Click here for Colour Me Purple Auction Catalogue

A Message from the Trust
On behalf of HELP and the clients we serve, I would like to express how truly thankful
we are for your support tonight. We are astounded and humbled by the generosity of the
companies and individuals who have partnered with us; donating outstanding items to
auction this evening and donating their time and amazing talents. I would also like to thank
KPMG, for providing this space, expertise and generous support.
Thirty-two years ago, HELP was developed as a result of an identified need by doctors and
police for specialised support services for survivors of sexual abuse/sexual assault. Since
that time, hundreds of people have worked tirelessly and passionately to help thousands of
survivors when they needed it most.
By coming to tonight’s event, you are helping us raise funds to contribute toward the
specialised services that HELP provides such as the preschool prevention programme, youth
therapy programme, 24/7 crisis services, child & family and justice services. Tonight, we
hope that you not only enjoy yourselves and win some amazing auction items, but that
you are also encouraged and inspired by the services HELP provides within the Auckland
Thank you for helping us make a difference, one survivor, one family at a time.
Kind regards,
Nicola Craig
About HELP
HELP was established in 1982 in response to concerns
regarding the effects of the medical forensic process on
victims of rape. We now energetically strive to fulfill an
important role in the community; that of providing crucial
and specialised support, therapy, and advocacy for children and women who have been
victims of sexual violence. Those who come to HELP seeking assistance with the effects of
sexual abuse/sexual assault are treated with skill and compassion in a timely fashion and
for as long as needed. HELP has been recognized as providing a unique service to Auckland
and represents an investment in care that not only looks after clients, but also reduces the
cost to communities by assisting clients to heal and take back their places in their families,
communities and society.
Along with 24/7 crisis telephone and call out support, information service and on-going
counselling for women and children, HELP also provides youth services, court preparation
and support, restorative justice programme, family reconciliation programme, and an early
childhood sexual abuse prevention programme, We Can Keep Safe. HELP works from the
premise that sexual abuse/sexual assault/sexual violence has no place in society. However, for
as long as it does continue to occur, HELP will work to support and empower those women
and children who have been harmed in this way. Such empowerment reduces the chances of
being re-victimised, and assists women to keep the children in their families and communities
safe. Everything we do, contributes to the ending of sexual abuse/sexual assault
We Can Keep Safe
We Can Keep Safe is a sexual violence primary prevention programme
for 3-5 year olds. Using songs, games, drama, puppetry, role-playing and
story-telling, We Can Keep Safe teaches children personal safety messages
in a lively and age-appropriate manner over the course of five weekly sessions. Since 1995,
We Can Keep Safe has provided children and parents with the tools and skills that can reduce
sexual abuse in homes and in communities. Content includes body ownership, building
children’s skills in ‘how’ to say no, keep telling, identify sources of support, secrets vs.
surprises and trusting intuition. The programme encourages parents and caregivers to attend
the sessions with their children and work through the homework manual together afterwards
to reinforce messages. This programme is not government funded and running the We Can
Keep Safe programme costs $1800. Join us to fund 2 preschools by
buying blocks to build a preschool programme.
HELP’s Services
HELP supports thousands of people every year and strives to be a source of support and healing
for those who need it most. These services are provided by professionally trained therapists and
counsellors who are skilled in the specialist field of the impacts of sexual violence.
Crisis Support Services
Early intervention is essential to a healthy recovery. HELP’s Crisis Support
Services include:
• 24/7 HELPline: The Crisis Support Team is available anytime, day or night,
for information, support, advocacy or referrals to other agencies.
• 24/7 Police and Medical Call-Out: Our counsellors are called out 24 hours a
day, to support those who have reported a sexual assault to the Police. We
support survivors as they make recent or historic statements to the Police
and go through forensic and therapeutic medical examinations.
• Interim and Therapeutic Support Sessions: We provide face-to-face support
sessions to assess the needs of survivors. This immediate post-event
counselling can decrease the later effects of the trauma significantly.
• Referral to other services: We can direct survivors to counsellors and
psychotherapists who are eligible for payment by ACC, or to other services
that are best able to meet cultural (or any other) needs.
Therapy Services
HELP offers therapeutic services following sexual abuse or assault to:
• Women
• Young women
• Children
• Family / Whanau / Caregivers
Counselling provides a safe environment to heal the trauma of sexual abuse/
sexual assault and assist with the development of the interpersonal skills and
resources that can be harmed and disrupted by sexual violence.
