UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Regulatory Article 1360 RA 1360 - RTS Authorization Rationale The authority to operate and regulate military aircraft is vested in SofS. He delegates his authority for these matters to the appropriate Service COS for regulation of aircraft and aircraft systems for which they are responsible. Such regulation includes formulation of overall policy on aircraft operations including safety, airworthiness, training, operational safety and flying limitations. The PTL will certify that the initial set of RTS recommendations (RTSR) provides an acceptably safe operating envelope before presentation to the appropriate Operating Centre Director for approval and issue of the recommendation to the RTSA for authorization. Subsequent RTSRs are certified iaw the delegation to the PTL and issued to the RTSA for authorization. Contents 1360(1): RTSR Certification 1360(2): Initial RTSR Approval 1360(3): RTS Authorization Regulation 1360(1) 1360(2) 1360(3) RTSR Certification 1360(1) The RTSR and subsequent changes shall be certified by the individual with the necessary delegated authority. Initial RTSR Approval 1360(2) The initial RTSR shall be approved by the Operating Centre Director with the necessary delegated authority. RTS Authorization 1360(3) The RTS and subsequent changes shall be authorized by the RTSA with the necessary delegated authority. Acceptable Means of Compliance 1360(1) 1360(2) 1360(3) 1. The initial issue of the RTSR and its associated Safety Case (SC) should be approved by the Operating Centre Director with the appropriate delegated authority in the DE&S following certification by the PTL. 2. Subsequent amendment and re-issues of the RTSR should be certified iaw the delegation to the PTL. The PTL may delegate his authority to approve amendments to or re-issues of RTS recommendations. Such a delegation should be to a competent individual of B1/Capt(RN)/Col/Gp Capt or above. In exceptional circumstances this can be delegated to a competent individual of B2/Cdr/Lt Col/Wg Cdr level. 3. The initial issue and subsequent changes to the RTS should be authorized by the RTSA with delegated authority from the appropriate Chief of Staff (COS). Any RTSA delegated authority should be of B1/Capt(RN)/Col/Gp Capt or above. RA 1360 Initial Issue AIL1 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 10 Regulatory Article 1360 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Guidance Material 1360(1) 1360(2) 1360(3) General 4. This RA must be read in conjunction with: a. RA1019 – PTL Roles and Responsibilities. b. RA1018 – RTSA Roles and Responsibilities. c. RA1003 – Delegations. d. RA1300 – Release To Service. e. RA1370 – RTS Upkeep. Release to Service Authorities 5. The following posts act as the RTSA for their Service's aircraft, and will receive appropriate letters delegating authority for airworthiness and release to service: a. RN aircraft: ACNS DRTSA on behalf of CNS. b. Army aircraft: ACGS DRTSA on behalf of CGS. c. RAF aircraft: ACAS on behalf of CAS. d. Joint Force aircraft: As agreed by the relevant COS. Responsibilities and Procedures 6. The PTL will have agreed an Integrated Test, Evaluation and Acceptance Plan (ITEAP) with the HOC, based on meeting the requirements of the User Requirements Document (URD). 7. Towards the end of the demonstration phase the PTL will agree with the sponsoring HOC whether the demonstrated operational and safety capability of the aircraft has reached a point that is acceptable for Service use. The PTL will then offer the agreed initial aircraft capability to the HOC in conjunction with the supporting Release to Service Recommendations (RTSR) and associated SC, approved for issue by the Operating Centre Director with appropriate delegated authority in the DE&S. 8. Once satisfied, the HOC will offer the aircraft for Service use to the prospective RTSA. This offer will be made in the form of a letter, referring to the RTSR and the Project Specification, and identifying any areas of the specification that have not been met. 9. The RTSA (also see Annex A) will then: a. Identify an officer who will act as the delegated RTSA for the project. The officer will be appointed the delegated RTSA for the project and empowered by a personal letter of airworthiness delegation. b. Obtain confirmation that all the operating and support elements necessary to preserve the airworthiness of the aircraft during operation are in place. c. Formally release the aircraft for Service use; this may be based on the model letter at Annex A. 10. RTS process maps are at Annex B. Staffing Procedures for Release to Service Recommendations 11. Origin of Changes to the RTS. The RTSA will have to consider proposals for change to the RTS resulting from the 3 traditional sources: Designer changes; Service Modification design changes; and RTSA sponsored changes to operating limitations. 