BERIGTE OOR PLAASAANVALLE. MOORDE ENVERKRAGTING GATVOL Vir plaas moorde ,.Y{j Motorist killed in own driveway A ERACKENDOWNS man was fatallv wounded while driving /\ ils33'.'" !f t rfP,," q d ')IU, '\-) v .t' W Y7 :.*rrl -/ ,& ) q,- ) I j\, u,,,'i' K &EdSPAAD g K: y ByGAROLHILI-S BRITS taitrer, Jacobus llermanus 'I'herewasnoformofidentilica' to collect his 10-year-old son anrl nine-year-old daughter from the tiononthebody Apolicemanreal- p. (-") 1 Victims of serial killer unknown By LIESLVENTEIr\ TWO security guards were slightlY injured and an undisclosed rolled. At least seven robbers opened fire, gained access to the van and fled with six cash boxes." amount of money stolen dwing a Supt Opperman said the robbers fled in a bakkie which had skirts of Kempton Park yesterdaY been cash-in-transit heist on the out- Superintendent Eugene Opperman said at least six boxes containing cash were taken from the armoured vehicle after a group of robbers had caused the van to roll on the R25. "The guards were driving close io the Mopani Shooting Range )vhen a BMW slammed into them. fhe driver lost control and the van DURBAN - Detectives from Durban's Serious and Violent crime unit said yesterday that they were on the track of a suspected serial killer and need help in identifying the six victims. Superintendent Vishnu waitingfor them. "One other car was involved in Naidoo said the suspected serial killer had been operating in the the accident the robbers caused, but no one was injured." Newlands area over the past tlree years, his victims women He said the BMW used to ram into the armoured vehicle was left behind atthe crime scene. 'A search for the Nissan bakkie used by the robbers to flee as well as the men involved has been Iaunched " said Supt OPperman. St Lucia shock at bludgeoning of popular teen Opperman, in his Parentsl flat on Saturday night. After beating him to death his dumped his fullY-clothed The investigation team need to identify the victims and ask anyone who may have reported women missing to contact Detective Inspector Lucky Mhlongo on 082-680-1G33., Sapa. Post-mortem on murdervictim ST LUCIA - Residents of this coastal resort town are in shock after the fatal bludgeoning of pbpular l3-year-old schoolboy, Daniel aged between 25 and 40. ByCATHYTHOMPSON KLERKSDORP Police are investigafter a nd dead killer To ti.- body in the shower cubicle. Deon van RooYen, Daniel's steP- ible wounds beYond blood on her were busy at their restaurant in the centre of St Lucia when Daniel decided to go home to add some had been tied uP," said Mooi River police spokesman, SuPerintendent Louis Jacobs. She was found, clothed in her father, said he and his wife, Mize, last touches to a school Project. "We gave him the keYs to our flat and he set offon his bike. That was the last time we Saw Daniel alive," said Mr Van RooYen. When the couPle went home later they noticed blood on the garage floor and thought Daniel had perhaps cut himself and fainted. "When we opened the door we noticed that something was wrong. AII the doors and cuP- boards were standing oPen and were rifled. There was blood and we started looking for Daniel. "We found him lying dead in the shower cubicle." - CNS. mouth and her hands and feet nyiamas and lYing on the bed in h-ei nat, by a domestic etnployee at B.45am YesterdaY ' A window of the flat was open, Men wanted for abusing girl POLICE are looking for two men who indecently assaulted l2-year-old girl on Monday a Police spokesman Inspector Yolande Bouwer said the two girls wereplaying in apark in the Witpoortjie area when two unknown men walked up to them. "The men convinced the girls to follow them into the bushes." . One of the men then produced a fltrearm, both girls were tied up and one of the men allegedly sod. omised one girl. Both men fled after stealing a cellphone from one of the children." Both men are still at large. but there was no sign of forced entry "It is, however, Possible to gain entry through the burglar bar-s," Superintendent Jacobs declared. An unknown amount of moneY to have been stolen. appears It is believed that Mrs Edwards collected rent from the other tenants on behalf of the owner of the building. She was last seen alive at 5.45pm on MondaY. A post-morte-m examlnatlon will be carr ied ofi{ todaY. Cash-in-transit heist in Mabopane IN the latest in a long line of cash-in-transit heists. five robbers escaped with a "small amount" of cash after holding up security guards at a filling station in Mabopane, North West. Five men, one of them armed, took two cash boxes from guards who were loading them into an armoured vehicle at the site in BlockB. Five shots were fired, but no one was injured, said Inspector Gabashane Moseki of the Marico police. The robbery suspects fled in a green Toyota Camry 1 Fourthman is arrested By ELEANOR MOMBERG andCAROLHILLS A FOURTH suspect has been arrested for the murder of one-year-old Kayla Rawstone, her mother, Janine Drennen, 24, and ]:'er S2-year-old grandmother Heyster Rawstone in hijacking in Pretoria last Thursday Police spokesman Superintendent Morne .ran Wyk said the 22-year-old suspect was arrested during a raid on a house in Soshanguve by members of the Pretoria and Garankuwa serious and violent crimes units yesterday afa ternoon. Van Wyk thanked members of the public llor their assistance in the investigation. The man'would be charged with the three murders and the rapes of Drennan and a 1?-year-old teenager kidn.apped on the road to Stinkwater, said Van Wyk. Three men were arrested on Frirlay night in Stinkwater for the crimes, which sent rvaves of outrage through the community embrqced by his ount, Chrislin loroine Wolmorons is qt rlghl. CLIFFORD REwslone is His sisler TWo held By ELEANOR MOMBERG and CAROL HILLS TWO men were yesterday arres- ted in Pretoria and LimPoPo Province for the murder of retired Lieutenant General Gert Johannes :Petrus de. Wachter, 74, in his Waterkloof R_idge home on Monday ' Police spokesrnan SuPerin,, tendent Morne van Wyk said the arrests came after tip-offs from the communitl 1..: 'i', , .- for general's death Van Wyk said Brooklyn detectives arrested a man in his twenties in Monument Park, Pretoria. at about 11am. "The investigation and information from members of the community led investigators to Zebediela in Limpopo Province, where an l8-year-old youth was arrested by detectives from Brooklyn and the Bushveld po- lice," said Van Wyk. Some of the items stolen from the house were recovered. He would not elaborate, saying that information would be revealed during the trial. The men will appear in the Pretoria Magistrates Courttomorrow .De Wachter was beaten to death. His body was found in the lounge by his son on Monday af- ternoon. Pretoria area commissioner Amon Mashigo congratulated the police for the speedy arrests. Gops hunt for killers of Primrose businessman ByLIESLVENTER POLICE are calling for information about Saturday morning's murder of a businessman in Prim- was shot at close range in the head and chest by the men. rose, on the East Rand. qqla Five unknown men killed th-S4-year-old man in his home in Coral Street, just after 7am. I\,fr Philip Vuurman, who ran a tiling business from home, had just opened the gates for one ofhis employees, r,vhen he u,as shot. According to SAPS spokesman Captain Thobile Xakeka, he had returnecl to thc house. u,here he It is not known whether they gained access lvhen he opened the - 'A witness did. manage to fire several shots at the fleeing suspects, and we belierre one may have been injured," said Captaiir Xakeka. A11 five men are at large. Auyone rvith information can calJ Captain \,lashigo from the Nonir East Rand Organisecl Criure LTrlit on 0Bll680 9081. Early parole for 8 000 prisoners The release on parole of about prisoners will be speeded up to relieve overcrowding in the country's jails, according to Correctional Services Minister B 000 Ben Skosana. The New National Party said yesterday it supported the announcement but said the safety of the public also had to be considered. Skosana said in Pretoria that the prisoners whose parole had already been approved would have their parole date ad- vanced by 10 months. They would still leave pris under paroJe conditious. h0 sa He said a proposal inspecting judge of priso Hannes Fagan was also bei examined to release awaltit trial prisoners with bail of lt than Rl 000. This would ap1 only to petty crimes. Despite severe overcrowdi in prisons, great care should taken when releasing prisont on earlyparole, NNP spokesp son Johan Durand said. - Sa Moord op dogter, diefstal, ioo[AaphA ELIZE SMITH Germiston I enoeg ls genoeg. Daar is 'n woede in my, 'n onmag wat my soms op my knied skop net as ek favan t van I geJfu irioi. haiir joitg lewc Die afgelope vier jaar hel. hul | rnilie diep i.n die genadelosc beh misdaad gekyk en lnoes een lid die gos;in , I {O' l1: .#,MW stolen items were found.,, She said the suspects were ail aged between 16 and 2B ancl would appear in court today on charges of housebreaking. He will appear in court toda5z "The possibiJity exists the suspects can be tinkea to various other housebreakings.,, vermoor Linda de Nysschen Meisb raa: ontaard in tragedie toe twee aanvallers losbrand ' Pelgrimsrus. - Sowat 100 beswaarde inwoners van di6 toeristedorpie waar 'n Britse toeris verlede maand vermoor en haar man ernstig gewond is, het gister bY die rondgaande hof saamgedrom om te sien hoe die mans lYk wat glo vir die misdaad verantwoordelik was. t.Lr I UJ guards security b .-^-.-l^ \za\-' murdered, robbed' -Pta I tr(, 'inR|t tJ \./ \-, .' {es1 I octirta ha(TrqrrrA asuge oegrawe *"ir?t*"n, mp ktober onthoofdeur oor'n begrawe strein en sa-l rmlastige hom het die polisi,e vergeefs probeer om haar familie opte spoor. Dievingerafdrukke van die vrou, wat vermoedelik iets in die 20 is, is na die polisie se misdaadrekordsentrum in I \) zoot 3{t'J!5 Man se testikel intronkafgeby HEERDEN ges6 hy Badenhorst sO self hy is ie nie. Die lewe het hom i gemaak in die 29 somers oederaarde is. in ring het, het sy lewe onhernder. st gaan met 'n siviele eis isie begin nadat een van sy s Badenhorst egter gou die nag wat hy in'n polisie- wil seks met my hC. Ons het in ' struweling betrokke geraak. "Die man het my aan die arm geby en toe aan my testikels. Ek het swak g word. Ek het gevoel hoe die krag uit n vloei. "Toe sien ek hoe hy my een testik saam met'n stukkie vel en buisies vot my teen die muur vasspoeg," vertel bewod Badenhorst. Volgens Badenhorst het hy nd d voorval bykans twee uur om hulp g roep voordat'n polisieman kom kyk h r'nmedegevangeneafgebyt wataangaan. eg . I . I . ein " pleKrueK rn n \ A^ \ '^ _) __ ^' - ln T.r ^ *ntte oa \|I I I 'L ^' L I LLv Geisoleerde piekniek-plekke vermy word. --/ hy and het. die verd "Ek is inderhaas na 'n hospitaal g bring waar die wond geheg is. Eers s lvat 'n uur seneem is, :fii?:t ftT#lJe *T"entwe selersodrieglasieswyngedr:inktoe'n polisieman by ons stilhou. Ek is in vangwa ^."".."-l. is. e, sd BaCenhorst,-is dat geboender. die hospitaal o mv vermis ,:?18",'"i'il vertelBadenhorstindiehospitaal,r,vai hy aansterk. Hy sO hy verwag om binn kort ontslaan te word. J"Lff;li';?.:?.1'.Til',."*:3i?&:1 ,"1;:,i;',f:::ts?:'.T5#5Jfi3#i""? sluit. trk w moet' om te sel in broers handgemeen geraak ampte. Een van die pol Pol hinder dat hy ernstig b hrncrs nlaf te duik. 3:hl"J,i3.*:"sriiloor'' ,''tj##ii'*'- #i# -t-.*l*^ Vefkfag- SIO -l ^ drie meisies by Pta-tronk Marietie Louw Drie laerskoolmeisies van pretoria is na bewering deur 'n gevangene van die Baviaanspoort-gevangenis buite die stad verkrae. 'n Ondersoek op ho6 vlak is na die beweerde voorval aan die gang deur sowel die polisie as die departement van korrektiewe dienste Insp. Jacques du Toit met die antieke coft wat in 'n -pla[kersh$ Die eiehaarvin die wapen is glo opge or nadat dit drie jaar gelede gesteel is. OKD). 7 a memorandum to o Mbeki and Parwere given for Ma- man Makhubela e charges. Oman attacked, man -I^ -r :-- I I I r . ... T**Eri**.:s*oor*rr'. shot in Muf dersdrift ByLIESLVENTER Greyhound owner killed, son stabbed DURBAN - Greyhound Bus Tours owner Gangaram Hurdeen (63) was shot dead and his son stabbed in the head in their Claire Estate, A 42-YEAR-OLD man is in a stable condition in hospital after being shot in the abdomen by an unknown gunman in his home in Muldersdrift yesterday morning. West Rand police spokesman Mr Hurdeen was shot in the chest after arguing with six robbers. Neresh was stdbbed while trying to help him. He is in a stable condition. Nothing was stolen. in by th"e lounge area. They fled the scene with a CD player. All three are still at large." In a separate incident a 67-year-old woman was at- Inspector Yolande Bouwer said the man and his wife were asleep in their home in Swartkops, Muldersdrift when they awoke after hearing noises at2am. Durban home on Monday night, police said yesterday "Th"y gained entry -breaking burglar bars She said preliminary invest- igations showed three unknown suspects had broken into the house. who lives in Lammerrnoor was approached by four men. "Three of the suspects were armed. They held the victim at gunpoint while ransacking her house. She was assaulted and bound." She was later freed by her son when he arrived home. -b.* toogfu,, - -r( -'1*^*;;;.." q:;f"*'"*"t#l'' F$ sso)r ,t It*1.:"-**i,l e,$ *" ,";;1i.1" ;;lla*.r#" "sloe6,rfieapile "-. -i*;?r.' _.t$*rss*" ier mans verkrag oodepoortsevrou u;;.o-r'd"'- ong vrou van Roodepoort is gister in die vroed oggendure om clie beurt deur vler mans in haar huis verkrag. Volgens insp. Yolanda Bouwer, WesRandse polisiewoordvoerder, het vyf mans die huis binnegekom deur diefwering voor 'n venster oop te breek. Die 20jarige vrou en haar 26-iarige man is in hul slaapkamer oorval. : -{l1atrta5 fr, Die man en sy 67-jarige pa is deur die mans aangerand en in 'n hamer vasgebind. Vier van die mans het die vrou intussen in'n ander kamer verkrag. Hulle het met kontant, juweliersware en klere ter waarde van R30 000 gevlug - Annie Olivier Import their natural foes AUTHORITIES have given the go ahead to remove exotic trees every- where. They are wasting their time and the taxpayer's money. AII they do is to destroY the habitats of birds and insects. There were very few fees in the Transvaal 300 years ago because of the low temperature. Paul Kruger imported millions ofblue gum, willows andblackwatUes as they were accustomed to cold climates. Exotic trees have no natural enemies and one of nature's laws is that every specie has the instinct to spread as far as possible, and to bring up the next generation. Other examples of foreign species are the black bass, the Indian mynah and the white PeoPIe. The only way to stop the sPreading of exotic species is to imPort their natural enemies. Just as we are hated by the native inhabitants, foreign plants are also attacked by our shortsighted rulers. NEttIE BEZUIDENHOUT acKs, wnltes rape and murder I RESPOND to Coen Vermaak(The Citizen, July 15). When a person is hijacked and the robbers want to kill you it doesn't matter whether you are white, black or purple. White people enslaved black people from the day they landed on South African shores. Blacks were killed and their women raped. It's not only blacks who are rapists and murderers. PHUMZILE Alexqndro Dinner, then death for afriend I HAVE lostmy bestfriend. He was shotby youngthugs wielding guls they had probably stolen, or killed apolicemanfor. His only crime was he went to dinner at a restaurant. All his life he worked so tfiat he could enjoy the occasional night out during his retirement. T?ris was not to be. He and his wife were robbed of all ontheir person then shot. Being a victim of this crime, I have not felt the police hoPe or even try to apprehend these low-Iifes. This crime is so prevalent tfiat many people who could be supporting restaurants and cinemas remain indoors. It is a heinous crime and the scourge of our beautiful countr5r Please can the Minister of Safety and Security and the Commissioner of Police do something about apprehending these thugs andputtingthem awaY for life. PRO-VlCflMS bye-moil lc) Man (77) gewond nadat hy bly veg aanval Liela Magnus tH ;r Schurweberg-omgewing gister gesd nadat hy en 'n vriend drie vermeende rowers op hul neuse laat kyk het. Mnr. Johan Nrithling (77) is in 'n aanval vroeg gisteroggend op die plaas in die heup gewond. Hy is na 'n dokter in Hartbeespoort gebring waar hy behandel is. Die drama het vroeg die oggend begin toe drie mans twee plaaswerkers by hul huise op die plaas oorval het. Kapt. Piletji Sebola, polisiewoordvoerder, het ges6 die mans is vasgebind en die vermeende rowers het hulle begin uitvra oor die voertuie, wapens en geld wat op die plaas is. 