Research has repeatedly shown that people who seek counselling are better
equipped and resourced to heal from their experiences and are less likely to
suffer from more acute physical and mental health problems, following the
Justice Services
HELP provides a range of services to assist survivors of sexual abuse/sexual
assault and their family and friends as they navigate through the court
process. Justice Services are offered at no cost to survivors and can provide
support before, during and after a trial. These services may include assisting
survivors to understand court processes and to develop the emotional skills
which will help them to be resilient through the process. We may also provide
support in court and assist the survivor to provide a Victim Impact Statement
to aid in sentencing.
At HELP, we also recognise that sometimes survivors still need or want
to have contact with the offender following sexual abuse/sexual assault.
Project Restore is a survivor-driven restorative justice programme delivered
collaboratively with survivor specialists who will support and guide survivors
through the process with the view to reclaiming their power around sexual
assault/sexual assault experienced and the impacts that resulted from it.
Community Services
We Can Keep Safe
HELP believes in working toward the prevention of sexual abuse in the
community and our preschool prevention programme, We Can Keep Safe, does
just that. Using drama, games, songs, role-playing, story telling and puppetry,
children are encouraged to be the “Bosses of their Bodies”, to learn the
difference between secrets and surprises and to keep telling adults when they
need help. The curriculum is taught in a logical, lively, age-appropriate manner.
HELP presents We Can Keep Safe to more than 600 children per year in their
preschool environment. We encourage parents and caregivers to attend the
sessions with their children to encourage consistent messages in the home and
classroom. A colourful handbook featuring the songs and lessons learned, as
well as useful resources for parents and caregivers is given to each child and
their family to reinforce consistent messages at home. A recent independent
evaluation shows the programme to be effective for children and their
Your Entertainers
Penny Ashton
Hot Pink Poet Penny Ashton has sold out shows from
Edinburgh to Adelaide to Edmonton. She has two Billy
T nominations, four Best NZ Female Comedienne
nominations, three Adelaide Fringe People’s Choice
nominations, and won best performance in a Comedy
in the Auckland Fringe 2013 and best performance by
an International Poet at the London Farrago Awards.
Penny has represented New Zealand in Theatresports and Performance Poetry and has performed
by invitation at The Glastonbury Festival. She can
be seen chatting on Good Morning and can be heard
on National Radio on Jim Mora’s Panel. Her latest
solo show Promise and Promiscuity: A New Musical
by Jane Austen. Penny Ashton just returned from a triumphant tour of Canada and in 2014
will head on a 30 date tour of NZ before heading back to Canada and onto the Jane Austen
Festival in Bath, UK. Her newest role is that of wedding celebrant, which she absolutely loves.
YFO are a four piece band, that formed at the end of 2011- at Auckland Grammar School.
Within a few months they took out first place at the ‘Battle of the Bands’ competition, and
following on from that have won three Gold awards at a National level. They perform a variety
of genres from traditional Jazz, to modern Jazz Fusion, including Be Bop, Latin, Smooth
Jazz and Funk. At the Tauranga Jazz Festival in 2012 they won the Best newcomers award,
Best Jazz Combo, and Best Original Composition, whilst at Wellington Nationals Daniel (on
saxophone) was awarded the adjudicators special award for Excellence. They have a number
Brian Jones and Hannah Honey
Brian has worked extensively in the
dance industry for over 35 years as a
performer, competitor (Brian danced
with Beatrice Faumuina in Dancing
with the Stars series two), teacher and
choreographer. With his experience in
Ballroom, Latin American, Jazz dance,
New Vogue, Ballet, Contemporary
Dance and Theatre, he has acquired a
broad appreciation of dance in its many
forms. Based in Auckland, Brian teaches
through his business, Dance Mechanics.
Brian Jones will be performing an
American Rhythm number with Hannah
Honey New Zealand’s Modern Jive
of individual awards. Bass
and guitarist, Zane and
Sam are 7th formers at
Auckland Grammar, while
Layne (drums) and Daniel
(Saxophone) have completed
their schooling, but continue
their musical education.
Meet our MC - Aaron Ward
Since graduating from the Performing Arts School in
1996, Aaron has been performing in TV, Film, Theatre, and
Corporate Entertainment work here in New Zealand and
Aaron started clowning as “Cheeseburger the Clown” when
he was 18 and continued to make use of his skills to help pay
his way through drama school. With his second clown “Elvo”,
he spent 2 months in Montenegro and Kosovo entertaining
the displaced people during the Balkan war in 1999.
