KENT HAPPENINGS A Publication of Kent Memorial Lutheran Church, Sunrise Beach, MO. For the On-Line Calendar, CLICK LINK BELOW January, 2015 Volume 31, Issue 1 Overlooking the Lake of the Ozarks Kent Memorial Lutheran Church 184 Sunset Hill Drive P. O. Box 155 Sunrise Beach, MO 65079 ~ 1951— 1951—2014 ~ EACH SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:30 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Study Worship Service ~ David R. Beese, Pastor ~ Office Fax Email Website 573-374-5267 573-374-8028 [email protected] KENT HAPPENINGS Volume 31, Issue 1 January, 2015 A Joyous and Blessed New Year First of all in this New Year of 2015, Nancy and I would like to thank you for your generous Christmas gift. We appreciate all that you do all year long not only for this active congregation but also for us. We are blessed. Kent is a congregation known for our generosity and care for the needy in our community. Continue to let the light of Christ shine through you to the world. Thank you again for your Christmas gift to us but also for your outreach to others. 2014 was a year our world suffered through all kinds of calamities and heartaches. It has been a year the world took steps backward rather than forward. No matter how much science advances with new technologies and inventions, if we cannot speak to one another in a civilized way what difference does it make? Join me every day this year in prayer for our world, and our world’s leaders that we may strive to talk not with hostility or revenge, but with ideas about how we can care for people and our planet. Can we pray for a world where people think more about others than about themselves? What a beautiful world that would be!! Pastor Gary Teske says, “I suspect that most of you know what the letters “PC” stand for in popular culture. They stand for Politically Correct.” However, he wants to propose that these letters stand, first of all for Post Christmas. And what is the Post Christmas season? Why, of course it the season of Epiphany, and for the Central States Synod, it is the season of Global awareness when we lift up our relationships with our (are you ready for the final “PC”) Partner Churches. And of course, our Partner Churches are the Kotte District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) and the Far Eastern Region of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East (ELCUSFE). And guess what? PGT (Pastor Gary Teske) will be at Kent on Sunday, January 25 to preach at our worship service and make a presentation to us during our Coffee and donut hour. He has, in the past, been a Missionary in Papua, New Guinea, and in fact, spent 10 days there in October with our Synod Companion Team. We will be taking a Special Donation that Sunday for our Partner Churches. Put this date on your calendar and watch for more details as we get closer to January 25. 2015 can be a year for us to continue to reach out to those near and far who need the light of Christ’s love. I look forward to working side-by-side with you in this New Year as we serve our Lord and his Church. We Pray: Lord, open our hearts and open our eyes to see your love and the power of your Holy Spirit to lead us in your mission in 2015. Pastor Dave GOD’S WORK, OUR HANDS P 3 K H A PUBLICATION OF Kent Memorial Lutheran Church, ELCA, Est. 1951 P. O. Box 155 184 Sunset Hill Drive Sunrise Beach, Missouri 65079 Rev. David R. Beese, Pastor Phone: 573-374-5267 Fax: 573-374-8028 (Fax Machine Answers After Five Rings!) [email protected] STAFF Rev. David R.Beese ......................................................... Pastor Tracy Garrett ......................Office Secretary & Newsletter Editor Kathleen Marco ........................... Organist, Vocal Choir Director Joyce Wanamaker ......................................... Assistant Organist Toni Wagner...........................................Handbell Choir Director Tracy Garrett ..............Coordinator of Worship & Artistic Ministry Helen Oldham ................................... Prayer Chain Chairperson Lester Clark, Dan Garrett, Ken Gerardy & Michael Wagner............ Sound Technicians ................................................................................. Webmaster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2015 COUNCIL MEMBERS Committee Assignments Jim Mellody ..................................................................President Gary Esbeck................................ Vice President; Social Ministry Carol Hansen ............................................... Christian Education Brian Kuckler ................................................ Christian Education Eldeen Hanke........................................................... Evangelism Andrew Renken...................................... Finance & Stewardship Bill Blomberg ................................................................. Property Lynn Burke .................................................................... Property Mark Kelly ............................................................ Social Ministry Pastor Dave Beese ............................................. Mutual Ministry Joyce Wanamaker ........................................... Worship & Music Gail Kruse ...................................................... Youth / Kent Krew Jim Clements ........................................... Long Range Planning .............................................................................. Ministry Fund Council Appointed Positions Carol Hanson ............................................. Recording Secretary Gail Kruse ................................................................... Treasurer Warren Pray ................................................. Financial Secretary Ken Gerardy ......................................... Building Fund Treasurer Linda Kimberling ................... Building Fund Financial Secretary GENERAL FUND COUNTERS FOR JANUARY 01/04 Michael Wagner, Toni Wagner 01/11 Linda Kimberling, Ken Gerardy 01/18 Rosie Keeney, Gerry Williams 01/25 Don Peterson, Gloria Peterson JANUARY SCRIPTURE LESSONS January 4, Epiphany Sunday 1st Reading..........................................Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm ............................................................. 147:12-20 2nd Reading .........................................Ephesians 1:3-14 Gospel .............................................. John 1:[1-9] 10-18 January 11, Baptism of Our Lord 1st Reading............................................... Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm ............................................................... Psalm 29 2nd Reading .................................................. Acts 19:1-7 Gospel ........................................................ Mark 1:4-11 January 18, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 1st Reading............................... 1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20] Psalm ...................................................... 139:1-6, 13-18 2nd Reading .................................. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Gospel .......................................................John 1:43-51 January 25, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 1st Reading.............................................Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm ...................................................... Psalm 62:5-12 2nd Reading .................................. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Gospel ...................................................... Mark 1:14-20 WORSHIP LEADERS IN JANUARY 9:30 AM Altar Guild ....................................................................... ........................................................................................ Communion Assistant ..................................................... Greeters .......................................................................... ........................................................................................ Lector .............................................................................. ........................................................................................ Ushers ............................................................................ ........................................................................................ Coffee ............................................................................. ........................................................................................ Sound Technicians .............. Lester Clark / Ken Gerardy V 31 I 1 PAGE 4 Stewa rd sh i p C orner INCOME & EXPENSE Offerings and Income for October , 2014 ........................... $15,164 Actual Expenses for October, 2014 ................................... $11,845 Monthly Budget Needs ...................................................... $15,643 Offerings and Income for January-November, 2014 ........ $164,077 Actual Expenses for January-November, 2014 ................ $163,410 Average Sunday Morning Attendance in November was 101 Average Sunday School/Adult Bible Study Attendance in November was 13 NOVEMBER 2014 BUILDING FUND REPORT KENT MEMORIAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Bank Balance 11-1-14 ...................................... $3,807.01 Deposits, Interest and Adjustments .................... 3,642.51 Payment to Mission Investment Fund ................. 4,000.00 Bank Balance 12-1-14 ...................................... $3,449.52 Mortgage Payment to MIF ................................ $4,000.00 Interest Paid .......................................................... 530.08 Principal Paid in November .............................. $3,469.92 Mortgage Balance 11-1-14 ........................... $156,446.15 Principal Paid ..................................................... 