'n Paar uur later het hulle een van die werkers losgemaak en hom gedwing om saam met hulle na die plaasopstal te loop. N0thling sluit gewoonlik die hek van die erf oop sodat die werkers kan inkom. Hy was sowat 40 m van die hek weg toe hy die mans saam met sy werker sien aanstap. ongTr- "Ek het die drie mans agter my werker gesien moeilikheid," het hy ges6. Twee van die mans het horn oorval en een het na die huis gegaan. Volgens Ntithling het hy tot by die deur met die vermeende rowers GET gestoei. IN reply to Kuy a, "Hav e Falth,, ( Tl en geweet hier kom "Ek het 'n skoot gehoor en gedink dit is die werker wat geskiet is. Toe ek die deur oopstoot, sien ek Frank op die grond 16. Ek het toe gedink hy is geskiet," het hy ges6. Mnr. Frank Purchase en sy vrou, Bessie, van Durban kuier by die Ndthling-egpaar. Purchase het die vermeende rower se rewolwer weggestamp toe die skoot afgaan. Hy is nie gewond nie. Die boosdoeners het op N0thling toegesak en hy is gewond. Die rowers het daarna gevlug sonder om iets te buit. I [email protected] knees and praJ Citizen, July 1Z). Ifyou are a Christian, please g on your knees and pray that yot remarks about whites getting or of Africa and emigrating to Au tralia do not materialise in the nez future. Imagine, if you can, waking u and finding no whites in sight anl where. Wonderf'ul, you may thinl but what happens from there on? Unlike the Watusi tribe (whic can live without whites) you an yours have forsaken your identit and culture to wallow in the con forts of the white way of life. deur in 'langa 150 besoekers Linda de Nysschen iddelburg. - Sowat 150 buitelanders was van Januarie tot November vanjaar die slagoffers van misdaad in Mpumalanga. In sowat 30 van die 103 voorvalle wat in di6 tyd by die polisie aangemeld is, is wapens en messe gebruik om die slagoffers mee te dreig. Di6 statistiek is gister by die rondgaande hooggeregshof in Middelburg ingedien as motivering vir 'n swaar straf vir Prince Mogane, die l9-jarige gholfi oggie van Pelgrimsrus wat verlede week skuldig bevind is aan die moord op'n Britse toeris. Mogane word vandag gevonnis. Regter Eben Jordaan het die saak uitgestel vir tyd om al die No hunting for food, no wearin traditional clothing, no living b fires at night. Instead, you visit supermarketr use cellphones, wear Europea. of clothing, speak their languager watch television and depend o: them forjobs. Your dependence on the white is far greater than your mind cat in I 1 maande teikens *u**L***"x*l: argumente en gepaardgaande dokumente ter versagting of verswaring van die vonnis deeglik te bestudeer. Die saak is in rekordtyd afgehandel nadat Mogane 'n bekentenis afgelO het. Hy het mev. Diane Conway op 20 Oktober doodgeskiet en haar man, John, ei'rrstig gewond in 'n anneks van die Royal Hotel. Adv. Erik van der Merwe, staatsaanklaer, het gesd di6 voorval het baie negatiewe publisiteit vir Suid-Afrika veroorsaak. Die verkragting einde November van nog'n Britse toeris en moord op 'n Mosambiekse burger is glo nie eens ingesluit by die statistiek nie. Die 150 buitelandse misdaadslagoffers kom van minstens 19 lande, maar Mosambiekers en Swazilanders loop die ergste deur. Die rede is om- dat hulle gereeld na Nelspruit vir inkopies. Sowat 70 misdade teen toeriste is net in di6 stad gepleeg. Me. Engie Maluka, 'n maatskaplike werker het ter verr sagting van Mogane se vonnis getuig hy is "psigologies deur- reis tile excuse for your inability to su1 port yourself. Africa has more wealth in min erals and landfor developmentthat most continents, yet we continual ly hold out the begging bowl to thr European nations. GERRII Eosl Ron< mekaar" en kry terugflitse van die voorval wat hom slapelose nagte besorg. Mogane se jeugdige ouder- dom het hom waarskynlik ook makliker beinvloedbaar ge. maak deur mnr. Richard Mashego, sy mede-beskuldigde, wat hy beweer hom aangemoedig het om die Conways te be- roof. Die polisie het intussen nog nie besluit of hy 'n derde vr:rdagte in hegtenis gaan neern wat deur Mogane geimpliseer IS NIE. \\. ffit se vrou se hoe sy verkrag is Neels Jackson Twee dae nadat'n predikantsvrou van Pretoria herhaaldelik in haar eie bed langs man verkrag is, prys sy die Here wie se krag traar daardeur gedra het. Waar mev. Antoinette Kemo in haar sitkamer sit langs haar man, ds. Fritz Kemp van die Foto: DOUG LEE Christi-gemeente in Corpus Elarduspark, praat sy vryelik oor Maandagog- Yrou oorleef drie wrede rnadg-skote LEON COETZEE Vereeniging "Jy is baie mooi. Ons gaan jou eers verkrag en dan doodskiet," het die kapers aan die 21-jarige Marionette van der: Schyff ges6 terwyl haar vriendin Cecila Grobler (22) bebloed en ernstig gewond op die sypaadjie gel6 het. Grobler is wreed, gewetenloos drie keer in die maag geskiet deur twee mans wat kort daarna in haar motor weggejaag het met haar verskrikte vriendin nog op die passasiersitplek. Dokters het in 'n operasie van vyf uur in die Midvaal-hospitaal daarin geslaag om Grobler s€ lewe te red. " 'n Mens kan nle glo hoeveel skade daardie koe€Is aan die jong meisie se liggaam aangerig het nie," het een van die dokters na die operasie aan maar dit was nie 'n doodsangs nie. Die vrede van die Here was by hulle, lers Cecila op 'n kort afstand drie keer in die maag. Die twee aanvallers het in die motor gespring en weggejaag met'n verskrikte Marionette, wat in die voorste passasiersitplek gesit het. "Die man wat agter ingespring het, het my aan die keel gegryp en teen die sitplek vasgedruk. "Ek was vreesbevange. Ek was nog erg geskok oor hoe hulle Cecila net so kon skiet. "Ek het gedink sy is dood. "Die een het ges6 ek is mooi en ek gaan eers verkrag word voordat hulle mv doodskiet. t'Ek het geweet ek moet uit die motor kom, anders is ek dood. "Gelukkig kon ek die deur oopkry te maak nie. Maar toe skiet een van die aanval- neem nle. Cecila het Saterdagaand omstreeks tienuur saam met Marionette en 'n vriend, mnr. Jacques Goets (32), van 'n geselligheid teruggekeer toe sy voor haar ouerhuis in Vereeniging stilgehou het. Sy het uitgeklim om die hek oop te maak toe sy skielik deur twee mans gekonfronteer is. Die twee het vuurwapens gehad. Goets, wat agter gesit het, het uitge- band met die voorval in hegtenis selfone? Die Kemps het verwag dat hulle enige oomblik vermoor kon word, spring en sy beursie en selfbon vir die aanvallers aangebied. Hy het ook ges6 hulle kan die motor kry en dis nie nodig om iemand seer ges6. "Waar's geld? Waar's Waar's wapens?" '"rrou hulle weet. Die drie booswigte het laaie uitgetrek, die matras opgelig, die kamer omgekeer op soek na buit. En toe verkrag hulle haar om die beurt. en in die ry uitspring. Hoe ek dit gedoen het, weet ek nou nog nie. "D it was net 'n paar huise van waar Ceciia geskiet is. Ek het gelukkig nie erg seergekry nie. "Ek is saam met Cecila hospitaal toe, waar sy geopereer is. "Ek weet net as ek nie kon wegkom nie, sou ek dood gewees het. Die aanvallers het geen genade gehad nie. Hulle wou net moor." Volgens Cecila se ma gaan dit in die omstandighede goed met haar. "Sy het steeds baie pyn, maar sy is dapper. "Dis vir haar moeilik om alles wat gebeur het, te verwerk. "Sy sal beslis sielkundige berading moet kry." Nog niemand is loi dusver in ver- Cecila se ma, mev. Hentie Grobler, gend se gebeure. Omstreeks vieruur was daar skielik drie mans in hul slaapkamer. Voordat hulle nog veel kon sien, was daar kussings oor hul gesigte en is hul hande en enkels met dasse vasgebind. ge- hulle. s0 Vandat hulle die kussing oor haar gesig gedruk het, het sy gebid. "Ek het nie een enkele oomblik opgehou om die Naam van Jesus aan te roep nie." En toe hulle met haar besig was, was dit asof dit nie sy was nie, asof sy self buite die situasie staan. Sy het hardop gebjd dat die Here haar verkragters moet red en het die bloed van Christus oor hul lewens afgebid. "Die bioed van Christus het groot krag," getuig sy. "Ja," s6 sy nou. "Die trauma rs daar. Ek sit met 'n bewerabie. Ek bewe. Ek bewe hier binnekant." Daar is baie dinge wat sy moet deurwerk, sO sy. Dinsdag het sy lek- ker gehuil. Sy stap ook 'n pad met die dame van die Christelik-Maatskaplike Raad. Sy is kwaad, maar nie asof sy wil moord pieeg nie. Sy wonder eerder wat gaan gebeur met die volgende vrou wat dalk nie vir Jesus ken nie. Oor die verkragters s0 sy: "Ek spreek hulle vry, sodat my eie gees kan vry wees." Daarmee s6 sy nie hulle moenie aan die pen ry nie. Die reg moet sy gang gaan en {aar moet gekeer word dat hulle dieselfde met ander vroue doen. Self sit sy egter nie met bitterheid nie. Daardie las het sy vir die Here gegee. Nee, sy is nie bang sy kry vigs nie. Sy kry behandeling om dit te voorkom, maar sy praat ook saam met Markus 16: "Ons sal op slange trap, ons sal gif drink, maar ons sal niks oorkom nie." \1". Facial features rennembered two years after gang-rape By ILSE DE LANGE A I4-YEAR-OLD girl, who was gangraped by a group ofrobbers at her Elardus Park home two years ago, clearly remembered the features and expression in the eyes of at least two olher attackers, the Pretoria High Court heard yesterday. Inspector Jeanette Naude, who compiled two identikits of the ranists on information supplied chiefly by the young victim, said the child had a clear recollection of the structures of the Lnlu N chabaleng (22), Jacob (22) and Patrick Ramaube (21) Sefoka, Mohlala have denied guilt on charges or rape, robbery with aggravatlng circumstances and the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. The young victim earlier testified in camera through an intermediary. ller mother earlier testified of her terror when she, her husband and two ofher children lay tied up while a group ofrobbers first ransackedthe house and then came to fetch her oldest daughter. faces of two of the men who attacked her. She had told Insp Naude that two of the men might be broflrers, as their fea- tures were so similar. She particularly remembered the expression in the eyes ofone ofher attackers and some of his facial features. such as his heavy brow. When compared with the features of the four accused in the trial, the identikits appeared to resemble Nor- man Sefoka (21), Insp Naude said. When she found her daughter on the bathroom floor. it loohed as ifher spirit had left her body, she said. Her hands and feet were tied with tele- phone cord. She could barely manage to nod her head. The child was taken to hospital and had been receiving counselling and medication since. The child's mother said she was certain that Sefoka was one of the attackers in their house that dav. The trial continues. Egpaar op plaas geskiet, verkool Heilbron. - In een van die afgrys.likste plaasmoorde tot nog toe in die Oos-Vrystaat is 'n jong boereegpaar van die distrik vermoedelik geskiet en 'n ent van hul plaas af in hul stasiewa aan die brand gesteek. 'n Man van. die distrik is reeds in'n intensiewe polisie-ondersoek in hegtenis geneem na die moord op mnr. Fanie (42) en mev. Ina Smith (33) van die plaas Vadersdeel. Boere het gister op 'n grondpad afgekom op die brandende stasiewa van die egpaar. Smith en sy vrou het gedeeltelik verkool voor in die brandende motor gel6. Teen gisteraand het dit gelyk of niks uit die plaashuis vermis I word nie. - Dirk Kok ? /rpt Man brand koelbloedig los op ma en haar doEers doodgeskiet. "Dit lyk ofdie aanvaller hulle wou beroof, want hy het verskeie van die toebehore in die huis by die k is dood binne. Die skok sal deur gepak," het Nothnagel ges6. at - lI seker eers agterna kom." Mnr. Trevor Roberts, 'n bekende in 56 het mnr. Fred Jooste van die toerismebedryf in die omgewing, Kromdraai, naby Krugersdorp, gisterwas een van die eerste mense wat by - ges6 nadat sy vrou, Lynette, en aand die gesin se huis aangekom het. dogter Ilse (14) gistermiddag koelbloe"Ek het die huis ingegaan om die dig in hul plaashuis doodgeskiet is. Sy huis te beveilig en om te kyk ofek hulle ander dogter, Yolande (16), is ernstig gekon help," het Roberts ges6. "Ek het wond en per helikopter na die Milparkmond-tot-mond-asemhaling op Lynette hospitaal geneem. toegepas, maar dit was te laat." "Ek was by die werk (in Booysens, JoDie areakommissaris van die polisie hannesburg) toe ek dig nuus aan die Wes-Rand. asst.komm. kry," het Jooste ges6. Abraham Pietersen, was een "Die hele pad huis toe het van die eerste polisiebeamptes ek gehoop daar is'n eenvouop die toneel. dige verduideliking en dai "Ek het dadelik 'n span dit nie waar is nie. Toe ek saamgestel om die voorval te hier stop en ek sien alles het ondersoek en al die leidrade op dit my soos 'n bom getref." te volg," het hy ges6. Volgens die polisie lyk dit Albei kinders is in Monuasof'n enkele aanvaller die ment HotjrskooJ in Krugersdrie vroue in die huis ingeoorp. wag en oorval het nadat hulYolande sou vanaand toekenle van die skool af gekom en nings ontvang tydens die prysna verski llende vertrekke in uitdeling. Ilse se prysuitdeling die huis gegaan het. Mnr. Jooste was gisteraand. "Toe Ilse by haar kamer Nothnagel het gesd die uitgekom het, het sy gesien haar ma moontlikheid word ondersoek dat dieword as gyselaar gehou," het kapt. Pau- selfde aanvaller vroedr gister'n vrou la Nothnagel, polisiewoordvoerder, gisop 'n plaas sowat 3 km verder aangeval ter ges6. "Sy het na die kluis gehardloop het. In die voorval is die vrou geskop aangesien sy vuurwapens kon gebruik. en is 'n bos hare uit haar kop geruk "Die aanvaller het haar agternagesit waarna die aanvaller probeer het om en oorrompel en toe vermoedelik self haar te verkrag. die kluis oopgesluit en twee .S8-rewolDie vrou, wie se identiteit nie bekend wers en'n .22-pistool gebuit." gemaak is nie, het daarin geslaag om Volgens Nothnagel lyk dit of die aandie veld in te vlug. "Ek is kwaad vir alvaller die drie vroue na een vertrek ge- les en almal," het Jooste gisteraand geneem het en koelbloedig op hulle losges6. "Vir myseJf ook. Dit gebeur mos albrand het. tyd met iemand anders. Lynette'is in die bors en sy geskiet en "Ek verkwalik die regering dat hulle Ilse in die maag en ken. Yolande is in'n nog niks gedoen het om plaasaanvalle bedenklike toestand in die Milparkte stop nie. hospitaal opgeneem met koedlwonde "Hulle weet dit is 'n probleem, maar | aan haar hnrs sv en hecn T)ic nenvnller hrrllo dnpn niLc " I Danie Toerien :<l. lrwonenskla oor polisie nadat beeste Adriaan Basson Inwoners van Elandsfontein naby Lenasia, suid van Johan_ nesburg, het'n dringende beloep op die polisie gedoen om die veediefstaleenheid weer in te stel nadat sewe beeste sister_ oggend met pangas vermink is. Ses van mnr. Sipho Zitha se .beeste is in die aanval dood. Drie het oorleef, waarvan een gistermiddag van kant gemaak sou word. Die waarde van die dooie beeste is ongeveer RB2 000. Volgens Zitha het hy gister_ oggend vroeg gehoor iets is fout en ondersoek ingestel. Altesame 9 van sy 19 beeste was weg. Zitha en die polisie het die 'n Verminkte bees by Elandsfontein, suid van_Johannesburg, Nege van 'n boer se beeste is gisteroggeriO g."i."l en s6 vermink. Foto: nie verder kan loop nie, die bou, de en blaaie uitgesnv word ter_ _ Speurders wat in hierdie - w 3,:Tps By ELEANOR cials are to visit the school MOMBERG 12 pupils at Hillview High Scliool in Mayville, Pretoria, were arrested yesterday after_ noon after they allegedly drugged and gang-raped a girl in the The rape came in a l4-year-old schoolls toilets. week when the focus was Gautengeducation offi- next week to determine what happened. Police spokesman Med ia24-Af ri ka-kantoor Die man wat verantwoordelik is vir een van die grusaamste burgeroorlod in Afrika se on- langse geskiedenis is gisteroggend aan 'n beroerte dood. Fodeh Sankoh (70), rebelleleier van Sierra Leone, is drie jaar gelede tronk toe gestuur na die einde van di6 tien jaar lange oorlog. Sankoh se verenigde revolusion6re front (RUF) het mense se arms en bene afgekap, lippe afgesny en is beskuldig van kannibalisme. Sapa-A-FP berig sy dood is deur die VN se spesiale oorIogstribunaal vir Sierra Leone aangekondig. Sedert hy drie jaar gelede in In_ spector Piletji Sebola said the boys were caught by school staff and handed over to the police shorilv after 1pm. The girl, who was ad_ mitted to the Medforum Hospital yesterday, was still i1 a s1u1" ofshock last night and unable to sav exactly whathappened. . "She is receiving med_ rcat treatment. She will be seen by the district sur_ Rebelleleier wat benT afl.ap en lippe afsny, sterf Liesl Louw een_ hede werksaam was, is na ander eenhede oorgeplaas waar baie wyl die bees nog lewe. FIVE Grade afgekap word en wanneerhulle t_tSA SXINNER geon," said Sebola. It was unclear whethet the boys dragged her intr the toilets or confronter her inside the toilets. It appearedthe girt hac _ been drugged before the rape. Sebola said drrg tests would be conducted. The boys were arrested shortly after 1pm, and will be held at the Wonder_ ooompoort police station until their court appear_ ance onMonday. The case was being in_ vestigated by the Child Protection Unit. hegtenis geneem is, het Sankoh se gesondheid vinnig agteruitgegaan. Nadat hy verlede jaar 'n beroerte gekry het, het sy geestesgesondheid ook agteruitgegaan. Hy kon glo met sy laaste hofversklming oor oorlogsmisdade in Maart nie eens praat nie, maar die tribunaal het geweier om sy verhoor stop te sit. Sankoh is in Libi6 opgelei en is deur pres. Charles taylor van Liberid ondersteun in sy bloedige veldtog om die regering in Sierra Leone omver te werp. Die regering het glo huursoldate van die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy Executive Outcomes se hulp ingeroep. Die RUF is in Liberid gebasseer en het Taylor gehelp om diamante uit Sierra Leone te smokkel. Mnr. Foday Sankoh, gewese rebelleleier van Sierra L6one, toe hy op 1b Maart vanjaar voorrn internasionale oorlogsmisdaadhof in di6 land verskyn het. Hy is gister n6 'n beroerte in 'n hospitaal in Free- town dood. Foto: Ap \4' Fighting. rog.ed.o' A GOVERNMENT fighter lokes cover in qn obondoned building_yesferdoy in Monrovio. in the q wqs teqm miliiory Atiicon west os MoniJvio k;t i;;iJg., r"toing-d fhl rr"oiiol promised deploymenl of peocekeepers.expected. Piclure bv AFI .istii tne sifu"olion oheod of the i*; "l-pit"fi" Horrific civilian deaths in DRC NIZI - More than20 civilians, mosUy women and children, have been massacred in a-horrific manner in the northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), French military off,rcials in the troubled region said yesterday :' An AIIF reporter saw a dozen bodies, many of which were horribly mutilated, with a boy decapitated and a woman who had her ovaries ripped out and her throat cut open, in the villageofN?i. French militiary offrcials said 2: bodies had been counted. It was difficult to to determinr which ethnic group the victims werr from. but Nizi is in the middle o Hema terroritory the minority groul in the Ituri region. Hema and majority Lendu milj tias have fought fierce battles in thr last four years, leaving up to 50 001 people dead. -/IP. \5 -.