Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa Main and Post-Congress Curricula Vitae of Faculty Members Allen, Brian (B.Psych, B.Sc) - Australia Brian Allen is a graduate of the University of Western Australia and a registered Psychologist in full time private practice in Perth, Western Australia. He is a Past-President of The Australian Society of Hypnosis, its current Treasurer and a Board Member of The International Society of Hypnosis. He has 36 years of experience in the field of hypnosis both as a practitioner and a teacher. For the past 20 years he has conducted the Australian Society of Hypnosis`s training program in Western Australia. In addition he has been an invited presenter at state, national and international conferences. Biberacher, Marlene (Dipl.Soz.Päd) - Deutschland Marlene Biberacher ist Diplomsozialpädagogin in München, Deutschland und arbeitet beim Evangelischen Beratungsdienst für Frauen. Dies ist eine Einrichtung für wohnungslose Frauen in sozialen Schwierigkeiten. Marlene Biberacher arbeitet schwerpunktmäßig mit Frauen in der Altersgruppe von 17-25 Jahren. Sie berät auch in in eigener Praxis in Eching/ Nähe München, Deutschland, dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt in der Akutberatung nach traumatischen Ereignissen. Sie absolvierte eine Ausbildung in Traumazentrierter Fachberatung (Psychodynamisch Imaginative Traumatherapie) bei Peter Fricke, nach Luise Reddemann. Sie ist Mitbegründerin des Trauma Hilfe Zentrums in München und war von 2005 bis 2010 die zweite Vorsitzende. 2011 gründete sie mit Ulrike Beckrath-Wilking und Volker Dittmar das Trauma Institut Süddeutschland (TIS). Sie erarbeitete mit Ulrike Beckrath-Wilking und Volker Dittmar ab 2005 das Curriculum "Traumazentrierte Fachberatung-und Traumapädagogik", das 2011 durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie und der Bundes Arbeitsgemeinschaft - Trauma Pädagogik zertifiziert wurde. Sie veröffentlichte Artikel über Traumaberatung in der Sozialarbeit. Im November 2012 wird das Buch von Ulrike Beckrath-Wilking, Marlene Biberacher und Volker Dittmar "Traumaberatung, Traumatherapie und Traumpädagogik" beim Junfermann Verlag (Paderborn) erscheinen. Derzeit unterrichtet sie in verschiedenen Institutionen in München, Bayern und nahe Berlin in Traumafachberatung. Seit 2011 Zusammenarbeit mit Woltemade Hartman Ph.D, Einführung, Vertiefung und Spezialseminare in Ego-State-Therapie in München. Carolusson, Susanna (M.Sc) - Sweden Susanna Carolusson, MSc, Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Psychotherapist, dipl. hypnotherapist, dipl. body psychotherapist, certified ego state therapist, certified supervisor and teacher in psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as ego state therapy, ESTI vice-president, SSCH honorary member and past- president, ESH-COR. Since 1976 she has worked with children, adult psychiatry, organizational counselling and neuropsychology, first employed and since 30 years in private practice. She is the director of advanced teaching programs for SSCH, was in the ISH and now in the ESH Council of Representatives. She was editor of the Swedish Journal of Hypnosis and is chairman of the Milton Erickson Foundation for Science and Research, SSCH. She is consulted by Gothenburg University as therapist and teacher. She was the clinician in a study on hypnosis and IBS, at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Since 1996 she is a regularly invited speaker at international congresses, has published two and co-authored five books, and published about 30 articles. Casula, Consuelo (Dipl.Psych) - Italy Consuelo Casula is President of the European Society of Hypnosis ( (2014-2017), psychologist and psychotherapist with a private practice in Milan. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Hypnosis since 2006; of the European Society of Hypnosis since 2009, and of the International Society of Hypnosis from 2012-2015, where she was Secretary/Treasurer (2009-2012). 