Supported by World Vision, Aaron shifted arenas to spread
joy and bring some relief through laughter in refugee camps,
orphanages, hospitals and other initiatives.
Aaron expended his tour of duty in collaboration with the UN, UNICEF and World Vision,
teaching children about the dangers of land-mines, booby traps and UXOs. He returned
to Kosovo in 2000 to film a documentary with TVNZ and then went on to perform at the
refugee camps of Bosnia and the World Expo in Germany. In 2005 he was based in Banda
Aceh in Indonesia for 2 months following the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami for which he was
awarded the Special Service Medal by the New Zealand Government.
In 2006, he performed for the people of Lebanon following the bombing from Israel. In
2007, Aaron was New Zealand’s nomination for the JCI (TOYP) The Outstanding Young
Persons of the World Program in which he finished in the top 30.
Over the years, Aaron has been a guest speaker at World Vision Conferences around the
country. He has also appeared in Shortland Street, Underbelly, Nothing Trivial and Power
Rangers. In addition he is a member of Clown Doctors New Zealand and brings laughter and
smiles to sick children in Starship Hospital on a regular basis. Currently you can find Aaron
working as an MC at SkyCity and working with selected corporates.
Auction Details
Michelle Maitland, Auctioneer-Owner & Executive
Member of the Auctioneers Association of New Zealand
Inc. She has a long family history in George Walkers and
is the second female to hold an auctioneers license in New
Zealand. Michelle’s values are love, leadership and fun.
Michelle’s Passion is Charity and spends most of her spare
doing Charity events and spending time with her Family.
All auction property is sold “as is” and all sales are final. All auction items and services must
be used within the time allotments specified at the auction or described in the gift voucher
and are subject to the term and conditions of the donor.
Cash, Cheques, Visa, MasterCard, Amex
and EFTPOS will be accepted
Please make cheques payable to HELP
Payment is required before auction items are released
Values listed are as stated by the donor
Some restrictions exist on selected items
HELP accepts no responsibility for the validity,
description, authenticity or condition of any item offered
No warranties or guarantees apply
All items must be removed from the venue by the
purchaser at the conclusion of the evening
HELP will not be responsible for the delivery of auction
Think carefully before you bid as all bids are final.
Let the auction begin.....
Never be without a coffee
Situated out of the way of the inner city hustle and bustle, Benson Road Deli has the
ultimate package for the coffee lover. Whether you need a coffee on the run or just your
daily fix, Benson Road Deli has the answer for you; enjoy 365 coffees over the next 14
Package Valued at NZ $1460
Kindly donated by BRD Benson Road Deli, 120 Upland Road, Remuera
Spend a morning with JayJay, Mike & Dom on The Edge
Have you ever wondered what happens on Morning Radio? Here is your chance to find out.
Go behind the scenes with The Edge’s Jay-Jay, Mike & Dom. You and three friends will enjoy
this unique and rare opportunity to sit in the studio with them while they do their show live
one morning. There will even be coffee and muffins!
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by The Edge
Ports of Auckland
Crane Experience
What goes on at the Ports of Auckland container terminal on Tamaki Drive? Well here is the
opportunity for you and three friends to enjoy a Ports of Auckland Crane tour. You will get to
experience a ZPMC Crane at work.
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by Ports of Auckland Limited
Dinner with Chris Olwage
Chris Olwage, also know as the Black Swan, graced us last year with his gender bending
ballet performance and this year he is back as an auction item as a dinner date.
Since we saw him last he has been jet-setting around the world performing his unique take
on ballet performance but also advocating for global LGBT Rights as the newly crowned
Mr Gay World (Antwerp, Belgium 2013). From in between partaking in Pride awareness
campaigns, Pride Marches, Sochi demonstrations and his tireless works for LGBT youth
empowerment and suicide prevention, Chris will make it his mission to ensure you have and
evening of good conversation and food. Don’t miss this opportunity because he may not be
around for long.”
Dinner for you and Chris is hosted by Cibo. Cibo has consistently proven itself to be
one of Auckland’s top restaurants. The award-winning restaurant is presided over by the
indomitable Kate Fay in the kitchen and GM/Maître d’ Jeremy Turner front of house.
