Volume 12, No. 6 February 8–14, 2015 Ministry News Activities Ministry, Lindsay Graham BASKETBALL SUPPER FEBRUARY 22 The annual Jim Johnson Basketball Supper for Youth Basketball Team awards (grades 4-12) will be Sunday, February 22, at 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Questions? Contact Donna Roper (672.0372 or [email protected]). SUMMER FUN @ FIRST Registration has begun for 2015 Summer Camps at First Pres offered by the Activities Ministry, First Presbyterian Academy, Mother’s Morning Out, and Children’s Ministry. Campers may participate in more than one program per week. Pick up a brochure from the literature racks, and register at FirstPresGreenville.org. AMERICA’S CANYONLANDS TOUR NEXT FALL Come with us to “America’s Canyonlands,” presented by Tauck Tours, departing October 4, 2015. Details are available at FirstPresGreenville.org or YoungTravel.com. Space is limited; $350 deposit holds your spot. Questions? Contact Lindsay Graham (672.1844) or Donna Roper (672.0372). Children’s Ministry, Tina Jones TAKE ME TO THE CROSS Worship Service on Wednesday, February 18, in Harper Chapel, 6:20—7:15pm. Students in grades 3-8 (and any parents or other adults) are encouraged to come and take part is this very special worship service that leads us into the Season of Lent. Education Ministry, Tim Leslie 10 MARKS OF INCREDIBLE SMALL GROUP LEADERS All Sunday School, Small Group, and Community Group Leaders and Participants are invited to a conference Friday, February 27 (7:00–9:00pm), and Saturday, February 28 (8:30am–12:00pm), led by nationwide speaker and prolific author Josh Hunt. Josh is an energetic speaker and creative thinker whose passion is seeing people enjoy God and encouraging groups to double. Conference cost is $10 each for FPC members, and $30 each for non-FPC members ($25 each for groups of three or more). Register with Charlotte Joye, [email protected] or 672.0309. Marriage & Family Ministry, Phil Hargrove CSI SINGLES DINNER OUT FEBRUARY 13 All singles are invited to spend Valentine’s Eve together enjoying fresh Tex-Mex food. Join us for dinner on Friday, February 13, at 6:00pm at The Local Taco (15 Conestee Avenue off Augusta Road). RSVP to Jennifer Paramore at jparamore1991att.net. Missions, Brian Stewart GREAT ALASKA SPORTING CLAY CLASSIC Save the date for the second annual Great Alaska Sporting Clay Classic: Friday, March 27, at the Clinton House in Clinton, SC. This event benefits the ministry of Steven and Natalie Hall, missionaries serving with SEND North in Alaska. Cost is $600 per four-shooter team. Several sponsorship levels are available. Registration begins at 12:00noon, with Shotgun Start at 1:30pm and Awards at 4:00pm. Pick up a brochure from the information racks, and register by Friday, March 13. APPLY NOW FOR JUNE MISSION TRIP TO THE DR Our first mission trip of the year just returned from the Dominican Republic January 31. We are now planning our next trip, June 20-27, and we invite YOU to join the mission team! The cost for each participant is $1,300; deposits are due Sunday, March 22. Please fill out the application at RestorationLaRomana.org/trips, or email Joy Sturgis ([email protected]) for a welcome packet. Leave your $100 deposit (made to FPC, earmarked “DR trip deposit”) in Brian Stewart’s church mailbox, or include it with your registration. For more details, contact Brian Stewart (672.7032) or Joy Sturgis (423.6798), or visit RestorationLaRomana.org/trips. Women’s Ministry, Tim Leslie WOMEN’S MONTHLY CIRCLES The following circles will meet in homes this week. Other circles are listed in this week’s Calendar. 02/10: Circle 4 (10:30am) will meet in the home of Ann McLellan, 49 Churchill Downs (15). Circle 5 (10:30am) will meet in the home of Gena McGowan, 925 Cleveland Street, Unit 213 (01). Circle 7 (10:30am) will meet in the home of June Anderson, 1 Chanticleer Drive (05). 02/12: Circle 3: Contact Jane Linker, chair, (517.6434) for time and location. 