12. Guidance on the Formulation of Staffing Procedures. The RTSA and PT staff need to work together to formulate staffing procedures that ensure that only fully staffed RTSRs of the appropriate level are presented to the RTSA. They will aim to make maximum use of existing approval mechanisms and delegate approval authority to the lowest competent level. The rules to be followed for the clearance and approval of all changes to the RTS, including Temporary Clearances and Clearances with Page 2 of 10 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED RA 1360 Initial Issue AIL1 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Regulatory Article 1360 Guidance Material 1360(1) 1360(2) 1360(3) Limited Evidence, need to be developed and, where appropriate, agreed and recorded in the IBA. The RTSA and the PTL must ensure that appropriate supplements to the SC are prepared in support of the change, and that the Aircraft Document Set (ADS) amendments are available 6 months prior to operation of Service aircraft incorporating the change. The safety justifications and ADS amendments will support the PTL prepared RTSR, which informs the RTSA of the safety implications of incorporating the change into the RTS. 13. Dissemination of Information. The RTSA must ensure that all organizations that have a long term role and involvement with the RTS and the SC are kept informed of changes to the design standard and/or usage in service. However, RTSR must be directed only to the RTSA, through the appropriate staffing chain. 14. Conditions for Acceptance of an RTSR. The output of the joint RTSA/PT staffing process must ensure that the following conditions are met: a. There must be an adequate supplement to the SC that: (1) Relates the change proposal to the appropriate as-flown configurations. (2) Clearly identifies the audit trail. (3) Shows that the implications are understood across the whole of the ADS, not just the RTS. (4) Assesses the risk to life associated with the change in relation to the project safety requirements. b. The safety arguments must be subject to an appropriate level of independent evaluation, both on grounds of propriety and to crosscheck the completeness of the arguments. c. In order to accept an RTSR where the conditions in Paras 14 a. and/or b. above are not fully implemented, the RTSA must justify the decision in a supplement to the SC; e.g. the proposed change is clearly so simple that further safety arguments are not required. d. The RTSA may accept an RTSR with risk outside the project safety target, but must include his operational justification for its tolerability in a supplement to the SC, and show that the risk has been reduced to ALARP. 15. Consideration of RTSRs. In considering an RTSR, the RTSA will: a. Review the adequacy of the safety justification; consider the change in overall risk to the ‘as flown’ aircraft; b. Authorize the implications on operating safety; c. Ensure the sufficiency of the ADS. Note: the acceptance of Service changes within the RTS does not imply a reduction in the standards of competency required of design, manufacture, test or evaluation that underlies the preparation and substantiation of the SC. The RTSA will record these considerations to complete the supplement to the SC for the change so that, once authorized, the audit trail for the RTS change is complete. The record will be maintained in Part G of the RTS. RA 1360 Initial Issue AIL1 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 10 Regulatory Article 1360 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED ANNEX A MODEL COVER LETTER FOR THE RELEASE TO SERVICE {Office of the RTSA} {aircraft type and mark} MOD({appropriate department}) RELEASE TO SERVICE ISSUE 1 This Issue has been authorized by {post title of the RTSA} date Page 4 of 10 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED RA 1360 Initial Issue AIL1 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Regulatory Article 1360 {file} {date} See Distribution MOD ({appropriate department}) RELEASE TO SERVICE – {aircraft type and mark} References: A. RA1300 – RTS. B. RA1360 – RTS Authorization. C. RA1370 – RTS Upkeep. 