3,469.92 Mortgage Balance 12-1-14 ........................... $152,976.23 NEWSLETTER ARTICLE DEADLINE FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 Leave your articles in the church office, or e-mail your news to Tracy at [email protected]. P 5 K H members and friends in need of God’s healing touch Ron Baltzer LeeAnne Brumm Pat Embich Debbie Glickley Pam Hunt Jack Hollingsworth Frank LaRock Mary Jane McKeown Jill New Nancy O’Hara Helen Oldham Marcey Rauert Sherry Ray Maureen McCleary Rice Regina Robinette Rudy Schaefer Pat Shank Marshall Sherlock IV Heather Smith Barbara Schweiger Diana Trimble Larry Waggoner John Yancey Christian condolences and hope are offered to Judy Swigart on the death of her mother, Dorothy Martin, on December 22. R e m e m b e r t h o s e s e rv i n g i n t h e m i l i ta ry i n p r ay e r Eric Blomberg Ben Brammeier Aaron Davis Tanner Glodt Jason Ites Adam Kralina Brandon Labath Glenn Maddock Adam Peterson O U R F R I E N D S I N A R E A C A R E FAC I L I T I E S Laurie Knolls & Laurie Care Center 610 Highway O P.O. Box 1068 Laurie, MO 65038 Betty Bennett Stanley Field Bernice Lansing Good Samaritan Care Center 403 W. Main Street Cole Camp, MO 65325 Mary Gordon Pleasant Hill Health & Rehabilitation Center 1300 Broadway Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 Don Hays If you are aware of anyone being admitted to or discharged from the hospitals or nursing homes, please notify the church office. V 31 I 1 PAGE 6 JAN UARY b i rthdays & an ni ver sar i es 01/01 01/02 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/15 01/19 01/20 01/21 01/22 01/27 01/29 01/30 Toni Carolus Carolyn Garrett Don Wilken Sydney Irwin Denise Irwin Ann Johnson Barb Gidley Mary Marose Heather King Chantal Enriquez Allen Brumm Dorothy Engelstad Jeri Hunter Carl Gauck Shelly Carolus Janay Renken Karen Mellody LaRoy Vinkavich Bill Blomberg Ada Terry Jeff Carolus ANNIVERSARIES 01/03/2009 01/07/1995 01/12/1952 01/21/1962 01/27/1967 01/27/1990 Vince & Barb Yount Bill & Joy Whitlow Don & Marilyn Hays Bob & Janet Harger Eric & Sue Rosenthal Bob & Lillian Bueker 6 years 20 years 63 years 53 years 48 years 25 years If your birthday or anniversary isn’t listed, please contact the church office so we may include you in our congratulations! K H P 7 c h urch cou n cil Unapproved Council Minutes - December 16, 2014 In Attendance- Andrew Renken, Gary Esbeck, Bill Blomberg, Pastor Dave, Carol Hansen, Jim Mellody, Gail Kruse, Brian Kuckler, Mark Kelly, Lynn Burke, Joyce Wannamaker and Absent- Jim Clements, Barb Yount, Eldeen Hanke, Pat Larson, Margo Strothmann and Sheryl Boos. Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m. by President Jim Mellody. A moment of silence was taken for Council member Carol Hansen’s nephew and for the world situations. Dwelling in the Word: Pastor read an article from the Lutheran from Bishop Roger Gustafson. Minutes- Motion to approve November minutes was made by Gail Kruse, seconded by Andrew Renken and all approved. Treasures Report- We reviewed the report given by Gail Kruse. A motion to approve the report was made by Andrew Renken and was seconded by Bill Blomberg. Building Fund- Presented by Jim Mellody. Nothing to approve. Pastor’s Report- Pastor reported that 55 people have been in attendance for Advent. The meals have been great! During the Season of Epiphany, we will lift up our Companion Synods in New Guinea and Siberia. Pastor Gary Teske will give the sermon on January 25th. [See Pastor’s letter on page 1 for more information.] Pastor Dave requested that we take a special offering for the Companion Synod on that Sunday. Andrew Renken made a motion to collect the special offering for the Companion Synod. Gail Kruse seconded and all approved. Committee Reports- Social Ministry – Gary Esbeck reported that $623.24 has been raised so far with Kent Memorial Bell Ringing. Thanks to all that have donated time. No other committees to report. Old Business- Reports are due to Tracy ASAP! New Business- Election of Council members. Bill Blomberg made a motion to elect Jim Mellody to continue his seat as President. Gail Kruse seconded, Andrew Renken closed nominations. All council members approved the election of Jim Mellody as President. Jim Mellody nominated Gary Esbeck to fill the seat of Vice President. Lynn Burke seconded, Gail Kruse closed nominations. All approved to elect Gary Esbeck as Vice President. Joyce Wannamaker made a motion to accept the following council member appointments for 2015: Recording Secretary Carol Hansen, Treasurer Gail Kruse, Financial Secretary Warren Pray, Building Fund Treasurer Ken Gerardy and Building Fund Secretary Linda Kimberling. Andrew Renken seconded the motion and all approved. Committee assignments for 2015 to date are: Christian Ed.