02/13: Circle 9 (10:00am) will meet at Rolling Green Village in Palmetto Conf. Room A (15). Announcements STAFF NEWS: NEW MEDIA ASSISTANT Media Assistant Randy Best joined our staff January 28 as a part-time member of the Communications team. Randy will assist Media Director Daniel McKinney with audio needs, especially on Wednesdays and Sundays. Randy has many years of experience in the audio field and worked in the music industry in Nashville for 30 years. His son, Landon Best, sings in the Resonate youth choir and Landon’s mom, Lori Sharp, and grandparents, Ken and Maxine Sharp, are members at First Presbyterian. Please welcome Randy to the FPC family! STAFF NEWS: NEW ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/BILLING We wish Dana Smith well as she leaves our staff to work in accounting at a medical supplies company in town. Montez Miller joined us January 29 to handle Accounts Payable and Billing. Montez comes with a broad level of experience, including many years in accounting for a local company and work as a youth director in a local congregation. She has two adult children. She and her husband live in Simpsonville. We welcome Montez to our staff! LAST CALL FOR OFFICER RECOMMENDATIONS To submit recommendations for Class of 2018 Elders, Deacons, FPC Board, and Foundation Board, go to FirstPresGreenville.org and click on the NOMINATE CHURCH OFFICERS icon; fill out the form in your Sunday bulletin and drop it in the offering plate; or fill out a form from the literature racks and leave it at the Reception Desk. Please submit recommendations by Sunday, February 8. GALLIVAN-MILLS SCHOLARSHIP The Gallivan-Mills Scholarship is granted each year to college undergraduate and seminary students who are FPC members. Academic merit, Christian commitment, Christian service work, and personal testimony are all key elements of the application. Financial need is considered, but not required. Applications are available at the FPC Reception Desk and online at FirstPresGreenville.org/ gmscholarshipapp.pdf. Submit a fully completed scholarship application, three letters of reference, and academic transcripts to the Gallivan-Mills Scholarship Committee (drop off at the Reception Desk) no later than Friday, March 13. Questions? Contact Doug Stokes at [email protected]. UPSTATE HEART BALL ON VALENTINE’S DAY Pastor Gibbons is one of this year’s Heart Ball Honorees and will be recognized by the American Heart Association on Valentine’s Day, February 14. For more information about this event and for tickets, visit upstatescheartball.heart.org. SANCTUARY FLOWERS If you would like to provide Sanctuary flowers in memory or honor of a loved one for Sunday, March 1 or 8, please call Karen Franzen, 235.0496. THANK YOU FOR GIVING THE GIFT OF LIFE At the First Pres Blood Drive on January 25, 19 participants donated blood, which will help up to 57 patients in area hospitals. Thank you! Member News BAPTISM (February 1, 2015) Dorothy Elizabeth Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Thomas (Elizabeth). CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY The Pastors and Congregation extend sympathy to: Mr. and Mrs. Les Burns, Jr., (Pat) in the death of her mother, Katherine Virginia Cruikshank Carroll of White Sulpher Springs, WV, on January 23. Mrs. Tommie Cash in the death of her husband, Hugh Cash, on January 24. Ms. Liz Philpot in the death of her grandmother, Martha Elizabeth Henderson Smith of Greenville, on January 24. Mr. John Richey (Terry) in the death of his mother, Thelma Pinson Richey of Greenville, on January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lanz (Claire) in the deaths of her grandmother, Patsy Starnes Richey of Greenville, and her great-grandmother, Thelma Pinson Richey of Greenville, on January 30; and to Hannah Lanz in the deaths of her great-grandmother and greatgreat-grandmother. Mrs. Robbie Rishel in the death of her husband, Gene Rishel, on January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rishel (Shelia) in the death of his father, Gene Rishel, on January 30, and to Todd, Zach, and Cas Rishel in the death of their grandfather. IN MEMORIAM: Hugh Irvin Cash November 14, 1925 – January 24, 2015 Eugene B. Rishel III February 14, 1933 – January 30, 2015 Calendar for the Week SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Pastor of the Day: Brian