^rrPsoN '4$"i;6+;t#".;:g,g* Arl'lB T#,i&Tti'q*n-, , ttre Ar6lB leadleao- ,oe ;iftfgesteek 90r'n l:i:: \L Drie wag man Alberton. -'n Man is deur drie ge- wapende mans by sy huis oorval en doodgeskiet, waarna die aanvallers gevlug het sonder om enigiets te skiet hom mnr. Luitzen George Slippens (41) in sy motorhuis in Belariastraat, hulp te verleen, waarna die drie Brackendowns, ingewag. "Verskeie skote is op die oorlede- neem. Sers. Annaline Prinsloo, polisie- ne geskiet. woordvoerder, geraas gehoor en nadergestorm om s6 die aanvallers het "Bure van mnr. Slippens het die aanvallers te voet gevlug het sonder om enigiets te neem." Slippens het op die toneel gesterf. "Die enigste afleiding wat gemaak kan word, is dat die motief vir di6 koelbloedige moord roof was," Prinsloo. Enigiemand met in polisie in sy ondersor kan insp. Frik Botha kendowns-polisie bel s6 a 011 900 1881. - Sarie van Niekerl Oudpres. F.W. de Klerk sG hy het geen berou oor enige van die besluite wat hy in die aanloop tot Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 geneem het nie. Heindrich Wyngaard het met hom gesels. FIy sou dit w66r doen, se F\)7 tien jaar" n5, oorgang 'n Mens sou dink daar behoort teen hierdie tyd ook groot opgewondenheid oor hom op te bou oor sy belangrike rol in die oorgangstyd- perK. - Maar helaas, mnr. F.W. de Klerk sd mees onlangse "erkenning" vir die rol het gekom in die vorm van 'n dagvaarding om in die Boeremag-hoogverraadsaak oor die 1994verkiesing te getuig. Jy kan dle ironie nie miskyk nie, maar De Klerk meen die verwysing na dLe hofsaak "gee te veel gewig aan die radikale splintergroep wat (sonder sukses) probeer het om my voor die hof te sleep". Die afwesigheid van lofsange laat hom egter nie twyfel oor die korrektheid van sy destydse besluite nie: "As ek terugkyk op die hele proses nadat ek leier van die NP geword het en president later daardie jaar, sou ek al die groot besluite weer geneem het wat ek en die kabinet geneem het." Geen berou dus? "Met die voordeel van terugkyk sou ek soms die onderhandelings anders aangepak het - soos oor die vraagstuk van amnestie maar oorhoofs het ek, soos'n mens in Engels sou s6, no deep regrets." En hy herhaal wat hy al voorheen ges€ het: "Ek is oortuig daarvan dat die nuwe SuidAfrika met flenters en vratte en groot probleme, alles tesame, 'n veel beter plek is as wat dit sou gewees het as ons aan dj.e ou bedeling vasgeklou het." Tog bestaan daar "geen kwessie" dat hy, soos die politieke kommentator prof. Hermann Giliomee ook uitgewys het, die bewind langer in NP-hande sou kon behou nie, maar De Klerk is oortuig daarvan dat die uiteinde dan "veel slegter sou gewees het". Sy positiewe benadering is egter nie be- doei "om die ernstige probleme wat ons wel het weg te praat nie", s6 hy. "Ek deins nie te- Mnr. F.W. de Kled< is dat regstellende aksie op 'n gebalanseerde wyse toegepas word nie; ofdie onbeholpe en soms swak hantering van die vigskwessie nie; of die geleidelike erosie van die taal- en kultuurregte wat ingesluit is in die Grondwet nie." Dit is van die sake waarop hy gereeld die soeklig laat val, benadruk hy, "maar dit is sake wat ten beste getakel kan word met 'n positiewe, deelnemende benadering eerder as by wyse van konfronterende en tromslanende klaaeliedere". Die grondslag wat hy en die NP ..,'.1.Frtni kgb.t: and baby In a field nearby the hijackers raped both women in front of the little girl, before shooting the child in her mouth and back. Her mother was known to have been shot in her legs, on- derhandelingsproses nagestreef het, was ge- regtigheid vir almal "en ons het daarin geslaag" orror hiiac ,r:',,' ':r' in die but could also have sustained other bullet wounds. The teenager was shot in her mouth. She played dead until the hijackers left, then ran to nearby houses for help and was taken to Jubilee Hos- pital, where she related her story to the police. oorhoofs dink ek voudig of hulle wou hd die party moes op bedekte wyse voortgegaan het met minderheidsoorheersing en voortgesette apartheid. "Ek wonder ook ofhulle nagegaan het hoeveel toegewings die ANC gedoen het van waar hulle begin het en waartoe hulle uiteindelik ingestem het: op balans was dit werk- lik gee en neem, wat pynlik was vir zilbei partye, maar uiteindelik noodsaaklik vir bly- wende vrede. "Ek is oortuig vir wat beding is in die Grondwet oor kultuurregte, wat taal- en religieuse regte insluit, en ander sake soos eiendomsreg, is daar voldoende beskerming ingebou. Die probleem - in soverre daar'n atters MI They later found the hi- jacked car overturned on a gravel road not far from the field. A revolver was die dis- covered inside. While Pretoria and North West murder and robber de- tectives began investigating the murders of the familv. all from Wespark, in Pretoria West, Tshwane Metro police Iashed back with a dragnet. It immediately deployed in Sunnyside and the CBD. Operation Tana. haleno would continue the 120 officers whole weekend. Hijackinferno: Page 3 rf tr Wio^ r^t^-.tolA hat het -io trborggeld oor hulle, nie Liera Liela Masnus Magnus heid vir die Boerevolk" en " and ANC, one and the same', *'fJ#.i'""":""11;fy;;ft:; waal. 'n Bekende in regse kringe en twee Die Vierkleur is gister ty makkers bly in aanhouding nadat borgtogaansoek deur famili hulle nie gister in'n kort tyd genoeg vriende vertoon. Mnr. Bare oord hrrmarrqqr van der Walt rrnn (28) toegestaan. NIe. Sandra Mari Snyman (34) is op waar- Snyman: is op $:#itriliiJ daar om hulle t ^+^'r'^ steun. Snyman het ges0 hulle kon nie gou genoeg Landdros nYemore he dolPh moet dieHerculeswaarsku- 9]l-Hj^tl*li; toor aanmeld skuwing vrygelaat. wing vrygelaat. Adv. OeIo Hulle het glo Vryregsverteenwoordiger va dag onwettig op die hoek van Van skuldigdes, het ges6 hull der Hoff- en D.F. Malanweg in die brief van die Tshwane-m stad vergader. Rudolph word ook van diefstal verdink nadat hy glo 'n gehad waarvolgens hulle vuurwapenprobeersteelhet. stemmingnodiggehadhe gader as hulle minder as Hulle het glo die Vierkleur en plakkate met slagspreuke soos "VryI [email protected] d lt *t'ioJag "sg,oor ' 6rsoneel na 6 drukgroep 'n skrikbewind by die skool gevoer deur met baniere soos Kill the boer, kill the white en We don't want white teachers die onderwysers van die skoolterrein te verdryf. Mnr. Jethro Mavuso, skoolhoof, en mnr. Jan Fourie en me. Cora Au- IA oem Politici, verenigingS laat hul stemme hoor Afrikaner stu voort FAK se teenkanting steek nie stok in wiel raad deur die art. 185-kommissie. 'n verkiesing vir 'n AfrikanerDi6 kommissie vir die bevorde- raad gehou kan word. ring en beskerming van die regte Die forum gaan die art. 185-komvankultuur-, godsdiens- entaalge- missie versoek om geen aansoeke ie plan om'n Afrikanergaan meenskappe begin in September van kultuurverenigings te aanvoort, al raad te stig vaar wat hulle as die enigste ampwerk. meen die FAK die Afrikatelike verteenwoordigers van Ingevolge die kommissie se ner wil nie so 'n raad hO nie. mandaat kan elke kultuur-, taal- Afrikaners beskikbaar stel voorDie tegniese komitee van die Konfederale Afrikanerforum wat en godsdiensgroep 'n raad stig wat dat 'n verkiesing gehou is nie. Luidens 'n verklaring deur die weke gelede gestig is, het die na- die kommissie sal bystaan. Beskuldigings is heen en weer forum sal hy sake by die openbare week ;n mandaat gekry om voort te gaan met poginEs om 'n tussen- geslinger oor wie eintlik namens beskermer en konstitusionele hof indien om as onverkose liggaam tydse Afrikanei-raaA saam te stel. die Afrikaner kan praat. as verteenwoordiger van die AfriTweespalt bestaan tussen die Die forum, wat die Pro-Afrikaners erken te word. behoefte oor die (Praag) die forum FAK en en verkaanse Aksiegroep Die forum het ook met betogings skeie ander Afrikiner-organisa- aan 'n Afrikaner-raad. gaan en belastingboikotte gedreig oor die forum besluit is Daar het Saterdag sies verteenwoordig, die Onafhanklike Verkiesings- die voorgenome naamsverandeop 'n vergadering besluit die kommissie vra om'n kieserslys ring van Pretoria na Tshwane' Grondwel maak voorsiening vir Alet Rademeyer , riic erkenninlvanlnAfrikenor- vir ifrilz^h^-d .^a.maaa+olodrL - rl [email protected] Derduisende Afrikanens wil raad he om vir hul te praat Deur te verklaar dat Afrikaners nie 'n Afrikanerraad wil h6 nie (Beeld, 31 Julie) plaas mnr. Piet Badenhorst die FAK binne die arena van die Afrikanerpolitiek. As voorsitter van'n organisasie wat uit die dampkring van die Broederbond (AB), asook van die Nasionale Party (NP) kom, albei strukture wat lankal reeds by die meeste Afrikaners gediskrediteer is, klink sy woorde voorbarig. Lede van die ou NP, asook die voormalige departement van staatkundige ontwikkeling, het hulle tydens die Volkstaatraad se ondersoeke bevwer vir korooratiewe selfbe- waartse stap wees. Praag is ook na die FAK se leiersberaad in Bloemfontein genooi wat tydens die herdenking van die Anglo-Boere-oorlo gverrigtings oor die stigting van 'n Afrikanerraad moes besin. Daardie gesprek is be6rndig toe prof. Fangois Venter van die "Afrikaner"-bond verklaar het dat die tyd vir so 'n raad nog nie r1ry is nie en dat daar aan dringender sake soos ho6r onderwys gewerk moes word. Soos sake intussen verloop het, het dit duidelik geword dat daar seen verteenwoord i gende gese ss- \q waarvolgens blankes die meerderheid kan word in Suid-Afrika. Hy stel onder meer voor: verwerp alle vorme van voorbehoeding, leer jou kinders seks is nie sonde nie en verwerp die godsdienstige morali- Bill aims to kill teit. Wees vrugbaar, word soos die sand van die see en word die meerderheid. Mnr. Vermaak s€ kragtens Boerst die demokrasie moet die rneerderheid regeer en dit is hoe die blankes Mnr. Tokyo Sexwale en sy Yrou, ludy. daarbv uitkom. ONE of 2 000 small white crosses transforming the lawns of the Union Buildings in Pretoria to what looks like a war cemetery. The crosses were planted on Saturday by Christian objecting to the Termination of Pregnancy Bill. Citizen Reporter CHRISTIAN organisations from all over South Africa on Saturday planted 2 000 white crosses on the lawn of the Union Building to symbolise the large scale "murder oi babies" which would follow the acceptance of the Termination Pregnarrcy Bill, of About 1 500 people took part in a protest march fi'om Church Square to the Union Building on Satur'day when a protest note was handed to a repleseuta- tive of the Office of President Mandela. The organisations said the Bill would lead to the rnurder of thousands of innocenf people. They oppose clauses in the Bill allowing fcr abortions to be performed on mothers pregnant up to 12 weeks without any waiting period, a clause threatening imprisonment of husbands objecting to their wives terminating said: "The disclose the "It crosses symbolise the potential slaughter of is unborn babies which can take place if this pro- abortion Act is approved. "Christians call on the government to listen to stop throughout South Afiica and not to allow abortion teenage daughters from on request," the olganisa- aborting tions saicl. children Cleansing "The thousands of the protests of Chlistians theil re- glme. name of a doctor who is prepared to do so. fact that parents not be able to ProPosed lesislation is an attack oti the Boer people by the Black Englisb is calculated to c our numbers. As su nothing but e cleansing. "The BSP cr doctors who abortions oI women as and they wi' bear the con' guised murdetous at- tack on our peoPle." Sapa. jaar gelede," s0 dr. Du Plessis. Mnr. Coen Vermaak, 'n lid van die leader Coen Vermaak the lives oftheir baby, the i,vould 200 statement from Randburg, BSP dePutY pertbrm an abortion and to "Die Afrikaner van die toekotns kan selfs weer 'n trekker word soos In a of 10 years' imprisonment for any doctor who refuses to PIessiS, politlelke waar- nte. (BSB) said yesterday. and the threat refuse aimed at=fhe rrrutder of Boers, the Boere- staat Party Anti-abortion demos plant 2 000 crosses Di. Jendu nemer van Pretoria, glo die blanke ras sal sy kundigheid ook met die res van Afrika moet deel. Hy kan nie in afsondering van ander probeer leef THE termination of Pregnancy Bill wa€ - Boerestaatparty se hoofbestuur en 'n man wat al lank navorsins doen oor Iende geboortesyfers onder die J- o h0 ?r ts d ?t1 tertoont wiend wa omstanders vergeefs om hulle te help S5a, Sonnette Lombaard ie aanvallers van 'n Britse vrou en haar Suid-Afrikaanse vriend het hulle glo ure van een township en sjebien na die ander geneem waar hulle voor famiIie en vriende "geparadeer" en die vrou twee keer verkrag is - sonder dat enigeen hulle gehelp het. 56 het me. Julie Stevens (29) van Wallis aan die Britse koerant The Mail on Sunday vertel oor haar en mnr. Tinus Opperman (25) se nagmerrie-ervaring vandeesmaand. Hulle is by die LongTom-pas inMpumalanga deur vier mans oorval en glo 14 uur aangehou en gemartel. Stevens, wat in Mpumalanga herstel, het besluit om oor haar gru-ondervinding te praat 6n haar identiteit bekend te maak "in 'n poging om haar aanvallers terug te kry". Sy en Opperman het by sy ouers in Sabie tuisgegaan toe hulle een middag na die uitkykpunt gery het. "Ek het eerste uitgeklim. Binne sekondes het vier mans te voorsklm gekorri. Hulle het'n wapen op Tinus gerig en geld ge6is en ons sonbrille,en horlosies gevat." Hul hande is agter hul rud vasgemaak en hulle is op die vloer van die motor platgedruk. Die aanvallers het glo van die een motorhawe na die ander gejaag waar hulle probeer het om met die twee se kredietkaarte geld te trek. "Hulle het gevloek en op me- kaar gegil en was woedend omdat hulle nie kon geld trek nie. Hulle het heeltyd die geweer teen Tinus se kop gehou. Hulle het ges6 hulle het vantevore gemoor en sal dit weer doen," het Stevens ges6. Hulle is telkemale in sjebiens "geparadeer" waar hul versoeke om hulp op dowe ore geval het. Die aanvallers het glo baie gedrink. By een sjebien is Stevens en Opperman in die motor gelos. Een van die aanvallers het teruggekom en r-{ q) F{ F{ d c-1 losgekry en hom met'n bierbottel geslaan. Dit het hom hewig ontstel en hy het haar weer hard geslaan. Teen 04:30 op die pad tussen Badplaas en Barberton het die motor in 'n sloot op sy dak beland. Opperman is deur die ruit geslinger en het later 100 steke in sy rug gekry. Stevens is ook uitgeslinger. Hulle het weggehardloop en 'n geweerskoot gehoor. o Regstappe word oorweeg teen twee Britse koerante, The Daily Mail en The Mqil o.n Sunday, oor "feite wat nie korrek weergegee is nie", het mnr. Piet Posthumus, familievriend van Opperman, gisteraand aan Mandy Rossouw ges6. Hy het egter bevestig dat sy geparadeer is. oor- q b%3 q: ,9#9 cd >:',"F go, -o:: EEo 9o :'=+ tP.;l' .9 d 3 *: I6'"'d l^' B:^;i b.9'9 q E n'::'6 o o b,9 6 "' S'o > {l:;i5# .; 6.q.: * E .'.i c6 "'o I-- F =': :9'! E c, tr 9E F {'E EE H 6E E 5 iti Ei H'. .i E i;.= 6€'f; H o R '' ""^ iro'i-g xE i *" e V! E FEFHESiFSES!: "do,!Ec#;odbHh H H;Fdg tsf rEs€ f€5b ha Z.sE E d)* .E NYiHH .H o PdL €i --aa FI = '= €=o - O st/) iil5s, 859 a h{ o o 'l1 d a t{ \F{ L d F d b'; p b0 gij B (ii i.: ; .. >, "g o n H c4 x F A v F{ m >;i rn -\ = c v€ .