The P & C meets on the second Wednesday of each month Woombye Whispers Principal: Paul Lowik Phone: 5451 3222 Deputy Principal: Brett Dowdell Fax: 5451 3200 Website: DATES TO REMEMBER December 5 Swimming Carnival 9-13yrs 5 Christmas Carols Concert 10 Yr 6/7 Graduation 11 Yr 2 Excursion 11 Yr 1 Beach Carnival 11 Yr 6/7 Surf Awareness 12 END OF TERM January 26 PUBLIC HOLIDAY 27 TERM 1 STARTS Thought to Ponder: “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” – Norman Vincent Peale P & C: 5451 3229 Student Absence Line: 5451 3260 OSHC: 5442 1023 Email: [email protected] School Watch: 131 788 Volume 4 – Issue 5 –4 December 2014 Principal’s Patch Two weeks ago, the “School Opinion Surveys” Results were released for all schools. A brief summary of our results are provided below. The Students’ Responses continue to fluctuate from year to year, depending upon the cohort of students but in general, the results were all very positive. Their lowest responses were for ‘I can talk to my teachers about my concerns’ (80.7%), followed by ‘Student behaviour is well managed at my school’ (82.3%). The highest response was for ‘My teachers expect me to do my best’ (100%). The student responses were above the State averages in all areas and as a school, we can be proud that our students think so highly of our school. The Parent survey attracted 46 responses this year with the lowest response being for ‘The school asks for my input’ (68.9%), followed by ‘The school keeps me well informed’ (71.7%). We did attract a number of 100% approval ratings for ‘My child likes being at school’, ‘My child feels safe at school’, and ‘The school has a strong sense of community’. Most of the community responses were above the State average. The Staff responses were great, reflecting our efforts in ensuring that our school staff remain supported, informed, trained and motivated. The lowest response was for ‘I feel the Developing Performance process helps me to improve my work at this school’ (85.7%) with all other responses being in the 90% range. Seventeen categories achieved 100%. From the results above, the area that seems to be requiring the most attention is the communication between the school and the community. This seems strange from the school perspective as the question, “The school asks for my input” rated 96.8% approval in 2012 which the dropped a little to 85.2% in 2013. This year it is our lowest response at 68.9%. A similar trend is evident with “The school keeps me well informed” which rated 90.3% in 2012 and 86.2% in 2013. The school has changed very little with its forms of communication during this period of time, seeking to improve it at every opportunity. We would appreciate feedback from anyone who is able to provide an insight into this trend. 2014 marks the end of Year Seven in Primary School. At the end of this year, we farewell the last Year 7 class to every attend Woombye State School as well as farewelling the first Year Six class to formally move into the Secondary School for their Year Seven education. We wish both cohorts of students all the very best as they venture into the new frontiers of high school and beyond. WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Brett’s Business I’d like to thank Craig Nichols from Robert’s Turf Supplies (521 Chevallum Road, Chevallum) for his continual kind support in donating his time and machine to aerate our ovals. This will allow these ovals to soften and for the grass to flourish. He will also be in during the holidays to spread fertiliser over these areas. This year Craig has donated more than $3000 towards the school, thank you very much. Anybody requiring turf, please call Craig for all your needs – 0412 708 894. Thank you very much for the support of so many parents, students and staff for donating towards Movember. This is a cause which is very close to my heart, and I appreciate that so many people recognise the importance of raising awareness of men’s health. Good luck and happy journeys for all our Year 6/7 students going onto high school in 2015. May you all reach your potential, and celebrate plenty of successes in the future. Thank you to all of our staff, that make up Woombye State School. Their professionalism and dedication for creating positive outcomes for all our students is brilliant. Thank you to the P&C for their continual assistance in helping create such a wonderful school. Finally thank you to all the volunteers, that have made 2014 such a successful year. We are very proud of our amazing school and the wonderful positive culture that is so conducive to student learning. Have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and we look forward to everybody’s safe return in 2015. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year. Thank you Brett School Leaders 2015:- Following a rigorous process of speeches, voting and interviews, the School Leaders for 2015 have been decided. We would like to congratulate Reece Ardrey, Pandora Bundellu, Elijah Dixon and Angelina Hambleton on their selections. The badge presentation ceremony will occur early next year. “Student Resource Scheme”:- Last week, the “Student Resource Scheme” Information Booklet was distributed to all families. One thing that was not made clear at all was that we do not want any money paid this year. All we require back this year is the response to your participation in the scheme. All families with students continuing at Woombye State School next year are to return the paperwork stating either a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ for your participation. Invoices will be distributed at the start of next year and payments accepted then. Any questions about the scheme may be directed to the Admin at school. Candy Canes:- Tradition has it that Candy Canes are very much part of the Christmas Season. At school we are encouraging all students who receive candy canes to bring them home and not to eat them at school. We are asking this as some of the student behaviours do escalate with extra sugar in the system and the candy canes are a ‘red’ food thus not encouraged in the school environment. Classes for 2015:- As in the past, the Class Lists for 2015 will be posted on the Notice Board in the under cover area on the last Friday of the School Holidays, Friday 23rd January 2015. Farewells:- At the end of next week, we farewell two of our wonderful staff members. Mrs Donna Zammit has been transferred to Jinibara State School in North Brisbane while Ms Jo Sheard has completed her contract with us. Both ladies will be missed greatly around our school and we wish them all the very best in their future endeavours. Report Cards:- Report Cards for students will be sent home to parents next Monday, 8th December. There will be no Parent/Teacher Interviews following the distribution of the Report Cards as these documents should be a culmination of information that parents already know about their child/ren and there should be no new information provided. Smoking ban extended to 5m around school grounds from 1 January 2015:- The use of cigarettes, other tobacco products and electronic cigarettes within five metres of school land will be banned from 1 January 2015. This applies before, during and after school hours, and on school holidays and weekends. The ban doesn’t extend over neighbouring residences or businesses. Students Leaving:- If your child is not returning to Woombye State School for 2015 and is currently not in Year 6 or 7, please contact your child’s class teacher or School Office. We need these details as soon as possible to help with the balance of numbers for next years’ classes. On behalf of all the Staff at Woombye State School, I would like to wish everyone who is part of the Woombye School Community a very happy, safe and restful Christmas period. May 2015 realise the promises for a great year for everyone. WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Did you know that Australians produce over 18 million tonnes of waste per year – that’s the same as three million waste collection trucks full of tightly packed rubbish! Recycling is one simple way that you can reverse this trend and make a positive difference. You can learn the secrets to successful recycling by watching this short YouTube video. : Did you know that group lessons in orchestral instruments are available at the school, free of charge, apart from a yearly contribution and maintenance levy? Instruction is available in flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, electric bass and percussion as well as string instruments: violin, viola, cello and bass. Students are admitted to the program on the basis of suitability testing, academic results and behaviour, and subject to an instrument and place being available. The school has a few instruments available for beginners wishing to start next year. There is conclusive evidence that the study of a musical instrument can improve academic performance, fine motor skills and self-discipline. Most importantly, it fosters a lifelong interest in music and provides an avenue for self expression, a sense of teamwork and accomplishment. Regular practice and commitment to ensemble rehearsals and performances is required. Please note that lessons in guitar, keyboard or voice are not provided as part of the program and that students must be in year four or above to begin study in wind/percussion and in year three and above to start strings. If you are interested in having your child tested for the program, please ask for an “Expression of Interest” form at the office and return as soon as possible. Neil Heymink & Xandria Mealor, Instrumental Music Teachers COME AND JOIN US AT PCYC FOR AWESOME, FUN FILLED DAYS HERE AT WOOMBYE! THIS