SUMMARY Q&A - NOV. 10, 2014
Does the district provide transportation to any surrounding counties? If so, to which counties
does the district travel? --->All routes are in Sacramento county can be out of county.
Does the district have a school or county GIS Department we can work with to review any digital
map resources, which the county may already have, that could be used in this project? If so,
please provide the contact information. No.
Please confirm that your current enrollment is 31,112 and that currently 5,000 students are
transported daily by the district. ---> Those numbers are good with a little variation up or down.
The following questions relate to the routing software portion of the RFP:
a. How many people will need to be trained as full users of the routing software? ---> Four.
b. How many people will need to be trained (as limited system access users) to only view or
look up transportation information? ---> Eight
c. Will the users of the routing software be using Mac’s or PC’s? ---> PC Only.
d. Will there be any other staff members that need to use the software? --->Possibly.
Based on the definition of a route below, how many routes does the district currently run?
“A route is defined as one trip that begins with an empty bus picking up a group of school
children during a designated timeframe and dropping them off at their assigned destination
leaving an empty bus. (i.e. One AM route begins at the first bus stop and ends after all the
children have been dropped off at their assigned school, leaving the bus empty.)” . ---> The
definition of route an empty bus going to multiple stops and multiple school sites.
The following questions relate to the planning software requirements of the RFP:
a. How many users will need to be trained on the planning functionality? ---> four.
b. Does your district collect demographic data? (For example: population history, new
construction, gender, Federal School Nutrition program recipients) ---> some and we will
be collecting more.
c. Are you looking to forecast the district’s future population utilizing your demographic
data? ---> Yes.
d. Are you planning to implement boundary changes? ---> We may be looking at that in the
e. Is the district planning to open new schools or close existing schools? ---> That is always a
The following questions pertain to GPS requirement on page 6:
a. Will the awarded software vendor be given pre-recorded GPS data from Gatekeeper GPS
system that includes when a bus’ red lights are turned on? ---> Yes.
b. Does the Gatekeeper System provide active (cellular transmission of data) or passive (data
downloads) communication of GPS data? ---> Both.
How many district personnel will need training on the GPS/AVL tracking software solution
provided by the awarded vendor? ---> At least three.
The following questions pertain to the student management requirement on page 6:
a. Does your district intend to use the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) to update
student records automatically or would auto-scheduled, nightly updates meet this
requirement? If the district intends to use SIF, does the district have a Zone Integration
Server (ZIS) installed currently? If the district already has a ZIS, how many products are
utilized? If so, which ZIS is the district currently using? --->We do not use SIF to send data
to any companies. We looked at it in the past but decided against its use. That being said,
Aeries is a SIF compliant database which will make uploading data to them pretty easy.
We will have to talk with their database techs to arrange a configured dataset for them.
Specifically addressing the first bullet point on page 6 - Implementation and Installation, does
the district require that route building services be provided by the awarded vendor? ---> That
might be an option that we would want to use it is not required in the bid.
Does the district require a web-based software tool that will allow both school personnel and
parents online access to bus route, times and stop information through either a mobile device
or computer? ---> it is something that we are looking at.
Specifically addressing the Student Management bullet on page 5 – Does the district have
multiple student management databases? If so, are they all AERIES or from multiple systems? If
there are multiple systems, please provide a list of the databases used. ---> We currently use
Aeries we may also draw from excel exports.
How many buses are used to transport students--->We have 120 buses in our fleet with 96
Integration with Gatekeeper cameras for GPS:
Is the GPS passive? ---> both
Is the GPS location/date/time data stored in a database and is it accessible--->It can be.
Do they currently use ESRI software for their mapping, i.e. ArcGIS? --->They use Google maps.
What is their mapping source, i.e. County maps? --->Google.
Is the mapping geocoded? --->See attached excel file it is information from a sample GPX file.
Please explain “Virtual route review (preview the route in real or advanced time on line);” Can
this statement be elaborated on. --->once the route is built can it be previewed as if you were
driving it.
“Ability to upload student photos for inclusion in student records and reports;” Please explain
what the reports are needed that require a student photo. --->Student records and cover sheets.
Does your transportation system involve fixed route bus tracking? How many vehicles does the
District currently have in total? ---> We have 120 school buses We do not use fixed route
tracking yet.
Additionally, I understand that you transport 5,000 students daily. Does your ridership increase
past 5,000 during peak times each day? How many buses does the District have running during
peak loads? ---> We run 96 buses daily ridership can vary from day to day.
What is the date of anticipated award of a contract? ---> Proposals are due Nov. 14. Estimated
date of Board Approval/Contract Award is Dec. 2
24.What is the expected date for taking delivery of the software and starting training? ---> Projected
January 13 2015 fully installed and ready for training.
25. Is the transportation staff available for training during the summer months? ---> Yes they are for
extra training.
The RFP states that you need to work with Gatekeeper Systems, Inc. GPS. Can you please provide
a list containing the model number, ancillary products installed (i.e. RF ID card reader), current
software provided by Gatekeeper Systems and specifications of the installed GPS units.
See below:
304SD - 4 Channel Recorder, 60 FPS, 720 x 480 Resolution
Key Features & Benefits
H.264 compression
SD card based DVR
4 audio / video channels
D1 resolution
8 input sensors
Fan less Design
Dual Streaming
Wireless Ready – WiFi
27. The RFP is asking for technical requirements that will support 12 remote users and up to 20 users.
Can you provide a breakdown of the users? ---> These numbers are just minimum requirements.
a. Read Only Users --->At least ten
b. Routers who will be making changes to transportation information ---> three routers
and other staff members Names at this time are not available.
c. Will all of the routers be in one location? If not how many? --->Two locations
28. What counties are serviced by the transportation department? ---> At this point Sacramento County
except for field trips.
29. How many Regular Needs bus routes operate in the AM home to the transfer HUB or school? Route
definition, A single bus departs empty and begins to pickup students at homes or group stops, then
ends after all students has been dropped off at their transfer HUB. --->All of our routes are
comprised of multiple runs regular ED may consist of a High School-Elementary School-Middle
School for the AM. The same works with SPED. We also have overflow routes that go from school to
school. We also have Midday routes.
Using the definition above, but for drop off in the afternoon, how many Regular Needs bus routes
operate in the PM for school/HUB to home transportation? ---> 96.
Are the Regular Needs bus routes tiered? ---> Yes
a. If yes, how many tiers operate in the morning? ---> Three or more.
b. If yes, how many tiers operate in the afternoon? --->Three or more.