
Publications !
1. Monograph:
The Cultural Politics of Female Sexuality in South Africa. New York, London: Routledge (2010).
[1st edition sold out; currently print on demand. Paperback published July 2011]
° Selected reviews: African Historical Review (Vol. 43/2, 2011: 106-109); Agenda (Vol.26/3, 2012: 98101); Darkmatter (23. May 2012); Forum for Development Studies (Vol. 39/3, 2012: 449-451);
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (Vol. 13/3, 2011: 512-514); Scrutiny2. Issues
in English Studies in Southern Africa (Vol. 17/1, 2012: 87-99).
2. Editorial/Anthology:
2.1. (with Zethu Matebeni and Catherine Raissiguier) “In Movement: Women in Africa and the African
Diaspora.“ Special Issue for JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies. [all contributions are
currently under peer review, publication date June 2014]
2.2. (with Olaf Stieglitz) “Sport und Körper” [Sport and the Body]. Special Issue for the Online Journal Body
Politics – Zeitschrift für Körpergeschichte ( [all contributions are currently under peer
review, publication date April 2014]
2.3. (with Max Annas, Annett Busch) “Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme” Issue 1, Berlin: Brinkman&Bose, 2013.
2.4. (with Max Annas, Annett Busch) “Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme” Issue 2, Berlin: Brinkman&Bose, 2013.
2.5. (with Max Annas, Annett Busch) “Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme” Issue 3, Berlin: Brinkman&Bose, 2013.
2.6. (with Chrysanthi Nigianni and Fanny Söderbäck) Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought
and Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2012).
2.7. (with the DFG-Network “Body in Cultural Studies”) What can a body do? Praktiken und Figurationen des
Körpers in den Kulturwissenschaften [What can a body do? Practices and Figurations of the Body within Cultural
Studies]. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus (2012).
° Review: Deutschlandradio (; Missy Magazine
03/12; sehenpunkte 13, No. 7/8 (
2.8. (with Ben Pitcher) Co-editor of “Racism in the Closet: Interrogating Postcolonial Sexuality”, the thirdthemed issue of the online-journal darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture
( Mai 2008.
3. Journal Articles/Book Chapters:
3.1. “‘We’ve been to the moon and back’ - das afrofuturistische Partikulare im universalisierten Imaginären”
[‘We’ve been to the moon and back’ – afrofuturist particularism within the universal imaginary]. In:
Bergermann, Ulrike and Nanna Heidenreich (eds.) total. Universalismun und Partikularismus in postkolonialer
Medientheorie. Berlin: Transcript, as part of the series ‘Post_koloniale Medienwissenschaften’ (in print).
3.2. “Spiegelungen von color bars? Keller in Südafrika, 1951” [Reflections of the color bars? Keller in South Africa,
1951]. In: Bergermann, Ulrike (ed.) Disability trouble. Ästhetik und Bildpolitik bei Helen Keller. Berlin: b_books, as
part of the series PolyPen (2013), pp. 309-317.
3.3. “The Politics of Appearance in Global Petitions – Some Reflections on Postcolonial Homophobia, Local
Interventions and Queer Solidarity Online.” African Studies Review, Vol. 56, Issue 02 (September 2013), pp 67 81.
3.4. “Désiré.” In: Annas, Max, Annett Busch and Henriette Gunkel (eds.) Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme. Issue 3, Berlin:
Brinkman&Bose, 2013 pp. 177-181.
3.5. “Introduction: A Politics of Visibility.” In: Gunkel, Henriette, Chrysanthi Ngianni and Fanny Söderbäck (eds.)
Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
(2012), pp. 129-140.
3.6. (with Elahe Haschemi Yekani) “Praxis (Sich-)Fortbewegen” [Practice: To Move (Forward)]. In: Körper in den
Kulturwissenschaften (ed.) What can a body do? Praktiken und Figurationen des Körpers in den
Kulturwissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus (2012), Praktiken 57-69.
3.7. (with Olaf Stieglitz) “Praxis Sex Machen/Sex Haben” [Practice: To Make/To Have Sex]. In: Körper in den
Kulturwissenschaften (ed.) What can a body do? Praktiken und Figurationen des Körpers in den
Kulturwissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus (2012), Praktiken 97-110.
3.8. “Queer Times Indeed? Südafrikas Reaktionen auf die mediale Inszenierung der 800Meter Läuferin Caster
Semenya.” In: Feministische Studien 1/2012, pp. 44-52.