1 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa She travels nationally and internationally as invited faculty at ESH, ISH and at the 10th (2007), 11th (2011), 12th (2015) International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy and at the ASCH 50th Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop (2008). In her practice she integrates hypnotherapy with pragmatic, systemic, strategic approaches, positive psychology and mindfulness. She is the author of seven books on leading training groups, effective communication, how to create metaphors, women’s development and resilience. The book on metaphors has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese and French. Cronauer, Elfie (Dipl.Psych) - Germany Elfie Cronauer works in private practice in Mönchengladbach, Germany as a psychodynamically oriented psychotherapist. Elfie primarily works with adults in her practice. She is certified as a Rogerian therapist and hypnotherapist. She has also been trained in the techniques of PITT (Reddemann), Ego State Therapy, Focusing, in the theory and therapy of the Structural Dissociation Model (Nijenhuis et al.), as well as in energy psychology. She is an EMDR consultant and certified as a specialist in Trauma Therapy (DeGPT). Cronauer, Elfie (Dipl.Psych) - Deutschland Elfie Cronauer ist seit 1981 Dipl.-Psychologin und seit 1998 niedergelassen in Mönchengladbach als tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapeutin. Frau Cronauer hat Ausbildungen in Gesprächspsychotherapie und Klinischer Hypnose bei der M.E.G. Deutschland. Sie hat vor ihrer Niederlassung viele Jahre an einer Familienberatungsstelle gearbeitet. Seit 1998 hat sie verschiedene Weiterbildungen im Bereich Psychotraumatologie gemacht, zunächst EMDR bei Arne Hofmann, dann PITT bei Luise Reddemann und Klinische Hypnose in Bonn und Krefeld bei der MEG Deutschland abgeschlossen. Ego-state-Therapie bei Maggie Phillips und Woltemade Hartman kamen hinzu, ebenso wie Weiterbildungen in Focusing, energetischer Psychotherapie (M.Phillips), und struktureller Dissoziation bei Ellert Nijenhuis. Frau Cronauer ist Mitglied bei EMDRIA Deutschland, bei der M.E.G. und bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie. Sie arbeitet als anerkannte EMDRIA Supervisorin und als Dozentin im Bereich Psychotraumatologie. Da Silva, Jenny (M.Ed Psych) - South Africa Jenny da Silva (M.Ed. (Ed Psych) (UJ); B.Ed. (Hons) (Ed Psych) (RAU); B.Ed. (Life Orientation) (RAU); DiplPsych) is a registered Educational Psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice in Radiokop, Roodepoort / Randburg, South Africa. She is a fellow-director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of South Africa and on the Executive Committee of Ego State Therapy International (ESTI) as Secretary. She received her training as an Ericksonian psychotherapist and Ego State Therapist through the Milton Erickson Institute of South Africa (MEISA) with Woltemade Hartman, Ph.D. She is also trained in Eye Movement Integration (EMI) and Somatic Experiencing (SE). She has presented at international and national conferences on the utilization of Ericksonian principles in conjunction with ego-state interventions with children. She is regularly consulted by journalists and the media on various topics. Fritz, Elzette (D.Ed) - South Africa Elzette Fritz is an Educational Psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice. She is a research and teaching associate in the Department of Educational Psychology, at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She is a co-director of the Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa (MEISA). She is the President of the South African Professional Society for the Abuse of Children (SAPSAC). She has presented at international and national conferences on the utilization of Ericksonion principles in conjunction with ego states therapy, especially utilizing creative expressive arts in psychotherapy. Dr. Fritz has published various articles and chapters on the topic of ego-states therapy and creative expressive arts. 2 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa Fruth, Sabine (Dr.Med) - Deutschland Sabine Fruth ist Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin mit der Zusatzausbildung zur Psychotherapeutin in eigener Praxis. Seit 2004 hat sie sich intensiv in medizinischer und psychotherapeutischer Hypnose bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen weitergebildet. Nach über 20-jähriger Tätigkeit als Landärztin konzentriert sie sich seit 2014 ganz auf die „sprechende Medizin“ mit dem Schwerpunkt der Hypnotherapie. Durch die Kombination hat sie einen ganz eigenen Ansatz entwickeln können, wodurch sowohl psychische als auch somatische Beschwerden hypnotherapeutisch behandelt werden. Im Speziellen sind daraus die eigenen Methoden der „Imaginären Körperreisen“ und des „Haus des Wissens“ entstanden, die Sabine Fruth seit 2012 auf zahlreichen Kongressen und in Seminaren verschiedener