòiÉÉÇ EòÉ xÉɨÉ: Tenderer's Name {ÉiÉÉ: Address ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆJªÉÉ /Tender Number : : : 3117130374 SIMILAR ITEMS TO RCF OR SAME/SIMILAR ITEMS TO OTHER RAILWAYS/PRODUCTION UNITS AND FINANCIAL CAPABILITY. THE ONUS OF SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATE RELATED TO SUCCESSFUL SUPPLY OF MATERIAL OVER THE PRECEDING THREE YEARS TO ANY ZONAL RLY/PU LIES WITH TENDERERS ONLY. NON-SUBMISSION OF SUCH DOCUMENTS SHALL BE TAKEN AS NOT HAVING SUCH PERFORMANCE AND THEIR OFFER SHALL BE CONSIDERED FURTHER AS PER EXTANT RULES. OR - THE LIST OF PLANT AND MACHINERY RELEVANT TO MANUFACTURE OF THE TENDERED ITEMS AND FINANCIAL CAPABILITY. WHEREVER NECESSARY CAPABILITY/CAPACITY WILL BE ASSESSED BY RCF. NOTE: OFFERS FROM AUTHORIZED AGENT WILL BE CONSIDERED ONLY IF THEY SUBMIT TENDER SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MANUFACTURER, FAILING WHICH THEIR OFFER WILL BE IGNORED SUMMARILY WITHOUT MAKING ANY FURTHER REFERENCE TO THEM. INSPECTION : BY M/S. RITES AT MANUFACTURER'S PREMISES. 10 . 11 . CONSIDERATION OF OFFERS OF INDIAN AGENT :- 12 . 13 . ONE AGENT CANNOT REPRESENT TWO SUPPLIERS OR QUOTE ON THEIR BEHALF IN A PARTICULAR TENDER. OFFERS OF SUCH AGENTS SHALL BE IGNORED. VALIDITY OF OFFER :TENDERER/S ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THEIR OFFER WITH REQUISITE VALIDITY AS ASKED IN THE TENDER I.E. 90 DAYS WHATEVER IS APPLICAPLE/REQUIRED. IF TENDERER/S DO NOT QUOTE WITH THE REQUISITE VALIDITY, THEIR OFFER IS LIABLE TO BE IGNORED. QUANTITY OPTION CLAUSE :THE PURCHASER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE ORDERED QUANTITY BY A QUANTITY NOT EXCEEDING 30% OF THE ORDERED/TENDERED QUANTITY (WHICH IS LOWER) ON THE SAME PRICE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS DURING THE CURRENCY OF THE CONTRACT SUCH THAT THE CONTRACTOR HAS REASONABLE TIME/NOTICE FOR EXECUTING SUCH INCREASE/DECREASE. HOWEVER, (+)30% OPTION CLAUSE CAN BE EXERCISED EVEN IF THE ORIGINAL ORDER QUANTITY IS COMPLETED BEFORE THE LAST DATE OF DELIVERY PERIOD, STIPULATED IN THE PURCHASE ORDER. ANY INCREASE OF QUANTITY UNDER OPTION CLAUSE AFTER EXPIRY OF DELIVERY PERIOD CAN BE CONSIDERED WITH THE CONSENT OF THE FIRM/CONTRACTOR. II - Quantity Distribution :(i) The purchaser reserves the right to distribute the procurable quantity on one or more of the eligible tenderers. Zone of consideration of such eligible tenderers will be the right of the Purchaser. (ii) Whenever such distribution/Splitting of the tendered/procurable quantity is made, the quantity distribution will depend ( in an inverse manner ) upon the differential of rates quoted by the tenderers (other aspects i.e., adequate capacity-cum-capability, satisfactory past performance of the tenderers, Outstanding orders load for the Railway making the procurement, quoted delivery schedule vis-à-vis the delivery schedule incorporated in the tender enquiry etc. being same/similar in the manner detailed in the table below. Price differential between L-1 and L-2 Quantity distribution ratio between L1 & L2 Upto 3% 60:40 More than 3% and upto 5 65:35 (iii) The rate of the highest eligible tenderer within the zone of consideration has to be per-se, reasonable to the purchaser. (iv) In case of inadequate capacity-cum-capability, dissatisfactory past performance, large Printed by : U250302 Run Date : ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ®äú±É´Éä INDIAN RAILWAYS JÉÖ±ÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäVÉ OPEN TENDER DOCUMENT 16/01/2014 Page 4 of 5 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MATERIAL MANAGER ®äú±É Êb÷¤¤ÉÉ EòÉ®JÉÉxÉÉ , Eò{ÉÚ®úlɱÉÉRAIL COACH FACTORY, ( KAPURTHALA ) ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòiÉÉÇ EòÉ xÉɨÉ: Tenderer's Name {ÉiÉÉ: Address ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆJªÉÉ /Tender Number : More than 5% : : 3117130374 At least 65% on the L1 tenderer. For the quantity to be ordered on the L2 tenderer, TC/TAA should