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by Chris Olwage and Cibo
Meet the Northern Mystics
Are you Northern Mystics #1 fan? Wouldn’t you love to get your hands on a Red Zone
2014 Membership and opportunity to meet these talented ladies one on one at an
exclusive training session? Now is your opportunity to throw a ball around with our
local netball legends, ask the questions you’ve been dying to know and of course, not
miss a minute of the on-court action.
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by the Northern Mystics
Breakfast with Friends
Calling budding directors
New Zealand’s number one Breakfast show
Behind the cameras of TVNZ’s Breakfast show is hugely complex! You are invited to unravel
the mystery of Television. One lucky bidder and four friends will get a behind the scenes tour
of New Zealand’s number one morning TV show. You will learn the ins and outs of how this
show is created every single day, learn a few secrets along the way and you may even get to
meet the stars of the show; Rawdon, Ali, Sam and Nadine.
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by Breakfast
You’ll never go hungry again
Wok n Noodle Bar
Owner, Lee Chang Woo, established the
renowned Wok’n Noodle Bar in Mt Eden, in
2005. With a second noodle bar opened in 2012
on Shortland Street in Auckland’s CBD, the
Wok’n Noodle is a booming trade and recognised
as one of Auckland’s best.
The Wok’n Noodle has a swathe of loyal regulars
who continue to return because they know that
the food is always fresh, healthy and consistently
tasty. This is your chance to jump on the band
wagon and become a Wok’n Noodle regular.
The winner of this package will receive a
voucher for one free main meal every week
for one year!
You may be thinking you couldn’t possibly get
through 52 noodle meals in a year. Well, fear not
my friend! The menu always features a range of weekly specials so even when you’ve tried
everything on the standard menu, you’ll never be short of something new to try. There are
loads of scrumptious dishes to choose from including vegetarian, gluten free, wholemeal,
low carb, no carb, or paleo options. All meals are packed full of the freshest vegetables.
Favourites include the always popular pad Thai,
sweet and sour, garlic prawn or green curry and if
you’re feeling super healthy there’s even a warm
vegetable salad or a vermicelli noodle salad. Since
opening its doors almost ten years ago, the Wok’n
Noodle has received rave reviews in many of
Auckland’s leading publications and has won many
awards including The New Zealand Herald Viva award for Best Asian restaurant in 2008.
You’ll never go hungry with this amazing deal! Wok’n Noodle is open 7 days a week so pop
into the restaurant nearest you, order online or by phone, and enjoy a steaming hot meal
straight from the wok!
Package Valued at NZ $780
Kindly donated by Lee Chang Woo, owner of Wok’n Noodle
The Ultimate
Stay and Play Weekend
Pick your favourite three people, pack your bags and head to this absolute beach front
retreat in Matarangi. Breakfast at Pipers Café and then head to the Dunes Golf Resort for a
round of golf for two. Enjoy a glass of wine in front of an open fire or have a BBQ on the deck
and unwind in this restful absolute beach front home. Explore the 4.5 km of picture perfect
white sandy beach, tennis courts, boating and fishing virtually on your doorstep.
Package valued at NZ $1200
Kindly donated by Debbie Graham & Associates, Pipers
Café and the Dunes Golf Resort Matarangi
Tour of Shortland Street
This is your chance to look behind the scenes on New Zealand’s
longest-running serial drama. If you love watching Shortland
Street on TV, then you’ll love watching it even more in real life.
Rub shoulders and get friendly with your favourite characters,
whether its TK Samuels, Vinnie Kruse, Bella Cooper, Dr Chris
Warner or Boyd Rolleston. This is your chance to watch them all
in action.
The lucky winner will receive a full studio behind-the-scenes
tour, spending the day on set! Since the first ever episode hit our screens in May1992, New
Zealander’s have been hooked on this prime-time soap opera. 20 years and 5000 episodes
later, Shortland Street continues to be one of the most
watched, highest rated television programmes in NZ. Don’t
miss out on this once in a life time experience!
Prize presented by Sam Bunkall who you will know as
Boyd Rolleston, who will also give you the guided tour.
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by South Pacific Pictures
Dinner with Joanne
Drayton at FISH
Calling budding writers to bid on this dinner with acclaimed writer and biographer Joanne
Drayton. Joanne’s previous biographies include Ngaio Marsh, Frances Hodgkins, Edith
Collier and Rhona Haszard. Her most recent book, The Search for Anne Perry, is fascinating.