Institute vermittelt. Gomes, Sonia (Ph.D) – Brazil Sonia Gomes Silva has recently obtained a Ph.D degree in Clinical Psychology in New York. Sonia has accumulated more than 35 years of work in the field of Clinical Psychology and Body Orientation. She has advanced degrees in Structural Rolfing and Rolfing Movement. She is also an International Faculty Member teaching all levels of Somatic Experiencing Training (branches: USA, Brazil, Europe and Asia) and also teaches complementary programs to SE training designed by her. Currently she is the Director of the European Educational Committee for candidate trainers. She is Educational Director for International and National Affairs of the Brazilian Trauma Association and a founder member of Associação Brasileira do Trauma. Guse, Tharina (Ph.D) - South Africa Prof Tharina Guse is a counselling psychologist, Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Johannesburg and member of the Professional Board for Psychology of the Health Professions Council of South Africa. She commenced her training in hypnotherapy in 1989 through the South African Society of Clinical Hypnosis, completing advanced training in Medical Hypnoanalysis, Ego state therapy and Ericksonian approaches. Tharina has presented workshops and scientific papers both nationally and internationally. She has regularly been invited as guest lecturer on topics related to hypnosis and positive psychology to the University of Bologna, Italy and published several peer reviewed articles on hypnosis, positive psychology interventions and psychological strengths. Recently Tharina co-edited a textbook on positive psychology in the South African context. She also supervises postgraduate research in the areas of hypnosis and positive psychology. Hammel, Stefan (Dipl.Theol) - Germany Stefan Hammel, geb. 1967, ist systemischer Paar- und Familientherapeut, Hypnotherapeut nach Milton Erickson und evangelischer Klinik- und Psychiatrieseelsorger. Er ist Leiter des Instituts für Hypnosystemische Beratung in Kaiserslautern, Deutschland und Referent systemischer und hypnotherapeutischer Ausbildungsinstitute. In diesem Rahmen leitet er Seminare zu Therapeutischem Erzählen, Therapeutischem Modellieren (das „Stühlespiel“), Utilisation, Erickson’scher Therapie, Systemischer und Hypnosystemischer Beratung. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit liegen in den Bereichen Paar- und Familientherapie, Depression, Angst und Trauma, Kinder- und Jugendlichentherapie, Sterbe- und Trauerbegleitung sowie der psychotherapeutischen Unterstützung somatischer Heilung. Hattingh, Callie (MA.Clin.Psych) - South Africa Callie Hattingh is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in George, South Africa. He is the director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Cape Town South Africa (MECSA) and a registered trainer and supervisor with Ego State Therapy International (ESTI). He is the organizer of the MEISA Trauma Congresses in 2008 and 3 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa 2014. He has specialized in Ericksonian-, Ego State- and Somatic Experiencing Therapy. He has presented workshops at all five World Congresses on Ego State Therapy in Germany and in South Africa since 2003. He is involved in the training of psychotherapists and students in Ericksonian- and Ego State Therapy since 2001. He is also trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Eye Movement Integration (EMI), EdxTM (Energy Psychology) and Somatic Experiencing (SE). He presents nationally and internationally. Hartman, Woltemade (Ph.D) - South Africa Woltemade Hartman (Ph.D) is a Clinical and Educational Psychologist, and psychotherapist in private practice in Pretoria, South Africa. He received his training as an Ericksonian psychotherapist at the Ericksonian Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Dr Hartman also trained as an Ego State therapist with Prof J.G. Watkins and Mrs H. Watkins in Missoula, Montana, USA. He is the author of “Ego state therapy with sexually traumatized children” and “Einführung in die Ego-State Therapie”, as well as various articles on the topic of hypnosis and psychotherapy. Dr Hartman is the Founding Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa (MEISA). He currently serves as President of Ego State Therapy International (ESTI). Dr Hartman is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Psychology at the University of Johannesburg and lectures in South