february 2015 kent happenings newsletter

A Publication of Kent Memorial Lutheran Church, Sunrise Beach, MO.
For the On-Line Calendar, CLICK LINK BELOW
February, 2015
Volume 31, Issue 2
Overlooking the Lake of the Ozarks
Kent Memorial Lutheran Church
184 Sunset Hill Drive
P. O. Box 155
Sunrise Beach, MO 65079
~ 1951—
1951—2014 ~
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
Worship Service
~ David R. Beese, Pastor ~
[email protected]
Volume 31, Issue 2
February, 2015
He really never knew what was ahead for him.
He never had nails driven through his hands before, and so he couldn’t have
known what it would be like until it happened. And when it did, the pain screamed.
The whole world blew out from under him. And after the first nail went through, he
knew a second one was coming.
He could never have imagined what it would be like to be deserted by God. That
was the indescribable death….the total, living horror that literally no one could imagine. And then it came. It was there.
We can never, will never, fathom the death and dying of our Lord. We can never experience its fullness in
terms of its opposite. What it all WON for us. Each moment, each day of our lives, each eternity of our eternities all of that will be the only translation we will ever know of the meaning of his crucifixion for us. It will be
only his peace, his life, his joy that has become the whole story of our existence. We know what is ahead for
us, because of him.
We are approaching the season of Lent. It is time to remember again that he did it all for you, for each of us,
for all of us. Join us each Wednesday during Lent – February 18 is Ash Wednesday when we observe the
Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. On the remaining Wednesdays, February 25, March 4, 11, 18,
and 25, we will meditate on the book, “Disordered Loves: Healing the 7 Deadly Sins” by William S. Stafford.
Stafford is an Episcopalian priest and is professor of Church History at Virginia Theological Seminary. Each
week we will focus on one of the seven deadly sins: pride, anger, envy, greed, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Each
Wednesday evening the focus will be on real sinfulness, the deadly sins which drive us away from God who is
the love of our lives.
Ash Wednesday’s service begins at 7:00pm and remaining Wednesday services begin at 6:00 with a light
meal following the service.
Everyone is encouraged to attend our Annual Meeting Part 2 on Sunday, February 8. Come and share a potluck brunch/lunch together and talk about our mission and ministry as a congregation. See you there!
Pastor Dave
God’s Work, Our Hands
Kent Memorial Lutheran Church, ELCA,
Est. 1951
P. O. Box 155
184 Sunset Hill Drive
Sunrise Beach, Missouri 65079
Rev. David R. Beese, Pastor
Phone: 573-374-5267 Fax: 573-374-8028
(Fax Machine Answers After Five Rings!)
[email protected]
Rev. David R.Beese ......................................................... Pastor
Tracy Garrett ......................Office Secretary & Newsletter Editor
Kathleen Marco ........................... Organist, Vocal Choir Director
Joyce Wanamaker ......................................... Assistant Organist
Toni Wagner...........................................Handbell Choir Director
Tracy Garrett ..............Coordinator of Worship & Artistic Ministry
Helen Oldham ................................... Prayer Chain Chairperson
Lester Clark, Dan Garrett,
Ken Gerardy & Michael Wagner............ Sound Technicians
................................................................................. Webmaster
Committee Assignments
Jim Mellody ..................................................................President
Gary Esbeck................................ Vice President; Social Ministry
Carol Hansen ............................................... Christian Education
Brian Kuckler ................................................ Christian Education
Eldeen Hanke........................................................... Evangelism
Andrew Renken...................................... Finance & Stewardship
Bill Blomberg ................................................................. Property
Lynn Burke .................................................................... Property
Mark Kelly ............................................................ Social Ministry
Pastor Dave Beese ............................................. Mutual Ministry
Joyce Wanamaker ........................................... Worship & Music
Gail Kruse ...................................................... Youth / Kent Krew
Jim Clements ........................................... Long Range Planning
.............................................................................. Ministry Fund
Council Appointed Positions
Carol Hanson ............................................. Recording Secretary
Gail Kruse ................................................................... Treasurer
Warren Pray ................................................. Financial Secretary
Ken Gerardy ......................................... Building Fund Treasurer
Linda Kimberling ................... Building Fund Financial Secretary