decide keeping in view conditions laid down in paras (iii) and (iv) below If splitting of quantity is required to be done by ordering on tenderers higher than the L2 tenderer, then the quantity distribution proportion amongst the tenderers will be decided by transparent/logical/equity based extrapolation of the model as indicated in Para above. The purchaser reserves the right to counter offer the lowest acceptable rate for bulk ordering to the higher tenderer(s). In the event of rejection of such counter offer(s), the purchaser will reserve their right to decide on the quantity distribution ratio/proportion. quantity of outstanding orders(liquidation of which will take very long time) etc. the Purchaser shall have the right to distribute the procurable quantity amongst tenderers with due consideration to thsse constraints and in sucb a manner as would ensure timely supply of materials in requisite quanitiy to meet the needs of operation, maintenance, safety etc. of the Railways regardless of inter-se ranking of tenderers. III- PURCHASE PREFERENCE AND OTHER BENEFITS TO MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES (MSE) In super session of earlier policy of price preference and other benefit to the small scale and in keeping with the "Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) order,2012" issued by the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, benefits/preference will be extended to the registered Micro and Small Scale Enterprises as follows:1. Tender sets shall be provided free of cost to the MSEs registered to the tendered item with any of the following:a) District Industries Centre b)Khadi and Village Industries Commission c)Khadi and Village Industries Board d) Coir Board e) National Small Industries Corporation f) Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom g) Any other body specified by Ministry of MSME 2. MSEs registered with any of the above agencies for the tendered item shall be exempted from payment of Earnest Money. 3.In tenders, participating and registered MSEs quoting price within price band of (L1+15%) shall be allowed to supply of a portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from Tender other than an MSE and such MSEs can be together considered to ordering upto 20% of net procurable quantity in the Tender. 4. MSEs interested in availing themselves of these benefits must enclose, along with their offer, a copy of proof of their registration with any of the above mentioned agencies and also indicate the terminal validity date of their registration. The registration certificate should also include information about the status in regard to their category i.e the ownership MSE pertains to SC/ST/Other category clearly. Absence of any such information in the registration certificate would be taken as MSE falling in the category as "others". Printed by : U250302 Run Date : ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ®äú±É´Éä INDIAN RAILWAYS JÉÖ±ÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäVÉ OPEN TENDER DOCUMENT 16/01/2014 Page 5 of 5 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MATERIAL MANAGER ®äú±É Êb÷¤¤ÉÉ EòÉ®JÉÉxÉÉ , Eò{ÉÚ®úlɱÉÉRAIL COACH FACTORY, ( KAPURTHALA ) ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòiÉÉÇ EòÉ xÉɨÉ: Tenderer's Name {ÉiÉÉ: Address ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆJªÉÉ /Tender Number : : : 3117130374 5. Failing submission of certificate as per para 4 above, such offer will not be liable to consideration of benefits detailed in MSE notification of Government of India dated 23.03.12. ( Other terms and conditions as per INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF TENDER and IRS conditions of contract. ) ( TENDERERS ARE REQUIRED TO QUOTE IN ONLINE QUOTATION FORM ONLY. ANY RATE OR CONDITIONS SUBMITED MANUALLY/IN PHYSICAL FORM WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.) Printed by : U250302
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