INKUNDLA June 2014 1 RTSA Sept 2013 Inkundla Editors Chirp Presidents Preach fighting cold campaign! Gents I must commend you all on the manner in which you have all conducted yourselves during your International bingo travels! I have had nothing but positive reports form our IRO and from my counterparts in the International Associations you have visited! I must however ask all of you that traveled to please pen a short report on your travels so that we can compile a complete report of our travels. Gents the cost of international travel is high and costs Joe Tabler directly our of his cap fees, this is the least we can do to show value in our international spend! Hello Friends Good day fellow Tablers! What a busy month it’s been. Lots of Area conferences and Area Exec meetings, Winter Knights and other projects and of course fellowship! All I can say is keep it up and have fun! I am sitting on an aircraft homeward bound after a hugely successful EP Area conference held in Middelburg this weekend! A huge congrats to Adriaan and his team! Gents, I finally got pricing for the hard copy of last years 10 Inkundla Editions. It will cost you R550-00 for this quality coffee table book. We have to order a minimum of 50 to get this price. Please place your order on the RTSA website and follow the instructions. Until next time gents. Yours in Table! Jaco Steyn So whilst we are on congratulations, I just want to say well done to each and every one of you! The momentum continues and we are “Round Tabling” harder than ever! I am very happy to see how our very own Winter Knights project has been adopted by all of you, adapted to suit your own communities needs and improved on all facets of the project! You have undertaken soup kitchens, food collections, clothes and blanket drives! I am also very proud of the fact that our branding is getting out there and I thank you all for using the branding pack and following up with the I am hugely encouraged to see that RESPONSIBLE FELLOWSHIP is featuring high on all of your agendas! You are all turning your projects into fellowship events and by doing this you are succeeding in having fun whilst doing a great deal of good for your communities! Keep it up! On another note, some of you are randomly sending me pictures and small snippets of your projects etc via email, what's app SMS etc! Please keep them coming, it makes me feel like I am part of what you are all doing, more over though, it tells me that you are proud of what you are doing! In this lies the professionalism of which we speak! Ok,ok,ok, I know what you are all thinking, are RTSA RTSAMay June2014 2014Inkundla Inkundla 2 enjoying round Table alongside their husbands and fathers! I applaud the congeners of these conferences for putting together great ladies tours and for making proper provisions for our children, keeping them entertained and well fed! Thank you for this and ladies please keep supporting your men! A couple of you are facing the challenge of very small tables! Do not let this become your one and only focus point! Remember that you and your remaining members MUST have fun! People naturally gravitate towards people having fun and automatically they want to be part of this! we growing? Well to be honest, it is way to early to tell, however I must comment on the fact that we have processed nearly 70 new members since ARTSA in East London and these are QUALITY men! So yes something seems to be working, what is encouraging to see is that these new inductees are being shown the correct way of Tabling, that fellowship can exist without having to get blind drunk, that it is ok to raid another Table and make it home at a respectable hour, still standing! Well done men, we are on the right road! Look after our new Tablers and yes, we will keep them! Family is starting to play more and more of a role in our Tabling! I am very proud to say that I am seeing an upturn in the number of ladies and children attending Area conferences and 3 Vice Advice June 2013 2014 Inkundla RTSA Sept Ladies and Gents, for now that is it, I am packing to join Jacques Du preez and the South Cape Area for a conference that is being held in Calitzdorp this weekend and I cant wait! I was asked by a Past President this week if my year “was gaining momentum” to which my response was: “I wouldn’t say gaining momentum but rather Rocket-Like Acceleration”! Keep it Up and Always be a Round Tabler! Leon “Jedi” Garbade RTSA President 2014-2015 Sheppie 83 Life Guard: Don’t dive off that board! There’s no water in the pool! Dummy: It’s ok I can’t swim! Vice Advice Fast pace Tabling would be an understatement, being fortunate to visit some areas and experiencing wonderful fellowship with fellow Tablers I came to question the hierarchy of being Tabler. Not referring to the hierarchy of the RTSA structure but rather the individual hierarchy of being a Tabler. When becoming a Tabler we are taught the following: 1.Family 2.Business 3.Table Well for some this order is slightly different with Table moving up on the list. Amanzimtoti 85 For me personally I had to make a couple of decisions to ensure I serve this organization to the best of my ability as a Vice President. I own a computer and ISP business in Kroonstad, for those who don’t know Kroonstad is not renowned for it’s size but do offer me the “Platteland” lifestyle this being said making financial ends meat in the “Platteland” is also an art and do my business require my full time personal involvement. I had to prove that it is possible to love and live Round Table without neglecting the important things in life. This brings me to the most important aspect of my article FAMILY in this case my family. You all would be aware that being a Tabler would require you to be away from home attending meetings, conferences, raids etc. Some Tablers have the idea that with the high level of fellowship Table is not suited for our children. Joanie and myself made the decision when contemplating this position to include our two children with as much Table activities as their school and extramural activities would allow. Being a bit skeptical myself they fitted right in and enjoy a Table trip as much as we do. Tablers all around the country now know who they are and in the same instance get to know more about me, my interaction, discipline and unconditional love for my kids. Well let our President Mr Leon Garbade be another example that it is possible. Addison Garbade or Addi as we know her accompany them on their travels. I came to realize the true importance of this decision and that is that my kids now understand what I am involved with, what it means when I have to leave for a Table gathering and they are proud to say “My dad is a Tabler” It is possible to enjoy Table with your kids, I have seen more and more Tablers committing to this idea. Conferences are being arranged with kids in mind. Don’t be selfish share the fun with the ones you love most, you will be surprised how easy the adapt and learn to love it as much as you. Spidey Knepscheld RTSA Vice President 2014/15 Q: Why was the blonde’s bellybutton bruised? A: Her husband was a blonde, too. Raiding Toti Toti85 hosted the NSC Area Chairman, Jason Howitz and Berea189 at their Social Meeting on 27th May 2014 at Lords and Legends by the Toti Sports Grounds. There was a R50 Burger and Beer special, with no meeting proceedings for the evening, just a quick thank you and much fellowship for the order of the evening. Toti85 would specially like to thank the Area Chairman, Berea189, Margate46, Scottburgh106, Sani152, Toti 41ers and 41er President for attending as well as for making the event such a fun filled evening! RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 4 Barberton 67 Ntataise Lowveld Trust Donation Barberton 67 handed out clothing to the Ntataise Lowveld Trust for under privileged children. John Ellis from Barberton 67 handed over the clothing for children aged 0-6 years old. The clothing was generously sponsored by Edgars Nelspruit (CBD). Roundtable Barberton was entrusted by Edgars Nelspruit to distribute the clothing to a suitable charity organisation. Ntataise Lowveld Trust is extremely grateful for the donation and distribution by Edgars Nelspruit and Barberton Roundtable. Barberton Roundtable believes in investing in the future of our children ensuring that they become well balanced, educated adults with bright futures. 