02/01 Bob Kuecker, Janet Kuecker
02/08 Chuck Wanamaker, Joyce Wanamaker
02/15 Michael Wagner, Toni Wagner
02/22 Linda Kimberling, Ken Gerardy
February 1, 4th Sunday after Epiphany
1st Reading................................. Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm .............................................................Psalm 111
2nd Reading .................................... 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Gospel ...................................................... Mark 1:21-28
February 8, 5th Sunday after Epiphany
1st Reading............................................. Isaiah 40:21-31
Psalm .............................................Psalm 147:1-11, 20c
2nd Reading .................................. 1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Gospel ...................................................... Mark 1:29-39
February 15, Transfiguration of Our Lord
1st Reading.............................................. 2 Kings 2:1-12
Psalm ........................................................ Psalm 50:1-6
2nd Reading ...................................... 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Gospel .......................................................... Mark 9:2-9
February 18, Ash Wednesday
1st Reading...........................................Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Psalm ...................................................... Psalm 51:1-17
2nd Reading ........................... 2 Corinthians 5:20b—6:10
Gospel ......................................... Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
February 22, 1st Sunday of Lent
1st Reading............................................. Genesis 9:8-17
Psalm ...................................................... Psalm 25:1-10
2nd Reading ............................................ 1 Peter 3:18-22
Gospel ........................................................ Mark 1:9-15
9:30 AM
Altar Guild ......................................... 2/1 &15 Deb Kelly;
...................................................... 2/8 & 22 Sheryl Boos
Liturgist ............... 2/1 Katie Heaford; 2/15 Tracy Garrett
Communion Assistant .....................................................
Greeters ................................ 2/1 Dave & Cindy Curchy;
.................................. 2/8 Earl Cowher & Lorraine Boyd;
........................................... 2/15 Gerry & Linda Williams
Lector ...........................................................Jim Mellody
Ushers ......................................... 2/1 Jim & Diane Ziehl
......................................... 2/8 Teri Stout & Shirley Clark
Coffee .......................................... 2/1 Vanessa Hebrank
Sound Technicians .............. Lester Clark / Ken Gerardy
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Stewa rd sh i p C orner
Offerings and Income for December , 2014 ....................... $24,963
Actual Expenses for December, 2014................................ $18,158
Monthly Budget Needs ...................................................... $15,643
Offerings and Income for January-December, 2014 ........ $188,940
Actual Expenses for January-December, 2014 ................ $181,483
Average Sunday Morning Attendance in December was 93
Average Sunday School/Adult Bible Study Attendance in December was 14
Christmas Eve Attendance was 155
Bank Balance 12-1-14 ............................. $3,449.52
Deposits, interest and adjustments ............ 3,744.43
Payment to Mission Investment Fund ........ 4,000.00
Bank Balance 1-1-15 ............................... $3,193.95
Mortgage Payment to MIF ....................... $4,000.00
Interest Paid ................................................. 534.77
Principal Paid in December...................... $3,465.23
Mortgage Balance 12-1-14 .................. $152,976.23
Principal paid in December ........................ 3,465.23
Mortgage Balance 1-1-15 .................... $149,511.00
Leave your articles in the church office, or e-mail your
news to Tracy at [email protected].
members and friends in need of God’s healing touch
Ron Baltzer
Bernice Bequette
Richard Durkin
Scottie Friedleins
Debbie Glickley
Pam Hunt
Jeri Hunter
Jack Hollingsworth
Frank LaRock
Janette Lynch
Madison Mitchell
Steve Mues
Jill New
Kathy Norris
Nancy O’Hara
Don Peterson
Marcey Rauert
Sherry Ray
Laura Reynolds
Maureen McCleary Rice
Regina Robinette
MaryLee Rogers
Barbara Schweiger
Pat Shank
Marshall Sherlock IV
Judy Swigart
Diana Trimble
Larry Waggoner
John Yancey
R e m e m b e r t h o s e s e rv i n g i n t h e m i l i ta ry i n p r ay e r
Eric Blomberg
Ben Brammeier
Aaron Davis
Tanner Glodt
Jason Ites
Adam Kralina
Brandon Labath
Glenn Maddock
Adam Peterson
Laurie Knolls & Laurie Care Center
610 Highway O
P.O. Box 1068
Laurie, MO 65038
Betty Bennett
Stanley Field
Bernice Lansing
Good Samaritan Care Center
403 W. Main Street
Cole Camp, MO 65325
Mary Gordon
Pleasant Hill Health & Rehabilitation Center
1300 Broadway
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
Don Hays
If you are aware of anyone being admitted to or discharged from
the hospitals or nursing homes, please notify the church office.