She is currently researching for a book that examines the global impact of some of New
Zealand’s highest achievers, is writing and
illustrating a children’s book, and is in the
final stages of a six-year research-by-practice
project involving the carving of a post-colonial
chess set in bone that brings our ancestors to
the chessboard, both Maori and Pakeha.
Over dinner, talk about her writing and
what inspires her, or discuss Joanne’s other
interests which include long distance running,
art, music and reading.
You and Joanne will be hosted at FISH
Restaurant located on Level 1 of Hilton
Auckland where you will have spectacular
views of the Harbour and dine from a
dynamic and mouth-watering menu.
Package valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by Joanne Drayton and FISH Restaurant
Pamper Package
A glamorous new you in 2014
Indulge yourself! Meet with Lorraine Downes, former Miss Universe, Style and Image
Consultant for a colour consultation, relax with a hot stone massage from Jody, enjoy a
‘Marilyn’s Experience’ at Marilyn’s Hairdressers and receive a beauty treatment of your
choice at Nava Beauty Therapists. Do not miss out on this opportunity!
Package valued at NZ$630
Kindly donated by Lorraine Downes, Jody Watton,
Marilyn’s Hairdressing and Nava Beauty Therapy
Going on an Adventure
Are you in need of a fun packed weekend away? This definitely
will be an unforgettable experience you won’t want to miss. Your
weekend starts with 2 nights accommodation at the ibis Hamilton
Tainui hotel superbly located in the heart of the CBD allowing easy
access to shops and night life. You’re guaranteed to discover the
real Middle-earth on your two hour private guided tour, where you
will visit the Hobbiton movie set from Lord of the Rings and The
Hobbit film trilogy. As part of the tour, you’ll have lunch at the Green Dragon Inn, which you
may recognise from The Lord of the
Rings film trilogy as the local meeting
place for all the residents of Hobbiton.
Following your tour, you have several
restaurants to indulge your food
passion in; Cullens Restaurant, Iguana
Street Bar & Restaurant, C.A.F.E
Coffee and Food Establishment in
Hamilton’s CBD and The Verandah
in Hamilton’s Domain. Finish your
adventure with Tumu Tumu TOObing
where you can experience blackwater
rafting at its best.
Package Valued at NZ $1463
Kindly donated by ibis Hamilton Tainui Hotel, Rings Scenic Tours, Cullens
Restaurant, Iguana Street Bar & Restaurant, C.A.F.E Coffee and Food
Establishment, The Verandah and Waitomo Adventures
Dinner with Aaron Ward our MC 13
Would you like to know more about our host for this evening, Nothing Trivial star, Aaron
Ward. With his training as ‘Cheeseburger the Clown’ and then ‘Elvo’ he’s likely to have
you in stitches as you enjoy a luxurious dinner at The Foodstore. Based at Auckland’s
Viaduct Harbour is New Zealand’s first unique live food entertainment experience. With
the country’s only true “open” and “interactive” kitchen, watch NZ’s best chefs as they
create their culinary magic. You will experience
creative menus using fresh, natural and organic New
Zealand produce from local farmers with a focus on
sustainability and the humane treatment of animals.
The Foodstore is thrilled to host you!
Package Value: NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by The Foodstore and Aaron Ward
Come Fly with Graeme
Entrepreneur Graeme Dixon, with his
wife Marion, will fly you in his beautiful
Piper Lance plane, over to Whitianga for a
decadent lunch at Salt Restaurant. You can
bring up to three friends along (lunch not
included for additional guests).
Graeme has a technical background, working
with Plessey NZ Limited and in management
positions with Wang Computers in
both Christchurch and Auckland. His
entrepreneurial flair emerged when he
started his own company, managing support teams in New
Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and South Africa. Graeme
worked with a software development company through the highs
and lows of the Dot-com era. Since then, Graeme has purchased
medical supply BV Medical Ltd. Under his guidance, what was initially a small, “half-man”
business has expanded to ten full time employees servicing medical equipment throughout
New Zealand. Flying captured Graeme’s imagination, so he took to the air. On his office wall
there is a plaque reading “go the extra mile, it’s never
crowded.” In the style of true Kiwi hospitality, Graeme
has gone the extra mile, donating his time and plane to
fly you over Northland.
You will fly over some of the most beautiful
scenery New Zealand has to offer, heading
to the Coromandel and Whitianga. It’s not
only the scenery that
will be spectacular, the company is great too.