Africa, Europe, Australia, Canada, USA, China and Japan. He has been a Keynote Speaker at various international congresses. Dr Hartman is the recipient of the 2009 Early Career Award for Innovative Contributions to Hypnosis from the International Society of Hypnosis. He is also trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Eye Movement Integration (EMI), EdxTM (Energy Psychology), Impact Therapy, Mindfulness Techniques, Soma and Somatic Experiencing (SE). Howes, Debbie (M.Clin.Psych) - South Africa Debbie is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Johannesburg, South Africa. She qualified from Potchefstroom University in 1986, doing her thesis on a movement therapy. She subsequently completed the phase 3 modules of the SASCH courses in medical hypnoanalysis, as well as Eriksonian and Ego State therapy. She also qualified in level 2 of EMDR, and the advanced level of EMI. She incorporates the principles of hypnotherapy with a unique model, which includes a projective drawing and storytelling technique. Debbie also has a keen interest in complementary body healing techniques and runs meditation and movement therapy workshops. She has appeared on SABC 2 House Call, 702 radio, and written articles for magazines. Debbie is the author of two books on the ‘Little Red Riding Hood Reconditioning Technique’ as well as a deck of cards as a therapeutic tool. Huyssen, Karin (M.Clin.Psych) - South Africa Karin Huyssen is a Clinical Psychologist. She has recently relocated from Pretoria to Stellenbosch, South Africa, where she has a private practice. Over the years she found Family Constellations, Somatic Experiencing® and Ego-State Therapy in that order, and she is constantly searching for ways she can work with these modalities on their own and in combination. Karin offers individual therapy, “classical” family constellation workshops, and Ego-State Therapy groups. She trains family constellations facilitators in South Africa and is board member of SCASA (Systems Constellations Association of South Africa). Linden, Julie (Ph.D) - United States of America Julie H. Linden is a licensed Psychologist with over 30 years of private practice experience treating people of all ages. Her specialties include the treatment of all kinds of trauma, hypnotherapy, gender sensitive therapy, play therapy, ADHD and Dissociative Disorders. She is very active in professional organizations and has served as president for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and is the President of the International Society of Hypnosis. In addition, she is passionate about educating and training her colleagues in the creative 4 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa uses of the imagination and language to help people change. She has both a national and an international reputation in the field of hypnosis training. Leutner, Susanne (Dipl.Psych) - Germany Susanne Leutner works in private practice in Bonn, Germany as a psycho-dynamically oriented psychotherapist for adults, children and adolescents. She is certified as a Rogerian therapist, hypnotherapist and in systemic therapy. She has also been trained in the techniques of PITT (Reddemann), Ego State Therapy, in the theory and therapy of the Structural Dissociation Model (Nijenhuis et al.), as well as in Energy Psychology. She is an EMDR consultant and facilitator, vice- president of the German Board of EMDRIA and certified as a specialist in Trauma Therapy (DeGPT). Leutner, Susanne (Dipl.Psych) - Deutschland Susanne Leutner ist seit 1980 Diplom-Psychologin und seit 1989 niedergelassen in Bonn als tiefenpsychologisch fundiert sowie gesprächs- und familientherapeutisch ausgebildete Psychotherapeutin für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche. Sie arbeitete viele Jahre in einem Kinderdorf mit traumatisierten Kindern. Seit Beginn der Psychotraumatologie in Deutschland absolvierte sie Weiterbildungen bei Luise Reddemann (PITT), bei Arne Hofmann (EMDR), bei Maggie Philipps und Woltemade Hartman in Ego-StateTherapie und energetischer Psychologie, bei Ellert Nijenhuis in Theorie und Behandlungspraxis der strukturellen Dissoziation und in Hypnotherapie/M.E.G Deutschland. Susanne Leutner ist stellvertretende Vorsitzende von EMDRIA Deutschland und zertifiziert durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie und die ISSD/ESTD. Sie hat ein ressourcenintegrierendes EMDR-Protokoll entwickelt, in Rost C.2008 veröffentlicht, ist Supervisorin und Facilitator bei EMDRIA Europe und