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FEBRU ARY bi rthdays & a nniv er sari es
Wendy Blomberg
Teri Stout
Diane Reams
Don Peterson
Brenna Enriquez
Travis Bullock
Linda Kimberling
Glenice Gibson
Rick Waite
Jan Gauck
Al Diemer
Floyd Wait
Jan Lacas
Dee Hamman
Sharon Lutjen
Pat Larson
Rhonda Neighbour
Alysia LaRock
Marilyn Peterson
Joan Zemke
Margo Strothmann
Carol Ousley
Al Diemer
Jim Kruse
Allen Kimberling
Nancy Beese
Linda Williams
Matt Bunger
Shade Bullock
Brian & Judy Kuckler
51 years
Brad & LeeAnne Brumm
21 years
Bill & Ada Terry
27 years
If your birthday or anniversary isn’t listed, please contact the church office so we may include you in our congratulations!
c h urch cou n cil
Unapproved Council Minutes - January 13, 2014
In Attendance- Gary Esbeck, Pastor Dave, Carol Hansen, Gail Kruse, Brian Kuckler, Mark Kelly, Lynn Burke, Joyce
Wanamaker and Eldeen Hanke.
Absent- Andrew Renken, Bill Blomberg, Jim Clements, Eldeen Hanke and Jim Mellody
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice President Gary Esbeck.
Dwelling in the Word: Pastor read an article from the Lutheran.
Minutes- Motion to approve December minutes with the correction of Joyce Wanamaker’s name was made by Mark
Kelly, seconded by Lynn Burke and all approved.
Treasures Report- We reviewed the report given by Gail Kruse. A motion was made to approve the report by Joyce
Wanamaker was seconded by Mark Kelly. All Approved.
A motion was made by Gail Kruse to make the Annual Audit day the second Monday in January. Brian Kuckler seconded
and all approved.
A motion was made by Gail Kruse to renew current CD’s to an 8 month rollover. Mark Kelly made a motion to approve
the rollover. Joyce Wanamaker seconded and all approved.
Pastor’s Report- Pastor reported Lent was one month away. February 18 is Ash Wednesday. Services will be on a
book about Seven Deadly Sins.
Lenten services suppers will be prepared by committee groups.
February 25 .. Social Ministry & Altar Guild
March 4......... Finance & Stewardship & Property Committees
March 11 ...... Youth & Mutual Ministry Committees
March 18 ...... Long Range Planning & Worship & Music Committees
March 25 ...... Evangelism & Christian Education Committees
Pastor reported the meeting in Cole Camp went well. Around 50 people attended. Thank you Gerry Williams for going
and drivingJ several ideas where shared. Ideas include possibly bussing to area churches to visit and share ministries
and Festival of Sharing in Sedalia. Pastor will continue to search for ideas for our congregation and report back.
Building Fund Report – No report to approve.
Committee Reports- Property committee: Light switch in men’s room and a ring on the toilet have been fixed.
Social Ministry reported a total of $2371.00 was collected on behalf of the Salvation Army. $943.91 of those funds was
collected by Kent Memorial. Thank you to all that took the time to bell ring!
New Paraments have been ordered for Lent.
Old Business- None to discuss.
New Business- Discussion of distribution of Lenten Offerings. Pastor suggested half to Social Ministry and half to Property Committee. A motion was made by Lynn Burke to half Lenten offerings between SS Ministry and Property Committee. Brian Kuckler seconded the motion and all approved.