5 RTSA Sept June 2013 2014 Inkundla 67 Gallery Bethlehem 60 Bethlehem 60 verklaar oorlog teen koue en blesbokke! Barberton 67 Round Table Golf day 67 Euro winter meeting 2014 Barberton Roundtable held its annual golf day on the 28th June 2014 at the Barberton Golf course. The day was really well attended boosting a full field of players. The format for the day was American scramble which allowed for a lot of fun and camaraderie between the teams. Stephen Lea who is the club captain and a member of the Barberton Roundtable said that this day is one of the biggest golf days on the clubs calendar. Barberton Roundtable would like to thank all the sponsors that made the day possible and all the players that came out to support the day. John Ellis and Justin Hearne represented Barberton 67 at the 2014 67 Euro winter meeting in Varkaus, Finland. The meeting was attended by Belgium, Germany, Sweden, England, Finland, Netherlands and South Africa. The temperatures were below zero for most of the meeting with plenty of snow and frozen lakes to deal with. The meeting took place over four days with the Finish really pulling out all the stops to keep everyone entertained. The fellowship and networking amongst the various 67 tables was incredible. Barberton 67 came home with the travelling trophy for the most kilometres travelled to attend the meeting. Barberton 67 also won the bid to host the next meeting in South Africa for 2015. All the European countries were extremely excited that South Africa had won the bid. We are expecting a good turnout and we are extremely excited to host the next Euro meeting next year. Two blondes walk into a tanning salon. The receptionist asks, “Are you two sisters?” They chuckled and reply, “ No, we aren’t even Catholic.” Skaapkraal Die maand van Junie was nie uiters besig wat projekte betref nie, maar die vriendskapsbande is beslis in hierdie eerste wintersmaand stywer getrek. Ons het die maand afgeskop deur in groot getalle op te ruk na die Rotariërs se jaarlikse Skaapkraal waar mens heerlik kan smul aan alle dele van ‘n skaap wat tussen die neus en die stert aangetref word. Sommige van die manne was effe uitgeput na die ‘Winter Conference’ op Ficksburg wat die vorige dag plaasgevind het, maar steeds is daar lekker gekuier en geëet. RTSA RTSA June May 2014 2014 Inkundla Inkundla 66 Wayne fliek begin lyk en klink het (met al die fluitende koeëls), het elke ou sy bokkie gekry en kon die manne lekker om die vuur kuier. Jagnaweek Die daaropvolgende naweek het tien manne van Bethlehem 60 gaan jag...skiet...drink... noem dit wat jy wil. Nadat ons die natuurskoon rondom Bethlehem van vooraf ontdek het en gereeld ‘pitstops’ gemaak het, het ons uiteindelik ons bestemming bereik(4 ure se ry aan 70km). Daar is kwaai taktiek bespreek en gees gevang soos die Ghostbusters nie kan nie. Die volgende oggend was die manne goed gemotiveerd vir die jag. Die gesigte was ernstig en half bleek met die oefenskote, maar nadat die botteltjie mannemoed twee rondtes voltooi het, het die senuwees effe bedaar en kon die manne begin skiet. Daar het vyf blesbokke geval vir die dag. Sommige met net een skoot. Ander met drie en een met vyf skote. Ek wil liefs nie die ouens uitwys wat so misskiet nie anders is Johan ’Ketot’ Mynhardt dalk kwaad vir my. Alhoewel dit naderhand na ‘n John 7 RTSA June Sept 2014 2013 Inkundla RTSA Masechaba Die skeepsvraghouers wat deur Masechaba vanaf Nederland gestuur is, is amper leeg. Die inhoud van hierdie skeepsvraghouers het ‘n reuse verskil in baie lewens in Bethlehem gemaak. So is daar onlangs rollopers(looprame op wiele) aan vyf bejaardes van Sonskyn Dienssentrum uitgedeel, asook ‘n hele klomp speelgoed, bordspeletjies, legkaarte en aktiwiteite wat aan die kindersale van onderskeidelik Phekolong en Dihlabeng hospitale in Bethlehem geskenk is. Winter Knights Die jaarlikse Winter Knights projek was weereens ‘n reuse sukses. Klere, komberse en niebederfbare voedsel is by die skole en besighede in Bethlehem ingesamel. Op Vrydag die 27ste het Tafelaars met behulp van die Verkeersdepartement voertuie afgetrek in Bethlehem se hoofstraat om verdere donasies van bogenoemde artikels asook kontant in te samel. Ons het teen die einde van die aand ‘n hele bakkievrag donasies gehad asook meer as R5000 kontant. Baie dankie vir die mense van Bethlehem wat weereens hulle harte en beursies oopgemaak het vir die minderbevoorregtes in ons gemeenskap. Bloemfontein 158 Die koue seisoen, bring ‘n warm hart Ek het ‘n baie oulike artikel gelees en het gedink dit moet gedeel word. ‘n Paar klein veranderings is aan die bewoording gemaak en hier en daar bygevoeg en weggevat. Die uittreksel verskyn op bladsy 3, geniet hom. Maar nou eers, ‘n boodskappie: Open house Oudergewoonte kom al die Bethlehem tafelaars een keer ‘n maand bymekaar vir ‘n lekker kuier. Die vrouens en kinders kuier dan ook lekker saam. Dit was baie gesellig by Attie Cilliers se huis en tussendeur die braaiery kon ons kyk hoe die Bokke vir die Skotte ‘n nuwe nulletjie oopruk. Die tyd van die jaar is die meeste lope reeds skoongeskiet en het die eerste proesel biltong sy lê gerky langs ‘n koue mout, so voor die groot toetse die afgelope Saterdae. Die voorreg om jou eie peuselhappie van die veld na voor die veld (groen en goud se veld op die kassie) te kon bring, is iets wat ‘n man nie ligtelik moet opvat nie. Dit bly ‘n voorreg wat ons vir die nageslag moet bewaar, die “greenies” gaan dit nie vir ons doen nie, dis ons eie plig. Die gevoel wat opvlam wanneer ‘n ene mnr. Le Roux die bal onder hande kry, en soos ‘n patroon uit ‘n geweer met ore platgetrek kalklyn toe afpeil, is vir my gelykstaande aan die gevoel net voor jy die sneller trek. Weke se beplanning, kostes, besprekings, reëlings en reis, word als saamgevat in daai paar sekondes. Baie soos Tafel Ronde, is daar ‘n hele paar fasette wat ‘n rol speel, en wat sorg dat die “seisoen” as suksesvol bestempel word: Trots - Wanneer jou vleis aan die haak hang Respek – Vir die natuur en die lewe Vriende – Wat die ervaring soveel beter maak Brandhout – Laataand wanneer die gesels min raak, maar die vryheid van ons natuur en die rooi kole jou vashou om te bly sit en aanhou staar. Inderwaarheid, brandhout vir die oudag! Deel – Daai biltongtjie word nie alleen geëet nie, die ervaring om te deel maak hom ektra spesiaal ! Hopelik kan elkeen van ons Tafel ervaar, soos ‘n jagter sy jag, en die produk van sy jag, ervaar. Lekker lees ! Na die stembusse, kom die Groot Laai Die tyd van die jaar is algaar besig met die groot laai. Waar jy ookal kom, wil veral die jonger manne weet of jy al klaar gelaai het ? Watter grein jy gebruik en desnoods watter punte. En dit is nou net daar waar jy vir ‘n halfuur langer in die koöperasie vashaak, as wat jy vooraf beplan het. Want ‘n punt is nie ‘n ding wat aan die einde van ‘n sin kom nie. Nee, dis ‘n ontbrande projektiel met sy eie trajek en slaankrag. Vir party manne is om by die regte punt uit te kom, amper soos ‘n reis deur ‘n politieke woesteny. Vir hulle vat dit lewenslank, en elke jaar word iets anders getoets. Ander manne weer, hou by wat hulle ken. As jy mooi staan en luister, raak party manne skoon driftig oor punte, greine en kalibers. Is RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 8 die beste kaliber nou ‘n 308 of ‘n .3006 ? En net soos in die politiek, het elke kaliber en grein ook sy eie groep volgelinge. Dit hang mos net af wat jou visie is, wil jy in die vlaktes oor ‘n miershoop aanlê op ‘n blesbok, of wil jy deur die ruie bos loop opsoek na ‘n koedoe? En net soos in die politiek, is daar ook die kleiner liggewigte wat stemme vat, soos die 270-mense, of die klomp wat weer heel oorhel na die swaar kant toe, soos die .375 en .450 Rigby’s manne (wat in Augustus nog met seer skouers loop). Hoe dit ook al sy, die manne luister mekaar se “patroon politiek” uit, maar vanaand as daar vrede in die huis is, word die herlaaiskaaltjie uitgehaal, blinkgevee en mooi gebalanseer. Dan is dit elke man se eie keuse wat op die skaal beland. Om ‘n patroon te laai is, net soos om ‘n stem uit te bring, ‘n baie persoonlike aksie. Vir stem of laai, moet jy mooi dink of daar genoeg dryfkrag, lood en trefkrag sal wees, om te kan doen wat op die plakkaat of op die pakkie punte staan. Met ‘n laai-aksie, kan jy nog vooraf alle doppe skoonvee, die punte finaal afweeg en die dop se nek netjies toevou vir die regte druk in enige kamer. ‘n Stemaksie is egter altyd ‘n skoot in die donker. Ongeag al die mooi beloftes vooraf, weet jy nooit of die kandidaat op die plakkaat genoeg lood in die potlood het nie........ Terug by die laaibank: Arbeidsadel op sy beste, is om na die aand se 9 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla werk, twee rye van tien koperdoppe en punte op aandag te sien staan. Reg vir die jag. Die word dan versigtig in laasjaar se pakkie gedruk, met die resep van hoeveel voet per sekonde en datum gelaai op die pakkie geskrywe. Jy kan maar sê met jou patroon gelaai, is jou “jagstembrief” gekruis vir ‘n spesifieke kaliber en met dryfmiddel, punt en grein is die keuse vir die seisoen gemaak. My ou maat, net ‘n kraan se gedrup is erger as stemwerwers. So in my enigheid en met die stoor se stilte wat altyd kalmte in die gemoed bring, is die gewigtige besluit geneem dat vlakte wild vanjaar die beste kandidaat is. Met bos koedoes weet jy nie altyd wat jy aan hom het nie. Soms is dit net ‘n blaf en klippe wat van die berghang rol en spore wat in die klipveld verdwyn, sonder dat daar ooit ‘n stukkie biltong aan die haak kom. Nee kyk, vanjaar moet die goed in die oopte staan. Jy kan maar sê vir deursigtigheid so deur die visier....... Groete op die Oosgrens. En mooi mik! Free State winter conference By the way: This “konka” belongs to RT Ficksburg 98 Our Free State area winter conference was hosted by Ficksburg 98, and what a superb event this was ! We were treated like royalty and I would like to congratulate Ficksburg 98 on a job well done. To top it all, we were visited by our RTSA president Leon Garbade and his family, which gave the conference that extra flair. We kicked off Friday evening with a braai at Ficksburg’s clubhouse, which set the mood for a great conference and weekend. The meeting on Saturday went quick and smooth, so that fellowship could prevail ! We were treated to true Free State hospitality and good “boere kos” Saturday evening. Thank you to Piet Uys and his Table, and everyone who attended for making this event a highlight in 2014. Thank you mr. president for attending, and giving us a blink of what to expect for the year ahead. No matter how smart you are you can never convince someone stupid that they are stupid. 41+ Friends from Bodegraven 158 (Holland) came to visit Through the years Tablers from around the globe become friends, and stay friends outside Table’s activities. Two guys from Holland Harrie Yadema and Wim van Os are those friends I am talking about. We had the privilege of them visiting us again this year. They were hosted by Henk Cronjé and Bernu vd Heever, who also took them hunting for a week. This is an annual event between the four of them. Before they left SA, 158 were invited to Sunday lunch at Henk’s house, to say our goodbyes and regards to our 158 brothers abroad. The function was also attended by some of our 41ers. Tablers Profile International Travel: N/A What made you become a Tabler: Grew up in Round Table as my father was in Round Table and an Old 41er. Great Group of guys and looking forward to a great future in Table 79 Upington Why do you keep Tabling: It is really for a good cause and helping out people in need while making new friends. Need I say more... Meet Roelof Name: Roelof Nel Nickname and Why: Roelof Age: 29 Occupation: F & I Manager School / Studies: Duineveld High - Upington Home Town: Upington Spare time activities: Gholf, Braai with friends. Better half: Jolizna De Jager (Girlfriend) Family / kids: N/A Table: Round Table Upington 79 Table Career: 6 Month Induction Information: Induction January 2014 Table Transfers: N/A Table Portfolios Held: PRO Round Table Awards: N/A Area Conferences: 2013 Hartswater (Northern Cape) & 2014 Upington (Northern Cape Tables Raided: N/A ARTSA AGM’s: N/A Highlight of your Table career: Upington Area Conference 2014 was a great event. Also one of our annual calendar events called the Kalahari Bike Challenge is also at the top of my list. Your future in table General: Always try and remember what the goal is and try to improve my portfolio as an individual as well as keeping our table a tight unit as it currently is. Try to inspire the younger children and to build the brand of Round Table. RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 10 Edenvale 63 warm. You guys are the real Superheroes. Toyota Edenvale joins Round Table Edenvale 63 in the Fight against the Highveld cold. The night started with a lot of laughter and fellowship in true Edenvale 63 style. Well attended by Tablers from all over the Gauteng Area as well as their partners and kids. The owner of Brazenhead started our collection off for us with a sizable cash donation and soon the Tablers and the patrons were doing their bits to make this an event worth remembering. What started off as a trailer of firewood soon became a trailer filled with blankets and clothes. One of the small joys that life offers us is the ability to give something back. For most of us, an extra blanket during the cold Highveld winters is such a commonplace article, that even our pets have one. The unfortunate truth however, is that there are thousands of people who are not as fortunate as us. They fight against the cold every night and for some it becomes a loosing battle. Luckily there are people in this world who cares and who wants to make a difference. Round Table Edenvale are trying to make a difference by getting blankets and clothes to people who need it, but the need is far too big for us to ever make a dent in it on our own. Then I received the call that warms every Tablers hart: It was Tim Atkinson from Toyota Edenvale. He and his team at Toyota have collected a bakkie-load of blankets and clothes to be distributed to those who need it most. Thank you to Tim and the generous people at Toyota. Your contribution will go a long way in warming the bodies and hearts of the thousands of people who struggle daily to keep 11 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla Weather forecast: Bring out the OBS!! -by the gallon!!! Edenvale 63 Sleep Out for Winter Knights On a warm summers evening, when the spirits were high and you could almost feel the moon tanning your skin, the guys from Edenvale 63 stood around a braai and decided that it would be an awesome idea to sleep outside this year as part of the Winter Knights project and in doing so, we would experience first hand what many people go through every winter. Obviously it sounded like a first class idea at the time and without thinking it through properly, we all agreed. And so the summer came and so the summer went… and the idea that has been agreed upon was to be actioned on the cold Saturday night of May 24 at The Brazenhead Irish Pub in Edenvale. Dress Code: Shorts and Table shirt (short sleeved) As the night wore on, the people started to fade and before long we were left with nothing but the donated blankets and a small piece of tiled patio to keep us from freezing. And THAT my friends, is the story of how I learned to appreciate my bed more than I ever thought possible. The next morning we were sore and cold and not happy “campers”, but it warmed our Eshowe 24 hearts to see how much we have collected: 50 Blankets and 30 bags of clothes and a whole bunch of cash – That makes it worth it through and through. Thanx again to The Brazenhead and its staff: you guys are legends. Next year we will do it again! developments and results thereof during the year “. Dave Starke, in his acceptance speech, mentioned that there are many misconceptions about Round Table as an Association. He went on to say that, “All of us within the Association should ask ourselves what we are doing to either reinforce or challenge those misconceptions within our own areas”, and “I myself had some of those misconceptions, but I was also lucky enough to know some of the Eshowe Table members personally and I also knew them and their wives as people of integrity”. February Report – Eshowe 24 Round Table Dave Starke was inducted as the 61th Chairman of Eshowe 24 Round Table, by Duncan Balmer, who chaired for 2013. Duncan, in his outgoing Chairman Speech, highlighted a very successful 2013 year. The year started with Eshowe 24 hosting the Area Conference, where the Zululand Home for the Aged was proposed as an Area Project, and won. The Natal North Coast Area, as a whole, contributed in excess of R60 000 in cash, and R38 000 worth of furniture to the Eshowe Home for the Aged. There was also a pledge made by the Austrian Round Table for the amount of EUR5000. In his speech, Duncan went on to say that,” Round Table Eshowe Supports the Homes for the Aged and believe that it is one of our finest Assets in town, so it has been very rewarding to receive donations and see the Dave’s focus as Chairman for 2014 in his own words: “These days, social organizations are under increasing pressure to justify their existence. RTSA June May 2014 Inkundla 12 On the 31st May Eshowe 24 ran a very successful Golf Day, raising R34000 from local businesses. The Golf Day was well attended. Our thanks goes out to Empangeni 61 for their support, it is truly appreciated. Churches, NGOs, clubs and societies are all closing left right and centre, as people live increasingly insular lives. It is no longer good enough to stand at a podium or a pulpit and talk about all the great things that you’ve done or the wonderful ideas you have – modern society expects action, and if Round Table wants to ensure its future success, it will have to be through consistent and purposeful action” Dave added, that his intention, is not to change something that isn’t broken, like our many successful fundraisers and projects, but for Round Table to become more involved personally on ground level. It was a very proud moment for Eshowe 24, when Duncan Balmer was inducted as the 2014 NNCA Area Chairman, at the Area Conference in Richards Bay. Eshowe 24 wish Duncan the best of luck with the mammoth task that lies 13 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla ahead for him this year. In May, Stefan & Sally Schoeman, and, Duncan and Claire Balmer went on the Edelweiss Tour, which ended at the Austrian AGM in Vienna. What an amazing tour, which yet again proves how privileged we are to belong to an organization like Round Table, which gives us the opportunity, to make international contacts and lifelong friends. Estcourt 74 5th Thursday It was the clear skied Thursday evening of 29 May when uMark uSykes decided to test out a sideline career choice of taxi driving. The Estcourt tablers were, one-by-one, picked up from their residences and hauled along to Bergville’s Binga lela lodge. Chairman – Vice Chairman Above: 2014 Estcourt 74 once again hosted the Drakensburg Area’s CVC meeting at a photographic location fit for a family weekend. Estcourt ’74 representation in the Comrades Ultra Marathon With Rupert at the helm and Chubby on the handbrake the meeting went along very well, covering all essential points. Thank you to all who joined us. Below: 2015 As always we had a great evening filled with hot food, flowing drinks and plenty of fellowship. Another successful 5th Thursday was enjoyed by all. When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep - not screaming, like the passengers in his car. RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 14 Ficksburg 98 Davids Place Orphanage Ficksburg, Round Table 98 have started yet another of their projects uplifting the community. The Tablers have allocated approx. R12000 to paint and renovate Davids Place, a local orphanage in town. The Tablers themselves jumped in with brush in hand and painted. The main reason for the renovations is that the orphanage will be up to the government standard to qualify for grants. Davids Place has been a long standing front runner in Ficksburg ensuring that orphaned children have a roof over their head and food in their stomach . Photo- Pottie and Rossie painting up a storm 15 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla Winter Conference – RT 98 Angels home Ficksburg had the privilege of playing host to the annual winter conference of 2014. The weekend was kicked off with a “mini-steak” braai on the Friday evening and commenced again on Saturday with a breakfast, viewed through many a red eyes, at Imperani guest House, a big sponsor of many of our events. We gave Angels Home orphanage a generous donation of couches, chairs, canned food and blankets. Charlton, who delivered the goods to the home was a big hit amongst the orphans, and his name is now definitely in the hat to be drawn to name the next orphanage pet after. Angels Home have been one of our long standing beneficiaries and have also received a visit from our twin table from Sweden. The home has a strong affiliation with the Presbyterian church group of South Korea who has sent out their prayers of thanks to the Round Table. While the meeting in session, there was a ladies tour held for the tablers better halves showcasing some of the many tourist attractions Ficksburg and it surrounds have to offer, depleting many Tablers credit cards. The conference was a huge success and truly an honour for RT98 to be hosts. RT98 wishes that this has paved the way to have the privilege to be granted host status of many more conferences or even ARTSA. Photo – Conference setup Photo – Charlton, Hero of these kids My wife never gives up. She is so insistent that she entered the wrong password over and over again until she managed to convince the computer that she's right! JHB North 71 The afternoon was a lot of fun, (Brendon Hill my fellow tabler was able to join me for the rest of the tour) with all tables competing in “boeren” games and the final winner – Norway - hosting next years tour. Funduro The first annual Fundero was held on Boschfontein just outside Ficksburg. 40 Riders braved the icy weather and entered to take on the 23km track, which had to be completed 6 times by the open class, 5 times by the novice riders and 3 times by women and child riders. Many spectators made the trip out to support the riders and our cause. Fellow charity organization Solidarity Helping Hands made sure that there was something to eat for all. Photo - Funduro If you don’t succeed at first, hide all evidence that you tried. Saturday morning started with a Solex bicycle ride through central Netherlands (a Solex bike is a normal bicycle with an engine on the front wheel) – great fun!! With a pit stop where beer, cheese and traditional herring with accompanying shooter – or milk if you preferred – was served. Left: Brendon Hill (JHB North 71) Middle: Marijn van de Castel (Area chairman and Dutch round table 71) Right: Jacques Moolman (Chairman JHB North 71) 71 International Tour – The Netherlands What an experience! I recently attended the 71 numbers tour in The Netherlands.. and wow did they go all out. I was home hosted by Marijn van de Castel – the Area chairman and round table 71 tabler. I arrived a day early and was invited to attend their monthly business meeting (an experience all by itself – fantastic dinner and wine followed by the meeting). On Friday’s “registration” we had a “braai” and met all the other 71 tablers (Belgium, Germany, Dutch, Norway, Sweden and France), a great evening of fellowship that ended at 2 in the morning when the sun finally set. Saturday evening was definitely a highlight, with a cruise on the Amsterdam Sea on the original royal steamboat – the same one used to bring St Nicolas to Amsterdam every Christmas. The evening started with canapés and wine, followed by a fantastic dinner. But the most fun was when each country did an act – Brendon and I touch the nations of the world: Jan Pierewiet – an experience to hear around 60 foreign guys sing it! Sunday morning, we had champagne brunch – which I for one needed to recover from the night before! I had an awesome time with fantastic fellowship – and have made friends for life. Cheers