3.9. (with Max Annas) “Vukani – Awake! (1962) A cinematic context.” In: Electric Jive, November 19, 2011
(available online:
3.10. “Re/Positioning African Media Studies. Die Herausforderung, Postkolonialität und Medialität zusammenzudenken” [Re/Positioning African Media Studies. The Challenge to think Postcoloniality within Media Studies].
In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 04 (1/2011), pp. 198-203.
3.11. “‘...after a short illness’ – Vom Umgang mit Tod und dem Status der eigenen Endlichkeit im Kontext
Südafrikas” [‘..after a short illness’ – Some Reflections on death and the status of one’s own eternity in the context
of South Africa]. In: Polar 10: Tod und Gesellschaft. Campus Verlag (2011), pp. 57-61.
3.12. “‘I myself had a sweetie…’ – Re-thinking female same-sex intimacy beyond the institution of marriage and
identity politics.” In: Social Dynamics. A Journal of African studies. Published by Routledge, in association with
the Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town. Vol. 36/3, 2010, pp. 497-512.
3.13. (with Christiane König) “‘You are not welcome here’: Post-Apartheid Negrophobia and Real Aliens in
Blomkamp’s District 9.” In: darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture (7 February 2010). Available online:
3.14. “‘What’s identity got to do with it?’ - Thinking Intimacy beyond Heterosexuality and Kinship in Contemporary South Africa.” In: NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. Published by Routledge, Vol.
17/3, 2009, pp. 206-221.
3.15.1. “Through the post-colonial eyes: images of female same-sex intimacy in contemporary South Africa.” In:
Special Issue of the Journal for Lesbian Studies on “The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture”, Vol.
13/1, 2009, pp. 77-87.
3.15.2. “Through the post-colonial eyes: images of female same-sex intimacy in contemporary South Africa.” In:
Cooper, Sara E. (ed) Lesbian Images in International Popular Culture. London and New York: Routledge
3.16. “‘What do we see when we look at ourselves?’ - Visual dissidence towards (post)colonial sex/gender
organisations within post-apartheid South African culture.” In: Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed.) Dissidences et Identités
Plurielles. Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy (2008), pp. 160-185.
3.17. (with Ben Pitcher) “Editorial: Racism in the Closet – Interrogating Postcolonial Sexuality.” In: darkmatter.
in the ruins of imperial culture, No. 3 (Mai 2008).
3.18. (with Ben Pitcher) “Q&A with Jasbir Puar.” In: darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture, No.3 (Mai
3.19. “Pride and Prejudice.” In: analyse&kritik. Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis, ed. by analyse, kritik und
information GmbH, Hamburg. Nr. 503, 2006.
3.20. “I’m a legal lesbian in Joburg.” In: Gigi, Zeitschrift für sexuelle Emanzipation, ed. by whk – wissenschaflich-humanitäres komitee, Berlin. Nr. 40, 2005.
3.21. “Schwarze Körper Weißer Herren” [Black Bodies White Men] In: Gigi, Zeitschrift für sexuelle Emanzipation,
ed. by whk – wissenschaftlich-humanitäres komitee, Berlin. Nr. 27, 2003.
3.22. “Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft. Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Südafrika” [The Mirror Image of Society.
Gender-based Violence in South Africa]. In: iz3w – blätter des informationszentrums 3. Welt, ed. by Aktion Dritte
Welt e.V., Karlsruhe. No. 270, 2003, pp. 36-37.
3.23. “Schwarze Feminismen. Afrikanische Wissenschaftlerinnen diskutieren über Womanism” [Black Feminisms.
African Scholars discuss Womanism]. In: iz3w – blätter des informationszentrums 3. Welt, ed. by Aktion Dritte
Welt e.V., Karlsruhe. No. 264, 2002, pp. 36-37.
Accepted, forthcoming:
3.24. (with Max Annas) “An Act of Citizenship - Mozambican Films from Kuxa-Kanema to a Cinema of Resistance.” In: Schuhmann, Antje and Jyoti Mistry (eds.) African Women in Film. Pretoria: Unisa Press (submitted
and accepted).
4. Reviews:
4.1. Rez. Judith Halberstam, The Queer Art of Failure. Duke University Press, 2011. In: Feministische Studien,
2/2012, pp. 351-353.
4.2. Rez. Catherine M. Cole, Takyiwaa Manuh, Stephan F. Miescher (Eds.): Africa After Gender? Bloomington
and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2007. In: Gender Forum 21, 2008 (online available here:
4.3. (with Max Annas) Rez. “Testing Hope – Grade 12 in the new South Africa” by Molly Blank, Cape Town
2008. In: (26. September 2008)