^-o 6YlM y -; . u = !q o ! oE E 't'lH tr FF !, -F lll 7,u -= 'il o- e j ': ur O ,.a -cF5CJh ar oJ oa ! Hfi Yg S = .=- hx F cs o; .H -.+uo_ I oo E '; "' o L q;--.j* d;i dq -: E; E;" :Y s I Hi6 g d ^ E 3>' bo:do:i \v -:: -lJ r ) =.,.d i €'Fs x e.i E h 6i-55o ::-i* xP ts:F,€ Y a -< -F ._q 'u E EgEgEE -F d.o?'r: l-J irJ O _) v) U q--: b .Iiqc.,i Ha? 1o.e & pFl* E 1u3E H>l uioo I A 4^ * :6#lE.9 o! ho9 9: X? - o: iia! 3 d€J, w ! 5$= cJs'" O€€ c) '='iO l:r.o -!! --/uJ^\.\ nE na'n stil agterstraatjie gery. "Ek het toe geweet ek gaan verkrag word." Die man het Stevens glo hard geslaan toe sy wou wegruk. "Hy was vuil en walglik en het na bier geruik. Dit was gou oor. Toe word ek flou." Dieselfde man het Stevens later glo w66r verkrag. Sy het haar een hand .:H trJlo dx9 s4F €5;i -3q GE" Or* sE ai.,i *ft s-E .gH FEs;E !.:in=i=E nZE B E6dFE6E :UiYF-oo d<P.Fj >'- P E bo'5FE h = i! {=;flEi ?; st s i:,.8I Sg F " gPl ",8* ! F+e gsEEiis it gHt: obe.E E Eii.= a R Hfl fT -Be E Hijack victim shot through scrotum and pelvis ByHENNIEHOMANN Tarryn Marx,24, were confronted by two was screaming about a bug," said 25-year-old Rohan Wulff after a nightmare hijack experience in Mozambique on Saturday suspects while he was opening the garage after arriving home at about Bpm. " When I heard Tarryn scream I turned around and saw a man in the driver seat," As Marx ran into the house, an armed MATOLA "I thought my girlfriend Wulff said he and his girlfriend, second suspect, on the passenger side, ordered Wulff to lie on the ground but then shot him in the groin. The suspects fled with the bakkie and Wulff ended up in the Mozal Clinic with a bullet wound in his scrotum and nelvis. 2t 'Witwolf no executio THE family of "Witwolf" Barend Hendrik Strydom yesterday denied recent reports that the convicted mass murderer expected to be executed, in spite of bis pending appeal for a politically based pardon from the State President. The Strydom family reacted after publication of an interview with Barend's young wife, Karen, in the London Sunday Mrs Kalen Times at the weekend. Yesterday, MI Strydom said she must have been Stry- dom's wife and father issued a denial saying the killer instead expected to be released convicted misunderstood by the London journalist. His father said he had promised his son he would issue a statement to set the record straight, after visiting him in Pretolia Central prison yesterdalr. 1115 son had read the Sunday Tirnes repolt. Mr Strydom senior said Barend was "optirnistic, well-tleated. healthy and Trou is 'onnodig' en a new future outside prison on his replanning lezrse" veelwywery'in orde' "My son even appiied fol study courses but \\,as not accepted as his cleath sentence has not yet been lifted." Mr Strydom seniol said, "These are not the acticlns of zr nrirn q'ho bclives he is going to be eri- eculed," he aclded. Sapa Die dubbelbladartikel kom uit die pen van een van mnr. Van Tonder se bekendste adjudante, mnr. Coen VermaaK. lak. lewens te orden. Maar wanneer twee mense mekaar liefhet, of hulle getroud is of nie. dan is seks glad nie son-dig nie. "Wat wel sonde is, i dine. Die orng. lJle seKsorange seksdranse r seksdrange Mnr. Vermaak lvrilr. vermaaK se sO 'n n blanke DlanKe baba DaDa ls is "die mees pragtigste gesig ter wereld"! liefEe is bedoel onr vo"ort En hy hv s6 als watt in die pad oad van die neer hierdie voortplan voortnlar maak van 'n blanke baba siaan - sv dit word. is dit eruwelik-e so kuisheidsfeels { en/of did gebrek iran'n huweliksertifivoorbe[oedmiddets, Yraag agt: "Moet'n m O [ Ve f{"ffi, Yeefwyuery,in ordet O Vervolg van bl. -4ffi - 1 Vraag lwaalf: "Moet dit werk_ ltk toegelaat word dat ,n man _._ meer as een vrou kan h€?" "Dit is ook so dat daar baie mans en vroue is wat glad nie vrou per moet dit diegene h€ en dit het 'n hele r babamakerv geskryf. Die ks en politiek. Wie eers wi laatwaai, kan Boerestaat Pa in Randburg a verbode bo6k ?2 Gekleurde 'kan hoof word' vafi wit skool Van Ons Padement6e Redaksie KAAPSTAD. -'n Gekleurde onderwyser kan'n skoolhoof of onderwyser word by 'n blarke skool wat die model B-toelatingsbeleid ten opsigte van leerlinge volg, het mnr. Piet Clase, Minister van Onderwys en Kultuur in die Administrasie Volksraad, gister in waetyd in die Volksraad ges6. Hy het in antwoord op 'n waag van mnr. Roger Burrows (DP, Pinetown) gesO'n skool wat vir model B gestem het, kan volgens normale aanstellingsgebruike onderwysers van enige bevolkingsgroep in sy per- Coen Vermaak Wants a fast-breeding volkand gays behind bars More sex pleaSe, we're Afrikaners Jan Taljaard become a majority soneel aanstel. in a true democracy he must have sex, sex OEN VDRMAAK is a cham- and more sex or rather procrepion of free sex, bigamy, ate, procreate -and procreate. unbridled procreation and For in any conversation with democracy. But a very unlikely Vermaak it soon becomes clear champion at that.. "The A,frikaner taqght that while he may urge fellowcompatrlots to give themselves over that sex is not a sin but as natural with (gay?) abandon to sensuous as breathing," he procleirns. "Nor pleasures it is not so much wlth must churches be allowed to the feellngs of the flesh ln mind prcach against ser be it part or but rather to ensure a lineage. not part of narriage." If there is one thing that VerVermaak is dso an executive naak can't tolerate and that he merirber of the ultra-right Boer- will have outlawed in any future estaat Party (BSP), a man who Boer democracy, it is the use of would like to see gays sent to contraceptives. In antwoord op 'n opvolgvraag van dr. Willie Snyman (KP, Pietersburg) of dit ook 'n gekleurde skoolhoof insluit, het mnr. Clase ges6 sy beleid is dat daar geen tweedeklas-Ieerlinge en -ouers is nie, en dus ook nie tweedeklas-onderwysers nie. As die beshrursraad van so 'n skool besluit om 'n bruin of Indi€r-onderwyser as eerste keuse aan te stel, kan hulle dit doen, mits die onderwyser voldoen aan die vereistes wat vir die bepaalde pos geld. Mnr. Clase het in antwoord op verdere wae oor eiesake-onderwys ges6: o Geen skool wat in 'n meningspeiling die vereiste meerderheidsteun vir die invoer van die model Btoelatingsbeleid verkry het, is al verlof geweier om die beleid toe te pas nie; o Verlof is wel aan vier skole geweier om 'n nuwe model te aanv€rar omdat die vereiste minimum-stempersentasie nie behaal is nie. Die skole is die Laer Meisieskool Observatory, die Laerskool Houghton, die Ho€rskool Stutterheim en die Laerskool Sydenham; en o Altesame 46 skole en een onderwyserskollege wat onder sy departement resorteer, is verlede jaar gesluit om die lonende gebruik van geriewe te verseker. Did beleid sal vanjaar voortgesit word. prison for 2O years without the So strong does he feel about it, option of a fine and a man who that punreyors of contraceptive quotes freely from Marcwe, Hera- contraband wlll face a minlrnrrrn of cleitos atd,?.ola. 2O yegrs in prison. Not one for keeping hls someA,bortion will carry the death what strongvlews to hinself, Ver- penalty. maak is the author of two books, With views such as the above it Sex c,nd Politics and Diory oJ a is small wonder that Vermaak does Rewlution in which he expounds not always have a sympathetic merrily on his central theme, audience among fellow rightna-mely that for the Afrikaner to wingers. 7b Protect Whites with suBer union: CP, MWU had died in 1990 as a result of assaults and attacks by Black activists By Sapa and Citizen Reporter A CONSERVATIVE Party parliamentarian and claimed assaults on White workers by Black simp,y do nothing for merely one workers were currently the rule rather than the exception. kers?" "super union" to protect White worker.rights. Dr Pieter Mulder, MP "Cosatu, with its bullyboy methods, still grows in strength but on the He was convinced that without the White worker Schweizer-Reneke, other hand, employers trY no solution or peace for keep be and Mr Peet Ungerer, general secretary Mineworkers' of the Union (MWU), said the saged "super union" envi- --for White workers in all economic sectors -wculd give White workers considerably more negotiai'ing power and protection in the'"vorkplace. theil utmost to White trade unions as divided as possible," he said. "The only thing White worker in the South Africa has to do to get his way, aud get the govern- ' day. How many factories, mines and businesses rely on the strength and loy- and a trade union leader yepterday both called for the formation of a White for SA bevolking is nou 40,1 m. is to absolutely ment's attention, sing. Di6 getal dui op 'n jaarlikse bevolkingsgroeLvan 2,Iyo in die drie jaar sedert die sensus van 1gg1 alty of their White wor- South Africa would plaasgevind het. Die provinsie met die is 5 miljoen, ste bevolk mense possible. Dr Mulder warned year' for all White people to political et B. ie vIe liet maar net 800 000 mense. Die PWV en Oos-Kaap het albei 'n bevolking van net meer as ses miljoen. Noord-TYansvaal s'n is wf miljoen. l99l would be a difficult due meeste changes and the poor economic climate. Dr Mulder and Ml miljoen swartmense. Die swart bevolking groei ook die vinnigste, 30 Ungerer were addressing the annual congress of the MWU in Jobanuesburg. Dr Mulder said a "super union" for Whites was gt'owing necessary met'n koers increasingly to van2,4oh, Die Buro het bevind dat meer as afford Whites protection in the workplace from what he said were increasing as- saults by Black col- leagues. FIe charged that severai of the NIWU's metnber-s AIVB's dra al weer ope vltufwapens Deur Geil Yan der Westhuizen langs en agter die kommando ingr toe hulle, soms effe uit pas, stads DAAR was toe nie gisteraand in Pretoria eintlik Sprake van'n protesoptog deur die Afrikaner-Weerstandsbewe- roe marsJeer. O Op die vergadering ging (AWB) nie . . . di6 beweging wou net sy sogenaamde "wenkommando's" aan die publiek bekend stel. Mnr. Eugene Tqrro'Blanche, leier van die AWB, s6 koerantberigte het die indruk laat ontstaan dat daar'n protesoptog van Kerkplein na die stadsaal sou wees. die nuwe Bloedrivier te stry wat spl uit die Regering stadsaal opgedaag om na mnre. Te 'Blanche en Marais te luister as aan die optog deelgeneem het, br Riana Malan. "Die lewe is'n stryd; die lewe va volk is 'n stryd. 'n Volk wat berei, om tot die dood te stry, is 'n volk presteer," het mnr. Terre'Blanche "Ons het nooit aansoek gedoen vir protesoptog nie. Ons wou net die wenkommando's aan die media voor- (HNP), gaan toespreek. "Nou kan die media vanaand sien dat die wenkommando's wel bestaan. Hier is vanaand geleide manne Daar is nog duis land." Sowat 100 lede van die "wenkommando" het vroeg gisteraand reeds op Kerkplein bymekaargekom. Baie van di€ mense het openlik rewolwers en pistole gedra. Party het selfs bruin se oorgawe aan ANC-regering". Aansienlik meer mense het by 'n stel en reklame maak vir die vergadering wat ek en mnr. Jaap Maraisileier van die Herstigte Nasionale Party het'n drifl mnr. Terre'Blanche ges0 die "blan moet'n verenigde aksiefront vorm 'n AWB-moeder en haar dogtertjie gisteraand in Pretoria. weermag-uniforms aangehad. Polisiemanne het swartmense wat oor Kerkplein wou loop, gevra om vir hul eie veiligheid eerder nie kortpad te kies nie. Die "wenkommando" het om- streels halfsewe in drie afdelings aangetree om hul drilpassies aan die media ten toon te stel. Hulle het 'n paar keer regs gerig, 'n regsom of twee gemaak en eon keei selfs uitgetree om weer van lank tot kort in te val. 'n Paar van die manne en vroue in hul kakie-uniforms het deurmekaar geraak met van die bevele en soms 'n regsom gemaak pleks van om rogs te rig of links gedraai plaas van regs. 'n Half besooe boemelaar wat nabv hulle op 'n bankie gesit het, was van toespraak begin wat gekenmerk deur talle verwysings na "kommu te" en "moordbendes", Pres. F.W. de Klerk is 'n "verb dinglose, klein politieke leuenaar konkelaar", het die AWB-leier ger "Die Afrikanervolk hoef nie gr, om die onderhandelingstafel te bt nie. Hy het grond wat reeds met die min menso wat deur di6 drillery beindruk is. "Dis my mense di6," het hy trots gesO en iets oor die komende bloed van vroue en kinders gekoo; oorloq gernompel. Soiva-t 200 AWB-ondersteuners het vat. En die Regering het nou sy ool we aangekondig." "Die dag wanneer die Regering r AWB die land met geu gee, sal die 74l' t-J tls tln oo govt: Viljoen FREEDOM political parties sbould ac- Front cept that South Africa leader Gen Constand in an abnormal political situation. The demowas Viljoen yesterday said the government should not be allowed to collapse because of its Co-operation among South Africans would prevent the downfall other African countries cratically elected govern- ment was inexperienced and inexperience and inef- andl local to provincial government tion, he said: "Too ficiency. can't let the government collapse because Addressing a JohannesDurg meeting the . "gouth Africa really of American Chamber of changes are taking too short a time." was worried aboul the ANC forcing unwork- won't abandon SA in our country would ultimately THE outrageous sugges- peace and stability South Africans should leave the be tion that White self-determination. a The struggle for self-determination is universal, Black government, made and should be seen in that country of their birth they are "afraid" by of if Right from top to bottom, or, he is unhappy in his choice. The Conservative Party, together with the IFP, Ciskei and Bophuthatswana, had really gained the political high ground within the COSAG dliance. COSAG negotiated as a single body and this was accepted by all political parties. voted 73 to 20, on Marcb 5, not to participate in the elections. One of the most valid reasons being that both the NP and the ANC said many times that the Afrikaner V would never have AVU, too tigbt a turn, especiilly in lems in the governm-ent.,, I Gen Viljoen said. all .THE CITIZEN CO]TIMENT Stay '-.J---., and souls in South Africa will never abandom our country. Eventually there will be a time when peace and stability will become the order of the day, and grand- outcome of the coundl voting, General Viljoen children will be proud of went on his merry way to launch his own party. The cherry on the top for him proud Out of the blue, Gener- Gen Viljoen said the ANC was making have we who have our roots It ' wheie we sit I often set the impression that -we have management prob- mented. our children and is not a crime to be of our heritage. "IF you are afraid of 40 million Blacks, you ghould leave the country," General I Party, which, in the C.ft;;; Conservative to all response, appealed "treedom-loving people,' noi 1o leave the could exist Our forefathers came to South Africa in the Century and we are proud al Viljoen arrived at the World Trade Centre, a delegate bf the good government. Maybe the challenge is too big at the moment. Maybe -the government needi more experiehced staff. From become totally Volksfront Either he realises his mistake in splitting the untimely Maak Mag", they Constand Viljoen, comes as no surprise. Since the death of Dr Verwoerd, the Afrikaner nation has steadily fallen into disarray. Rather than adhere to their motto: "Eendrag re_ qurres an experienced and of their and before one could blink, he was organising the Right. (The Afrikaner Volksfront was the culmination of those talks). After the COSAG alliance was restructured. it became the Freedom Alliance. Much of the sup- pirrt within COSAG was dumped by political opportunists within the FA. There always were, and still are, many who believe the answer to real people who supported the ANC under very difficult and dangerous circumstances. They were united in workins toward their goal which has paid off handsomely. The top those who would cherish them. Understandably the new government has no use for them. but those who built this country cer- structures within the ANC have honoured their loyal workers by taking them into government, which is more than can be said of the Freedom Front. no account should be thrown onto the (rash heap World of the New Order. n. A.i AYRIL Bryanston 75 T]TBI ileks step o reparati ons WASHINGTON. -Black Americans, fleed from slavely 130 years ago, ale demancling repafations for their ancestors' in a sufTering crusade that is dlawing broad Bail for support among Blacks, Ml( member flom membels of C the wolld le- the descendants 0n arms cans in chains could cost the US Govemment trillions charges Citizen Reportel A SENIOR member of the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, facing 11 charges of the il- legal possession of tions movement, whose ' gr'andfathel was a as cans watch governments weapons, was yesterday granted R5 000 bail in the Pretoria Regional Court. (30), of Groblersdal, who had been in custody since June last year. tron. In