Easter pageant is early this year and a lot of the snow birds will still be gone. We will need volunteers.
Gail Kruse made a motion to move $250.00 of Thrivent money to Kid’s Club due to an error from a memorial. Lynn Burke
seconded the motion and all approved.
Discussion was made on a new way of handling memorials. That information will be shared with those that do the counting.
Correspondence- Two thank you notes read.
Motion to adjourn was made by Gail Kruse, seconded by Brian Kuckler and all approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
—continued on p. 7
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Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next meeting: February 17, 2015 at 6:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Hansen
Sunday, February 8, 2015
10:30 a.m.
We will share a Potluck Brunch/Lunch prior to the meeting
Copies of the 2013 Annual Report are available in the Gathering Place
Call to Order – Jim Mellody, Council President
Devotions (inside front cover of Annual Report) – Pastor Beese
Approval of Minutes - Annual Congregational Meeting, 11/9/2014 – Jim Mellody
President’s Report – Jim Mellody, Council President
Pastor’s Report – Pastor Beese
Treasurer Reports
General Fund – Gail Kruse
2015 Budget – Gail Kruse
Building Fund – Ken Gerardy
Committee Reports
Altar Guild
Christian Education
Finance & Stewardship
Long Range Planning
Mutual Ministry
Social Ministry
Worship & Music
New Business
Adjourn – Closing Prayer
WELC A - Wom en of t he Evan gelical Lu th er an Chu rch
Unapproved Minutes—January 6, 2015
Vice President Sheryl Boos opened the meeting with words of welcome to those present and asked that everyone join in
praying the WELCA prayer from the handbook. There were 16 members present. She thanked this month’s hostesses
Joyce Wanamaker and Kathy Fair. Linda Williams read a devotion on aging.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary Pro-tem Kathy Fair read the minutes of the last meeting. Diane Ziehl moved and Judy
Ward seconded that the minutes be approved as presented, motion carried. Kathy reported that WELCA had received
eight thank you notes and they will be posted on the board.
Treasurers Report: Copies of the treasurer’s report for November 2014 and December 2014 were available for review.
The 2014 year end balance was $5,387.44. This total is for the WELCA general fund and does not include the money in
the Scrip account. Joyce Wanamaker reported that $260 was collected in the Christmas offering. Through the ELCA
Good Gifts program we bought a pig, a goat, a sheep, and some honeybees with the balance directed to the “greatest
need” as determined by the Good Gift program managers. There were no questions on the treasurer’s report.
Standing Committees:
Christian Action – Six ladies got 40 critters stuffed and ready to close, 50 critters and 10
sets of hats and booties are ready to take to Lake Regional. We need to find someone to
replace Carol Gerardy as she will no longer be drawing the faces on the critters. Carol has
said that she is willing to show someone how to do this.
Laurie Care Center – no report
Community for Christ – no report, sign up sheet is on the board
Senior Center – the sign up sheet was passed around and will be on the board. Joyce reported that there is one fewer agency providing volunteers for the Senior Center so Kent
will be responsible more frequently than previously.
Care Core – 3 rides to doctor appointments were given in November 2014. One ride to a doctor appointment and many
phone contacts were made in December 2014.
Kent Klowns – the Klowns are gathering for a social event later in January, but have no other engagements scheduled.
Sunshine Lady – In November 2014, 1 sympathy and 3 get well cards were sent. No cards were sent in December.
Those attending the meeting had a chance to sign cards for Helen Oldham (who will be moving to Kansas City to be
closer to family) and Jeri Hunter (who is hospitalized at Lake Regional).
Kids Klub – the December meeting went very well. 12 kids attended and enjoyed having some hands-on learning about
the nativity scene and listening to a story read by the Kent Klowns. The klowns also did some face painting and participated in a Christmas tree activity.
