Somerville Tri-Parish Catholic Community

Somerville Tri-Parish Catholic Community
Patronage of St. Joseph Parish
Est. 1869
264 Washington St.
Somerville, MA 02143
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00PM (Vigil) - Reconciliation 3:00-3:45PM
Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM
Daily: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 12:10PM
Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00AM
Saturday - 8:00AM
Joseph’s Gate Religious Store Hours:
Mon. & Fri.. 12-1pm - Sat., 3:30-5pm, Sun., 8:30am-Noon
St. Ann Parish
50 Thurston St.
Somerville, MA 02145
Est. 1881
Mass Schedule
Parish Staff
Rev. Brian J. McHugh, Pastor
Rev. Richard G. Curran, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jean-Jacques Stanley Rousseau, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jason W. Worthley, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Joseph Bryère Guerrier, Deacon
Sr. Norah Guy, OP, Pastoral Associate
Peter F. Regan, Business Manager
Mary Pothier, Parish Administrator
Lorraine Burgess, Secretary
Nancy Petraglia, Secretary
Music Ministry
Maureen Gaffney, Adult Choir Director, St. Joseph
Josephine Lucreziano, Youth Choir, St. Joseph
Peter F. Regan, Music Director, St. Ann & St. Catherine
Religious Education
Rev. Brian J. McHugh, Director
Sr. Norah Guy, OP - RCIA
Saturday: 4:00PM (Vigil) - Reconciliation 3:00-3:45PM
Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:15AM, 11:30AM (Haitian Creole)
6:00PM (September-May)
Daily: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9:00AM
St. Catherine of Genoa Parish
179 Summer St.
Somerville, MA 02143
Est. 1891
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00PM (Vigil) - Reconciliation 3:00-3:45PM
Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:30AM
First Sunday: 1:00PM Extraordinary Form
Daily: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 9:00AM
St. Catherine of Genoa School
192 Summer St.
Somerville, MA 02143
Marian R. Burns, Principal
Janet Pace, Administrative Assistant
Saturday, January 3, 2015 @ 4:00 p.m.
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (25th Anniversary) &
Thomas Fitzpatrick (20th Anniversary)
Sunday, January 4, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m.
The People of St. Joseph
Sunday, January 4, 2015 @ 11:00 a.m.
Helen O’Donnell & Jimmy Gaffney (1st Anniv.)
Wednesday, January 7, 2015 @ 12:10 p.m.
For the People of St. Joseph Parish
Sunday, January 11 @ 9:00 a.m.
The People of St. Joseph Parish
Sunday, January 11 @ 11:00 a.m.
Thank you to Jesus, Mary and Joseph
There are many weekend and weekday
Masses available for booking. If you would like to have
a Mass said for a loved one, please call the rectory to
check on dates. The offering for a weekday Mass is
$15 and for the 4 o’clock on Saturday and the 11
o’clock on Sundays it is $30 since there is music.
In prayer, you are asked to remember our deceased:
Earl W. Collins and Lawrence Dyer who were buried
from Funeral Masses here this past week and for
Joshua Bouvier whose Funeral Mass was elsewhere.
In prayer, you are asked to remember our sick:
Mary E. DiSessa, Stephen Ramsden, Herb Roderick, Majorie Butler, Somerville Police Officer Robert Hickey, Brenda Blizzard, Joao
Tavares, Carol Dows, Tony Jenkins, Mary Herlihy, Blanche Ahern,
Bessy Doherty, Carol Jennings, Pina and Leo Mingace, Suzie
Magliozzi, Rosa Nolet, Janice Jolicoeur, Jim Brown, Norma Wolske, Mary Howard, Steve Maguire, Rose Scanlon, Bob King, Mary
E. Sharry, Tom Taylor, Kayleigh Wilcox, Jeanette Frejuste, Rich
Pomerleau, Ann Marie McGreevy, Nora McDonagh, Fr. Paul Mulligan, Stefan Burghardt, Antonio Escobar. Please let us know when
someone can be removed from this list.
CHURCH SUPPORT - December 27 & 28, 2014
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
$ 40.00
Classes resume this Sunday, January 4, 2015 at
10:00 a.m.
Parents are urged to attend the 9 o’clock Mass, with their child/children before class.
Grade 10 will this meet Sunday, January 4, 2015 at St. Ann’s
Parish Center at 5 p.m. followed by Mass at 6 p.m.