You will have the opportunity to talk business and gain an insight into the mind of a local
entrepreneurial expert. Situated right on the water of the Whitianga Marina, Salt Restaurant
promises excellent dining. Their menu offers dishes expertly crafted from unfussy, high
quality ingredients. Accompanied by an extensive wine list and great service, you’ll enjoy a
perfect meal.
Beautiful scenery, superb company and wonderful food. What more could one possibly
want in an afternoon? It’s an opportunity not to be missed.
Package Value: NZ $1600
Kindly donated by Graeme and Marion Dixon
Still Life with Pomegranates,
Priestess and the Knight of Cups Tarot Cards 2013
Enjoy this beautiful piece from one of New Zealand’s best known artists, Dr Fiona
Pardington. Born in Auckland, Fiona holds a Masters of Fine Arts in photography from
the University of Auckland. Fiona has worked as a lecturer, tutor, assessor and moderator
on many photography, design and fine arts programmes at New Zealand universities and
Fiona has received many
fellowships, residencies,
awards and grants
including the Moet &
Chandon Fellow (France)
in 1991-92, the Frances
Hodgkins Fellow in both
1996 and 1997, the Ngai
Tahu residency at Otago
Polytechnic in 2006
and an Arts Foundation
Laureate Award in 2011.
The Laureate Award is an
investment in excellence
across a range of art
forms for an artist with prominence and outstanding potential for future growth. Their work
is rich, but their richest work still lies ahead of them. The Award recognises a moment in the
artists’ career that will allow them to have their next great success.
A photographer of international reputation, Pardington has exhibited widely in Australasia
and in France at the Musée du Quai Branly. Fiona returned from Paris where she completed a
Laureate Artistic Creations Project with the Musee du Quai Branly in 2011.
Package Valued at NZ $4500 - $5000
Kindly donated by Dr Fiona Pardington
Champagne High Tea for two
at the Langham Hotel
With Labour MPs Jacinda Ardern, Spokesperson for Children,
and Carol Beaumont, Spokesperson for Women’s Affairs.
Now is the exclusive chance for you and a friend to find out all you want to know about
Labour MPs Jacinda Ardern, Spokesperson for Children, and Carol Beaumont, Spokesperson
for Women’s Affairs. Join them and enjoy Champagne High Tea at the Langham Hotel
Auckland. High tea affords plenty of time to pick the brains of two of Labour’s Team or to
simply share a laugh. Just imagine all the questions
you could ask!
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by Jacinda Ardern and Carol Beaumont
For the thrill seekers
NZ Police Helicopter Ride
Ever wondered what it would be like to experience the thrill and excitement of flying in a
police helicopter? Well now you can! The winner of this package will receive a 30 minute ride
in the police Air Support Unit known as Eagle. You’ll board the craft from the heliport base
in Mechanics Bay on Auckland’s waterfront and from there you’ll soon find yourself soaring
high above the city sky line.
This is your chance to discover what really goes on between the air and the ground in a real
life police operation. There is no better way to take in the picturesque views of the Auckland
harbour than from the observation platform of a police Eagle. This is a once in a lifetime
experience and one that money definitely can’t buy!
Package Valued at NZ $Priceless
Kindly donated by New Zealand Police
Lucky Dip Bags
Buy one and see! Bags selling for between $50 & $250.
Live life a little more lucky when you see what you have received.
All bags will have items or vouchers from the following companies
Crombie and Price, Eco Store, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, GDL Brands, Mindfood, Office Max,
SmartFoods, Sweet Motif, The CarryBag Company Ltd, Vaione, VTNZ and Za Cosmetics
The random choice comes from the following
• Absolute Beauty Workshop Hair and
Beauty and gel nails
• Allpress coffee
• Auckland Fish Market
• Beauty & Wellness
• Berkley Cinemas Double passes
• Bliss Reflexology
• Book Sellers Book Tokens
• Bridgeway Cinema Double Passes
• Café Agora - Cookbooks
• Countdown $200 Voucher
• Devonport Chocolates
• Dilmah Tea Hamper
• EcoStore Care Pack
• Epicurean Dairy Co. Limited $80
vouchers for product
• Espresso Carwash Cafe
• Jo Malone Gift box $345
• Clinique Gift box $210
• $200 Voucher
• Gilmours Mt Roskill Hamper
• Hue
• Kahave $40 voucher
• La Fourchette $100 Voucher
• Life Pharmacy Sylvia Park
• Like Beauty
L’Oreal New Zealand
Mac Make overs
Mad Butcher $50 voucher
Media Works
Merediths Ladies lunch Voucher $260
Monetery Cinema Double passes
Mr Vintage $35 Voucher
More than Skin Signature Facial Voucher
New World Stonefields $100 Voucher
New World Victoria Park $200 Voucher
Pane Vino
Relax and Revive
Rocco and Rouge Manicure/pedicure
Screen Association assorted Movie
The Dominion Voucher $100
The Warehouse 4x$50 Vouchers
Tusk Thai Restaurant $100 Voucher
Verge $250 voucher
Villa Maria
Womens Bookshop
Gull 20 x$10 voucher
Z Energy 4x $50 Vouchers
Don’t miss out on your bag these are very popular.