Label Collection – Campbell’s soup labels – 30
Box Tops for Education - 96
Great Lake Scrip Sales – the account total as of 12/13/2014 was $882.53. Sheryl Boos thanked everyone who supports
this fund raising effort. At the November 2014 meeting WELCA members were invited to suggest ways to share this
money with the community. No suggestions had been given to Sheryl and Karen Mellody was not at the meeting so we
don’t know if she had been given any suggestions. Diane Ziehl moved & Sharon Ballard seconded that we delay a decision on how best to share the Scrip proceeds until this summer. Motion carried.
Elementary School Staff Appreciation volunteers –
January – South - Kathy Fair
Hurricane Deck – Sheryl Boos & __(open)_________
February – South - _(open)____
Hurricane Deck – Diane Ziehl (said she’d take care of this by herself)
Old Business:
Sheryl Boos asked if there was any discussion on our December luncheon. There was a question as to why attendance
was down and a comment on how the guests were not acknowledged and introduced. Kathy Fair apologized for the
oversight on not introducing our guests.
New Business:
Calendar dates were set for 2015 activities:
—Continued on page 9
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May luncheon – May 1st
Rummage Sale – July 31st & Aug 1st
Soup & Chili luncheon, bazaar & bake sale - Nov 7th
Christmas luncheon – Dec 1st
Cookie and Candy Sale – Dec 5th
February 2015 hostesses will be Diane Ziehl & Lorraine Boyd. Devotions will be Kathy Fair.
As there was no further business, Vice President Sheryl Boos adjourned the meeting. All those attending joined in the
Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Fair, Secretary Pro-tem
Th ank you
Thank you to everyone who provided and attended our 25th Anniversary remembrance
on December 21. It was lovely, and we are indeed so blessed to belong to a church that
is actually just one big family. We love you all!
Michael and Toni Wagner
Thank you so much to the friends and neighbors from Hwy. 5-33 who gave a generous gift
of $300.00 to Kent Memorial to use in our community. It will be used to help those around
us who are less fortunate and are facing hard economic times. Your hearts will help keep
electricity turned on and heat on cold nights.
God's Work, Your Hands!!
Social Ministry Committee
The Kent congregation continues to support local outreach by contributing to the Blue Box
and participating in Salvation Army bell ringing efforts. Both of these efforts directly impacts
local residents of our community. Community for Christ receives much of the contributions
from both of these programs. It may be interesting to understand just how important to local families your efforts have been. In 2014, 791 families were helped in some charitable
way by Community for Christ. 485 of these families received food directly from Community
for Christ, that the Blue Box supports. Over $36,375 worth of food was given out to those
who needed the support. Community for Christ helps 5-6 families per day in some way.
The funding for this effort comes from various churches, individuals, and thrift center
sales. And, of course, from you through your outreach support. Community for Christ and
Kent Lutheran are valuable assets to the local community and you can be proud of your
part in making a difference.
God's Work, Your Hands!!
Gary Esbeck, Social Ministry Committee
February 13
1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Kent Memorial Lutheran Church
(no appointment necessary)
For more information, contact Joyce McHenry, 573-372-2141, or visit The Community Blood Bank of the
Ozarks, www.CBCO.org.
Celebrate a special person or event by placing flowers on the
altar. A chart to sign up for the Sunday of your choice is located on the bulletin board in the Gathering Room.
Sign your name and the person or occasion to be remembered on the line corresponding to the desired date. Two vases are available per date. The cost is $18.50.
A check, payable to the Altar Guild, may be left in the church office. A two week notice
would be appreciated. Flowers may be taken home after the late service or left at the
church for distribution to an area nursing home or shut-ins. The green vase insert
must be left at the church.
Would you like to place a rose bud on the altar commemorating the birth of a child?
You may order one directly from a florist of your choice or contact Janine’s and they
will deliver the flower to the church along with the altar bouquet. The cost is $11.00
including a vase. [If you supply your own vase, the cost is $5.00 and the rose will be
delivered in a pick.] The church has vases available if you would like to borrow one.
The flower may be picked up immediately after the late service. Please return the
vase to the church at your convenience.
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Lent is a 40-day liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes at the Great Vigil of Easter. Sundays are not included in the 40-day count because every Sunday is a joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection. Though
not biblical, Lent has long been a tradition in the Christian Church, and it is thought that the tradition of the 40 days recalls the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). Lent is considered a time of penance and discipline.