Grade 9 will meet again next Sunday, January 11, 2015 at St.
Ann Parish Center at 5pm followed by Mass at 6pm.
2014 Christmas Flowers
In Memory of:
Jackie McBrine
Paula Smith
Anthony Griffin
Paul & Rama
Josephine Foley
Frs. Kelly & Jennings
Angelo & Teresa DiPrizio
Antonio & Julieta daSilva
Jose, Maria, Joao & Antonio Ramos
Mark, Anne & Mary Wall
Louise Boudreau
Jean Carpenter
George Ahern
Jeremiah E. Donovan
James Gaffney
Fr. Martin Walsh
Alice, Leo, Gerard & Louie Benoi Tudi Nguyen
Kathleen Ginty
Lena, Salvatore & Ronald Fedele
John & Evelyn Paratore
Charles & Vera Cunningham
Tony Silva
William J. Barry
Carol, Mary & Joseph DeSousa Janet Pacino
Rosa Arquero
Augustine & Gabriella Camacho
DeMango Family
Edmond & Clara Perry
Rosemary Gauthier Barbara Cooney
Catherine Donovan
James Cooney, Jr.
John & Anne Hurley
Josephine & Robert Caton
Margaret Doherty
C. Charles Lucreziano
Joseph & Mary DelCheccolo
Dan & Mary Leahy Mary & Frank Doherty
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Arthur O’Connell
William McRitchie
Charles & Helen McKenney
James Costa
Our Dear Ones
Madeline & John McEachern
Stanislaw Mruk
Jozet Szczotka
Deceased from the Mruk & Szczotka Families
Stefania Szczoltka
William (Bill) Perry
Hulse Family
Fr. Harry Williamson
Williamson Family
Nancy Kiernan
William & Margaret Quinn
Nancy R. & Danny T. Raboin
Charles J. & Catherine T. Coyne
Deceased Burgess & O’Leary Families
All Community
Edward & Mary Kavanaugh
Santiago & Frankie Guevara
Bill & Mary Marshall
Jolicoeur Family
Juanita Guevara
In Honor Of:
Cecilia Nazareno
Raymundo & Francisca Martinez
Marujo & Taylor Grandchildren
Christ Child
Donations can be made online at
We extend our gratitude to Maria Guevara for donating
our new 9 foot Giving Tree which was set up in the rear
of our upper church this Christmas season. It looked so
We are also grateful to everyone who took
scrolls from the tree, bought a gift and placed it under
the tree for the less fortunate of the parish. Our sincere
thanks to all of you.
Lower Church: Beginning January 5th, all Masses will be
celebrated in our newly renovated Lower Church. We
hope you will be happy with the results and that you feel it
was worth the wait!
“Love is not fulfilling oneself through the use of another. Love
is giving oneself to another, for the good of the other, and receiving the other as a gift.”
Blessed Saint John Paul II
Mass Intentions
Saturday, 1/3/2015
4:00 p.m.
Edward Mazi
Sunday, 1/4/2015
7:00 a.m.
Emily Barker
9:00 a.m.
Ennio Pasqualino
(1st Anniv.)
11:30 a.m. Lindsy Cadet
(Birthday Memorial)
Tuesday, 1/6/2015
9:00 a.m.
Sean Gannon
Thursday, 1/8/2015
9:00 a.m.
Joe Hanley
Saturday, 1/10/2015
9:00 a.m.
Mario Borges
4:00 p.m.
Terence Bransfield (Memorial)
Sunday, 1/11/2015
7:00 a.m.
John McGrath
11:30 a.m. Eleanor Arsenault (2nd Anniv.)
Please remember in prayer: Vincent Dabenigno
whose Funeral Mass was celebrated here on December 27th.
CHURCH SUPPORT—December 27 & 28, 2014
$ 278.00
$ 945.00
A Prayer for Life:
O God, our Creator, all life is in Your hands from conception until death. Help us to cherish our children and
to reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation. May all people live and die in dignity and love.
Bless all those who defend the rights of the unborn, the
handicapped, and the aged. Enlighten and be merciful
toward those who fail to love, and give them peace. Let
freedom be tempered by responsibility, integrity and
morality. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ
Classes resume this Sunday, January 4, 2015 for
Grades 1—10 following the 9:00 a.m. Mass
1000 CLUB: Our next drawing will take place on
Thursday, January 15, 2015. If you’d like to become a member, please call 617-666-2087.