Round table! Jacques Moolman – Chairman JHB North 71 RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 16 Kirkwood 78 Alles was baie stylvol en die spyskaart het almal laat terugverlang na ma se kombuis. Watch This Space In die Sondagsrivier Vallei is daar beslis iets in die water! Die manne en vroue hier bly bedrywig – of dit nou op persoonlike- of tafelgebied is maak nie saak nie! Kom ons begin maar by die persoonlike. Baie geluk Julia en Jaco van Biljon met die geboorte van julle pragtige dogter en ook ‘n baie groot geluk aan Phillip en Lize Frost met die geboorte van julle pragtige seun! Op tafelgebied het ons, ons immer gewilde 101 dans gehad op die 10de Mei 2014. Divan en Rhodene Havenga was ons convenors vir die funksie en het met ‘n pragtige “vintage” tema vir ons teruggevoer na die dae wat verby is. 17 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla Die dames het die resepte van hulle moeders heerlik voorberei en nie een gas is honger huis toe nie. Die manne was ook flink met hul bediening en het gesorg dat die gaste gelukkig was. Divan en Rhodene kan ook spog met ‘n rekord bedrag wins wat gemaak is vir tafel. Baie geluk met hierdie uiters suksesvolle funksie julle! Na so groot funksie het ons manne en Legs ietsie nodig gehad om ons batterye te laat herlaai voor die Wildsfees hier is. Francois en Ilana het as gasheer en gasvrou die spyker op die kop geslaan met die social wat hulle toe vir ons aangebied het. Hulle het ons onthaal by hulle op die plaas met die Sondagsrivier in die agtergrond en ‘n heerlike “spread” voor ons. Van oud tot jonk het elkeen iets nuut gedoen op hierdie dag – of dit nou jou eerste “foefie-slide” rit of jou eerste appelkooskonfyt en braaisout toast eet was. Ons moet spog dat tot ons 2 kleinste bulletjies die hoogtes aangedurf het en dat hulle na hul eerste rit nie van die “foefie-slide” afgehou kon word nie. Die donker het ons na ‘n lang dag gedwing om op te pak en het ‘n ieder en n elk saamgestem dat hulle weer reg was vir die lang skofte wat by die Wildsfees voorlê. Johnny Bosman is dan ook al die afgelope paar maande besig met die reëlings vir die Wildsfees. Baie sterkte vir hom en al die tafelaars en hulle gades (en ook die kinders wat bietjie afgeskeep gaan word) met die harde werk wat voorlê. Ons berig binnekort weer aan almal daaroor. Laastens wil ons vir almal ook net se: “Watch this Space”, want Kirkwood Area lê voor en dit beloof om Ruff, Tuff en Awesome te wees. Kokstad 35 Kroonstad 42 onion sauces flowing with lots of testing! Grain SA farmers day Kokstad was approached to do catering for a farmer’s expo and exchange of knowledge day. Our duties were to feed over 350 farmers and exhibitionists. Our day started with some running around; lighting fires, Cutting & buttering rolls, Chopping onions and tomatoes etc. It was a bright and sunny morning with many people weaving through the stalls and stands. Once fires where on the go, tablers, 41ers and guests enjoyed some fellowship while we waited for the masses. Our chairman manned the front line insuring everyone got a wors roll with all the trimmings. Frankie our Honourable 41er with Gordon and AK (guests) cooked wors and hand out cool drinks. 41er Fred and Dave kept the tomato & A big thank you to, Mr Ian Househam from Grain SA, for giving us the opportunity to serve the community at their Farmers Day. Kroonstad 42 Wees gegroet vanuit ‘n koue Noord-Vrystaat !! Te midde van die koue wat ons tans beleef, KOOK dit in Kroonstad… Ons het op 31 Mei in getalle opgeruk na die Vrystaat Area Winter Konferensie gehou te Ficksburg. 7 van ons tafelaars het die konferensie bygewoon en was ons gevolglik die tafel wat die beste verteenwoordig was. Henk Cronje (Area-Voorsitter) het ‘n baie gladde vergadering gelei en alles het sonder hakplek verloop waarna ons lekker saam kon kuier en bande bou. Baie dankie aan Ficksburg vir ‘n uitstekende konferensie. Met Spidey in ons midde as ARTSA-VP, het ons dit goed gedink om hom te vergesel na RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 18 STNOFS se Winter Konferensie gehou te Vanderbijlpark op Saterdag 7 Junie. Weereens was ons as “gas-tafel”beste verteenwoordig met 6 tafelaars wat die konfernsie bygewoon het. Dit was vir ons ‘n baie insiggewende ervaring om te hoor wat in ander area’s aangaan en ons kon vereenselwig met soortgelyke uitdagings wat die STNOFS tafels ondervind in die organisasie van hul projekte. Daar is baie lekker “ge-social” saam met die STNOFSmanne en daar is gereël vir ‘n plundertog of twee na die STNOFS-tafels en visa-versa. Winter Knights… Ons jaarlikste Winter Knights projek het plaasgevind op 20 Junie in ‘n splinter nuwe gedaante… Anders as vorige jare, het ons weggedoen met die “bond fire - buite staan bedel aksie ) en besluit om ‘n vars benadering te volg wat jaarliks volhoubaar kan wees en 19 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla ‘n gevestigde datum op die sosiale kalender van Kroonstad kan wees. Met Francois Geldenhuys ( ons nuutste toevoeging tot ons tafel) as organiseerder van Winter Knights, het ons ‘n Boemelaars tema-aand aangebied in die ou Stadsaal, waarby die dames ons gaste trakteer het met interessante dekor van hout palette en koerant papier en daarmee saam is ‘n heerlikke “Bunny-Chow”ete bedien. Almal het heerlik saam gekuier rondom die pallet- tafels en na afloop van die ete het DJ Okkie Lotriet van Bethlehem laat waai met die dans deuntjies en gou was almal op die dansvloer. Die aand was ‘n groot sukses en iets om op voort te bou in die jare wat kom ! Melodrama… Ons twee-jaarlikse Melodrama vind later vanjaar plaas en is ons reeds in die wegspring blokke om hierdie (ons grootse) projek van stapel te stuur… Ons skop af met ons eerste amptelike Songs-Party op 6 Julie en ons sien uit om te begin met die voorbereiding. Ons nooi alle tafels uit om ons te kom ondersteun. Die wat reeds van ons Melodrama’s bygewoon het sal weet dat dit iets besonders is en sekerlik een van die bestes indien nie DIE beste Melodrama-produksie wat geloots kan word. 42INM 2014 Ons bied aan die 42 International Numbers Meeting later vanjaar in Kroonstad. Talle tafelaars van 42 tafels van reg oor die wêreld het reeds geregistreer en bevestig dat hulle dit gaan bywoon. Ons registrasies staan tans rondom +/- 80 mense. Ons beplan ‘n verskeidenheid van aktiwiteite waar ondermeer ‘n Shebeenparty, Leeu plaas besoeke, askook ‘n besoek aan Sun City deel sal uitmaak van wat ons alles in die mou voer om ons Internationale Gaste te trakteer. Meer hieroor in latere berigte. LCSA YIT, Thinus Kotze PRO - Kroonstad 42 Introducing Judy Theunissen – Ladies Circle South Africa President 2014/2015 Through friendship and service Ladies Circle South Africa makes a difference to the lives of so many needy and deserving individuals and groups. Judy Theunissen, the newly elected President for Ladies Circle South Africa has been actively involved in Shiraz Ladies Circle No 8 since January 2009 and was introduced to Ladies Circle by an ex Tabler and now 41’ers wife, who was also a Circler at the time. In May 2013 she was inducted as Vice President of LCSA and here she is now – President of Ladies Circle South Africa 2014/2015! Contrary to popular belief, stay-at-home-moms don’t “koek en tee” all day long, so with time on her hands, she jumped straight into all things Circle! With the amazing support from her hubby, she attended Ladies Circle events in Botswana, Romania, Madagascar and Zambia and in August she will attend the LCI AGM in Lithuania. Currently Ladies Circle South Africa has 48 Circlers in 10 active Circles. These Circles are spread throughout the country in the Western Cape, Southern Cape, Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga. Ladies Circle has given Judy and other circlers the opportunity to meet many like-minded ladies from all over the world who, each in their own way, reach out and give back to those less fortunate. Ladies Circle South Africa invite all ladies who love to give and be part of LCSA to contact us or to visit and like our Facebook Page! Yours in Circle AGM 2014 Team Building Fun During the AGM held during the weekend of 24 May 2014, the Circlers continued with the tradition to have a team building exercise. It was loads of fun. The ladies were divided into groups and had to follow clues provided together with a street map of Cape Town's CBD. Along a route of about 3km the ladies had to take group selfies at certain points to proof that RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 20 they are following the clues and completing the course. Not only was this great fun for the ladies, but also a wonderful opportunity to walk back down memory lane and experience our beautiful country's history. Below are some of the photos of the winning group with detailed descriptions. 