The Great Silent Auction
It may seem simple - write your bid down and you’ll be done.
But people can be sneaky, if you blink they may have won! Put your pen to paper, and
claim your spot. If you write the winning number, you will have won the lot!
Accommodation Packages
• One night Stay at SkyCity Auckland
Winning Chef Kevin Blakeman
• 4 Rounds of golf at Howick Golf Club
with a City Experience –champagne,
and $100 food Voucher at Basalt
dinner and breakfast included
• Freedom to choose where you stay in a
Jucy Condo
• Two night stay at Millar Rd Hawkes Bay
• Dog Grooming –Stardogs
• Pair of timber Vera whitewash bedsides The Design Project
• Furry Tales by Dr Seuss – Art
• Voucher from Dalston
• Men’s Colour and Style Analysis; Men’s
• Rise Dress from Miss Crabb
Cut and Style; Women’s Style Analysis;
• Koromiko Earrings from Kiri
Women’s Cut and Style - Signature Style
• “Eve” Bag from Minnie Cooper
• Sterling Silver 5mm Ball Stud Earrings;
10ct Yellow Gold 5mm Ball Stud
Earrings - Michael Hill
• Caps - I Love Ugly
• Flipit Party- how to wear the
and LoveHair
• Hair make over Cut & Colour – Mutiny
Hair Salon
• Dinner at Antoines for 2 with wines
selected by Tony Astle- Antoines
• Health Start Auto Sprouter and voucher
for a meal - WiseCicada
Chameleon Dress drinks and nibbles -
• Vaione Premium Pacific Gin – Vaione
Annah Stretton
• Three Bottles of Wine – Riesling,
Chardonnay and Pinot Noir –Foxes
Very Cool Auctions to win
• Mixed Case of wine and Leather Wine
Rack–Planet Wine
• Mothers Day High tea for 3 - Award
Island Wine
• Bacon Voucher - Hendersons Fine Foods
• Cecchi et Cecchi Italian throw - Cavit &
• Inspirational Butterfly
• Advent Calendar
• Two loaves of bread a week for 52 weeks
from Olaf’s Artisan Bakery Café in
Mount Eden Village
• Pukeko garden ornaments
• Dinner Voucher - Sean Connolly the Grill
• Linum Cushion and Linum Throw –
Republic Home
• Rugby Ball signed By Dan Carter Essentially Group
• Zarbo Hamper
• New Zealand Themed Gift Pack
• Baby Themed Gift Pack
Art Gallery
• Sony Xperia Z- Digital Mobile
• “Gentle Strength” – Melissa Muirhead
• Signed and Framed Auckland Blues
• “Studley the Aviator” Black & White
Super 15 Rugby Jersey (from the BNZ
Sketch signed by artist (open edition).
logo swap to support Plunket) from
Framed by Sgraffito, With “Alveridgea “
Chiefs v Blues 2013
Legend of the Lonely Dog by Ivan Clarke
• Capsule Espresso Machine - Segafredo
Zanetti New Zealand Ltd
• Interior Design Voucher - Liz Bowdler
• Set of 3 Flame Vases
• Wedding Gift Package – Champagne
flutes and Photo Album
• The Luminaries – signed by The Man
Booker Prize 2013 winner Eleanor
Catton - Time Out Bookstore
• Life Coaching (6 - one Hour sessions)
with Centric Coaching Plus Ltd.