SUMMER PROGRAM IS SURE TO SUIT ALL AGES ! CHECK OUT OUR SUMMER PROGRAM – (go into school age care – vacation care – Woombye) For more information, bookings or general enquiries contact Jodie on 54421023 / 0417923829 WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL It is great to see so many students reaching their goal of 10 tokens as we get close to the end of the school year. However, as a result CBA is experiencing unprecedented volumes of reward orders and unfortunately have run out of stock of a number of reward items. They have placed additional orders to their suppliers for swim bags and projector cups but given production times and school closing shortly, these prizes will not arrive until January and will be given out when school resumes. If you choose to claim any prize in the last week of school your item will not arrive until the new year as the school does not carry a stock of prizes, they are ordered individually each week and CBA mails to us to hand out on a week to week basis. The other option bankers have at this time of year is to hang onto your silver tokens because they can be carried over into 2015! Next year the theme will be Space & all prizes will relate to that. You will be issued with a new prize claim card with exciting new items to choose from in Term 1. Banking will resume on Tuesday, February 3rd. We are looking forward to another successful year of banking & remember it's never too late to start saving. Without our dedicated team of volunteers the banking program would not run so smoothly. We are saying goodbye to Wendy, Sharon and Rhonda and thank them for their years of service. Angela, Lisa, Jodie & Jacky are your 2015 co-ordinators and are available to speak to every Wednesday morning in the school office from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Last school ‘School Banking’ is Tuesday the 9th December for 2014. WOOMBYE SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT !!!! This Friday 5th December 6.30pm FAMILY FUN ☺ Come early to enjoy a variety of meals from 5.30pm – Sausage on bread $2 Hot dogs $2.50 Hot beef rolls with gravy $4 Hamburgers $4 Yummy desserts $2 Soft Drinks $2 Free Water & Cordial ☺ BACKPACKS for NEW YEAR As a Christmas Gift to our School, the Anglican Church in Nambour is donating a quantity of school backpacks, each containing a library bag and stationary set, to give families a head start for school next year. Some of these are still available for distribution next week. Please contact me at school (Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday) if you know of school families who would appreciate these gifts, or if your child could use one to start the 2015 school year. HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY BREAK ☺ Anne Wells (Chappy) WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Here we are at the very end of the school year. I am sure most of us have mixed feelings about the year ending and having our children home for 6 weeks! Keep in mind Vacation Care are open… Just to remind us all of the great work that our school P&C has done this year: • • • • • • • • • • • • Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Cinema ticket fundraising Christmas Night Markets, Discos (2-Dress-up and Halloween) Family Portraits Father’s Day Stall P&C Hire (the Hall, Dunking Machine, Fairy Floss and Popcorn Machine Melbourne Cup event Mother’s Day Stall Sunshine Fair Toy Catalogue Fundraiser Working Bees x 2 Plus, Facebook administration, Prep familiarisation sessions (with a new P&C PrepTips Handbook), Uniform Shop administration, Tuckshop administration, countless morning teas and cakes for celebrations and a whole lot of other invisible ‘stuff’ that the P&C regularly pulls out of a hat! There is not enough thanks that can be said for the hard working women, men, children and staff who have tirelessly organised these events for our children’s school. But if you know their faces – stop them this week at school and thank them. They have sacrificed a lot of time, energy, (often money and sanity too) to create these events that have helped create a fantastic WSS community and raise much-needed funds for our school. We have funded the work that will occur over the holidays to make the sports shed and oval bubbler area safer; we will be purchasing additional fridges – so each classroom has their own; an electronic sign to assist in continually informing school communications to all parents. We have spent funds on the Hall kitchen to improve it for external hiring (see prices below of all our hire fees – please publicise this with friends and family, the more publicity, the more hires = $ for our school). Uniform Shop: The uniform shop will be open for several hours prior to 2015 return, but are still being finalized. It will be in the week prior to school starting. Please monitor the school Facebook