his application for bail earlier this week, Mr Mathebe testified that he was a tribal chief. He admitted that he had pointed out arms to the police, but said he was forced to caches make a false statement. Mr Mathebe expressed confidence that he would be granted indemnity as a political prisoner in the wake of negotiations between the ANC and the A Crime Repofter we did to these people. We sold off theil childlen, we must say: 'This is what kept their families Yestelday farmer yesterday arrested the suspected killer of a 56-year-old White woman whose body was found in her Madeliefie Street house on Wednesday. Mrs Josina Catherina Bosman was battered to death with a blunt and robbery detectives followed up information which led them to the farm,. Elandsfontein of Mr Louw vir-r Vuuren (27). lt was beljeved that the suspected killer would go arrived therr Her body was discovered by a friend at about The investi cers, howeve 3.45 pm and farmer a it was established she had been dead for several hours. Mrs Bosman's young gardener went missing and police were looking _ Sho_rtly ar came from Replesentative date Revelend Jesse Jack- John Conyels, a Demo- siohal Black Caucus. crat fi'om Michigan, who sevelal yeals ago presented a bill to study slavery and offel lecommandations on dealing with the legacy of slavely. The leparations bill has chosen "40 acres and a rnnle" as the name fbr hrs ploduction company, un- br.oken pr.o- won approval fi'om stitutional Rights, but it failed to make it to a vote on the House floor. An aide to Mr Conyers admitted plivately that tbe measule was gorng nowhele but stlessea tiat the fight for reparations detectives enquiled. Mr Van Vuuren went to the hut and arrested the suspect. East Rand police confirmed yesterday that clothes, loudspeakers, men's shirts, shoes, camera and a sevelal was also syrnbolic as it underscored the failed prornise 4g-yEAR-OLD a from the ho,gong of three Black men I I of justice fol Black Ame- *:itfium;;*# Detloit Free Press: "I do rlot prg ideas-I d "You thlow who broke into her house Citizen Reporter Black. fadmother rvas laped by the Ifouse Judicialy Subcomrnittee on Civil and Con-, Frottrer raped on plot bY 3 robbers aft< 4 Van Vuuren Shot in country, and would not on a plot near Mondeor just after rnidnight on a little seed , and lock the 20 yeals later is huge tlee uur vr-vy/, of vr clos* I Jyour ' s oI tne l'epament ciaim ll exacerbate and diviAmerican AFP. Saturday. Police liaison officel for tain Eugene Miss C Viljoen CAPE TOWN. A rnan, who surprised two burglars in his house yesin the throat at point blank range, and is in a serions terday, was shot condition. Mr Rodney Pickton (47) and his wife, Sandra, returned to their home in Oranjezicht and surprised two bulglars when they unlocked the front door. - Sapa. OPPerman, said yesterdaY the robbers throat flee. fence. des the suspect Black reparations clusade the Witwatersrand, CaP- Mathebe said he peared for the Mr R Spoor for the De- t hut but when body. weapon. murder fi'eed folrnel presidential candi- TqTt- gll2r.g for him. HEIDELBERG had responsibilities in the apState and slave. to mises made l'epa- lations moverneut include "The US Govelnrnent government. Mr their Farmer captures murder suspect Regional Magistrate, MrAGAuret,granted bail to Mr Piet Mathebe The State alleges that he had allegedly been in possession of missiles, machine guns and limpet mines without authorisa- off Ieadet' of the B lack lepala- compelled Black activists unrealistic. chopped i-ngfol a son, the lap gloup PLrbiic handout, this is ledless," Enemy, Mar-tin Luther' says Ms Malie Davis, a l(ing's widow, Mrs Co- of dollals, a prospect that irr the past to write off dernands for payback as ecl, theil wlor-rgdoing offel cornpensation to othel glonps. the push fbr' reparations hele is gaining gni'.se threntened the rvoman, a man and trvo children with firearms. The rnan and two children, 1 I and 12-years-old, were tied-up and the wolnan was forced to hand over the keYs to a white Fold Bantaur bakkie. The robbels then took various items fi'om the house, including the TV and hi-fi. Before leaving, the men raped the woman in the ghrage and left her there. Zl' His master's voice IT will take a million years for black people to realise they are also superior. I Blacks'will people working there play one Zdlu track and then switch Ene- lish songs to please their masters. Do they think that by playing never aecept a" volkstaat' THE Black majority will never accept a volkstaat for Afrikaners and the .unqipls&F-4qu natlon rn me constrtutton .'--i-, -'a Cruel noax' polrtr15 , cal sclentlst fToI I hemba Sono yesterday told the Volkstaat Council in Pretoria. In the minds of Blacks, the notion of a volkstaat -:. conjured up images of "It is doomed to irrelevance. He said the principle of less cruel hoax". promisins meanr sometnlng lmprobable. --."lrr;iFer tht current constitution nor a future one, let alone the majority of the people,. could accede to the creation of a "volkstaat" over and above the existins nine rEffiS.--- '"-t-tlE wlse, you are overwhelm- the *25sss. T,e_!'s Tar,e.Ir-------*' "??6T Sono, execotive director of the Centre for Development Analysis in Pretoria, told the council in - ':-^- can be no more " substantial tinkering with without ma- these regions, political upheavals." ior --.-.+ This was the case reof President Nel- gardless son Mandela'S "reconciliatory and accommodating disposition Prof Sono advised the council to get a Consti. in their homes fied self- Cltizen Reporter ]'WO women in the PWV The should prov and ration central ers. "Ar provll natio Prof I Agt stituti mary nable and Afrikarierstan". As a contentious - Saoa. because of consequence of ing a nation state brought back the spectre of apartheid. Self-determi- He told a sitting of the Volkstaat Council South Africa had never really nation, which was in- nation the creasingly being regard- Afrikaner state becoming a reality. Many examples ing to give full homelands sovereignty, he said. "If the homelands had was not a hindrance to an existed of successful small independent states, Mr Louw said. been voluntary, with no resettlements and no forced removals, and if to get South Africans to accept t}e notion of a siren she was tiec. up and thrown into ed as legitimate in rest of the world, was illegitimate in South Africa. Mr Louw told time started carrvin! goods out of the house. on Afrikaner self-determination. - Sapa. A television set and other goods to the value of about R3 000 were stolen. When the robbers had fled, Mrs Moxham managed to free herself and to the neishbours Mrs Dorothea Janse van Rensburg (33) of plot 12, Cyfer Pan in the Van- derbijlpark district was busy bathing when her domestic servant, Ms Martha Modakens rushed in and informed -her that about seven Black men weie in the process of breaking into the house. As she was getting out of the bath. she was over- powered by the men anci threatened with a knife. At the time Ms Modakeng was hiding in a cup- DOarcl- Seven $ab ltoman fiom bath SEVEN men broke into a home of a Vanderbijlpark woman; threatened her with a knife as she climbed out of her bath, and stole firearms The robbers forced Mrs the bedroom where they broke into a cupboard. Van Rensburg into They stole firearms but fled when they realised Mrs Van Rensburg had no money. Mrs Van Rensburg - was not in- Jureo. before fleeing, Ms Dorothea Janse van Rensburg, (33), was bathing when her maid warned her that men were breaking a winoow. Ms Janse van Rens- burg was overpowered as she climbed out of the bath. She was then forced the council it would be very strange if Blaiks were not suspicious of its final recommendation the bathroom by three other Black men. The first suspect at that ate an untenable. unwin- the former homeland policy, any talk of recognis- The previous government had not been will- for help, was waling Cresta woke up during the early hours of yesterday moming when she heard iomeone move in her room. A Black man suddenlv grabbed her by die throai be difficult nation state's viability went to press a panic alarm but- ton and while the Danie Street, nation state. This would states. and threatened her. Mrs Moxham managed errea, one a senior citizen who was slightly injured, were attacked in their homes and robbed over the past two days. Police said Mrs Muriel Moxham (75) of Maxhaven Retirement Village, Voluntary homelands orkedt tried sovereign nglish music they will become tl:Id-* Two women attacked tion "self the interim constitution was "a self-determination am very confused when I switch to Ukhozi FM. Those white into the bedroonr, where the men broke openacupboard-the maid was meanwhile hiding in another cupboard. - Sapa. 7q They'll never forget the UN International Conference on Popu- By Samla Nakhoul CAIRO. - Between the age of six and 1 l, many girls in Egypt experience one day they will never forget. They are forced into a gruesome ritual of female circurncision by parents wanting to kill their sexual desire. (purification), an ancient tradition well alive along At the tirne girls are genitally mutilated they are too helpless to under- stand ol object to the plocedure. This borrific opelation was televised in a docu- mentary by Egyptian women activists trying to get the message across to lation and Development. A liule girl lying on a table moans from pain, her eyes are glazed, her legs are splayed open as the circumciser cuts her clitoris with a razor bla- add. Even urban and educated wornen follow the de, (CNN) showed tradition. which her two wrists are tied to her ankles with her family watching the process. off." The girl screams with a look of utter shock on her face. Her hosting the UN confer- pain, at ernpowering women, feminists say circumcision of women is a plactice which has been another film of a lO-year-old girl taken to a room where In Egypt, proudly ence which aims not Cable News Network In the background, gets cut is taught in the Koran but is approved by some theologians, her mother ululates and sings: "This is your night you little birdie. . . this is the night your clitoris In Arabic the operation is called Tahara the banks of the Nile..It haunts Egyptian women for the rest of their lives. lives or her mother and great-grandmother', they little girl is roleased after rnother ululates as the she passed is bandaged with no tlrne to l'ecover. through genelations un- The girl tells questioned. A gill is forced to fblIow the same blutal tradition that marred the het father; "Why did you do this to me?" Reuter. - Sapa- 1l Let's have truth activists picket Parliament I aba Dyer the pro-abortion group ARAG, pushes for abortion on demand by quoting questionable figONCF,again Marge of ln fact, show. it is Similar been made tionists else MP David they even started to ted in Feb- children. CAPE TOWN. Christian anti-abortion million n activists picketed the gates of in Italyf Parliatnent ed yestelday morniug, lianding out leaflets to MPs and bear ally. officials thel Italiant ising abortion creates an a halt to the "abortion holodemanding caust"- The four protestel's. members of United sources supports Christian Action, condemned what'they said was a plan- to legalise abortion on demaud. - Sala. this 91 They can't be serious! the time or t This rediculous claim Another has been repeated so of- fact which em ten that many now accept analysis of Mi it as fact. surd statement was that. Randpar& ZB Too late for the 'liberals'to buy back aparthei THE row over the removal of booms in suburbs has revealed the true hypocrisy of the white South Africa liberal. I Can it really be coincidence 'that the vast majority of suburbs which have closed off their streets - and who are now complaining about having to open them up again - consist of people who al- ways voted for liberal anti-apartheid parties? This is not a coincidence. These are the same people who most enthusiastically supported the new disnensation. without tak- INSTEAD of democrccy, the liberols ended up with on onti-white, outocr kleptocrocy, led by people who ignore the Constitution when it suits them. ing into account the lessons of ignoretheirownConstitution. every state-of-the-art sec Africa and the logical con- Those liberals who could, fled trappingthatmoneycanbuy sequences ofwhat it would lead to. the country in droves; and those are wailing because the "net We, who opposed the change to who have not yet left, then turned pensation" will not let then "democracy", were vilified and 1a- their own suburbs into laagers. their apartheid. This is poetic justice! I cr belledasracistbigots,whowanted The liberals ended up doing exactly what they accused the right say I am crying crocodile tea them enjoy the fruits oftheir Instead of a democracy the lib- wingof wantingtodo. Now that they have spent for- icalchoices,justliketherest erals ended up with an anti-white, to puII into a laager. autocratic kleptocracy, people who casually ch FRED RU Nor ae eltut" --'.,{CfiA'-- - ,n"q}l*t =e.P 1q L 1, WeOnesO-ayrlS lNo population growth in 2000 due to Aids' BY the tur.rr ol' thr, tur'1,. 11 is estinratetl cerr_ tlre Itopttlatiorr grrtu,tlr u,ill hlve cr.lrsc'd. tlue ttt tlte rmpact of Aids. Tlris rvls pleclicted [-rv Mr 1' E Harrivig in ln l.l- itt dtess arr investrnerrt c()nfel'L'llcc ilt il J()hilnllcs- bulg hotel vcsterdav. as he explairrecl the uie of clata to coltstl.uct a theor_ cticitl cotnputcr.-lrlrsed rnodel which projects [u_ tulc int'cction, illrress and l7) 0(l{) sick ttllt \\'ill tlic. l-her.elrftcr.. the pictule' gets pr.ogr.essivclJ' tnotr' tlisirstlrlus. S'c u'orrltl plcfcL nr)t t1y q11,t1,, liSut'es bcvtltrd this," hc slid. "'l'he plesent pr.oblern in South Aflica is r.elr- tivelt' srnall, but _ur.orvirrg t'apiclly." Ml Hll.t\\'is, saitl. "bttt t<lu,arcls tlrJ eud "Thc lrrcl t.tttrt of the clecade thc problern u'ill beconre ineasingly visible". cr deaths due ro Aids. cc(rn()nl) inrD:rq1 \'ill ,t,' tlrc lrc snrilll irr the rtext five year.s, lrut cluring tlre second lralf of the ciecadc, the dr.uin on rL'sout'cL's. l)()ssi[]l)' il litck ()t ntilnp()w('t. irrrtl cctttrirt_ ly loss rlf confidcrrcc ctrultl Itave a scr.iorrs cc()n()nlic cffcct," lre slid. "We cirnnot even trcgirr lo itssess thc iruplct of Aids in ternrs of hunrarr suftl.r'ing." Mr. l-lar.nviu concluded. - Sapa. 25 tXXt will die tlur.ins rhu year," Mr Hartwig said. "And by 1999, the per- Aids among Blacks in W Cape trebles Staris- trcs compiled- by the Westeln Provincg Aids Advisory virology department show therd- are now 771 in- data The level of growth of the virus amonglhe Black population has risen dra_ matically over the last two Grouo (WPAAG) have revealeb a trebling of tested HIVpositive cases amons the Black heterosexual population in 1990. The latest .figures released yesterdai bv the University of Cipe iown Marietie Louw Die motiewe vir aanvalle en moorde op Suid-Afrikaanse boere kan dalk volgende week bekend wees. Die langverwagte verslag oor plaasaanvalle word volgende Donderdag in pretoria ian mnr. Charles Nqakula, minister van veiligheid en sekuriteit. oorhandig. Adv. Charl du plessis. hoof van die onafhanklike komitee wat die verslag saamgestel het, het gister ges6 die komiteelede centage positive will tiave nsen to 40 percent, with CAPE TOWN. Verslag oor aanvalle op boere gou by minister , uals. ,Delleve Mgt these recorded "-".ttt statistics compiled from requested testing at Cape laboratories are just the tip of the iceberg and reveal only one-tenth of the actual figure. The statistics disclosed yesterday reveal: O l'wclve rlothel.s have passed the virus onto their babies O lVlore years. vergader volgende week. Sodra die verslag gedruk is, sal dit aan Nqakula oorhand.ig word. Hy het ges6 die minister sal die verslag bestudeer voordat dit bekend gemaak word. Mnr. Les Xinwa, woordvoer_ der van Nqakula, het ges6 afhangend van die minister se program behoort die verslag volgende naweek aan die publiek bekend gemaak te wbrd. Die verslag sloer sedert 2001 ete, des- igheid vra het. Nqakula het sowat ,n maand ement ges6 ,n g dui daarop te roof, is die motief vir plaasaanvalle. Verskeie politieke partye en landbou-organisasies het ges6 dit is "onmoontlik" dat roof die drvf_ krag agter plaasaanvalle is. Intussen het Agri SA dit verwelkom dat die Menseregtekommissie bevind het dal die slagspreuk "Kill the Boer. kill the farmer" haatsnraak is hetelosexuals than are being infected homosexuals O The growth rate of the disease is small in the White population and mostly among homosex_ uals but escalates among the Black heterosexual population O More than half of the no recorded cases have 50 TJonsutner rnarkeb 'witl be donninated retail market will be almost entirely in the hands of the Black consumer. Anyone not catering to can only become a specialist to a tiny