1. The {aircraft type and mark} is released to Service flying subject to the limitations stated in this MOD({appropriate department}) Release to Service (RTS) and is promulgated in accordance with Reference A-C. 2. The limitations of the RTS are the definitive limits for the aircraft in Service regulated flying. Where any conflict arises between this RTS and any other Aircraft documentation, the limitations in the RTS are overriding. 3. Authorized holders of the RTS are to ensure that all RTS documents that define current flight limitations are kept with this letter of authority under one cover. 4. The authority for approving changes to this RTS is vested in {appropriate post title} as my Delegated Release to Service Authority for the {aircraft type and mark}. {Name} {Rank} {Post title of the Head of the Service Operations Branch/RTSA} RA 1360 Initial Issue UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Page 5 of 10 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Regulatory Article 1360 ANNEX B RTSA PROCESS MAPS Level 0 CONSTRAINTS NEED FOR AUTHORIZED RTS PROCESS RTS RTS RTSA RESOURCES Level 1 RTS PROCESS RTS COMPILATION & SUBMISSION PROCESS NEED ASSESSMENT PROCESS DRTSA Level 2 RTS NEED ASSESSMENT PROCESS AGREE RTS COMPILATION & SUBMISSION PROCESS AGREED IDENTIFY NEED IMPLEMENTATION THE NEED RTS SAFETY CASE COMPILATION AND ASSESSMENT IMPLEMEN ACCEPTABLE RTS SAFETY SUBMISSION CASE DRTSA DRTSA -TATION Level 3 (Activities) Need for for RTS RTS Need Agreed Need Page 6 of 10 Agreed Need RTS IMP Plan RTS IMP Plan Acceptable SC UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Acceptable SC AUTHORIZED RTS RA 1360 Initial Issue AIL1 JSP 553 TRI‐SERVICE RTSA PROCESS – LEVEL 3 ACTIVITIES FORMAL REQUEST FOR RTS* VIA SM/DM PROFORMA OR SERVICE SPECIFIC FORM, I.E. SOR NEED FOR RTS REVIEW AGREED NEED TO IDENTIFY IMPACT ON RTS/ADS, SUPPORTING EVIDENCE & POTENTIAL SHORTFALLS/ CONFLICTS AGREED NEED RTSA DO ASSESSES VALIDITY OF RTS CHANGE, IMPACT & OPTIONS LIAISE WITH PT TO CONFIRM SCOPE & TIMING OF MAR/RTSR CHANGE AND/OR DM/SM ACTION ‘SMART’ LIAISE WITH RELEVANT RTSA TO ASSESS JOINT NEED/CLEARANCE YES CHANGE APPLICABLE TO OTHER RTSAs? ADVISE PT/SPONSOR ON SUITABILITY OF SUPPORTING EVIDENCE, HIGHLIGHTING WHERE FURTHER EVIDENCE WILL BE REQUIRED INITIAL/ EXISTING SUPPORTING EVIDENCE NO RTS NEED VALID & AGREED WITH SPONSOR? RTS IMP PLAN NO ALL RTS NEEDS IDENTIFIED? YES NO YES PRODUCE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN IN CONSULTATION WITH PT/SPONSOR ADS DM DO IMP SC SM SMART SOR – AIRCRAFT DOCUMENT SET – DESIGN ORGANISATION MODIFICATION – RTSA/PT DESK OFFICERS – IMPLEMENTATION – SAFETY CASE – SERVICE MODIFICATION – SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, REALISABLE, TIMELY – STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT AIRCRAFT PROGRAMME? KEY MILESTONES? TRIALS? TIMINGS? (CONCURRENT PROJECTS/ OTHER PT/SPONSOR COMMITMENTS) ALIGNED WITH JOINT CLEARANCE? NO RTSR – RTS RECOMMENDATION RA 1360 Initial Issue UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED RTS IMP PLAN AGREED WITH PT/SPONSOR? YES Page 7 of 10 RTS IMP PLAN SC EVIDENCE STAKEHOLDER/ PT/ SME/ ETC DO FOLLOWS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, COMPILING SC EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT RTS NEED. QUALITY OF EVIDENCE EVALUATED AND SAFETY, AIRWORTHINESS & SUPPORTABILITY ASSESSED DO PREPARES SC SUBMISSION FOR RTSA ACCEPTABLE SC CERTIFIED RTSR FOR ** RTSA STAFF REVIEW YES NO NO ACCEPTABLE? FULL SC EVIDENCE AVAILABLE? DO/PT MANAGE CHANGES FOR PTL RE-CERTIFICATION YES PROJECT SAFETY TARGET MET OR RISK ALARP? RECOMMENDED CLEARANCE TO DRTSA YES NO ADS DM DO IMP SC SM SMART SOR – AIRCRAFT DOCUMENT SET – DESIGN ORGANIZATION MODIFICATION – RTSA/PT DESK OFFICERS – IMPLEMENTATION – SAFETY CASE – SERVICE MODIFICATION – SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE REALISABLE, TIMELY – STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT ACCEPTABLE? DO COMPILES PRACTICABLE RISK REDUCTION MEASURES & MITIGATES ANY RESIDUAL RISK TO ALARP NO YES NO MAJOR AMEND? YES DO MAKES NECESSARY CHANGES TO SC CLEARANCE TO RTSA RTSR – RTS RECOMMENDATION * Process applies equally to an initial issue RTS Agreed Need NO NO ACCEPTABLE? ACCEPTABLE SC? YES YES AUTH’D BY DRTSA AUDIT TRAIL ARCHIVED Page 8 of 10 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED RA 1360 Initial Issue AUTH’D BY RTSA/DRTSA AUTH’D CLEARANCE RECORDED & DISTRIBUTED AUTHORIZED RTS ANNEX C RTSA DELEGATION [placeholder] RA 1360 Initial Issue UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED Page 9 of 10 Intentionally Blank for Print Pagination Page 10 of 10 UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN PRINTED RA 1360 Initial Issue
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