Because of Lent's penitential nature, worship tends to be more solemn, and purple is the liturgical color of the season. Some congregations remove flowers from the worship space, and for many, songs of praise like the Gloria in Excelsis ("Glory in the highest") and expressions of joy like the exclamation "Alleluia" ("Praise the Lord") are removed from the
liturgy until Easter. Many congregations hold special mid-week worship services and promote other devotional activities
to help their members concentrate on the Lenten disciplines of fasting, almsgiving (charity) and prayer.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. On this day, Christians focus on their complete sinfulness and the necessity
of Christ's suffering and death to insure their salvation. Ashes are referred to many times in the Old Testament as signs
of sorrow, mourning, humility, and repentance, and on Ash Wednesday they are used to remind people of their mortality
-- that "you are dust, and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). Many churches use ashes during Ash Wednesday
worship in a ritual called the Imposition of Ashes. In this custom, ashes are mixed with a small amount of oil and applied
to the forehead of each worshipper.
The Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday begins the last week of Lent, known as Holy Week. During this holiest
time of the church year, the worship services relive the final week of our Lord's human life. Holy Week includes Maundy
Thursday, when Christians observe Christ's "Last Supper" -- the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion -- and
the mandate to serve one another in love. Good Friday commemorates the imprisonment, trial and death by crucifixion
of Jesus.
Lent culminates on Saturday evening of Holy Week in the Great Vigil of Easter, when Christians gather in darkness,
light new fire, and celebrate the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies in the resurrection of Christ.
—Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Wednesday, February 18
Service at 7:00 p.m. with Imposition of ashes & Communion
MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES: "Disordered Loves: Healing the 7 Deadly Sins"
Services begin at 6:00 p.m. Following each Wednesday Lenten Service, we will share a light
supper provided by the Committee Members of Kent. Members are invited to bring a dessert to share.
Wednesday, February 25 Supper prepared by Social Ministry & Altar Guild Committees
Wednesday, March 4 Supper prepared by Finance & Stewardship & Property Committees
Wednesday, March 11 Supper prepared by Youth & Mutual Ministries Committees
Wednesday, March 18 Supper prepared by Long Range Planning & Worship & Music Committees
Wednesday, March 25 Supper prepared by Christian Education & Evangelism Committees
Maundy Thursday ..... April 2
Good Friday .............. April 3
Easter Sunday .......... April 5
Community for Christ needs items to make warm, hearty meals. Beans (1 pound bags of Great
Northern or Pinto) are especially needed right now.
Our February goal is 200 items
Please add a couple of Blue Box items to your basket when you shop this month.
And thank you for your continued generosity!
Hearing God’s Call and Responding in Love...
Here’s how we used your contributions to meet some of the need in our community.
DECEMBER, 2014 (number of needs calls):
Electric - 9
Rent - 3
Gasoline (Lake Oasis) - 3
Total needs filled for the month: 15
Total Dollars to our Community for the month: $1,166.96
We Share Jesus with All!
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Worship & Music
Kent Handbells
Kent Adult Choir
Toni Wagner, Director
Kathleen Marco, Director
Handbell Ringers & Choir Singers
Join the ranks of those who make a joyful noise…
and have a lot of fun doing it
On the job training is available
Kent Handbells
Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m.
[Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m. during Lent]
Interested in ringing? Contact Toni Wagner,
573-216-9286, [email protected]
Kent Adult Choir
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
[5:00 p.m. during Lent]
If you’d like to sing in the choir, contact Kathleen Marco,
573-434-1177, [email protected].
Kids Klub
February 18
3:30-5:00 p.m.
ALL Kids from pre-K through 5th grade
After school snacks
New friends
Loads of fun!
If you are into Super Hero's than this is for kids of all ages. This is about Super Hero's of the Bible. Come
one come all, we want to Share Jesus with All!.
Kids Klub is free & open to everyone!
Any questions? Call Diane Ziehl, 372-5223 or 573-480-1271!