September 2014 - Cheam Methodist Church

Cnr Church Hill Road and Chatsworth Road,
Cheam, Sutton SM3 8LJ
Minister: Rev Nik Wooller – 01372 743182
[email protected]
Hall Bookings: Audrey Saunderson – 0208 644 6911
Church Charity Number: SI 2655/2007
7 September
Rev Nik Wooller
36 Ordinary Sunday
Holy Communion
14 September 10.30am
Mrs Nellie Showers 37 Ordinary Sunday
21 September 10.30am
Rev Nik Wooller
38 Ordinary Sunday
Harvest Service
28 September 10.30am
Rev Mark Wakelin
39 Ordinary Sunday
Wednesday 3rd 8.00pm
House Group meeting at Audrey Saunderson’s home, 105 Abbotts
Road, Cheam
Sunday 7th 6.30pm
Circuit welcome service for Rev Mark Wakelin at Epsom Methodist
Monday 8th 8.00pm
Pastoral Committee meeting
Tuesday 9 th 10.00-11.30am
Cheam Tots – for parents/carers and toddlers
Tuesday 9th 2.30pm
Women’s Friendly Hour – Rev Nik Wooller
Tuesday 9th 7.30 for 8.00pm Churches Together in Sutton and Cheam
Wednesday 10th 7.30/8.00pm Circuit meeting, Carshalton Methodist Church
Tuesday 16th 10.00-11.30am Cheam Tots – for parents/carers and toddlers
Tuesday 16th 2.30pm
Women’s Friendly Hour – AGM
Friday 19th
Last date for contributions for October Newsletter, this month to
Jane Wasbrough
Saturday 20th 10.00am
Decorating the church for harvest service
Sunday 21st 10.30am
Harvest festival service followed by faith lunch
Monday 22nd 8.00pm
Leadership team meeting at 105 Abbotts Road
Tuesday 23rd 10.00-11.30am Cheam Tots – for parents/carers and toddlers
Tuesday 23rd 2.30pm
Women’s Friendly Hour - harvest meeting and lunch
Friday 26th 8.00pm
House group at Mary Freeman’s home, 14 Priory Avenue, Cheam
Sunday 28th September
Thanksgiving Service at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church for
Sutton Schoolswork
Tuesday 30th 10.00-11.30am Cheam Tots – for parents/carers and toddlers
Tuesday 30th 2.30pm
Women’s Friendly Hour – Mr Ray Kear, Salvation Army
Tuesday 7th 10.00-11.30am
Tuesday 7 2.30pm
Cheam Tots – for parents/carers and toddlers
Women’s Friendly Hour – Members' afternoon
All events at Cheam Methodist Church, unless otherwise stated .
We thank God for healing, for comfort and strength for all those who need it at present,
and for those who have lost loved ones. We pray specially for our minister Nik, Keith and
their family following the very recent death of Keith's mother after a long illness. For
understandable reasons Nik has not been able to contribute her usual message for this
We ask for continued prayers for Sandra Oborski, and for Elizabeth Baldwin's daughter,
Sue. It has been good to see Cynthia Brett Young back in church, and to know she is
feeling much better after her medical treatment. We pray that each day she will continue
to feel stronger, and we also pray for Tony and their family.
As an update on the last Family Circle, Joyce Cleator's son died peacefully on Thursday
17 July at St. Raphael's Hospice. After the funeral Joyce went to Scotland to stay with her
other son. Please pray for all the family. We ask for prayers for Barbara Sloan and all the
family. Barbara is being cared for in Crossways Nursing Home where Christine Rippon
and I visited her while her daughters Janet and Susan were having a holiday.
Joyce Mealing still has health issues, so please pray for her and Bert who cares for her.
Alan and Mary are being well cared for in their home and send love to all friends at church.
Alberta Brown cast aside her stick on 25 July and is walking very well now. She hopes to
return to work soon. Please pray for Grace Hine, Irene Smith and their families. It's always
good to see them at worship each Sunday.
Thanks to all who visit, take flowers and who give lifts regularly to bring people to church
on Sundays or who make the phone calls, which are so important to keep in touch. Please
let Nik or me know of anyone who is unwell or who needs a visit.
Mary Freeman
Women's Friendly Hour
On Tuesday 29 July, for our final meeting before September a garden party was held at 14
Priory Avenue. As it was a beautiful afternoon this year (unlike the two previous years) it
was actually held in the garden with cream tea, cakes and tea and coffee. These were ably
served by Colin and Bob. We were joined by Bess Evan's daughter, Jill, who also made
cakes and we had a wonderful catch up of news.
The following day a mini-bus had been hired to take 16 of us to see a demonstration of the
work involved in training the dogs for Canine Partners. We were joined by two ladies from
St John's Church Belmont. On the way we enjoyed a ploughman's lunch at The
Greyhound in Midhurst, West Sussex. The trip, in memory of Doreen West, was made at
the suggestion of Eileen, whose Canine Partner is Icarus. Unfortunately Eileen was unable
to join us on the day as she often gives talks to raise money for this worthy charity. We had
a scenic journey back and everyone enjoyed the day. We hope to make a members' trip at
least once a year.