The Christmas Bazaar Committee hopes everyone
had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New
Year! In anticipation of the 2015 Christmas Bazaar, we would greatly appreciate receiving any unwanted Christmas gifts, extra Christmas decorations, empty medium and large baskets, etc. These
may be left in the side porch of the rectory marked
“FOR THE BAZAAR.” Many thanks!
Join Cardinal Sean and the Archdiocesan contingent on the annual MARCH FOR LIFE. This is a
powerful pilgrimage experience you may like to attend.
For more information please visit: or contact Ann Genaro at
[email protected].
“My loved one has been diagnosed with memory
loss…..What do I do next?”
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Forum at Youville Place, 10
Pelham Rd., Lexington on Saturday, January 17th
from 2:00—4:00 p.m. This forum will be the first of
a series at Youville Place addressing topics related
to Alzheimer’s disease. Three experts in the field
will address different types of dementia and ways
to support a loved one at home as the disease progresses. For more information email [email protected].
MEETING CHRIST IN PRAYER can bring people to a
new level of discipleship and a renewed sense of
Christian mission. MEETING CHRIST IN PRAYER is
an 8 week guided prayer experience based on the
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It calls for a commitment of 8 weeks of daily prayer and 8 weekly
meetings of faith sharing. The Office of Spiritual
Life is offering this program at: The Pastoral Center, 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree on Wednesday Evenings 7:00—8:15 pm, February 25 through April 15,
2015. For further information and to register call:
Sister Anne D’Arcy at 617-779-3648 of email:
[email protected]
Sunday, 1/4/15
8:00 a.m.
The Parishioners of St. Ann Parish
10:15 a.m. William (Bill) Philpot (2nd Anniv.)
10:15 a.m. Luigi & Pasqualina Auciello
(Birthday Memorial)
Monday, 1/5/15
9:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Ann Parish
Wednesday, 1/7/15
9:00 a.m.
John V. Harrington (Memorial)
Friday, 1/9/15
9:00 a.m.
Giovanna Centamori (25th Anniv.)
Saturday, 1/10/15
4:00 p.m.
Teresa Nardone
Please remember in prayer Theresa Gorman and
Thomas J. Bullen whose Funeral Masses were celebrated here this past.
Please pray for the sick of St. Catherine & St. Ann
Parishes: Jim Raymer, Michael Sherburne, John Houlihan, Tony Jenkins, Adele Cenci, Natalie Harris, Ashley
Johnson, Maureen Murphy, Joanne Finnegan, Anna
Smith, Carol Dows, Mary Herlihy, Lenox Toth, Pina and
Leo Mingace, Jan Kallman, Patricia Featherston, Virginia
Featherston, Kettely Civil, Jeanne Cassidy, Mary Caruso,
Stephen Tolliver, Sarah Velardo, Mary Carr, Jeannie
Caruso, Tom Taylor, Mary Ann Wells, Bonnie Wronski,
Hugh Doyle, Padro Ortiz, Jacob Michael Snyder, Robert
Bennett, Louis Servizio, Jean Cardillo, Kyle Brockway,
Michael Harrington, Ann McPherson, Debbie Litchberg,
Dennis Racioppi, Kim & Seth Pilgrim, John Brosnahan,
Lillian Bove, Joanne Corbett and Fred Caruso. Please
call the rectory if someone on this list can be removed.
Lower Church: We will begin work to repair
and refinish the floor and relocate the pews this
coming week. All Masses will be offered in the Upper Church until this work is complete. Please pray
for all those who will be laboring to improve our
worship space.
Become a Nurse Assistant/Home Health Aide in
just 4 weeks! Catholic Charities Laboure Center at
275 W. Broadway in South Boston (conveniently
located 4 blocks from the Broadway T stop on the
Red Line) now offers training from 9 a.m.—4 p.m.
on Tuesdays-Fridays. For a schedule and more information, visit Assistant
(click on South Boston link) or call Pam Day at 617464-8544.
Classes for Grades 1—8 resume this Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. followed by Mass at 10:15
Grade 10 will meet this Sunday, January 4, 2015 at
St. Ann Parish Center at 5:00 p.m., followed by
Mass at 6:00 p.m.