page, the Qschools App, the calendar on the website or the school sign to confirm details. You can also email [email protected] with your request and we can have ready on the day for quick pick up. Uniform shop is open this Friday from 8.00 and then next Wednesday from 2.30. This will be the last day for 2014. Tuckshop will only be open in the last week on the Monday. Not open Wed, Thursday or Friday. WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Booklists – All orders with these suppliers must be submitted by the 12th December. WSS P&C recommends purchasing through the following suppliers as they provide a percentage of sales back to school as a fundraiser: Woombye Newsagency (5442 1365): Tim is how we support our local business and he requires no payment until collection of packs. Even if it is the first day of school! He provides a 10% rebate to School P&C (excluding textbooks), collection from Newsagency at 18 Blackall Street, Woombye. • Order in person, • fax 5442 3365, • email [email protected] • Online at via the signup link on right hand side of screen. Work n Learn (5476 6002) A 12.5% rebate to School P&C (including textbooks), delivered direct to each student. • • Order in person at 8 Hi-Tech Drive, Kunda Park, Online at . Password: Woom-04 Please note: Teachers recommend specific brands for a reason – for example the Yamaha recorder is already tuned and will not sound like a cat dying every time your child plays it. It is recognised that there are often cheaper, generic brands on items – where a specific brand is mentioned, at least consider the benefits of purchasing the recommended product. But it is your choice at the end of the day. A reminder to Prep parents that general stationery items are pooled (not textbooks, scrapbooks etc.) and do not require naming. Communication updates: These will continue even though school is out. Both of the Facebook pages will be keeping you abreast of any news. The Old Fashioned Fair planning will be in high gear for planning and this is where we need our school community to participate. We will be throwing out requests and hope to be able to celebrate our 130th birthday as successfully as we are planning. We will need donations, volunteers and using our social networks .So, please if you have not signed up to watch our Fair space, do so (it is on Friday 1 May 2015- which will crop up very quickly once school resumes). Our School Facebook page: _hot_post_notif The WSS Fair page: Sponsorship IGA and Bendigo Bank in Woombye are both of our major sponsors of various programs at school and in our community. You can thank them both in many ways –in person, with your shopping and even with presents. IGA: You could shop here and make a hamper for people on your Christmas list. Have you registered WSS as your charity from your IGA card? Lost your card or haven’t registered it online? Take it into the shop and get activated today. Every time you shop at Woombye or Palmwoods IGA – the school receives money towards our fundraising. So every time you shop at IGA and ensure that shoppers scan your Loyalty Card every time you shop. Bendigo Bank: What about opening a bank account for someone? Woombye School banking are in discussion with Bendigo Bank about school banking options for 2015. We are hoping to support them by encouraging WSS families to shift their banking to our community based (and very competitive) local bank. More details will be available next year regarding changes to school banking. Try and think local, small business –especially Woombye, when gift shopping this year –there are a lot of fantastic businesses that would really appreciate your support. WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Cinema Are you in a Secret Santa this year? Or have that really hard to buy for relative/friend? Everybody enjoys going to the movies - why not buy discounted movie vouchers for them. This is the easiest fundraising our School does as we receive $1 for every voucher that is sold - it's a win-win for everyone!! PS: These also make great teacher presents Ez Cover Tired of contacting school books. Ez Covers offer a choice of recycled plastic book covers in a range of sizes and designs. No more messy contact, simply slip on the cover. They are offering 10 cents per cover back to our school (using code ZFA 186) when you order through . P&C Hire: Did you know you can hire out our School Hall? Or our Dunking Machine, Popcorn Machine or Fairy Floss machine? Contact us at [email protected] if you would like further details. Remember you don’t have to be a WSS family to hire them –so share this information with all your family and friends. We are looking at revamping our much loved Dunking Machine with an internal rubber like coating, much like what utes are now lined with. If anyone has any contacts on how we can do this at a reasonable rate – please