- Brian Kuckler and Carol Hansen Evangelism- Eldeen Hanke Financial and Stewardship- Andrew Renken Ministry FundMutual Ministry- Pastor Dave Property- Bill Blomberg & Lynn Burke Social Ministry- Mark Kelly & Gary Esbeck Long Range PlanningYouth Ministry- Gail Kruse Worship & Music- Joyce Wannamaker Committee members designated $500.00 of Thrivent Choice Dollars to go to the pictorial directory fund. Correspondence- No correspondence. Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Blomberg, seconded by Joyce Wannamaker and all approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting: January 20, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Carol Hansen V 31 I 1 P 8 ANNUAL MEETING PART 2 Sunday, February 8, 2015 10:30 a.m. We will share a Potluck Brunch/Lunch prior to the meeting Copies of the 2013 Annual Report will be available by January 26, 2014 K H P 9 WELC A - Wom en of t he Evan gelical Lu th er an Chu rch WELCA will meet on January 6, 2015. + 9:30am Stuffed animals for Lake Regional Hospital + 12:30pm Dessert & Social Time + 1:00pm Business Meeting THANKS FOR ALL THE BOX TOPS & LABELS FOR SCHOOLS By redeeming the Box Tops & Labels for Education, we help our partner schools, Hurricane Deck Elementary & South Elementary, to purchase things like library books and playground/sports equipment. December brought in 30 soup labels and 96 box tops. Thanks! “Harvest” those box tops and labels before you throw that bottle, box, or can into the recycle bin. Thanks for your help! V 31 I 1 P 10 Th ank you s Mike and I want to thank everyone for all their thoughts and prayers during Mike's surgery and healing. Please keep us in your prayers as we are still are in the healing process. Mike & Judy Ward A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the 12th Annual WELCA Cookie and Candy Sale a success. We had proceeds of $1,431.03 for the sale and a $675 Care Abounds contribution from Thrivent Financial. We were pleased to contribute $2,106.03 to the Nursing Scholarship Fund at Lake Regional Hospital. Linda Williams & Joyce Wanamaker, Co-Chairmen Thanks to all Kent members who participated in the Salvation Army outreach this year! We had an excellent donation year. After the first week, average donations were up nicely over last year, which will help fund local Salvation Army efforts in helping needy families and individuals. We could not have accomplished our pretty much full schedule without the many people who signed up to ring and solicit funds at Save A Lot in Laurie. To acknowledge those members who really stepped up and filled up many slots it a pleasure to announce the first annual RINGER OF THE YEAR AWARD. This award is surely to be regarded as one of the most prestigious awards of our Salvation Army effort. The choice this year for the RINGER OF THE YEAR is Ken Gerardy!!! Ken went out of his way to fill the empty spots on the schedule as well as choosing to ring the bell outdoors!! We have to also have a special recognition for Chuck Wanamaker, who finished in a close second place. Our thanks to all of you who worked the shifts. Our partner churches in the Save A Lot bell-ringing were Unity at the Lake and New Hope Church (LCMC). Their contribution to the outreach allows for a broader section of our local church families participating in the effort. Once again thank you to all. K H P 11 SOC IA L MIN I STRY BLUE BOX UPDATE Donations to the Blue Box during December enabled our church to share much needed donations of food, household and personal hygiene items with Community for Christ. This vital outreach to the community is supported by local churches which provides assistance to those in need. Community for Christ relies on donations from generous individuals and churches along with the thrift center sales to provide funding for outreach to local individuals in the Camden and Morgan County area. No government assistance is provided and the outreach is totally dependent upon the local support. Let’s make January our best month ever! And thank you for your generosity. Our January goal is 200 items Please add a couple of Blue Box items to your basket when you shop this month. Hearing God’s Call and Responding in Love... Here’s how we used your contributions to meet some of the need in our community. NOVEMBER, 2014 (number of needs calls): Electric - 5 Rent - 3 Gasoline (Lake Oasis) - 3 Lodging - 1 Total needs filled for the month: 12 Total Dollars to our Community for the month: $752.20 We Share Jesus with All! V 31 I 1 P 12 Worship & Music Kent Handbells Kent Adult Choir Toni Wagner, Director Kathleen Marco, Director Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. P 13 K H Kids Klub January 21 3:30-5:00 p.m. ALL Kids from pre-K through 5th grade SUPERHEROES OF THE BIBLE After school snacks New friends Loads of fun! If you are into Super Hero's than this is for kids of all ages. This is about Super Hero's of the Bible. Come one come all, we want to Share Jesus with All!. Kids Klub is free & open to everyone! Any questions? Call Diane Ziehl, 372-5223 or 573-480-1271!
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