Grade 9 will meet next Sunday, January 11, 2015
at St. Ann Parish Center at 5:00 p.m., followed by
Mass at 6:00 p.m.
PARISH SUPPORT - December 27 & 28, 2014
$ 679.00
$ 538.00
St. Ann Senior Center is open from 10am until 1pm
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Light refreshments and
lunch are served.
The Seniors accept new items for raffle gifts and
gently used items for Grandma’s Attic. Items are collected throughout the year for the annual Bazaar. We
do not accept used bedding, old outdated electronics, or
video cassettes The Center is also looking for medium
and large size baskets. Items can be dropped off when
the Center is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For
more info, please call 617-625-1904.
The first thing that a person finds in life and the last to which
he holds out his hand, and the most precious that he possesses, even if he does not realize it, is family life.
- Blessed Adolph Kolping (1813-1865)
Listen to Catholic Radio at
1060 AM WQOM Boston, MA
“Proclaiming the fullness of
Truth with clarity and charity.”
A Note from Father Brian:
Bulletin Connection to the Readings:
An encounter with the baby Jesus changed
the Magi. Things were different now. “They departed for their country by another way.” Before
finding the child, they had a secret alliance with a
worldly King, Herod. After seeing this infant resting
in the arms of Mary, their allegiance shifted. Now
they became servants of the Little Lord Jesus. They
had a kind of conversion in their encounter with
Christ, and they could no longer serve the whims of
a wicked ruler.
We call this Sunday Epiphany because that
is what the three Wise Men had: an epiphany, a
moment of realizing the truth about God. In this
moment these three men—Kings though they
were—”prostrated themselves and did...homage” to
the King of Kings. Then they went home by a different route, undoubtedly as different men. As it was
prophesied in the Old Testament reading from
Isaiah, even kings would walk by the “shining radiance” of the Lord.
Let us ask ourselves today how the Epiphany of the Lord can redirect us. What worldly allegiances have we made that need to be changed?
Are we servants of our neighbors’ good opinion or
the power of money? Are we secretly aligned with
popularity or prestige? No matter what rules our
hearts, we are invited to change our direction, to
encounter the little Lord and offer ourselves to His
loving guidance.
The Espousal Retreat House in Waltham will be
having a Day Retreats for Women beginning with
January 14th entitled “Living the Challenge—Saints
for Everyday.” On February 11th the subject is
“Prayer—every divine encounter holds the possibility of transforming us.” Call 781-209-3101 for
more information or email [email protected].
NOTE: If you have scheduled a Memorial or Anniversary Mass, we encourage you to bring the gifts
up to the altar at that Mass. Please see the celebrant before Mass so that this might be arranged.
Thank you.
The January 2015 Special Collection, to be
taken up on the weekend of January 17/18, has
been designated a “Catholic Social Ministries Collection,” to support Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston, St. Mary’s Women and Children’s Center, Inc., and St. Ann’s Home and School.
Each of these established, non-profit organizations
serve populations within our Archdiocese that are
on the margins of society and in need of our care,
outreach and concern. Cardinal Sean has asked for
this special Catholic Social Ministries Collection in
response to the call of Pope Francis to be a “Church
which is poor and for the poor” and to recognize our
responsibility as disciples to “find Christ in them
(the poor), to lend our voice to their causes, but
also to be their friends, to listen to them, to speak
for them and to embrace the mysterious wisdom
which God wishes to share with us through them.”
Your generous response to this collection will help
sustain the vital work that occurs each day through
these organizations and will impact and improve
the lives of those whom they serve. Please visit, and for further information.
ALONE! If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart,
if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you
are considering separation or divorce, Retrovaille may
be able to help. You are NOT alone! This peer ministry
is led by couples who have lived through the honeymoon phase often followed by deep disillusionment before finally finding resurrection in their marriage with a
Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vy) weekend. The 2015
N.E. Retrouvaille marriage renewal weekends will be
held on: January 9-11, April 10-12, September 11-13.
To register for a weekend or for more information, call 1
-800-470-2230 or visit
Catholic Weblinks:—Official Vatican Website—U. S. conference of Catholic
Bishops—Catholic News—Answers to questions on
Catholic doctrine and practice—For Catholics seeking to
Return to Church—Weekly homilies by Fr.
Robert Barron; books, DVD, discussion board