Stewart (423.2660) 8:30am•Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am•Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) 9:40am•First Look Class (Formal Dining Room) 9:45am•Sunday School 10:45am•Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am•Worship Service (Sanctuary) 4:15pm•Resonate! Prime (Choir Room) 5:00pm•Resonate! MS (Choir Room) •GriefShare Support Group (Room 305) •Divorce Care Support Group (Room 308) 5:30pm•Short-term Mission Comm. (Formal Dining Room) 6:00pm•Youth House Groups (Off campus) •High School Boys Small Group (Youth 352) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 5:30pm•Worship & Music Committee (Room 261) 6:00pm•Diaconate Meeting (Formal Dining Room) 7:00pm•Community Bible Study (Room 304) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 7:30am•Senior High Breakfast Club (Youth 352) 10:30am•Circle #4 (Room 305) •Circle #6 (Parlor) •Circle #8 (Room 212) 11:00am•Circle #10 (Formal Dining Room) 3:30pm•Covenant Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) 6:00pm•Pack 11 Webelos (Scout Hut) 6:30pm•Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm•Healing Prayer (Harper Chapel) •Boy Scout Troop 11 (Scout Hut) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:00am•MMO Registration (Nursery Suite) 9:30am•Women’s Study: Purpose of Man (Room 212) 10:00pm•Healing Prayer Leadership (Parlor) 11:30am•Luncheon Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 4:30pm•Christian Education Committee (Room 308) 5:00pm•Missional Ministry Committee (Room 261) 5:15pm•Wednesday Advantage Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:30pm•Youth Confirmation Class (Room 316) 5:45pm•Nursery Care–age 0-2 (Nursery Suite) •Junior High Roots (Youth 354) 6:00pm•Stephen Ministry Training (Room 305) 6:15pm•Bible Study–age 2-3 (Room 215E) •Bible Study–grades 1-2 (Room 323) •Bible Study–grades 3-5 (Room 318) •Cherub Choir–age 4-5 (Room 317) •Covenant Choir–grades 3-5 (Choir Room) •Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) •God Designed Marriage... (Room 210) •Why Most Christians... (Room 321) •God’s Holy Days (Formal Dining Room) •Men’s Fraternity: Navigating Genesis (Room 301) •Patterns of God (Room 303) •Crescent vs. Cross (Parlor) 6:30pm•Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 6:45pm•Radiance Young Women’s Study (Off campus) •Bible Study–age 4-5 (Room 323) •Carol Choir–grades 1-2 (Room 317) 7:30pm•Senior High Roots (Youth 352) •Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 8:00pm•Young Adults Pickup Basketball (Gym) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 7:00am•Men’s Small Groups (Parlor) •Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Formal Dining Room) 8:00am•Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) 8:30am•Women’s Study: Path to the Cross (Room 309) 9:30am•Women’s Study: Genesis (Room 301) •Women’s Study: James: Mercy Triumphs (Rm 308) •Women’s Study: Hoping for Something... (Rm 321) 12:00pm•Women’s Study: Children of the Day (Room 316) 6:00pm•Circle #2 (Formal Dining Room) 6:30pm•Pack 11 Tiger, Wolf, Bear Scouts (Scout Hut) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 9:00am•High School Moms in Prayer Group (Room 352) 10:00am•Bulletin Stuffing (Room 212) •Circle #9 (Rolling Green Palmetto Conf Rm A) 6:00pm•CSI Singles Dinner Night (Off campus) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) A W E E K LY N E W S L E T T E R O F F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H , G R E E N V I L L E , S C Worship Assignments for February 8th 8:30 and 11:00am Worship 10:45am Ignite Worship 8:00 First Welcome Team: Sean Sudduth (DC); Sally Grumbos (P); Beverly Brown (MH); Ann Crider (WCN); George and Lou Creswell (RSMH); Rob Bailey, Joe Barron, Marshall Barron, Bob Browning, Bob Coles, David Dykes, Sean Sudduth, Michael Waldrop, Lucas Marchant, Sam Howard (Ushers). Romans: Building on a Solid Foundation Romans 12 Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons 9:20 First Welcome Team: Scott Stephens (DC); Grayson and Laurie Thomas (UPL); Sanford and Heather Ware (P); Millard and Margaret Goodnough (FH); Tony Greene (WSL); Stella Stall (GE); Nancy King (CY); Edward Stall (WCFH); Betty Stone (WCN); Scott Stephens (Usher). 