21 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla Mthatha 4 June. Mthatha Inkundla “What are we going to do today Pinky”? Well… Mthatha No.4 has already taken over the world…so make another plan!! Our bakkies tongues are hanging out, the wives almost call security when we get home, and our dogs bark at us upon Home arrival. Its been that good! The barrel of the gun is smoking hot and Mthatha No. 4 is not slowing down. Our Border Area Chairman is grazing through his raids like Jeremy Clarkson burns through tyres, and Mthatha in full support is warming up the winter chills with Old Brown Sherry and every now and again, handing out some blankets – which our esteemed President refers to as responsible tabling! In June we visited Elliot, Maclear East London No.1 and Komga, all to be returning with dry mouthes, Packets of Panado and regret for another work week. Why doesn’t life just keep rolling into these raids…. Well, Mthatha Number 4 is trying its very best. NARTSA…. watchout….! Our June highlight without doubt was out TriArea Convergence into the freezing hub of Underberg for a weekend with Leon Garbade (ARTSA President), Sheppie 83 and Sani 152. Mthatha’s some 6 hour drive afforded us to arrive on the Friday evening ready and rearing to go. Our Coolerboxes set, gloves on, beanies, Jackets, and Snowboots all donned, we went to the inaugural Tri-Area Raid at Sani’s Clubhouse. With a short introduction of all the fellows and Mark Powell introducing all of us, it was not much longer after that we were well fed, and off to the Underberg Inn, for what was close to, a shaky start the next morning.( EVEN ME. (Author)) Saturday took us up Sani pass, on what could be described as a “Magnificent day in the Mountains” with lunch at 2874m a.s.l at the Highest Pub in Africa and issuing of our blankets to a local village for the winter season. No sooner were we down the hill, back to the pub for rugby and onto the Polar Bear Swim in minus 3 Degree weather. To top this all off, they turned off the lights in Underberg and Shut the Curtain, because we were clearly the Show of the year. A very big thank you to Jo and Mark, Alex and Leon and all the guys for organising. What a truly, TRULY, great weekend of fellowship and laughter.( Give me a week, I will be back no problem…AUTH) It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it. RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 22 Namibia Area Winter Knights – Namibia Area. In Namibia the 2014 Round Table Winter Knights campaign has seen N$ 352449.48 raised in the form of cash donations, pledges & corner purchases. Furthermore an estimated N$ 85000.00 worth of clothing & blankets has been received. Corners sold total 40 constituting Windhoek, Swakopmund & Walvis Bay. In partnering with Radio Wave, this project has received immense exposure & through this unparalleled support from the community, both business & private. As before, RTNA has partnered with a prominent local radio station, Radio Wave, in order to maximize exposure for the WK project. Radio exposure is constituted of the following: 23 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla Frequent snippets/announcements a month beforehand, extended announcements closer to the time, an interview beforehand as well as live coverage & participation during the actual collection morning. RTNA also initiated an sms line where the public could donate N$5.00/ sms. Modus Operandii is the “selling” of street corners to businesses which already creates an income, as well as additional manpower as these companies participate in the collection wearing either their company branding or signs calling for assistance. It is evident that the public has become aware of this annual project as proceeds have increased from 2013, & support in general was more noteworthy. Blanket purchases & distributions have already begun & will be ongoing in order to ensure that as many people as possible have been reached before the end of winter. Contributed – John Kotze RTNA PRO. more info please contact Japie Kruger 084 811 3218 Winter Knights is our nationally driven project collecting clothing, blankets and food for the less fortunate. Please look out for the advert as where you can help Round Table make a huge difference. Potchefstroom 47 In August for those who remember the RT Beerfest, which is also there to raise funds for the community, is the re-vamped “Craft Beer Festival” to be held at Snowflake on the 30th of August. Round Table Potchefstroom 47 Golf Day Round Table had their annual Golf Day on the 30th of May to once again raise funds for the Potchefstroom community. They were well supported by over 20 4ball’s this year and with thanks to their sponsors De Villiers Attorneys, Mhiduve, NW Chiropracto, Ocean Basket, Fourie Piggery, Lektratec, Consult us, Pine Pienaar, FFG, Kruger Physiotherapy, PG Glass, CPI, FBFS, Ultra Liquors, NuPower Solar, Team Daly, Broken Pot, Mike’s Kitchen, Creative printing, Studio 360, Remax and Gizmo Marketing They would also like to thank everyone that was involved in making the day a great success especially the golfers. Round Table Potchefstroom 47 uses these funds to give back to the community, their main project still being the Bus Project which has been running for 30 years. Where once a month they help out three government retirement homes by taking the elderly to pay their electricity bills and monthly shopping. They are also partnered with the Diens sentrum’s for many years and hold a strong relationship there. In the next couple of months their calendar shows their second MTB Mountain Bike and Trail Run on the 28th of June at Makojalo. For RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 24 47 Gallery Potch RT 47 MTB Round Table 47 Potchefstroom hosted our annual Mountain bike and Trail run at Makojalo Op Stad 7km outside Potchefstroom on the R53 to Parys, on the 28th of June 2014. This being the second year the event has taken place, we where all expecting an bigger and better event while we corrected some of the growing pains from last year. We started with an aggressive marketing campaign on Facebook and the Super Cycling show on Super-Sport. The Farm and Race venue owners where all excited and willing to allow us access though the land, which gave us the opportunity to create a really exciting and diverse Mountain bike and Trail run route. Bavaria South Africa came on board as 25 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla sponsor to provide each and every athlete that competed on the day with some much needed post race hydration. The start and finish was dressed up with some hay bales for seating, umbrellas and lots of food stalls to provide a buzz and a great atmosphere before and after the race. The Trail run which included 5km and 10km distances took the runners though the Makojalo Game camp, which gave the runners some time to enjoy the game in the surrounding bush, while ignoring the sore and tender legs as they made they’re way back to the finish line. The Mountain bike race added a 60km distance to the 40km and 20km of last years event. Although the race was situated in a rather flat area, the riders enjoyed some sharp, steep and technical climbs along the route which varied in terrain from loose rocky and sandy drags to some purpose build single track on Jannie Strydom and Nakkie Pienaar’s farms. We also added some new bridges on route to get the riders over the farm fences along the route. These produced some spectacular scenes of guts and glory and some more spectacular falls due to hesitation, which