tätig als Dozentin. Loubser, Minnie (M.Clin.Psych) - South Africa Minnie Loubser is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Stellenbosch, South Africa. She holds a Masters degree in Research Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch and a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Zululand. She lectured at the University of the Western Cape from 1983 - 1989. She became a specialist on Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and organised conferences and presented workshops nationally on this topic. She has extensive training in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy and Ego State Therapy. Minnie started her training in 1995 at the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference in Las Vegas and also received training at the Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa (MEISA). She utilizes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as an intervention strategy too. Minnie has received international training in Impact Therapy and advanced training in Eye Movement Integration (EMI) and has now been accredited by Danie Beaulieu Ph.D as an EMI trainer in South Africa. Lütgerhorst, Hans-Jörg (Dipl.Psych) - Germany Hans-Jörg Lütgerhorst is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist in Bochum, Germany. He has worked at various psychiatric, psychotherapy and psychosomatic clinics for a period of 35 years. He currently works as a lecturer and supervisor for universities and various psychotherapy training institutes in Germany. He has received extensive training in client-centred psychotherapy, behaviour therapy and hypnotherapy. HansJörg is accredited by the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. He has authored four academic book articles on the topic of psychotherapeutic treating strategies. He conducts regular training seminars on various topics, amongst others "The treatment of experiential avoidance", "Cognitive and hypnotherapeutic assertiveness training", "Behavioural addiction" and "Group behaviour therapy". He regularly acts as supervisor for professional psychotherapy training. Hans-Jörg has lectured and conducted 5 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa workshops at various national and international congresses. He acts as expert psychotherapy evaluator for medical insurance companies on a regular basis. Malherbe, Heleen (D.Phil) - United Kingdom Heleen Malherbe, (D.Phil), is a practicing Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist based in Kent, United Kingdom. Trained as a psychodynamic psychotherapist she spent most of her working life in private practice in Pretoria, South Africa and was employed within a forensic setting, working within a variety of cultural groups. During 2009 she decided to extend her professional career towards gaining experience within the United Kingdom Health Service. From Lead Psychologist in a medium and low secure private psychiatric hospital she specialised in working with adults diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour. She was fortunate to be part of the first group of South African psychotherapists to train in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy under Dr. Woltemade Hartman (Ph.D). Through MEISA she trained in Ego State Therapy, Eye Movement Integration (EMI) and EdxTM (Energy Psychology). She qualified as a supervisor and trainer for Ego State Therapists. She recently took over as Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of London and is working towards establishing both Ego State Therapy and Ericksonian Approaches in the United Kingdom. Messmer, Veit ( - Germany University studies in Comparative Religion, Ethnology, and Geography, Dentistry with medical degree. in Dental Medicine at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany. Certification in Implantology (FFZ) 2005. Licensed private practice since 1994 with specialisation in Prothetics, Implantology and Dental Hypnosis. Collaboration with three colleagues (Orhodontics, Periodontology, Endodontology), synoptic treatment concept. Expert of the Chamber of dentistry, Department of Prosthetic treatment (KZV Freiburg, Germany) since 2001. NLP Master since 2011. Upon completing his training 2004 in dental hypnosis by the DGZH (German Society of Dental Hypnosis) in Stuttgart, Germany, successive DGZH positions including lecturer since 2007, Editor-in-Chief since 2010 of the Hypnosis magazine DZzH, Trainer since 2011, and President from 2013- 