St. Thomas Aquinas Parish - Bridgewater, MA September 14, 2014 Our Mission: To be a welcoming community of believers continually growing in our faith and in our love of Jesus Christ through worship, education, evangelization and service within our local and broader community. Saint Thomas Aquinas Church Saint Basil Chapel, BSU Pastor - Rev. Bill Devine Parochial Vicar - Rev. Adrian Milik Senior Deacon - Jerry Ryan Business Manager - Gina M. Lewis Administrative Assistant - Nancy Nastari Campus Minister - Marlene DeLeon (508) 531-1412 [email protected] Campus Chaplain - Rev. Adrian Milik Administrative Assistant - Barbara Henault [email protected] Address: 103 Center Street, Bridgewater, MA Phone: (508) 697-9528 Fax: (508) 279-1859 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Address: 122 Park Avenue, Bridgewater, MA Phone: (508) 531-1346 Fax: (508) 531-6188 Website: Religious Education Office: (508) 697-3652 Coordinator Gr. 1-8 - Karen Geraghty Coordinator Gr. 9&10 - Debbie Hill Weekly Mass Schedule St. Thomas Aquinas Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 7:45am 10:00am 12:00pm Weekdays 7:00am & 9:00am St. Basil Chapel Sunday 10:00am 5:00pm The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross September 14,2014 Growth in Stewardship Update Ron Hill, Chairman of our parish’s Growth in Stewardship Initiative, will be speaking at the church Masses this weekend to offer a parishioner’s perspective for the need for growth in time, talent and treasure. Next weekend Ron will speak at the chapel. As you may know, Ron is a member of the Parish Pastoral Council, and he and his family have been active in both the church and chapel communities for many years. Parishioner Feedback A number of parishioners mentioned that they enjoyed and appreciated last week’s bulletin announcements comparing today’s collection with that received in 1990 and the value of today’s dollar. On the recommendation of the Pastoral Council we will reprint these in next week’s bulletin for those who may have missed them. You can also review past bulletin announcements on our website Welcome I’d like to welcome Regina Reale, our new Music Director, to our parish. As was mentioned in a previous bulletin, Regina was one of five applicants for this part-time position. In accepting this position she left New Jersey and moved to the Bridgewater area. She brings both musical and pastoral experience to this position as well as a strong faith in and love for the Lord and the Church. In the months ahead you will have the opportunity to meet her and welcome her to our parish. Fr. Bill Contemplating Sacrifice “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” John 3:16 This weekend we celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Christian symbol of sacrifice as well as redemption. In my mind, self-sacrifice and self-preservation similarly reflect the duality of the cross rather like opposite sides of the same coin. Both are born of the survival instinct, and nothing overrides self-preservation like the instinct to protect those we love. It is difficult to imagine a greater individual sacrifice than willingly subjecting one’s body to public humiliation, torture and death as Jesus did, yet most parents would rather suffer the torment of Jesus than suffer the helplessness of Mary being unable to protect her child. This brings my ponderings around to God the father . . . What would force a parent with power to stay back? One circumstance might be the need to protect other children. This, my brothers and sisters, may explain how Christians came to call each other brothers and sisters. Christ loved us so much that he chose to protect his baby brothers and sisters, and God loved us so much that he sacrificed his first born son so that we might live. This is just one way of beginning to understand the magnanimous sacrifice we celebrate in the Eucharist at every Mass. Each time we gather, we are presented with many opportunities to hear God’s voice through the Eucharist, Sacred Scripture, homilies, lay witness, bulletin blurbs and each other. My prayer for you is that with every encounter you find something that causes you to knock on God’s door and ask what it means in the context of your life. Blessings, Gina St. Basil Maintenance Update Great news! After much discussion with representative of the Archdiocese, they have agreed to assume full responsibility for some major capital improvement projects. RCAB property manager, Paul Morin, has already had contractors at St. Basil’s repairing asbestos tiling and has quotes coming for electrical updates and walkway repairs. In addition, he has followed up on the work begun by our Parish Maintenance Council on a new thermostat system, so we can have stable heat this winter! He has contracted the work with the top choice of vendors that was under review by our council. On the heels of all this great news, there is an unexpected challenge that RCAB will not be covering. Due to lack of proper ventilation in the kitchen, St. Basil has been ordered not to cook. Of course, with the amazing culture of hospitality and service to students we provide, this must be remedied as soon as possible. The parish has already begun soliciting bids for the installation of a new commercial hood vent for St. B’s kitchen. We will keep you posted. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish 2 Bridgewater, MA 02324 The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross September 14,2014 Growth in Stewardship Initiative: WHAT’S NEXT? This week you will receive another letter from Father Bill. You will be asked to consider a specific increase to your regular parish giving. Please pray about this request. The Growth in Stewardship Initiative is an initiative about sacrifice, about gratefully giving back to God, and about strengthening the future of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. While the focus of this request comes in the form of a financial commitment, other opportunities to practice stewardship present themselves on a daily basis. You could commit a portion of your time and ability to The Growth in Stewardship Initiative as a Parish Advocate. To find out more about this possibility, join us at the Parish Advocate training and assignment meeting on September 17th in the parish center gym at 7:00 pm. Our current weekly offertory is $6,500. In response to The Growth in Stewardship Initiative, our goal is to increase this to a minimum of $8,500. Advocate Orientation Meeting: September 17th at 7:00 in the Parish Center Gym 2 Corinthians 8:12-15 “12For if the eagerness is there, it is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have; 13not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but that as a matter of equality 14 your surplus at the present time should supply their needs, so that their surplus may also supply your needs, that there may be equality. 15As it is written: ‘Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less.’” Parish Weekly Offerings September 7, 2014 Scripture for the week of September 14, 2014 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 St. Thomas Aquinas Weekly: $5,250 St. Basil’s Chapel Weekly: $915 Catholic University of America: $1,737 Today’s second collection is the parish’s Capital Improvement Fund; which is used to offset maintenance costs for the church and the chapel. SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN Nm 21:4b-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33/Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a/Lk 7:11-17 1 Cor 12:31-13:13/Lk 7:31-35 1 Cor 15:1-11/Lk 7:36-50 1 Cor 15:12-20/Lk 8:1-3 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49/Lk 8:4-15 Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/Mt 20:1-16a A Mass will be celebrated in honor of Fr. Larry Drennan at St. Thomas Aquinas Church Sunday, September 28th at 10 a.m. Clergy Benefit Trust Collection ~ Caring for the Well-Being of our Priests September 20-21, 2014 In the Archdiocese of Boston, we are blessed to have more than 600 priests serving the people of God. Every day these priests serve tens of thousands of people throughout our diocese in so many ways. Our priests celebrate with us in times of joy and comfort us in times of sorrow. They are there through the ordinary and extraordinary moments in our lives. Our priests give their lives in faithful service to Christ and to us. Now it’s our turn to respond to God’s call and help our priests with their health, care and retirement needs. They have been there for us when we needed them; and it is our privilege and our duty to care for our priests when they need us. At this time, we ask that you reflect on the priests who have part of your life and how they have brought the light of Christ into your lives. Please remember to keep them in your prayers and to give them your support in next week’s collection. The following retired priests have served faithfully at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish; Rev. Edward T. Serena, Rev. James J. McGowan, Rev. John G. Connolly, Rev. Leo G. Corrmier, Rev. Michael J. Regan and Rev. Rocco M. Guarino. With love and gratitude we remember; Rev. Edward McLaughlin and Rev. Lawrence Drennan St. Thomas Aquinas Parish 3 Bridgewater, MA 02324 The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross September 14,2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Children’s Mass Ministry The Children’s Ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas will start Sunday, September 21st at the 10:00 Mass. At the beginning of the Liturgy of the Word (after the Gloria and Collect), the presiding priest will call the children forward. Charlene Freccero and Francine Littlejohn will lead the children to the back of the church and take them downstairs to the lower church. Our new music minister, Regina Reale, will play music during their procession. They will return after the homily. If you have a child between the ages of 3-11, we hope you will take advantage of this exciting new program. Children will encounter the gospel on their level and complete an activity pertaining to that day’s readings. Any Confirmation student or adult interested in helping with this ministry is asked to contact Charlene Freccero: [email protected] or Francine Littlejohn [email protected]. We look forward to nurturing the seeds of the faith through this new program. Volunteer Help Wanted: Teacher Openings Last week we were able to recruit more teachers but we still have two slots open, both on Wednesday at 3:45 for Grades 2 & 7. If you’d like to join our dynamic group of teachers, visit or give us a call 508-697-3652 or email [email protected]. Successful Teacher Meeting We were pleased to have 90% attendance at our teacher meeting last Monday night. This is a busy time of year and we appreciate that so many of our teachers made this meeting a priority. One of the topics we discussed was being a role model of the faith. In fact, everyone reading this bulletin is a role model of the faith. Our words and actions show what our faith means to us as individuals. To be able to talk about our faith doesn’t come easy for most people. One of the benefits mentioned at the