9:30am – Continental Breakfast 10:40 First Welcome Team: Joel Corley (DC); Ann Buchanan (MH); Chris Buffington (CR); Martha Beth Sturgis (RW); Meredith Rigdon (WCN); Al Phillips (P); Craig Bedenbaugh, Sally Bornmueller, Scott Childers, Joel Corley, Walt Fowler, Rosemary Jackson, Lee Langston, Ben Pangle (Ushers). FEBRUARY 8, 2015 9:45am – Sunday School Elder Prayer Team 6: Worship services: (8:30) Anne Bailey, David Webster (Captain); (10:45) Drew Brown, Jimmy Orders; (11:00) John Kittredge, Rick Sturgis. Prayer Center: (9:20–10:00) Larry Hartley, Susan Simmons; (10:00–11:00) Sandra Beckham, Bob Hoffman; (11:00–12:15) Caroline Brownlee, Scott Taylor This WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Bible Study (12:30pm & 6:30pm) Nursery Workers: (8:15) Donna Bright; (9:25) Barb Fountain, Molly and Elijah Murphy, Barbara Nickles, Brandon Dean, Bill Norris, Elizabeth Suggs, Laura Vaughn; (10:45) Marty Garrison, Mary Gray Breckenridge, David and Tiffany Hammett, Brittany Rogers, Dan and Lynda Hoover, Jason Terry, Michael Ann Pace, Emerson Pace. Dr. Richard Gibbons — 1 & 2 Peter Wednesday Meals (11:30am & 5:15pm) Parmesan Chicken Beef Tips with Noodles Assorted Vegetables, Au Gratin Potatoes Macaroni and Cheese Seasoned Green Beans Salad Bar, Assorted Breads and Desserts To join the First Welcome Team: Contact Chuck Emory at [email protected] or 672.1753. To join the Nursery Team: Contact Evelyn Penkert at [email protected] or 672.1843. Doane August, Jennie Branch Ann Broome, Barbara Calmes Lynn Campbell, Valerie Cooke John Creech, Jimmy Cubbage Grace Lynn Curry, Riley Dannelly Pat Daugherty, Harriett Dempsey Charmain Dunn, Marilyn Fain Sarah Fain, Norma Floyd Louise Gilstrap, Jack Goodwin Carl Graves, Barbara Griffin Amelia Huffaker, Amy Hunter Joe James, Ella Johnson Engrum Johnson, Mike Johnson Claire “Cee Cee” Kaylor, Karen King, Melba Lemley, Amy Lindrum Janet MacCallum, Drew Martin Brandi Massey, Judy Meadors, Jane Mills Janet Nabors, Jim Nabors, Kent New Anne Parks, Shari Phillips Ann Marie Poe, Becky Powell Doris Pratt, Pat Quarles Jonas Ramirez, Dixon Ramseur Pat Rhoden, Linda Sanders Shelton Sanford, Bertha Mae Sims Betty Spencer, Logan Turk Mary Lou Vassar Bold = New Italics = In Hospital PRAYER REQUEST LINES Prayer Requests: 672.1838 Prayer Appointments: 672.1848 Congregational Care Assistant Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327 February 8–14, 2015 Contact Us WHAT’S INSIDE 200 West Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 Grains of Grace April 24-25 Fundraising begins February 8 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698 website FirstPresGreenville.org email [email protected] facebook.com/firstpresgreenville Broadcast Register for Summer Fun @ First! Small Group Leaders Conference February 27-28 Great Alaska Sporting Clay Classic March 27 Staff News TELEVISION First and Foremost Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina Sundays at 10:30am February 8–14, 2015 Turn For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit FirstPresGreenville.org hunger into hope with your own two hands! APRIL 24-25, 2015 First Pres Fundraising begins February 8! 2015 FPC Goal Pack 275,000 meals Raise $60,000 Recruit 1,360 volunteers Watch for information about how to sign up in March. Who is FMSC? Founded in 1987, Feed My Starving Children is a Christian nonprofit that provides nutritionally complete meals for starving, malnourished, and hungry people in nearly 70 countries. The prepackaged dry meals—costing 22 cents each to make—are funded and assembled by donor-volunteers in the United States. In-country partners use the food to prevent starvation and curb malnourishment in children and families worldwide by distributing meals in orphanages, schools, clinics, refugee camps and nutrition programs. FMSC is 100 percent donor funded and devotes more than 92 percent of total donations directly to feeding kids. MannaPackTM Rice: Original food formula consists of vitamin-packed flavoring; dried vegetables; soy protein; and rice.
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