2014. Supervisor of the DGZH. Since 2012 speaker and trainer at the University of Kiel, department of Prosthetics. Speaker on different topics of hypnosis in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Malta and Iran. Nel, Joy (M. Ed.Psych) - South Africa Joy Nel is a Psychologist in private practice, Fairland Johannesburg, South Africa. She is currently studying her Ph.D in Strategic Therapies and Self-Injury. She is involved in training fellow psychologists in Narrative Therapy and focusing on the utilization of stories and metaphors and art in guiding children and adolescents to cope with issues such as Divorce, Bullying, Trauma, Abuse, Low self-esteem and Self-Injury to mention a few. Joy received her training in Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis from the Milton. H Erickson Institute of South Africa (MEISA). Joy has presented workshops at international congresses for Psychologists in Germany, Switzerland and South Africa. Joy has written a few articles and internationally published chapters on the utilization of an Ericksonian-Narrative approach in therapy. She is currently in the process of writing and publishing therapeutic children’s stories as well as a manual to assist adolescents with Self-Injury. Pinco, Susan (Ph.D) - United States of America Susan Pinco, PhD, LCSW is in private practice in New York City and teaches internationally, offering courses in powerful, somatically-informed, treatment modalities that bridge the gap between mind and body. Susan is an ASCH certified Hypnotherapist, an EMDR certified consultant, and a certified BrainSpotting (BSP) consultant and presenter. She also offers training in Crisis Communication and Crisis Response and the 6 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa Mandala of Being, a Multi-Modal Approach to Spiritual and Psychological Practice. She is currently working on a book that encourages therapists to utilize silence to facilitate integration and healing. Sangkasaad Taal, Rachporn (lic.phil. M.Sc) - Netherlands Rachporn Sangkasaad Taal is a certified Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Dance & Movement therapist, supervisor and trainer in private practice in Maassluis, The Netherlands. She is specialized in pre- and perinatal trauma and crisis intervention. She received her training as an Integrative Body Psychotherapist (IBP) at the IBP Intitute in Winterthur, Switzerland. She is also trained as an Ego State Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) Practitioner, also trained in Eye Movement Integration (EMI), EMDR, CBT, Touch Therapy. She is the founding director of the Foundation of Somatic Experiencing Netherlands (SEN) and has been the Vice-chair of the European Association for Somatic Experiencing (EASE). Signer-Fischer, Susy (Lic.Phil.Psych) - Switzerland Susy Signer-Fischer, is a Psychologist and Psychotherapist, specialising in working with children and adolescents. She works at the Institute for Developmental and Personality Psychology at the University of Basel in Switzerland and is also in private practice in Basel and Bern. Susy was director of the Family and Educational Counselling Centre in Basel, Switzerland for the past twelve years. She is a supervisor and trainer in psychotherapy, mainly in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy for children, adolescents, families and couples. She is the past-president and founding member of the Swiss Society of Clinical Hypnosis (GHypS). Signer-Fischer, Susy (Lic.Phil.Psych) - Schweiz Susy Signer-Fischer arbeitet am Zentrum für Entwicklungs- und Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik (ZEPD) der Universität Basel und in freier Praxis sowohl in Basel (ZEPD) als auch in Bern (ZSB). Sie leitete während 12 Jahren die Familien- und Erziehungsberatung in Basel. Sie ist Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie und Kinderund Jugendpsychologie FSP. Außerdem ist sie tätig in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von PsychotherapeutInnen, vor allem in Hypnosetherapie, Familientherapie und Kinder-Psychotherapie. Sie ist Past-Präsidentin und Gründungsmitglied der Gesellschaft für klinische Hypnose Schweiz (GHypS). Trenkle, Bernhard (Dipl.Psych, Dipl.Wi.