get in touch with the P&C or pass the details onto the office. Dunking Machine Fairy Floss Machine Popcorn Machine hire Package deal of all 3 $150 hire $150 hire $150 hire $300 hire $100 Deposit $150 Deposit includes cleaning bond $100 Deposit includes cleaning bond $150 Deposit includes cleaning bond Hall hiring timeframes: Prices for Hired Times: Pay by Hour (min of 2 hours) $40.00 Half Day (8am to 1pm or 1pm to 6pm) $100.00 Full Day ( 8am to 5pm) $130.00 Saturday or Sunday (8am to Midnight) $300.00 Full Weekend (6pm Friday to Midnight $700.00 Sunday} Note: An hourly rate of $20/hour will apply for any hires outside of the above times. Thank you WSS community, for the support you have given to all of the above activities and events. We invest time and effort in them, for your family. Without your support and encouragement – we would not soldier on. We look forward to an even more exciting, fun-filled (and hopefully profitable) 2015. Stay safe and enjoy the much-needed break with your family. They are little for such a short time and this is our time to enjoy less run-around and actual quality chill time with our children. Though they will be bored by Day 2, so we will keep you posted on inexpensive, local events on Facebook! Happy Holidays from the 2014 P&C members. WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Year 21 November PA Jake PB Kylee PC Zayne 1A Charlotte 1B Harrison 1C Henry 2A Bonni 2B Malachy Harrison 2C Jack Year 26 November 3A Shakaia 3B Noah D 3C Teddy 3D Noah P 4A Monique 4B Rhys 5A Ryley 5B Jayden 6A Louise 6B Tahlia 7A Ashlee Awarded For Always enthusiastic and on task and showing excellent thinking skills. For amazing achievement in all areas of Prep this year. Working very hard to present neat work. An enthusiastic and confident young writer who always completes her tasks. For being a confident learner and being persistent to complete tasks. Great efforts in listening, following instructions and completing tasks. For an awesome effort to improve her handwriting. Well done Bonni! Outstanding job on his Art Project. Excellent Work! For an outstanding job with his Art Project and his improved behaviour in class. Well Done Harrison! For doing excellent work in maths activities. Well Done Jack. Awarded For For consistently trying to put in her best effort. She is helpful and thoughtful. Showing great persistence in all his work. Efforts in trying out a new skill – circus here I come! For fantastic progress in English! Well Done! For suing the key of resilience to finish assessments so well. For an outstanding effort in his History assessment with excellent results. Well Done! For being an independent and responsible worker showing good persistence. For outstanding instant recall of number facts and great peer tutoring during super speed practice. Excellent work on her money project. Excellent work on her money project. Excellent work with her finance managing your money project. 28 November Callum Ellie Lily Charlotte Cody Taj Bohdi Matthew Byron Awarded For Consistent high standard of work all the time. Achieving a very high standard of work in all areas all year. Consistently doing her best in all areas. For persistence and pride in completing all her writing tasks. For being a confident and organised learner and always trying his best. Using expression and gestures in his re-tell of the 3 Little Pigs. For consistently all year working to the best of his ability in all areas. Reaching his reading and sight words goal for the year. Amazing effort! For settling back into our school well showing a HUGE improvement in becoming a learner. Fabulous work Byron! 3 December Awarded For Brayden For great effort and fantastic results in his work this year. Destiny Thankyou for being so welcoming to your new teacher. Jayden Writing project on Pigton. Jemma Peter Always a conscientious and helpful student! For showing the keys of resilience and persistence to complete his work. Ryan Well done Ryan for an excellent week with behaviour, effort and attitude! Hemi For his enthusiasm and efforts during Maths lessons. Riley M Rylea R Matthew Holly Jenna For making a greater effort during group work. For showing improvement with recall of number facts. For being a well organised student and great helper in the classroom. For enthusiasm and positive attitude during dance practice for Graduation. For always having a smile to brighten the day. A great friend to all. WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL Robert’s Turf Supplies Craig & Margot Nichols Growers and Suppliers of Quality Turf 5478 9438 A/H: 5478 4578 Mobile: 0412 708 894 Farm: 521 Chevallum Rd., Chevallum Q. Postal: 25 Carrothool Place, Mooloolaba Q. 4557 Fax: 5478 9457 WOOMBYE COMMUNITY BANK BRANCH OF BENDIGO BANK AND WOOMBYE IGA PROUDLY SUPPORTS WOOMBYE STATE SCHOOL
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