was a hot topic during the post race drinks. This event has brought a new dimension and approach to the Potchefstroom 47 Table events, we’ve now been able to tap into the fastest growing fitness and outdoor market in South Africa. We also saw how this day brought families, friends and communities together for a huge old mansion and the five of us were treated like royalty. We even had a braai by the lake and we showed them how to make braai broodjies. While the braai was going we also tried our hand at fishing, i cought 3 pikes and unfortunately Japie is still awaiting a bite. some much needed fellowship and fun. ADAPT, ADOPT, IMPROVE was definitely the motto of this years event with a growth of 350% from year one. Keeping that Motto in mind we will be looking forward to the prospects next year’s events hold for Round Table 47 Potchefstroom and its community. YIT International 47 numbers meeting 2014 From 27 May to the 1st of June the Japie Kruger and Jan-Hendrik Delport from Potchefstroom 47 attended the annual 47 numbers meeting held in Karlstad Sweden. This was a great experience to see the beautiful landscape and pristine lakes that Sweden have to offer as well as strengthen the bond with our international friends. We arrived in Copenhagen on 26 May and saw all the sights the city has to offer including the little mermaid statue that inspired the Disney film. We were under the impression that the people were very poor as we noticed a couple of them diving in the dustbins and taking out the beer cans that we have disposed of. Later we were to find out that these cans could be returned for a deposit of about R10 each and that we were literally throwing money away. (uneducated tourists).We then had dinner and a beer (R110 per beer) at the Hard Rock cafe at about 11pm just before the sun set. The 27th until the Friday it was the pre tour with the Swedish tour guides. We visited a world class SPA and dived into the freezing North sea after a sauna session. The organised moose safari turned out to be a moose petting zoo, however the hosts on the farm were very welcoming and the even gave a moose horns as a gift. One night we had were surprised to stay in The Weekend was also full of activities and kicked of with a typical midsummer party. A pole was erected and we were taught how to do some traditional dance around it. The food was also amazing with pork on a spit, salmon and pickled herring on the menu. Saturday we took a boat trip to an island and had burgers and a quiz. On the way back we were educating them on how to play the “tarry dam” drinking game. They were slow learners but managed to have great fun and fellowship along the way. The meeting was held on the top of a coffee factory owned by my host. Topical issues were discussed and debated. The meeting was chaired by the Swedish 007 himself called Phillip. It was a great pleasure to attend the meeting and we are all looking forward to the 2015 meeting that will be held in Veendam Netherlands YIT Jan-Hendrik Delport (IRO – Potchefstroom 47) RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 26 RT 47 Winter Knights This past Saturday the 21st of June, Round Table Potch 47 held their Winter Knights drive to collect tinned food, blankets and old clothing for the community hosted by Mystic Boer. There was an overwhelming response from the community with donations especially old clothing. A selection of Potch Boys High scholars came to the party for the Winter Knights drive by donating their own items. We would like to thank these boys for putting their hand up by giving back to their community. The project was driven by Mrs Bev Johnson at Potchefstroom Boys High. In the photo (Left to right) SCHOLARS: CTT De Jene, TK Shuenyane, M Mosipi (absent who also donated: T Lobelo & KTM Leseka) Back row: Brad Rhodes, Charlie Fourie & Sean Trautmann (Old Boys) Mrs Bev Johnson and Principle Mr JP Van Vuuren 27 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla The Tablers (members) stood in shorts and t-shirts to show and experience the cold that many of our community face on a daily bases during winter. The night was spent closely around the fire with great fellowship with donations coming in throughout the night. With this we would like to thank Potchefstroom Boys High, Mystic Boer and Allwear for their handsome donations and to every single person who handed in what they could. We were all humbled straight from the start as a passing homeless lady wondered in asking for a donation. The experience felt like the series “Project Runway” as the Tablers jumped up and started fitting her with warm clothing and making up a parcel filled with cans of food and maize. She walked out there pretty much looking like the Oros man with all the clothing wrapped around her. On sorting the donations out we took stock of above mentioned donations: 1 x Cycling helmet 13 x Bra's 1 x Toilet seat cover 1x Lighter 2 x Tampons 16 pairs of Shoe's 1 x Day pass ticket on the Docklands Light Railway in London – sadly expired in 2004 1 x Pantyhose 2 xBoxer shorts - 1 x lightly soiled and thrown away (so only 1 x boxer short) 1 x Glove 1 x Hat 2 x Kitchen window curtain runner 1 x Towel 174 cans of food Various packets if food including a bag of Tea 66kg's of Samp 10kg’s of Mielie Meel And R22 000 worth of School Clothing WELL DONE POTCH AND MYSTIC BOER laps. The wipe-out award went to Dean Palmer who sent his bike down a steep hill. Stutterheim 103 This was the 9th year we have run this project. Many hours of preparation and hard work go into an event of this magnitude. Over the years many people in need have benefited from funds raised and this year will be no different An event of this magnitude cannot take place without the generous help of sponsors. Thank 103 Bike Ride After months of planning the Stutt 103 Bike Ride took place on the weekend of the 26th April 2014. The weekend kicked off with the usual Friday night entertainment. Once again, despite the rain during the week, the Stutterheim community and surrounding areas turned up and made our Decades Party the success it was. Daron Mann, Carol Ann Kellerher and Charlton Tobias from Algoa FM didn’t disappoint. With lots of giveaways and crowd interaction the evening was a great success with about 230 people attending. After catching a few hours of sleep it was back to the Stutterheim Country Club on Saturday. With the bikes rolling in and revving up, it was time again for one of the most scenic bike rides in the country. Thank you to Brennand Pickering and Cuan Klase for setting out an awesome loop. There was still a lot of mud and the river levels were still slightly up but that didn’t bother the riders and we were blessed with an awesome day after much rain on the days leading up to the event. The turnout was great with 139 riders in attendance. The ride started on the old BMX track and this was a great place for spectators to watch the bikes. Prize giving was held in the tent afterwards. Congratulations to Cuan for doing the most you to our main sponsors Eckbau Building Construction and Newden. The Manderson Hotel and Conference Centre for hosting our guests from Algoa FM. The landowners: Rance Timber, AFC, Amahlathi Municipality and Minnie Balindlela for once again allowing us the use of their land, which makes the bike ride such a success. Thank you to The SPCA RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 28 Walvis Bay 36 for providing the food throughout the weekend. Alderson Ambulance were once again on standby, luckily there were no serious injuries. Without the help of my fellow Tablers this event would also not have been able to take place and I would like to say a very big thank you to my committee members, Justin, Clint, Brennand, Errol, Clinton and Ryan. Thank you to all the Tablers who put in all the hard work and effort in the months leading up to the Bike Ride and for working so enthusiastically throughout the weekend. Lastly thank you to the table legs (our ladies), for your hard work and effort, Round Table would not be able to run without our legs! What a fantastic weekend! Yours in Table Gareth Pickering 29 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla Round Table Winter Knights Campaign assists Shack Fire Victims Following a tremendously successful Winter Knights campaign run by Round Table 36 in Walvis Bay, a disastrous shack fire took place destroying 17 shacks & leaving 45+ residents without any belongings save for the clothes on their backs. Round Table36, with the assistance of the Municipal fire department, were able to assist these victims in the form of donations ranging from beds & matresses, blankets, clothing & food hampers to the value of N$ 47000.00. Thanks to the quick action of the Fire Department these donations were collected by the victims on Tuesday 11Th June, in the presence of Her Worship, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, & Mr. Romanus from the Erongo Regional Council. Tablers attending were Jens, Jan, Jac, Richard, as well as Mr. Willie Van Zyl & members of the Municipal Fire Department. Walvis Bay Round Table No. 36 would like to take this opportunity to thank the general public & corporates for their selfless contribution & hands-on assistance with this continuously successful project. A total of N$ 140000.00 was raised in the form of cash donations, blankets & clothing. Many companies who annually purchase street corners have now begun a “tongue-in-cheek” competition amongst each other which has had a positive effect on donation amounts & RT36 is truly thankful for such support. Distribution has already begun with blankets & food hampers being purchased with the proceeds earmarked for various instances within the Walvis Bay & surrounding communities. Contributed: John Kotze RT36 PRO Welwitchia 213 Welwitschia 213 induction dinner held on the 1st of March 2014. Welwitschia 213’s induction dinner at Hilton Hotel aimed at not just the induction of the new Chairman and Vice Chairman and the new Council but this year with the exceptional organizational skills of Jason Van Wyk and the efforts of all Tablers in Welwitschia, we tried to have a simultaneous awareness programme or event for the Organization as well Welwitschia as a club. With this we reached out to a couple of Businesses and other Organization and also Government. This initiative was I would say a success as most of the invites sent out was confirmed. On the night we had a Special Guest speaker Member of Parliament Honourable Mrs. Margret Williams Menza. Who spoke vigilantly of the Namibia’s crises regarding the Violence against Woman. The Honourable MP was impressed with not just the event but also the projects and effort that goes into not just Welwitschia 213 but all tables or clubs and that of the whole organization. Honourable Menza also showed and expressed her keenness to perhaps involve the organization with government or have government get involved with the organization. Compliments and adulation regarding the work the Organization has done and is still doing was not kept in abeyance by the honourable MP. Honoured guest our Area Chairman Neville Louw added to this sentiment with a couple of words and expressed his plans in brief for the year ahead. With the honourable member of parliament we also had a honoured Guest the President of the NRU Adv. Bradley Basson who also shared a couple of word and encouragement for all tables as a former Tabler himself he explained of some of the hardships one can incur as an organization , table and member. Among the Guests were also MTC’s Mobile Home’s Manager Alan Krohne and is wife Felicia who has expressed as the night progressed and after that this was an eye opener for him at least regarding the Organization and its aims and the effort put into by every individual who is part of the organization. Another guest representing Goro Investment, Maduselem Shilongo who had showed the company’s appreciation for the efforts that Welwitschia 213 had done over time had made a sponsorship or pledge of N$10 000.00 towards the induction dinner itself. With entertainment by the multi nominated and award winning Namibian artist LizeLeandra Ann Ehlers, who created the greatest atmosphere. She herself has her own project running for the past four years called Song Night which creates the platform for young and old upcoming artist even those established to take the stage and take music further. She makes due with the little that she gains in sponsorships to fill the stage every last Wednesday of the month. We also had some emotional goodbye’s to 2 of our members done by our MC , who gained 41’er states. Chris Claassen a total number of 10 years and Gerhard “BigHands” Van Wyk with 6years of tabling. Gents we salute you. Chairman of Hochland 154 also took the stage and showed that he can be surgical with the jokes as well. The interaction of various incoming Chairman’s and Outgoing made the night a memorable one. Our induction dinner could not have been a success at all if not for the all other Tablers from the rest of the tables who joined us the night and made it memorable for not just us as Welwitschia but also our guests as well. I am of the opinion that the dual purpose for the project was served and a great night for Round RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 30 table but you dint have to believe me just ask the Tabler next you who attended. Our honoured Guests and speakers for the induction diner 2014. Left : Honourable Margret Mensa MP Right Bradley Basson NRU President. Group Photo of some old some new some out and some in but all living the Table way 31 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla 213 Gallery Zwartkops 195 MARCH AGM We are so grateful to all for the support we had at our March AGM this year. It was an awesome weekend from beginning to end. On Friday we braaied steak and danced the night away to the live band, waking up just in time for Saturday’s meeting and ladies tour. Over a fantastic dinner in the beautifully decorated Hellenic Hall, we enjoyed fun and fellowship. LAKE FARM RUN While the 195’ers were busy with the AGM, our 41ers kept our name high by honouring our commitment to the annual Lake Farm Run where they sold boerewors rolls to hungry runners and thereby raised R3800 for the Lake Farm Centre. were then distributed to various crèches in the Walmer Township. This was an exceptionally special experience as entire families could participate and the little crabs could learn firsthand what Table is all about. SKITTLES EVENING In May we met up with Table 8 for a Skittles evening. Skittles, for those of you that aren’t familiar with the game, is some sort of cross between tenpin bowling and murder (judging from the blood-thirsty screams from the two teams!). It was a fantastic evening and it is our intention to make this an annual event. CHEERS MARTY We also had to say a very sad goodbye to our Chairman, Martin Hoole, who has relocated to the Western Cape. Martin you have been an institution in 195! Whether it was building rafts, going for ballet lessons, doing hardcore boerie-roll marketing, hydrating cyclists, converting buckets into helmets or allowing the legs to redecorate your garage, you were there and you will be missed! WINTER KNIGHTS EASTER EGG COLLECTION In April the crabs collected Easter Eggs which but sadly for thousands of others the reality is much harsher. Through the annual Winter Knights we can help to make a difference in a small way. On a cold June evening, our knights collected blankets and clothing which will be distributed to families in need. This project always makes us so aware of our own privileges! We can take a hot bath, switch on a heater and dress in our winter woollies with a cup of hot chocolate, KIRKWOOD WILDSFEES A highlight on the calendar for Kirkwood 78, the annual Wildsfees is an enormous project that has become a firm favourite on our calendar too. While the ooms, tannies and little ones enjoy the festive vibes, the awesome stalls and live shows, tablers can be found on the other side of the bar having an equally good time! Thank you to Table 78 for always including us in this event and for always making us feel so welcome when we are there. YIT Paul Bonus RTSA May June 2014 Inkundla 32 33 Sept 2013 RTSA June 2014 Inkundla
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