seg- groups which aim Black consumersr at or those due to benefit from - Whites had to remember they were living in Africa and if they-wanted a. White continent they should go back O social pressure to in- speaking Curry, said. beskikkins 'ct crease Black salaries; O union demands for Die onderstaande wage increases; ingedien O population growth with Blacks numbering 35-million; (14,5-million more than in 1980); O the increased power of the newly emerging Black middle class; I the prosperity of Black enterpreneurs ln met luide applous eenpar "Hierdie byeenkoms van Af kaners spreek hom ten ster ste uit ten gunsle van ,n towns- 'The survey, covering middle and senior man- Witwatersrand-Vereeniging (PWV) complex now pattern of Black uspirations. Dr H.F. Verwoerd "Ek sit liewer op die ou end met'n ly industrialised Pretoria- and 1982, also shows tlrat betweer these years the assessments of Wlrites, carry nearly half the and Indians ,Coloureds country's tax burden. highest the showed This is one of a number growth rate in Natal of interesting facts to perccnt above average. - 53 emerge from a conpre- hensive review of the Bureau of Market Research of the University of South Africa on the geographical distribution of taxable kleiner staat rika Suid-Af ank is..." Ttre lowest growth rate in the number of ments issued assess- ortlY 42' percent of the -average was in the Free State. - x will disappear raPidlY as portunity, .equal .. treatment and equal lusilce". The Government aimed to Mr Durr said: "We must presfl erh& accept that glaring disPari' ties in the income ot ouq CAPE TOWN. The Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr Pik Botha. said yesterday South' Africa could be ruled by Black Prpsidents in He warned that the Third World sector could not be uPlifted overnight, but lt was Govefnmqnt's long'term aim in spite of the enormol$,gQqi' the future provided agreement was reach- cd on protecting rights the of Whites and other minorities. Ml Botha said the National Party Government was trying to dismantle racial segregation and share power with Blacks "It Btacks share irt power of this country that to me becornes an Inevl- table result," he adding that he said, woulcl itt a governntr rvhich incltrded Blacks. serving :word en verwerp daarom d 'huidige proses van integras in'n kunsmatige eenheir staat. Hy verklaar hom ten gunsl van doelgerigte aksies va navorsing, beplanning, vest ging van blanke groeipunt 'skepping van blanke ontwil kelingsgebiede en die stimr lering van kapitaalvorming e staat 'n deel van die blanxe oqtHd rElE week in wat e vaderland waarin die Afrikan 'n oorgrote meerderheid mo wees en so op onbetwiste wyt oor al sy lewensbelange se beskikking uitoefen. Hy beskou dit as die enigst wyse waarop die Af rikanervo se voortbestaan verseker ke selfwerksaamheid, waarb ook ingesluit word dat di &&c economlc prlvltege part of President Botha's tommitment to "equal oP' mosie Volkswa aanvaar. THE Whites of the heavitax patterns between 1970 O the changing by die saamtrek in Pretoria se Sta saal op 15 Maart 1985. Dit hips and the CBDS; O the expansion of Black agement; and tq Ronen, D The quest for selfQeter naLion,1979, bl93 osre oor Afrikaner al selt Housing in the House of Representatives, Mr David "But we cannot do this while politicians in Parliament still want to preserve their 'Whites only' place," he said referring to the dining room re- plode because of: oogpunt gekyk word na etni selfbeskikking, en waz meestal na oorsese toestar gekyk word, en dan 'n stuk oor SA waaruit hierdie gene to an arrangement to Europe, the Minister of Local Government and Black spending will ex- Explode stemming from an ethnic quest for selfderermination. That would mean selfdetermination for each of. rhe ethnic groups: Whites, Xosa, Zulu. .,..: Practically this would mean self government for each troup on a delinated terrir6rv HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Speaking itr the No Confidence Debate he said the Labour Parfy had Qome to Parliament to take part in the "real politics" of the land. ping habits. Hierdie aanhaling kom uit boek waarin uit 'n teoreti Afrikaners, English theYlrc in fifrica' shop- a change in Black ,,1 would risk saying thar the solution in SA would be to proceed directly remeffiber his needs and aspirations most potential are likel! to belong to those retail vir selfbeskikking Blacks' TFIE future growth of the ment of the population. In fact, shares with the Eie land s belastinggeld beskikbai moet stel, om hierdie doel t bereik." I Soos ons ua ere uertrou het, Ieer ook ons uertrou, o Heer; Met ons Isnd en met ons nssie sol dit wel wees, God regge 5l ives its blessin to CAPE TO.WN. The Conservative- Party leadership has given its formal blessing'to the activities of the Afrika- "They assured us that the AWB is not a militarv ner Weerstandsbeweg- ' organisation and will noi ing and the "vigilante" Brandwag offshoot. ' act outside the law," Dr Treurnicht said. They also assured us that they have absolutely This follows top-level discussions in Cape Town earlier this week between the two 'orglnlsationq - aimed at forging stronger links among the country's Rightwing groups.. Conservative Partv leader, Dr Andries Treur- nicht, .said yesterday he and a number of his riarliamentary cglleaguesiad had discussions with AWB leaders. Mr no intention of entering the party political arena. regard the Brandwag organisation, I indicated to them that we (the Conservative Party) to "In have no objection if people protect their lives I. and propedy withiu the i law. "We are satisfied that . the Brandwag organisa, tion is not militant and Eu- gene Terre'Blanche and Mr Jan Groenewqfd, . will operate' totaily within tsrandwa Schoolboy cyclist attacked in Nigel Black youth was arrested on Monday after he allegedly attacked and tried to strangle a young Nigel schoolboy and then rode off on the boy's bicycle. The schoolboy (14) was on his way home when he was stopped by bis assailant while cycling on a deserted farm road. The attacker dragged the boy off his bicycle and into some nearby bushes casting stations tions broadcast by thesel so-called "comrades"' is one that urges all Blacks expected employed by Whites to do everything in their power to steal firearnrs and ammunition for the so-called "struggle". Small wonder propaganda against South Africa, there were nightly broadcasts by ANC spokesmen who quite openly and aggressively that the SA Police have , kept repeating these themes: O Bloodshed, school boycotts, econornii sabotage and other acts ofvi- olence arc propagated recently been fired on by people in possession of such stolen weapons. Onq wonders whether the time is not ripe for the Govern. ment to spell out quite clearly and specifically what people of all shamelessly; O The ANC is not in- in . tcrcstud irt shuling power, can do to orotect races thenr- by a knife-wieldins a sales!r.nt.i# from Bramley, was on her way home from work in Marlborough at about .4.30 pm on Monday when ner car was surrounded by about 30 Black youths at a stop street. "All my .doors were sewatory at about am on Wednesdav while there, a 7.45 and stianger aged about 30, walked in local branch of Spar when two Black men tried to immediately began a search of the area and force their way in. One of the men pulled within 15 minutes caught out a firearm and fired two shots through the the youth as he was riding along the Nigel road. ing Mr Lambrides. If apartheid goes so "Being alone in , I CP AS- remov-The al of apartheid would only have one result and that was the destruction of the Whito man in South Afri(CP, For_ Bothat to anvwas petrified. TIie wouldn't wish one. - SEMBLY. township is an experience f will HOUSE OF people were looking at me and one Black woman said 'you shouldn't be here'. "Eventually I ran into a shop owned by an Indian and begged him to take tha, he said, had been honest when he said that the logical outcome of Government policy miglt lead to the possibility of a Black President, Railman dies after He then tackled her and the girl fell back- wards, hit her head against one of the toilets. consciousness ond scared, I iust let them in. "Two of them got in ano the rest ran awav. me. I trjed to get the atteurion of rnotorists be- hind .rne, but helped me," nobodv she said, regained The men drove to the nearby Black township of Alexandra, took R70 and Miss Thornpson's car and consciousness, the rapist left her to her own de- had disappeared, vices in the township. was then raped by her assarlant. When she I should stop an army vehicle outside. stabbing "I ran right in front of it and waved my arms, but they just carried on driving, I went back into the A TRAIN conductor shop and again begged hospiral after he had told a Coloured man not to get into a coach reserved for Whites. He.said lhey pushed me onto the back seat and punchecl lost were about to close the The guard and three other men from the mine me home, but he refused; l6-year-old Johannes- Coloured man afterte at] tacked her in the school's cloakroom. The girl went into the toilet of the schqol in Ob- Mr Ammanuel Lambrides (44), along with his partner, Mr P Maniatis, Nigel mine who was on patrol. Gillian Thompson (23) selves lrom oangqrs uKe Obseryatory girl raped at school burg schoolgirl was raped his store on Sunday night. Witwatersrand fide of terror these. A he was about to lock up woman Among specific instruc- communist shot dead by a gunman as When he regained consciolrsness, he located a security guard from the Whites South Africa, weeks. Apart from the consciousness. Bramley but in taking over night made a frightening discovely during the,past A NORTH RIDING supermarket Fanager was glass door fatally wound: AN acquaintance who has taken the trouble to listen te some African broadevery to indecently asshult and strangle him. The schoolboy lost where he tried A l9-yeqr-old Protection in times of danger Supermarket manager shot the man to take me home," she said, "All I could think of at the time was having a tyre put around my neck and being burnt alive. I don't even know who the army ,think they are trying to protect. I think they are very scared themselves," she said, was stabbed at Westbury rail- way station on Sunday and died on his way to The liaison officer for the Railway Police, Major Dries Jacobs, said that Mr W A Witrstock (35) of Marx Street, Kooksvlei, Randfontein, was stabbed in the chest and died shortlv afterwards. 37, DE-T E matric-exams gef 0 ff to a sood start l;4, THE first Standard rupted, 10 Mr Rademeyer could be withheld or the DET examination kicked said, the DET would off to a good start yesterday morning with about 2 000 candidates sitting typfor the first paper with afTected centres vidually. Results at those ing in standard grade. Department of Educa- tion and Training's communications director Mr deal sitting could be cancelled indi- if the integrity of that centres exam were to be comProSapa. mised. , - [ , Corrie Rademeyer said 40 percent of the candidates would sit for examina- {(/' ''btack schools under DET nationwide, the six selfgoverning territories aird Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei, have eutered for this year's matriculation examinations If chtldran outnumber whlte chlldleT by-ip to 351; t Abducted woman raped the cent a growth. 0,023 children per White reached It actually means that woman. there were 0,7 children So, to make a state40 million in 194. There was also a state- born per 30 women, when ment that 0,7 percent is ment made by the Bureau it is taken as a fact that growth is totally misleadof Market Research, that 30 percent of the total ing. the Black population was population, including The report should have growing by 2,4 percent children already born, are stated that the Whites and the Whites 0,7 per- women of child-bearing have a negative growth age' cent. rate. I would like to clarify Which means that fo.r COEN VERMAAK this 0,7 percent of White every 30 women, there Boerestaat Party population growth, be- are 0,7 children born for Heidelberg zen about the fact that population of SA by four A CROSBY, ducted for more than two days and raped by four men, police yesterday. etrt customs, physcally as well such as hair t€xture. lip stnrcture, eye olour and nose structure. The physical ciaracteri4ics of the bomo sapiens is a product of climatie and environnental sorlp ture. Concenhatityrs of cultural groupings, mixed as they are, are given name tags, eg Africans, Indianq, Europeaos, etc. They are called - races but each race is a mixture n Nengovhela said the by, The men "She was raped by of them for the each Coloured and lVhite catrtrot pre from White duce any otler colour The socalled peqple range sljn to Black skin mixed on different shades of Brown mixedThe precise composition of the mixture of the ly It extrapolated that the earth will be inhabited en- Jlc l!e, tirely by a Brown-mixed no n'o re_ son marries a mixed Sae n Soutb Africa we Black skin P.T9tr th.y_ aresouthAfrionruut".an offir-ring of sentially .ltl""*-"i-tfr" a Black-mixed child or a we are ; mixed child be label.led l,lrtl;. dl col- I NOTE that Zimbabwe's biggest selling Sunday newspaper at the weekend carried a full-page ffxrvRrloDA (-qmTnn \ For instance. there are mynah, which-will soon 87 species of kingfishers, there are 175 species of degenerate into a totally Rhoda, MP, under the heading: "We are all Coloureds." It is such a tragedy that people like him are allowed to steer this countrv in the direction of total integration to the point where woodpeckers, there are be able to compete in life. of larks, there are 75 When this happens it will be the end of all the birds on earth and not even God will be able to supposed '"Coloured". to be If his vision of a totallv ' "Coloured" world is real lised, then all the human races will disappear from the face of the earth for ever. Just imagine if all the birds decided that it is not necessary to have such a varietv of birds. 265 species of fly-catchers, there are 75 species of swallows, there are 100 species in the jay, magpie, and crow family. The world is maclc so that in the competition of species life, the best must sur- stop it. This same principle applies to fishes, dogs, cattle and human beings. mixed-up species of birds. in their silence. Imagine world reaction if the Sunday Times of I-ondon were to suggest that all Black people living in the UK were to be to African countries. PATRICK MURRAY Boksburg - Zimbabwea' univelsity stndents wir. "perform arnputations on in the streets" if strive Black beauties. and for We will have a mixed-up swallow that would breed with a mixed-up lark. This mixed-up swallark will breed with a mixedup bluebird or Indian HARARE. No, rather let's White goddesses. That is the way to go, I don't think that some- If all the birds interbreed. we will have a human rights organisations have been deafening Students to tamputatet Zim Whites mixed-up bird that won't vive. - repatriated lnation from the various )ntemational liberal and comment on a letter in 'The Citizen of November d give4 article ignored mg b1e crlo oi ha -Zimffiite Black. and because we -r?P,tsls fooit or.waEr. Sapa. more EI-glFLr*'p."g".ffi EiiTmfieifWhfrcFer:( inp Wednesday at about 4.30am when she was released," W/O Nengovhela said, add- race by the year 21(tr. No white-mixed until has been scientifical- more White, Brovm-mixed child. why shoutd a Brown- period between Sunday The outbursts of indig- all are assaulted trial area. countries. 