Mary Freeman
Audrey Saunderson writes: “Our thanks to Mary and Bob for the wonderful afternoon
they gave to members of the Women’s Friendly Hour at their home in July. Thanks to Colin
and Bob who cheerfully brought our teas and coffees to us and refilled our cups when
needed. Also a big thank you to Mary and Christine for arranging and organising our trip
on Wednesday 30 July to Canine Partners.”
Kirsty's baby
Kirsty Collis and James are happy to announce the safe arrival on 21 August of their
daughter, Amelia Hope Garrod, weighing 5Ib 1oz (2.3kg). We also remember Amelia's twin
sister Sophie Anne Garrod who sadly died. Kirsty and James would like to thank everyone
for all their kind messages, cards and gifts.
News from SeeAbility
The next production by The Wild Cats Dramatic Society is called ‘A Christmas Medley’ –
see the poster on the notice board. There are two performances to which all members of
CMC are invited. The first is at 2.30pm on Wednesday 12 December, at the Millennium
Centre, Wesley Road, Leatherhead. The second is at 2pm on Monday 17 December, at
the Fairfield Centre in Leatherhead shopping centre.
Another group, the Community Awareness group, will be making their usual Christmas visit
to our church for carols and refreshments on Monday 3 December at 10.30am. Again, all
are welcome to come along and meet some of the residents and staff from SeeAbility.
Jane Wasbrough
Flower calendar
If you would like to make a donation for flowers in the church for an anniversary, to
celebrate a special event, or for any other reason please enter your name under the
appropriate Sunday on the flower calendar. You can give your donation to me, Audrey.
Donations for July and August were: 6 July, Grace Hine in memory of her husband
Dennis; 13 July, Bob and Mary Freeman’s wedding anniversary; 20 and 27 July, donations
from Rene White’s family; 3 August, Roy Collis in memory of his daughter Claire; 10
August, donation from Rene White’s family; 17 August, Alberta Brown in memory of her
adopted Dad; 24 August, donation from Rene White’s family; and 31 August, Elizabeth
Baldwin in memory of her parents.
Audrey Saunderson
Sunday Collections
The totals for our recent Sunday morning collections were: 29 June, £232.40; 6 July,
£174.40; 13 July, £190.90; 20 July £172.32; 27 July, £211.80; 3 August, £181.05; 10
August, £176.60; 17 August, £159.91; and 24 August, £211.20.
Easy Fundraising
Sue Blake has drawn our attention to a website called Easy Fundraising – – through which money can be raised for the church by shopping
on the internet. By just registering and adopting CMC as your favourite charity you can
give a donation to our church every time you shop on a sponsored site. Sue says she
raised £11 within a short time of starting to use it. For further information go to the website.
Nik Wooller
Christian Aid award
The late Chris Bromage is to be honoured with a posthumous award for 50 years of
dedicated service to Christian Aid at a service at St John's Church, Belmont, at 9.30am,
Sunday 21 September. Chris, who was the long-time organiser of Christian Aid in the
Sutton Council of Churches/Churches Together, died earlier this year after a long illness.
Guildford Cathedral appeal
Jenny Delafond has told us of an appeal to raise funds to protect and transform Guildford
Cathedral, the last Church of England cathedral to be consecrated on a new site in
England. It's planned to replace the acoustic plaster in the ceiling vaults which contain
asbestos. The funds will also help to upgrade disabled access, refurbish the splendid
organ, install new lighting and sound, and other important improvements. Jenny was one
of 200,000 people who bought a brick to help build the cathedral in 1961. Details are
available on
Church visit
During a recent visit to the Yorkshire coastal resort of Whitby, Cynthia and I discovered
one of the most fascinating churches we have visited, St Mary's Parish Church. It looks
out over the town, and the climb to it is a challenging 199 steps, relieved by flat resting
places for the use of struggling pall-bearers. The ascent follows the fictional footsteps of
Bram Stoker's Dracula, much of which is set in Whitby. At the top there's a glorious view
and a Victorian monument to Caedmon, 'father of English sacred verse', who died in 680.
He was an uneducated cowherd, employed at the nearby monastery, who had a dream in
which an angel commanded him to sing to the glory of creation. He composed poetry so
moving it is said to have inspired Milton's Paradise Lost. The church's vast and overgrown
graveyard is full of seafarers – explorers, whalers and fishermen.
Part of St Mary's dates back to 1110, and it boasts a Norman chancel arch, box pews
unlike any we've ever seen, and a triple-decker pulpit with built-in ear trumpets, installed in
the 19th century for a rector's deaf wife. The profusion of 18 th century panelling carries
fascinating notices including one which announces that Sunday funerals will be held
'precisely at 1 o'clock from Michaelmas to Lady Day, and at half past 4 from Lady Day to
Michaelmas'. The pews were allocated to different people, according to their station, one
being for Church Maids. Among other curiosities is the awesome Scoresby Chair, carved
from timbers salvaged from an 1850s shipwreck, and presented in memory of the Rev
William Scoresby who before taking holy orders was a whaling captain and Arctic explorer.
Captain Cook, while learning his trade in Whitby, also worshipped in the church.
The town of Whitby was fascinating, but Cynthia and I agreed our visit would have been
worthwhile just to see St Mary's alone. If you've been to another church which has
captured your interest recently, do write and tell us about it.
Tony Brett Young