meeting was that by teaching, teachers themselves become more knowledgeable and grow in their faith. One of our teachers from last year shared her encounter with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Because she had taught and learned so much about the faith, she was able to defend Catholicism with conviction. If volunteering in our program isn’t an option, there are many resources to help you expand your spiritual life. If you are an internet user, there are numerous sites to choose from. Some of our favorites include, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:, and on Facebook you can join or like Catholic pages. Nurture your faith and watch what happens! Confirmation Updates Today the Confirmation students from last year will be participating in a retreat from 11am-5pm with a Mass at 4pm. Sponsors and parents are invited and encourage to attend this Mass. On October 4 & 5 Bishop Dooher will confirm these students. Please pray for our confirmandi and their families that they continue to strive in their relationship with Jesus the Lord. Dates of Confirmation by class Saturday, October 4th, 1:00 with rehearsal on Thursday October 2nd, 3:30 Mrs. Littlejohn, Mrs. Reagan & Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Gale & Mrs. Polk, Mrs. Ferrini Sunday, October 5th, 2:00 with rehearsal on Thursday, October 2nd, 5:30 Mrs. Gasson, Ms. Landers, Mrs. Sousa TROOP PROJECT UPDATE As you know the situation for our troops in theatre is changing and many are coming home by December 31 st. Because of this – and it is all good – we are looking into doing a 50/50 program of supporting some troops that will still be in combat zones and also local veterans. We are in the process of gathering information and hope to have a final proposal and explanation by the end of September. As it looks now, we will still do the Christmas stockings. There will be copies of instructions for both knitting and crocheting at St. Thomas Rectory and St. Basil’s Chapel. Thanks and stay tuned! Sally St. Thomas Aquinas Parish 4 Bridgewater, MA 02324 The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross September 14,2014 Saint Basil’s Chapel, Bridgewater State Univ. Family Feud Night There is still time to register a team of 5! The students at BSU are in need of your assistance. Many of our students are far from home and have no family in the area to support them. Please consider getting to know them and helping them make the adjustment to being so far from home. Saturday, September 27th @ 7pm St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Center 103 Center Street, Bridgewater Family Feud Night will soon be here. Come and play or just watch the fun! Bring your own snacks, soft drinks or favorite adult beverages. This is 21 or older event. Still want to register a team of 5 for the game? Call 508 697-9477 or 508 245-5989. The cost is $25.00 per team or $5.00 per team member. Please consider helping in one of the following ways. Make cookies or brownies for the 5 p.m. Mass on Sundays. Add your name to a list of people willing to give an occasional ride to an appointment, Airport or to Logan Express. Donate warm and clean, clothing, blankets, comforters and pillows in our downstairs drop off location. Provide food for our food pantry to help those on a limited budget Attend some of our events so you can get to know the students. Many would love to be invited to a family event, movie, pizza, sports event, etc. NO TALENT NEEDED. JUST A LITTLE OF YOUR TIME One of the most popular tables at the bazaar is a craft table, consisting of handmade wreaths, trees, ornaments and more. For those of us who don’t make our own, these crafts are something we look forward to each year. There is a lot of work put into making these items throughout the year and while the work load remains the same, sadly the amount of volunteers able to help has dwindled. At this time we ask you to consider volunteering some time between now and November. The craft committee will be available in the parish center each Wed. from 7pm-9pm. If you willing to help please stop in or call Nella at 508-6978848. Below are some suggestions on how you can help the craft committee have another successful year. Please consider helping. To volunteer or for more information please contact Barbara Henault at 508.531.1346 or [email protected]. Thank you. Join the craft committee at the parish center: Wednesday evenings 7pm to 9pm or Thursday mornings 10am to 1pm. Stay for as little or as long as can. Pick up materials to take home and work on at your own convenience. (Often simple assembly) Make your own craft to donate to the bazaar. Check out the Pinterest website for ideas. ( St. Thomas Aquinas Annual Covered Dish Dinner/Meeting Bazaar 2014: Kick-off Meeting Our Annual Covered Dish Dinner Meeting will be held Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 6:30pm in the parish center. Our first meeting in preparation for this year's Bazaar will be held Saturday, Sept. 20, 10:30 at the Parish Center. During this meeting, we will finalize our tables and designate a chair-person for each one. We will also identify a list of our needs for this year prior to reaching out to our Parish family and the community for donations. We encourage you to join us with your thoughts to help us make this year’s bazaar successful and enjoyable for all. To RSVP via WeShare please visit our website or you may contact Beccy directly at (508) 697– 4791. Beccy St. Thomas Aquinas Parish We invite all the women of the parish to consider joining the Women’s Club Ministry. Membership registration will