22, by Rodney a her and took her to the nearby Amalgam indus- feature article suggesting that all White people living in that country should be repatriated to Westem PLEASE allow me to in woman, 43, had been walking to work at about 7pm on Sunday night when she was confronted in Cros- earea there are differenes said Warrant: Azwinndini statement HT MAN beings on earth have either White skins, Black skins or skins of different shades of Brown. They are all of mixed origrn. They ryeak difierenr languages, practisc differ- Jobannesab- burg woman was Whites the country's courts do not flnd controversi al Scottish anaesthetist Dr Richald McGown guilty of killing five patients through negligence, aecording to a statement by university body that is so shortsighted is fit for public office. C J B VERMARK Boerestaat Party i Heidelberg ; Students' ReDresentative Council president Obey Mudzinswa 31 Big blowforiffi\if as top funder pulls the plug 5A'E[$.s+eFFEs ggH:HE gEE s E*{* frg9F$= F"u5': n Bf SH *3t fi E 3.E H 3:4F35 By DEBORAH GRAHAM LOVELIFE has F dtFs9:.q 8ffilF3 FB Fg 3i,f; qBff'q suffered a major blow with a key fun- $EAsE support this week. iTF€FHF der withdrawing Deputy EH 6 gE. CEO E Grace Matlhape said ilh>-EE FEFH ! o a t- o o =. U' o l (tt 0) E the news was unex- pected, and a massive blow as money from the Global Fund consti- FEsgFFFgrFiF$ tutedS0% offunding. "The Technical Review Panel had urged the GIobaI Fund to continue its funding. However, o a= lto o a o s S) a. { |Jo )-r A Lovelife billboard in Industria. they decided to withdraW which is very disappointing," she said. "The Global Fund supported the Adolescent Friendly Clinics, but Lovelife will continue to run its various programmes in the fight against HIV/Aids." At its final meeting for 2005, the Global F\rnd voted not to continue funding an existing grant for prevention activities in SA. According to the Global Fund, Lovelife was deemed not to have "sufficiently addressed weaknesses in its implementation". Launched in September 1999, Lovelife seeks to reduce HIV infection among young South Africans, and to establish a new model - deborahg @itizen. co: za Condo es in SA are ballooning By DEBORAH GRAHAM CONDOM sales in South Africa have increased by over 30% in the past five years. According to the Society for Family Health (SFH), condom sales in 1997 were just under 1m and by 2004, more than 14,8m condoms hadbeen sold. ACNielsen were the sponsors of the research. which was conducted at retail chain stores, garage forecourts andpharmacies. According to senior marketing manager of SFH. David Nowitz. iti rt r.h{ can nov,, oe toentllle( P. fl l-r H $fi, EgF$ tFlF+fF*sF*FeFi* $iFFgri[$$fsx -5F$'F$Ef;gHFe & F'g whichretailer and what particular store had slow condom sales, and perhaps sales, shelf space and stock replen- ishment could be rectified. "Distribution has been expanded to 14 000 outlets, including tradi- tional wholesale and retail chains, as well as non-traditional outlets such as cafes, spazas, taverns, shebeens and beauty parlours," said MrNowitz. SFH is estimated to own 69,8 % market share for the Lovers H EFgFF*lgfigfi[F . -$g for effective HIV prevention among young people. fto F{AH gE$6 9Fqg o o a. S) 5 ggtF F{ ?Fsri?|.l = Set'Fpf $tFssB ?F* qEgIEAFE F-FlggBH ! rsrlH g3$HEEg*F -gEF'FEFIefiFgeg $gE gaeu F:pfrEg T Ho oq U) 3 o o t+ PIus and Trust brands. - d e b or ah g @titiz en,. c o. z a I-ovelife nou miljoene rande alrner Kaapstad. - Lovelife, Suid-Afrika se vernaamste bewusmakingsveldtog om MiV/vigs onder die jeug te voorkom, gaan die volgende drie jaar byna R360 miljoen armer wees nadat een van sy vernaamste finansierders die geldkraan toegedraai het. Die w6reldfonds teen vigs, tu- berkulose en malaria, 'n samewerkingsooreenkoms tussen verskeie regerinss, het besluit om Lovelife nie verder te finansier nie. Lovelife ontvang die afgelope vierjaar geld van di6 fonds. Dit beIoop sowat 30% van hul begroting. Me. Grace Natlhate, uitvoerenhoofvan Lovelife, het ges0 hulle verstaan nie'hoekom die fonds de besluit het om nie sy finansiering vir 'n tweede fase voort te sit nie. Hul aansoek om die geld het deur twee fases gegaan en hulle het gemeen hulle het in die tweede fase al die kwellings uitgeklaar wat die fonds in die eerste fase geopper het. Volgens haar het LoveLife sedert 2002 sy bewusmakingsen bystandprogramme vir jong mense van 60 klinieke tot 260 kli- nieke uitgebrei. Hulle het sowat 200 000 jong mense by die klinieke bereik, terwyl sowat 300 000 elke maand Lovelife se noodnommer bel. - Johannes de Villiers 55 Firearms control sumsiof,lt^fup't add up ONCE more our government en- WE are in the midst of a victim disarmament procest writes J0HN CUSSONS, sures all the-media are present to yet again witness their anti-gun ables", hunting and sing propagandist roadshow The police hierarchy use every biggest culprits when Iosing guns. opportunity to sanctify the Fire. arms ControlAct. Does, or would, castration equate to rape prevention then? Gun control does not equate to crime control. We happen, rathe4 to be in the midst of a victim disarmament process. Government has conveniently sidestepped the fact they are the it comes to Yet Gauteng Provincial Commissioner Perumal Naidoo hadthe The public are being misled how does Gun-Free South Africa conclude the South African Police Service must be congratulated on the prevention of violence? here. TV footage clearly most of the firearms to be ' of Quellerina. audacity to state on TV that the destruction of50 000 guns would help reduce cash-in-transit heists, im- plying that weapons used in these heists came from the public. This is blatantly misleading, as most cash-in-transit heist weapons are assault rifles: hamely Rl, R4, R5 and AK-47s that could only have originated from government forces' arsenals. But government forces are exempt from the Act Every firearm handed in should have undergone ballistic testing; to date, not one amnesty gun has been linked to a crime. Ballistic testing of a weapon takes an hour. So 50 000 guns equates to 50 000 manhours; 50 000 + 24= 2083,33 days or 5,T years. It has been stated these gurls were seized and accumulated from 2003: how did the police manage to do tests on all these weapons so quickly when it should have taken f,7 years, working 24 hours a day? . Something is clearly amiss her male partner. By DEBORAH GRAHAM ONE in four women are in an abusive relationship in South Africa, This is according to People Opposing Women Abuse (Powa) statistics, According to Powa 50% of women run the risk of being raped in their lifetime. The statistics also indicate that a woman is raped every 26 seconds in SA. Even more shocking is that a woman is killed every six days by with renewed criticism of Mbeki and Tshabal_ ala-Msimang. South Africa, Lewis said, ,,is the oniy country in Africa ... whose governhent is still obtuse, dilatory and negligent about rolling out treatment. It is the only country in Africa whose government continues to pro_ pound theories more worthy of a lunatic fringe than of a concerned and compassionate state. "I am of the opinion that they can never achieve redemption ... it is not my job to be silenced by a government that knows what it is doing is wrong," Lewis said. Lisa Vetten, of the Centre of Study Against Violence and Reconciliation, said abuse and violence against women would probably increase in December She said alcohol was not a cause, but merely made the abuse worse. "People often use the excuse that it was the alcohol that caused the abuse, or they can't remember abusing because of the alcohol," will bark." She said she was the ! sporting types. Hardly any could be dee able for criminals to condu evil deeds, yet the pub misled into thinking exacil, Government and Gun-F: claiming we are safer since struction of these arms s fool's paradise mindset. We have a sick society, amount of gun control will things. Rape, cash-in-trans j and violent crime will cc unabated, until our gover finds - and adequately enough to confront real crir she said, Statistics also show that B0% of women in rural areas are victims ofabuse and violence. 'Abuse can occur in any culture, poor or wealthy" said Vetten. The Department of Health has urged people to limit their intake ofalcohol. The department says alcohol is the leading cause of domestic violence. truck spurring action in South Africa's medical system and her critics were running alongside, barking. 4eb or akg @citizen. co. za --1=q.rar12+ ,Ttr,D allocation for HIV/Aids over the past four years from just above R1 biltion in 2002 to R3,5 billion in 2005. she said. On Thursday before leaving the conference early Tshabalala-Msimang defended her hrugged couhby: will go thedogs , Initiation deaths: B'5tblar By CATHYTHOMPSON THE owner of an initiation school and five ofhis helpers are expected to appear in court today on charges of murder after two candidates died there. The S3-year-old man, who is believed to be in the SANDF in Potchefstroorn. was arrested on Monday after the discovery of a body on the school's premises, near Tigane, North West. Another candidate had apparenUy died three days previously Ten candidates were rushed by ambulance to Tshepong Hospital in Klerksdorp, when police swooped on the school on Monday finding virtually every one ofthem "severely infected". e committed policemen One of the initiates was still being treated in the ICU yesterday but the other nine were reported to be in a stable condition. Superintendent Louis Jacobs said the case first came to light when a woman complained to police that she had been informed her son, Esau Qotwale, 23, had died at the initiation school. 36 rOw over Aids statistics I to*nrscHooNAKKER x TWO reports published this week vrill reopen the acrimonious row over the HiV/Aids epidemic, which has raised South Africa's death rate by 43% in the five years up to 20tJ1. The first, sponsored by the SA Me-dical Research Council aad publisheri.n the journal AIDS this .lveekend, i.nticipates that otTicial statistics will c rntinue to understate Aids deaths by as much as two-thirds. ?he second, the "Cause of Death" report, is set to be released by government agency Stats SA later this rveek. Aids activists feal it witrl follovr the exarnple set by the first "Cause of Death" report two years ago, which was heavily criticised for underestimating the epidemic. Nathan Geffen, a spokesman for the Treatment Action Campaign, con- flrmed on Friday thatthe publication of the MliC-sponsorerl report this weekend ra'as timed to pr:e-ernpt the release of Stats SA's reporf latel this week. Medical researcirers and IIW/Aids lobbyists believe Stats SAs flrst "Cause of Death" report relied too heavily on Home Alfairs data that failed to identify HIV/Aids as the un- derlying cause of death. The 2002 snr- \o.ol .G Abotsies verminder Indi6 se woue vey folrnd that only B.7o/o of deaths could be attributed to the disease. Trevor Oosterwyk, a spokesman for Stats SA, confirmed yesterday that the $econd "Cause ofDeath" report, whieh has been delayed, would "probably" be published before the end of the week. He could not com;:nent on its contents. Londen. 10 fetusse is moontlik oor die afgelope twee The MRC-sponsored study found that the total number of deaths (all causes) rose dramatically over the flve years tu 2e00/1. the year ZA0AIL 556 585 deaths were recorded, rnore than 20% ofwhich --112 630- were "empirically" caused by HiV/Aids. 'this is almost three times the nnmber of deaths "explicitly ceriified" as lllV/Aicls-related by the De- Ir dekades in Indie ge- aborteer. pto 'n Span wetenskaplikes het die vroulike vrugbaarheidsyfers van 6 miljoen mense in Indi€ ondersoek en gevind daar is om- x trent'n halfmiljoen partment of Florne Affairs. According to an actuarial formula, the shrdy reported that the death toU minder meisies verwag in al il.- miljoen wees, het 'n span wetenskap- children under the age of Iikes gesd fwe,4O727 otihe 54 313 deaths (74o/i .m 2ffi 0/1 could be "empirically" c.trassiflr:cl or in'n artikel wat gister in die aan- lyntydskrtf The as HlV/Aids-related, whereas thi,se *explicitly certified" as I{IV/Airlsrelated on official death certitica:,es 14 009, as in di6 10 crease in mortality related to HIV". numbered only 1997 Iand gebore. Verwerk oor 20 jaar sal die syfer E0arcd by 43% between 1996 and.2000ft. 1996, iltl lw adr.rlts died of all eautes,168 801 fevrer than the 2000/1 fieUr.e. ln This was "mainly a result of Sowat - miljoen vroulike Lancetverskyn het. Luidens die verslag is selektiewe aborsie 25o/o. die mees waarskynlike verduideliking vir afwykings in die geslagsverhouding. "Ons hetkonserwa- oor I 400 aborsies GERMRDDEBRTJIN Ifudcan 'n Durbanse dokter, 'n vroedvrou en twee sekretaresses het Woensdag in die hof in Durban verskyn in wat die omvangrykste aborsiesaak in die Suid-Afri- kaanse regsgeskiedenis kan wees. uitgevoer Dr. Vikesh Nandlall, 'n vroedvrou, mev. Anastasia Msweli, en twee sekretaresses, mee. Renel Dhania en Vineshree Reddy, het op meer as 23 000 aanklagte van ondef meer korrupsie, diefstal en stXafb4re manslag in die hof verskyn. Die aanklagte hou . verband met sowat 1400 l, ll tl Geen versikonings met nuwe kondoom Mense wat beweer hulle is allergies vir lateks, het nie meer 'n verskoning om nie die kondome te gebruik nie. Durex het pas die eerste kondome bekend gestel wat uit poliuretaan vervaardig is. Di6 kondoomvervaardiger het gister in 'n verklaring ges6 sy Avanti-kondoom is baie dunner as die latekskondome, maar dubbel so sterk. Die poliuretaan gelei glo ook liggaamshitte en kan met 'n oliebasissmeermiddel gebruik word. l\ die Rose-kliniek in die Durbanse middestad is. tiefbepaal dat prenaI Die vier word ook van omkol pery aangekla nadat hulle glo twee verpleegsters, mee. Nisha ni Kasevalu en Vanessa PiIIay, wat by die Addineton-hospitaal in die stad werk, betaal het om pasidnte vir aborsies na die kliniek te verwys. Die vier staan tereg op aanklag van strafbare manslag nadat die baba van'n vrou wat 28 weke swanger was, in Maart 2004 dood is toe hulle gehelp hel om die ongebore baba te aborteer. HuIIe het glo tot tien onwettige aborsies per dag uitgevoer, terwyl pasidnte tussen R200 en Rl 000 gevra is vir die operasies. Die staat voer aan baie van die aborsies is deur ongekwalifiseerde persone uitgevoer. Die hofverrigtinge is tot 16 Mei uitgestel. tale geslagsbepaling en selektiewe aborsie jaarliks verantwoordelik is vir'n halfmiljoen vermiste meisies," het die spanleier, dr. Pabhat Jha van die Universiteit van Toronto in Kanada, ges6. "As dit algemene praktyk was vir die afgelope twee dekades sedert sonars aIgemeen beskikbaar geword het, sal 'n ge- tal van 10 miljoen vermiste vroulike geboortes nie onredelik wees nie," het hy bygevoeg. - Reuters *fr s e FE*$F E Fgtrnfr'F5? Duitse rrroue meer kinders laat kty K-"ffi"fi"?Froet hulle aan te moedig om meer kinders te h6. Die Duitse regering het van- deesweek ges6 hY het ingestem dat woue in di6 tYtl 67oh van hul salaris sat krY om EuroPa' se dalende geboortesyfer te0 te werk. Die Pa's sal boonop twee maande verlof kry: Voorheen was woue in Duitsland geregtig oP net ses weke kraamverlof. Duitsland se geboortesYfer is elo byna onder oP die leer vir Europa met net 1,37 kinders Per wou. f-{ = )Jo Mnr. Ronald Pofalla, sekretaris-generaal van die Christen' Demokrate-Politieke Party, het ses6 die wetgewing sal van Jaiuarie 2007 geld as die Parlement dit goedkeur. Di6 goedkeuring is glo egter bloot'n formaliteit, omdat die land se linksgesinde regerende alliansie'n groot meerderheid het. Die wetgewing was die voorstel van me. Ursula LeYen, 'n ma van sewe. Daar word geskat dat die lanqer kraamverlof die regering iowat 4 miljard euro (R30,8 mil' jard) per jaar sal kos' -Sapa'AFP $EBE$gEFF PsE Egsla FsE'sH E FEs a*ggi[aEg sE.3ru?SB 3 aiiF E gE g [HFE;-iq '' g 6'Ff E,El s 3 EF'' F E cn a. o a. o rN { o o F ct) a\ EgEeg*rHs Vrouekondoom herbemark Marius Louw - Die herbekendstelling van die woulike kondoom volgende maand sal gepaard gaan met baie meer opleiding en bewusmaking daaroor. Mnr. Donovan Muller, sekretaris van Nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse Werkerswelsyn (NASAWW),'n nie-regeringsorganisasie sonder winsoogmerk, s6 die bekendstelling van die vroulike kondoom in 1997 was grootliks onsuksesvol weens 'n gebrek aan opleiding. "Tb min bewusmaking oor die werking en meriete van die vroulike kondoom was van die redes hoekom die vorige veldtog nie so goed gewerk het nie." Mnr. Pierre Uys, Wes-Kaapse LUR vir gesondheid, sal die herbekendstelling van die kondoom op Nasionale Vrouedag, 9 Augustus, waarneem. NASAWW en die Vroulike Gesondheidstigting, 'n nie-regeringsorganisasie met sy hoofkantoor in Brittanje, wil die vroulike kondoom in die Wes-Kaap herbekendstel omdat dit 'n rol te speel het in die stryd teen MIV/vigs. Albei organisasies hoop,om di6 program later vanjaar landwyd uit te brei. Navorsing is al gedoen om die tekortkominge van die vorige bekendstelling reg te stel, Iui'n verklaring deur NASAWW. "Die vroulike kondoom bemagtig vroue deur hulle die kans te gee om hulself beter te beskerm," sO Muller. "Baie mans hou nie daarvan om gewone Kaapstad. (manlike) kondome te gebruik nie." Volgens hom kan die kondoom tot agt uur voor gemeenskap ingesit word. Die kondome word uit die VSA ingevoer. Met die vorige bekendstelling is slegs sowat 1000 van di6 kondome maandeliks uitgereik. As deel van die herbekendstelling word beplan om 3 miljoen vanjaar landwyd beskikbaar te stel. Sedert April verlede jaar tot Maart vanjaar is altesame 1 275 000 van die kondome deur die departement van gesondheid versprei. Muller het ges6 die organisasies werk saam met die provinsiale departement van gesondheid asook munisipaliteite om die kondome by spreekkamers en klinieke be- skikbaar te stel. Hy hoop om die program ook na ander lande in Afrika uit te brei. Me. Katy Pepper, programbeampte vir Afrika van die Vroulike Gesondheidstigting, sd groot sukses is in onder meer Ghana, Rwanda en Zimbabwe met die wouIike kondoom behaal. Volgens die verklaring is een tekortkoming van die woulike kondoom dat dit'n piepgeluid maak tydens gemeenskap. Irr Senegal word dit gesien as 'n seksdrang-aanjaer. Die kondome word daar saam met erotiese krale verkoop wat woue om hul middels dra. Wanneer die wou rondbeweeg, maak die krale dieselfde piepgeluid as die kondoom. Suksesvolle herbekendstelling van die woulike kondoom kan volgens die navorsers jaarliks tussen 23 Off) en 39 000 MIV-in- feksies in Suid-Afrika voorkom. \, F o F 'EHEFFEFF E flf; H FHiB -.H E H A \9 (D A$H SHsrF' N CD )-r o H l.