The UK Perspective

The UK Perspective
Yvonne Kunihira-Davidson
Compliance Technologies
FATCA- a UK perspective
• The UK:
– Played a key role in developing the Intergovernmental
Agreement (“IGA”) framework with the U.S.;
– First country to sign an IGA with the U.S. in September
– First country to publish detailed implementation
guidance (the HMRC Guidance Notes);
– Leveraged the US IGA model to develop “UK FATCA”;
– First country to implement the IGA into local law;
– First country to publish detailed consultation paper on
the implementation of the OECD’s CRS.
FATCA- Overview of current UK
• HMRC published revised Guidance Notes on
August 28, 2014 (these supersede the
February 28, 2014 version).
• The revisions fall into two types:
– Updates to reflect amendments in the U.S.
Regulations; and
– Revisions reflecting HMRC’s interpretation of the
spirit of the IGA.
HMRC Guidance Notes- key updates
• Guidance was updated in the following areas:
– The definition of a financial account in the following
• Provision of collateral
• Failed trades, market claims and similar
• Where placing agents are involved (for transactions settling
– Definition of regularly traded on an established
securities market and anti-abuse provision
– Securitizations
– Trusts as FFIs vs NFFEs.
What does the future hold?
• HMRC being lobbied by Industry to engage with the U.S. on
certain implementation issues, e.g. recent IRS FAQ on Selfcertifications; responsible officer certifications by QIs in
Model 1 IGA jurisdictions;
• HMRC has switched its focus to implementing the CRS
– Consultation period in progress
– Town hall meeting scheduled for October 9, 2014
– HMRC Guidance Notes to be re-written with CRS as the status
quo, and highlight differences with US FATCA and UK FATCA
• UK to sign multilateral Competent Authority Agreement to
exchange information under the CRS (expected at the end
of October 2014).
• UK FATCA to disappear when CRS goes live.
Serving Two Masters
Jonathan Jackel
Burt, Staples & Maner, LLP
We Thought the IGAs Would Save Us
• Consistent rules across jurisdictions?
• Multiple Models
• Models Within Models
– Reciprocal? Preexisting treaty/TIEA?
• Were we wrong?
U.S. Tax Law Is Weird
• Disregarded entities
• Various types of trusts (grantor, simple,
• Expanded affiliated group vs. related entities
Local Guidance—An Adventure
• Canada says an investment entity must be a
“listed financial institution” under Income Tax Act
§ 263(1). Most PICs and trusts would be
• UK says English law CSA creates no custodial
account due to title transfer to collateral holder.
• Cayman says sponsoring entities must be
Cayman—but only under CDOT. Not practical to
distinguish FATCA, CDOT in most cases.
• Not to mention self-certifications…
The Latest—US MFN Guidance
• IGAs include most-favored nation (“MFN”) clause so that
early adopters do not lose out as new issues identified.
• Treasury recently posted letter informing 17 IGA countries
of terms in the revised Mexico IGA (signed in April).
– You did know that Mexico signed a second IGA, right?
• 12 pages of quotes from the Mexican IGA that other
countries are free to apply.
• Those countries can decide not to adopt those provisions.
• Will Treasury post those notifications?
• Does not include provisions in the latest model like the
provisions dealing with accounts opened prior to entry into
force. Will another letter be forthcoming?
The Shifting Sands of Web Guidance
• Treasury IGA page has copies of IGAs, MOUs, etc.
• No notification of new content. Only eagle eyes
and vigilance work.
• Similarly, IRS FAQs cover many material issues
and could vanish in a blink.
• OTOH, allows much faster guidance cycle.
• Be a packrat.
• Updates to Pub. 901 or a new publication?
Will there ever be truly reciprocal
• “Reciprocal” IGAs require U.S. to provide info already
collected from USFIs re partner country individuals, limited
to U.S. source income.
• Meanwhile, Partner FIs are required to report all income,
plus proceeds, plus account balances, plus look-thru to U.S.
controlling persons of nonfinancial entities.
• Article 6(1) of Model 1 commits U.S. to pursue legislation,
regulations for “equivalent levels of reciprocal automatic
information exchange.”
• Proposal to authorize regulations in the President’s budget,
but no action so far.
• How is Treasury addressing/planning to address this topic?