take place at this time. 5 Bridgewater, MA 02324 The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross September 14,2014 PRAYERS FOR RECOVERY Olga (Cassiani) Alberghini, Christine Amaral, Jean Andrade, Baby Valerie Belcher, Olivia Bonfiglio, Jim & Jean Brennan, Eleanor Bumpus, Caitlin Burnett, Sandra Cable, Christine Cabral, Bill Carey, Jacquie Cordaro, Matthew Costantino, Michael Costantino, Sophia Costantino, Joanna Crabtree, John Feeney, Mary Filippetti-Markey, Rylee Fontes, Alanna Gillis, Mary Glover, John Gomes, Beverly Guiffre, Kathleen Henderson, Tim Johnson, Fred & Carol Laham, Germaine Lanzikos, Susan Lanzikos, Gregg Laskoski, Kevin Looney, Marjorie Mello, Bob Morris, Bob Morse, Ann Paulino, Maria Presti, Andrea Proffetty, Betty Tarentino, Sarah Silvia, James Toy, Jr., Don Weiner, Garrett Wilde, Jane Zimmer, Mary (Sweetman) Zunino & Alexis Zutaut. Saturday, September 13 4:00 Living & Deceased Members of St. Thomas Aquinas Women’s Club Sunday, September 14 7:45 Deceased 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly 394 10:00 Virginia Duarte 10:00 St. Basil’s Chapel: Edmund Chojnowski 12:00 Geraldine Kelley Monday, September 15 7:00 Dino & Kay Bertelli and Fred & Caroline Trucchi Tuesday, September 16 7:00 Fr. Carlos Kim Wednesday, September 17 7:00 Rita Doherty Saturday, September 20 4:00 Elena Rea Sunday, September 21 7:45 Beth Edwards 10:00 Helen Ring 10:00 St. Basil’s Chapel: Mass for the People 12:00 Gertrude & Charles Rooney Catholic Financial Life Free Health & Fitness Seminar As we pray for our deceased family and friends we remember... “ He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev. 21:4 Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 Time: 7pm Place: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Center Gym Speaker: Health Coach, Janine Quigly Topic: Healthy Eating during the Holidays Sacraments Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 or by appointment. Baptisms: Ordinarily celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30pm. Please call the Rectory to speak with a priest prior to making any arrangements. Parents are welcome to attend classes during the pregnancy if it is more convenient. Upcoming classes at the Parish Center: Tuesday, October 7 @ 7pm RSVP… ASAP… to Marie Amelotte at 508-697-2197. Please let her know how many people will be attending. Marriage: Please call the Rectory at least eight months in advance. Attendance at Marriage Preparation Course is required. Adoration: Every Saturday immediately following the 9am Mass, the Eucharist is exposed for Adoration until 1pm. We encourage all parishioners to spend some quiet time with the Lord. Light refreshments will be served WEEKLY DEVOTIONS St. Thomas Aquinas Lower Church Anointing of the Sick: If you wish to receive the sacraments at home or in the hospital due to illness, handicap or age, please contact the Rectory. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Divine Mercy Holy Hour: Every Thursday at 3pm 6 Bridgewater, MA 02324 Celebrating Fifty Years of Caring for Our Priests “Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds after Christ’s heart.” It all began with a vision. Fifty years ago, then Cardinal Richard Cushing wanted to build a residence for Boston’s senior priests—a place where these dedicated men could be cared for as they aged—a place of community, fellowship, and fraternity that they could call home. - POPE FRANCIS To submit your special intentions to Since that time, 374 priests of the Archdiocese have called Regina Cleri home. Today’s 54 permanent residents represent 2,800 years of faithful service, 72 of those years contributed by one priest, Msgr. Paul McManus, who celebrated his 98th birthday in May. be remembered by our senior priests during the celebration of Holy Mass at Regina Cleri each week, please visit In the months to come, we will face an increasing need to care for a growing number of priests reaching senior status—some 200 priests in the next 15 years. Through your support of the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust on September 20-21, you can say thank you to these priests and help secure their future by making a generous gift to the collection. To watch a short video on the history of Regina Cleri, please visit our website at On behalf of the 628 priests of our Archdiocese, thank you for helping to ensure the highest level of care and quality of life for all Boston’s priests. For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Spotlight Advertising ✒ Personal Injury ✒ Divorce ✒ Bankruptcy ✒ Wills ✒ Trusts ✒ Estates ✒ Real Estate & Business Law MARK L. CHAPMAN Funeral Director Family Owned & Operated Since 1862 98 Bedford St., (RT 18) 35 Spring Street E. Bridgewater, MA 02333 Bridgewater, MA 02324 508-378-4826 FORNI BROS. OIL, INC. Serving the Area Since 1947 Fuel Oil • Diesel Fuel 508-378-2652 Budget Plans • Early Pay Discounts • 24-Hr Burner Service Fuel Assistance Welcome • Automatic Fuel Deliveries Where should you go for local understanding of your insurance needs? Law Offices of Ronald N. 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Subscribe: For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Open House Contact: 617-779-4104 Subscribe to | | [email protected] he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Brockton 508-586-3400 America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper H erica’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Pilot Bulletins • Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Bridgewater, MA
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