• Variety signed coloured photos from
Rena Owen
• Dance like the stars with private dance
& Stu Duval- Ngaire Stone Art Broker
• “China Blue” –Sally Tagg
• “Chaos to Peace” - Kauri Bowl– Neil
• “Spotted Shag”- Nicki Mora
• “Piranha Bag” - Nicki Mora
• “My World in a Bubble” - Nicki Mora
• “Lake Dunstan with reflections #1” Nicki Mora Photographer
• “The Gift”–Karen Sewell
• “Dark Blue” - Lynn Clayton
lessons with Brian Jones of Dance
• “Tulip” - Lynn Clayton
• Hand blown glass art vase –Lava Glass
• Award winning traditional farmhouse
• Framed Print Street Scene 2012
cider from The Welsh Cider and Perry
Company Gwynt y Ddraig - Beertique NZ
Thank You
The team at HELP would like to thank the following companies and individuals who have
generously donated products, services, and time in an effort to make Colour Me Purple possible.
• Aaron Ward
• Absolute Beauty
• Agora TM
• Allpress Coffee
• Amron Screenprints
• Annah Stretton &
Stretton Group Ltd
• Antoines
• Art Exhibitions Gallery
of Fine Art & Ngaire
• Ashley Watt
• Auckland Sea Food
• AV Events
• Basalt - Howick
Monteiths Craft Bar &
Function Venue
• Beauty & Wellness
• Beertique NZ Limited
• Berkley Cinemas Mission
• Bliss Reflexology
• BRD Licensed Café
• Brian Jones & Dance
• C.a.f.e Coffee and Food
Establishment Hamilton
• Carlton Party Hire
• Carol Beaumont
• Cavit & Co Limited
• Centric Coaching Plus
• Chef Kevin Blakeman
• Chris Olwage
• Cibo
• Countdown
• Crombie & Price
• Cullens Restaurant
• Dalston
• Dance Mechanics
• Dawn Lodge-Osborn
• Debbie Graham
• Devonport Chocolates
• Digital Mobile
• Dilmah
• Dr. Fiona Pardington
• Edible Blooms
• Elaine White
• Elizabeth Arden
• Epicurean Dairy
• Espresso Car Wash Café
• Estee Lauder Limited
• Essentially Group
• FISH @ Hilton Auckland
Foxes Island Wines Ltd
Frame by Frame
GDL Brands
Gilmours Mt Roskill
Graeme & Marion Dixon
Green Cabs
Gull New Zealand
Hannah Honey
HELP’s Volunteer
Fundraising Committee
Hendersons Fine Foods
Hobbiton Movie Set
Howick Golf Club
Ibis Hamilton
Jacinda Adern
Joanne Drayton
Jody Watton Massage
JUCY Group Limited
Karen Sewell
Kiri Schumacher
La Forchette
Lava Glass
• Life Pharmacy Sylvia
• Like Beauty
• Liz Bowdler Interior
• L’Oreal New Zealand
• Lorraine Downs
• Lynn Clayton
• Marilyn’s Hairdressing
• Matarangi Golf Club
• Media Design School Ltd
• Mediaworks TV
• Melissa Muirhead
• Merediths Restaurant
• Michael Hill
• Michelle Maitland &
George Walkers
• Millar Road
• Mindfood
• Minnie Cooper
• Miss Crabb
• More Than Skin
• Monterey Cinema
• Mr Vintage
• Mutiny Hair Salon
• Nava Beauty Therapists
• Neil Joynt
• Nicki Mora
• Northern Mystics
• NZ Police
• OfficeMax
• Olaf’s Artisan Bakery
• Pane e Vino
• Penny Ashton
• Pipers Café
• Planet Wine Limited
• Ports of Auckland
• Relax & Revive
• Rocco and Rouge
• Sally Tagg
• Salt Bar and Restaurant
• Sam Bunkall
• Screen Association
• Segafredo Zanetti New
Zealand Ltd
• Sgrafitto Picture Frames
• Shortland St
• Signature Style and
• Skycity Entertainment
Group Ltd
• Spookers Scream Park
• Star Dogs
• Stonefields New World
• Sweet Motif
• Sylvia Jennings
• The CarryBag Company
• The Design Project
• The Dominion
• The Edge-Radio Station
-goody bag items
• The Edge-Radio StationLive auction
• The Foodstore
• The Grill by Sean
• The Mad Butcher
• The Verandah
• The Warehouse
• The Women’s Bookshop
• Time Out Bookstore
• Tusk Thai
• Urban Flowers
• Vaione
• Verge
• Victoria Park Flowers
• Victoria Park New World
• Vincent Young
• Waitomo Adventures
• Western Gas Limited
• Wise Cicada
• Wok n Noodle
• Women’s Book Shop
• Working Style
• Za Cosmetics
• Zarbo