-Ing) - Deutschland Mitglied des Direktoriums der Milton Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, USA (seit 1999) um im Vorstand der International Society of Hypnosis ISH (seit 2006), von 1984 - 2003 im Vorstand der Milton E Erickson Gesellschaft für Klinische Hypnose (M.E.G.) und von 1996 - 2003 als deren 1. Vorsitzender, Gründungsherausgeber des M.E.G.a.Phon (1984 - 1998), 1999 Lifetime Achievement Award der Milton Erickson Foundation, USA. Ausbildung in Hypnotherapie und Familientherapie (Stierlin, Heidelberg). Von 1982 - 1986 Uniklinik Heidelberg Stimm- und Sprachabteilung (Arbeit mit erwachsenen und jugendlichen Stotterern, Stimmpatienten. Seit 1986 eigene Praxis in Rottweil. Organisator der Evolution of Psychotherapy Konferenz 1994 in Hamburg mit 6000 Teilnehmern und Organisator mehrerer anderer Groβkongresse mit über 1000 Teilnehmern. Virot, Claude (Dr. Med. Psychiatry) - France Claude Virot is a Psychiatrist and Director of Emergences, Institute of teaching and research in hypnosis and therapeutic communication in Rennes, France. He is President of the International Society of Hypnosis(ISH) and director of the ISH congress in Paris 2015. 7 Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa The Changing Faces of Psychotherapy Congress 6th World Congress on Ego State Therapy 19-25 February 2016 South Africa Von Cziffra-Bergs, Jacqui (D. Ed) - South Africa Jacqui von Cziffra-Bergs (D. Ed Psych) is the director of the Solution Focused Institute of South Africa and a psychologist in private practice in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was an associate professor at the University of Johannesburg lecturing therapeutic interventions to Masters and Doctorate students. Dr. von Cziffra- Bergs received her training as an Ericksonian Psychotherapist at the Milton H. Erickson Institute of South Africa (MEISA) and has upgraded her training at two Ericksonian conferences in the United States. Dr. von Cziffra- Bergs lectures on Solution Focused Therapy for numerous universities, as well as, regular therapy workshops for private practitioners. D.r von Cziffra-Bergs has written two books on Solution Focused Therapy and has presented workshops in the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom. Wirl, Charlotte (Dr. Med) - Österreich Charlotte Wirl, 1957, Dr. med., Ärztin, Psychotherapeutin; Supervisorin; Fachspezifikum Hypnose und Hypnotherapie, Diplome der Österreichischen Ärztekammer für psychotherapeutische, psychosomatische und psychosoziale Medizin; psychotherapeutische Tätigkeit in freier Praxis in Wien. Vorsitzende der Milton Erickson Gesellschaft für Klinische Hypnose und Kurztherapie, Austria (MEGA), internationale Lehrtrainerin für Hypnose und Hypnotherapie für Erwachsene und Kinder. Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirates der Deutschsprachigen Hypnosegesellschaften. Verschiedene Vorträge und Workshops zu psychotherapeutischen/ psychosomatischen Themen und einige einschlägige Veröffentlichungen (z.B. in Hypnos). Wulf, Christian (Psychtherapeut) - Deutschland Christian Wulf arbeitet seit den 80er Jahren als Psychotherapeut und Coach in freier Praxis Mainz, Deutschland. Er studierte Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften und ist ausgebildet in person-zentrierter Gesprächstherapie und psychotherapeutischer und medizinischer Hypnose.Dr. Wulf integriert in seine Arbeit hypnosystemischer Ansätze, Ego-State-Therapie, Initiatische Therapie sowie Erfahrungen aus dem Aikido und der ZEN-Meditation. Compassion, Achtsamkeit und Presencing prägen seine Arbeitsweise. Er ist Experte für Veränderungsprozesse in Unternehmen und bietet Trainings speziell für Führungskräfte an. Die Verbindung der Ego-State-Arbeit mit person-zentrierten und hypno-systemischen Ansätzen bildet seit längerem einen Schwerpunkt seiner Lehrtätigkeit. Zanotta, Silvia (D.Phil) – Switzerland Silvia Zanotta works as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist with children, adolescents, adults and families in private practice in Zürich, Switzerland. She is a certified trainer and supervisor in Ego State Therapy, as well as founder and co-chair of EST-CH, Ego State Therapy Switzerland. Silvia Zanotta has certified in PersonCentered-Therapy (Carl Rogers), Trauma-Therapy (PITT), Clinical Hypnosis (MEG and Ghyps), Ego-StateTherapy (FEST and ESTI) and Somatic Experiencing (SE Practicioner), including Energy Psychology. She specializes in the treatment of traumatic stress, anxiety, phobia, OCD and autism. Dr. Zanotta has taught at national and international major conferences in Europe and South Africa and has written various articles/publications on trauma and Ego State Therapy. 8
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