{ >J tr t-t $$FFEFFgB -IgearFAf, sl cn )Jo o\, 38 \5 g< o\ R E.OA egE $eEq xoo (D +lFiP o H0o H<(D cl Ft Fi oR' go F.'g rJ ! 5 q o. E :. r6'15g o sfii;E oiJ ;< 00(D )t E E .rrl P H @'. f-f ch (D gF II *HgE 'io ***F E is* E Efr6s r FF fi F eRF tE F;: Fl *E FFF =it; ea'oa.obnteer Ihitsers moet kinders h6r s6 staat r[g5 gp *' F'g g 3 x:s E lqia'3 E,HnF lji s. E +ee Ft s ;' B;eqH *gH gfFFEtrF te kry. OiC UeteiA is die naweek aangekondig nadat kommerwekkende data aan die lig sl- o ll S) F f o o a lrl g;g'H $$g ? H E^= E=; H ip P IEg HgFFf$r*FE5iflFiEil3 *T3 HH ?r; qIH3fgFHiFgflF F,F'i : gF,g l'.9:7 =1 3 $FB bs, d E R-F. 6.EE E" HtP;." l.F II cn s5' af,cFgaEE 3E nH E'E * 5FFq5g F D - FEE cn lfi EgF 3E$ \io agBxn ;*nA$f;5 3BFfi+3$ |Jo H H gFgH >) BBFEE tg3;IH E 15 i6H E +HH ' F.H 5 D g FBFH t IT 5 o (a q 0. o o <: F 6'6';. 6: ; QE.Eex SB F F 6'' F i * 'i g$$U F{ )-a $E Ff ? )-r H F; EfrFIH'E g=5 :zPY H F-'(D ch Ft 0) fioa o X -.-< n' iJ'(D a + 6 F;q6nEA _<Ed3 r- oq $. m fgggEFtM;BgFg 3qE 3qF*FEEHFfrIF$HEF g o R F S) o 5 t-t cn -i $) Sl E 5 tendens die volgende paar dekades sal ver- sterk. Ekonome waarsku dat die ekonomie erg die gemiddelde persoon wat ouer en meer afhanttik van die staat raak. Duitsland se gemiddelde ouderdom is 42 terwyl dit 24 is in Indi6. - Reuters 34. er statistics showsharp rise in crime --- r ao.oa.o.Vehicle hijackings and burglaries increased by 15 percent 0r more from March to June BY JEREMY GORDIN South Africa is in the grip of an unprece- dented crime wave, available statistics from short-term insurers confirm. The aiready unacceptable levels of motor vehicle hijacking and burglary claims have soared by roughly 20 percent and 15 percent, respectively between March and June. These national spikes do not include hijackings and burglaries committed against people who are not insured or do not make insurance claims. The South African Police Service (SAPS) releases crime statistics once a year - the numbers for 2006 are due to be released next month. But two of the big three short-term insur- ance underwriters, the Hollard insurance group and Mutual and Federal, have acknowledged that there has indeed been a spike in hijacking and burglary claims between March and June, thus confirming anecdotal evidence that these crimes have been on the increase nationally during the past six months. On Friday a senior police officer in Pretoria said: "We cannot say anything about statistics until next month when the minister [of safety and securityl releases the numbers. But what is coming out of the insurance figures is hardly surprising. About a month ago the minister and SAPS openly and clearly acknowledged that certain crimes have been on the increase - and that we are concerned about the increase. "This was why the minister convened special meetings with provincial safety and security MECs [members of the executive councilsl and put new plans in place." Francois Potgiete4 the managing director of Hollard's motor and household insurance division, told Die Burger newspaper this week that vehicle hijackings had "increased significantly" although actual car theft had decreased. He added that the most crimerelated claims received at the moment by Hollard in the "short-term arena" related to motor vehicle theft, bru'glary and hijacking. A Hollard insurance group spokesperson interim financial results would be announced on August 23 and "indicating what our claims ratio would be .., could affect our because its share price". SAPS's 2004-2W5 crime statistics, released last yeaq read that last year therewere276164 incidents of "burglary at residential premises" nationally - down on the previous year,s 299720. Car and truck hijackings, listed by SAPS as sub-categories of "aggravated robbery", for last year were given as 12 484 and gB0 nationally with the number of truck hiiackings slight)y up on the previous year. i Director Phuti Setati, the nationat SApS said on Friday that hijacking c)aims are I spokesperson, said: "SAPS has acknowledged believed to have soared by about 20percent. -,1 that we are very concerned about the increase Mariette Hendriks, the general manager of in certain violent crimes. But we have nut claims at Mutual and Federal, said burglary plans in place - visible policing is one of ihe claims had spiked by lspercent between elements - and we do believe that this is havMarch and June this year. ing an effect." "I am not especially surprised," said HenPhumla Mathala, the spokesperson for driks, "but, yes, it is pretty significant." Firoz Cachalia, the Gauteng MEC for commuHendriks noted that claims related to hi nity safety who said recenfly that he was tying jacking and the theft of vehicles, put into her himself to a new plan aimed at eradicating company had increased by only 4 percent. But crime, said that Cachalia had visited three she noted that different underwriting compacommunities in Gauteng this week in line nies had different "profiles". with his commitment to check that there was "In other words," said Hendriks, "another indeed an increased police presence. underwriter is more likely than we are to "Mr Cachalia did not merely visit the local specialise in motor vehicle insurance and police stations. He also went out and talked to therefore be better able to give better guidemembers of the community and they said Iines as to what is going on." there had been a difference recently - there Santam, the third of the big three underwere policemen to be seen and Urat it was writers, said it could not give any statistics, making a difference." Minder motordiefstal; meer rooftogre Christel Raubenheimer Hoe minder motordiefstal hoe meer gewapende rooftogte. "Hoe groter die afname in mo- tordiefstal in'n spesifieke polisiekantoor se wyk, hoe groter is die toename in rooftogte met verswa- soort midd.aadna'n ander gedoen het. Altbeker het gevind dat byna twee meer sulke rooftogte plaasvind vir elke drie motordiefstalle wat "voorkom word". Die voorkoming dui op 'n afname in die getal diefstqlJ" ult *otor*,,P.,r.1.1,, beteken as 'n polisiekantoor 'n vermindering van motordiefstalle perjaar ondervind, daar waarskynlik 'n verhoging van nagenoeg 85 voorvalle van roof 100 met verswarende ornstandighede sal voorkom. Altbeker grond sy navorsing op polisiesyfers van verskeie polisiekantore landwyd wat wys dat di6 kantore waar'n afname in motordiefstal voorgekom het, meestal'n toename in gewapende rooftogte ondervind het. Die verskuiwing van een soort misdaad (motordiefstal) na'n ander (roof met verswarende omstandighede) kan toegeskryf word aan beter polisiering, pogings wat aangewend word om motordiefstal stop te sit en die bydraes van private veiligheids- ob. o+ rC)Qc maatskappye en die algemene pu- bliek, sO Altbeker. Volgens hom lyk dit of die ver- hoogde risiko wat'n motordief in die gesig staar, daartoe gelei het dat sommige hulle na rooftogte wend om hul inkomste te verseker. "Daar was dus 'n verskuiwing van een soort misdaad na 'n ander," sO hy. Hoewel sommige mense die verskuiwing as negatief kan beskou, is dit eerder 'n teken dat misdaadvoorkomingsinisiatiewe werk, verduidelik Altbeker, "Misdaadvoorkoming is'n katen-muisspeletjie. As jy een ding doen om'n misdaad te voorkom. doen 'n krimineel iets anders. "Daar is dus bewyse dat die strategied werk, maar ook dat dit 'n paar onbedoelde gevolge het." lt SJ r* er: gs aal skaars Somer: it gaan goed naflm.{l "winter"' sal clie voorhoins vall lMlV teen 2025 net ef. Antoinette Pienaar I'ens daal van 19'% Swak selfdienende leierskap, negatiewe ekonomiese groei, seksuele geweld, misdaad, minder as 40o/,, kondoomgebruih onrler per jonges en 445 000 vigssterftes jaar. tot iVleer as 90% vanjonges sal l"B%,. Lewensverwagling sal daal van die huidige 51 tot 50 jaar en ongelel.tertlireid err wanvoeding sal aan die orde van die dae wees soos mense aI hr:e arrner word. Daar word voorspel die staat se welsynstelsel sal glad nie leop bo water hou nie met 786 000 Suid-Afrikaners sieh rnet vies. Dit is die verdoemende vigsscenario wat Suid-Af'r'ilra teen 2025 sal sien as die hanterine van die pandemie in die iand nie behoorlik aandag kry nie. Mense sal g1o antiretrovirale Metropolitan het vandees. rnerlisyne (ARW is giltjg en fratnaand di6 voorspelling gemaak riisionele medisSrne sal b,'rie ge nadat die regering die afgelope wiltl wees. Ftrulle sat steeds met tyd sterk aanduidings gegee het hul lewens woeher cleur kwakdat hy vigskommunihasie en szrlwers se vals vigskure te pro, vigsprograrnme wil r.egruk. beer. 'n Studie oor voorspellfurgs clie regering, vir Xnrlien daar egter sterh lejer- nie-regerilrgsorga- Daarbinne sal rnense verantIrA- lld vir kondome gereeld gebruik. In die beste scenario word voorspel die aantal NllV-positiewes sal tot 2,4 miljoen daal teenoor 5 mi$oen tans en die voor- koms van MIV sal tot7"/" daal onder mense tussen 20 en 60 jaar. Die jaarlihse vigsster{tes sal 50% minder wees as in'n win- terscenario, sowat 200 000, en Iewensverwagting sal weer styg tot 59 jaar. Die doeltreffendheid van ARM sal erken word, maar mense sal weet op watter manier natuurlike lnedisyne en voeding 'n roi kan speel, Iui die verslag. Me. tr)esiree Daniels, Metropolitan se vigsprojekbestuurder, s6 die navorsing kan besluitnemers laat besefhoe drasties hul aksies die lot van die lanct oor die votrgende clekades kan beinvloed. Daar word voorspel kumulatiewe besteding aan vigsprogramme tussen 2005 en 2025 sal in die beste scenario rneer R284 uri{ard beloop, as beleid van I kind per gesln verander UOW ovt promotes pf0m0tgS ;;#:::: teen pfegnanG! a? ee. Di6 land se topgesinsbeplanningsbeampte het enige moontlike veranderinge van di6 beIeid uitgesluit en volgens die amptelike nuusagentskap Xinhua gewaarsku dat di6 oorbevolke land opnuut 'n sterk styging in geboortes kan verwag. Di6 kommunistiese land het sedert die jare 70 die meeste landelike paartjies tot een kind per gesin en stedelike pare tot twee kinders per gesin beperk in 'n poging om China se bevol- China nog'n groot bevolkingstoename ervaar en dit sal meer druk op ons hulpbronne en omgewing plaas," lui Xinhua se berig. Menseregte-aktiviste en sekere buitelandse regerings kritiseer die beleid. Plaaslike beamptes wat onder druk is om di6 beleid toe te pas, word dikwels daarvan beskuldig dat hulle vroue probeer - Teenage pregnancies are being encouraged by the is sulke optrede ontoelaatbaar. Die beleid het die afgelope boortes voorkom, het Weiqing bevolkings-en-gesinsbeplanningskommissie, het gesdChina verwag'n nuwe geboorte- relatief gemaklike lewe te verseker - sou nie behaal kon word drie dekades 400 miljoen means-tested and goes to both mi ried and unmarried women. Australian government with an of- "I had two visits from motht fer ofa cash paytnent for every new baby, a Sydney school principal said yesterday over the past three weeks and th Under a programme intended to help raise the birth rate a bounty of 3 000 Australian dollars is paid for every child born from the start'of tfie financial year on oorreed om aborsies te onder- JuIy 1. The lump-sum payment, gaan ofgesteriliseer te word, al which will rise to A$5 000 (R22 470) kingsgroei van 1,3 miljard mense per jaar te vertraag en sy skaars hulpbronne te bewaar. Mnr. Zhang Weiqing, minister in beheer van die nasionale ontploffing. Daarom behoort die bevol- SYDNEY in 2008, is tax free, not came to tell me that since tl tl A$3 000 bonus was announced they'd heard their two daughtt discussing falling pregnant get the A$3 000," Plumpton Hi School principal GIen Sarge said. There are already a doz teenage mothers who take thr babies to classes at Plumpt High.-Sapa-DPA. ge- ges0. "Die doel - om vir Chinese 'n as ons 400 miljoen meer mense gehad het nie," het die minister bygevoeg. - Sapa.AP 4l ? tr' selfuoordtou In word sommige lande aI hoe minder babas gebore - in ander styg die geboortekoers. Bevolkingsomwentelings kan die w6reld se toekoms= bepaa,I, skr5rf trIlp In die duisende jare sedert die moord noern skepping het die wdreldbevolking tot in l-950 tot 2 miljard mense -- ge- groer. In net die 50 jaar daarna het dit met'n ongelooflike 4 miljardtot'n rekordvlak van 6 miljard mense saaklikheid van geboortebeperkings. Kenners is dit egter eens dat toegeneem, met voorspellings van byna 9 miljard mense op die aardbol teen die jaar 2050. Die krisis 16 egter nie in die dreigende bevolkingso ntp loffing nie, Daarteenoor beleef die meeste ont- wikkelende lande net die teenoorgestelde en word daar bereken dat tot97"h van die toekomstige groei van sowat 3 miljard mense in die volgende paar dekades hoofsaak- Iik in di6 lande gaan wees. Dit beteken dat die totale bevolking in ontwikkelde lande op nie meer as 1,2 miljard te staan gaan kom nie, terwyl onderontwikkelde bevolkings van 4,8 miljard tot 7,8 l aanpassings in waardestelsels nodig is, gekoppel aan'n herbalansering van werk-en gesinslewens. 'n Terugkeer na die ou vrou-in-diehuis-tradisie gaan nie meer werk nie, maar aanpassings in die maar in die huidige bevolkingslnploffine in die ontwikkelde w6reld, sd Peter Peterson, voorsitter van die Amerikdanse raad op buitelandse betrekkinge. Lande in die ontwikkelde w6reld beleef tans 'nongekende afname in geboortes wat gepaard gaan met'n ongekende vergrysing (veroudering) Van hul bevolkings. oor die hantering van die krisis nie. Die w6reld het tradisioneel gefokus op die gevare van die bevolkings6ntploffing en die nood- werkomgewing vir werkende ma's en hul babas sa,l oorwees realsie gskrisis planeet 1,8 en Spanje, op 1,1 Hff*i: sraan. Dit teenoor die palestyne se 7,3 kinders per vrou. . Die demografiese revolusie kan ingrypende omwentelings tot gev.olq h9. Bevolkingsgroei en _ver_ skuiwings was nog altyd die enjin van die geskiedenis en omvorm gewoonlik gemeenskappe en hul politieke, kulturele en maatskap_ I Die skrywer is uitvoerende hoof van wtWU_soUaariteit en het oie argerope jare n stuoie gemaak van globale demograliese veran_ derings en die impak daarvan op die wOreldekonomie. like stelsels. Ekonome waarsku oor die moontlikhede van permanente demografies gedrewe resessies na_ miljard behoort te groei - die Afrika en Asi6. meeste daarvan in Die w6reld is die afgelope b00 jaar deur die Weste oorheers. Di6 oorheersing het gespruit uit die Westerse demografiese mag, aangevul deur'n kollektiewe waardestelsel wat ingestel was op ontwikkeling, teglologie en wetenskap. Die bevolkingsinplofling in die Westerse lande en Japan, veroorsaak deur die gevolge van moder- nisering, kan tot ingrypende omwentelings in die wdreld lei. Die tydsberekening en omvurng van di6 bevolkingstydbom is klaar se bejaardes is die impakkannou word _ dit is dus nie net vae voorspellings nie. . Japan het verlede jaar minder enige ander is sedert 1899, sland minder babas as in Nepal gebore is, wat minder as 'n kwart van Duitsland se bevolking het. In Wes-Europa is in 1998 die minste babas sedert wOreldekonomie dryf, voorspel niks goeds as hul bevolkings en ekonomied afplat nie. Die geopoiitieke omwentelings kan net so enorm wees. Die leidende Westerse rol in die w6reldpolitiek en -ekonomie kan oorgaan na jonger en groter volke, met moontlike drastiese gevolge vir Westerse waardes soos liberale demokrasie en die kapitalistiese stelsel. Die arbeidstekorte in ouer en ryker lande kan tot sterk Suid- Noord-immigrasiedruk lei, waar Duitsland oor minder as 20 jaar reeds meer as 30% nie-tradisioneIe Duitse inwoners behoort te h6. Die Westerse welsynstaat gaan onbekostigbaar duur raak, maar die opkomende groot grys stemkrag gaan die stelsel moeilik maak om te verander, wat tot politieke verdelingslyne volgens ouderdom kan lei. Daar is tans nie baie voorstelle 1945 gebore. Daar word bereken dat die bevolkings van Wes-Europa en Japan voor die einde van die eeu met byna die helfte kan d.aal, wat sommige kenners demografiese self- +a Q\ \ E"58€3gE"EEFiQ,I : H'E d sEEFFE,E E FET (\ tE fH,gE E i3n: F?;H h- C/l s\ \ N N ,$ cEgEHH H5s t$ 8[F IHaF*E$*} gBEIH o 5 !) = o o @ FD = E Hfi9 HE. 6 EA i>OA 3 o 5:9 tiP +OJ , fls > CDY= oHo +lf;*EgFgHFgF3E fiF '[FsH'F d EiH 4:cn 'hH. \ N, N c\ (\ \) $ t (u d1 \\ V FgE fSE sr F tE gg EiBc FFFEe;*a?3frg39PP ri F"fls F€ E"=F.FE A+3f Ffrs<F Fg€s psF3[EBp$n F$ifleE sE?E ES5fFt'€i'riE, n=FEE B+F 6qr PH $.FgBf "F-F,t =E.'trsFg-HFg * H il$ SJgSs{--5FFEFEEEFFE E - (D S- :Fj Q HO l Q hT r;w g196 qs S*eH IsEgG E3 G (] s:i 3 5E *FF;g FgqtrB'UHFH L- \ 3agg$H il FFE FEU FF Pv N \ N. 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