QUEEN OF MARTYRS CHURCH Evergreen Park, Illinois Rev. Edward M. Mikolajczyk, Pastor Rev. Kevin McCray, Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas McCarthy, OSA, Weekend Associate Rev. Rich Young, OSA, Weekend Associate 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 21, 2014 Page Two 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 21, 2014 Today we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. We welcome our teachers from school and our catechists from Saturday School of Religion who will be commissioned at the 9:30AM Mass to teach and to share their faith with our students during this year. Through their example they help our students understand the importance of living out their faith and becoming active in the Church. This year, the Archdiocese is focusing its attention around the Sacraments. By providing a strong foundation in faith, it enables our students to become future leaders in the Church, prepared to pass down their faith to future generations to come. My prayer and hope is that this year will be a successful and meaningful one for our students in religion especially those students preparing for the Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation. Next weekend, we will be sponsoring our parish fest. I hope you will take some time and come out to support the fest. If you haven’t purchased your raffle tickets, you can do so after the Masses this weekend or during the fest. All proceeds from the fest go back into supporting the school and parish. Many people have worked hard to make this fest successful. I hope that you will come out and support their efforts. The second collection this weekend is for the Archdiocesan Seminaries. The monies help to provide the education needed to prepare candidates for the priesthood. Fr. Kevin and I have been recipients of your generosity through our years in the seminary. This collection is important to me, since I taught in the seminary system. I am very proud of the students I taught that became priests and those students who now provide lay leadership roles in their parish communities. We are reminded every day as we pray for our adopted Seminarian Oswaldo Avile, of the importance vocations play in the priesthood and religious life. I ask you to be as generous as you can for this collection. It is truly appreciated. A reminder that the 11:30AM Mass next weekend will be celebrated in the St. Joseph’s parking lot, weather permitting. See you at the fest. Have a good week. God Bless, Queen of Martyrs Rectory Business Hours Sharing your talents, time and treasure. Queen of Martyrs Sunday Comparison—September 14, 2014 Last Week Year-To-Date Amount Needed ................. $10,000 .................... $110,000 Amount Collected ................ $7,430 ...................... $90,947 Surplus (Deficit) .................... $2,570. .................... $(19,053) Number of Weekly Envelopes……….. ......................... 302 Please consider increasing your weekly contribution to decrease our deficit. Your sacrifice is appreciated. Monday thru Friday — 9:00 A.M. to Noon and 1:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. The office is closed from Noon until 1:00 for lunch. The Rectory is also open for key pick-up/drop-off and pre-arranged appointments with Fr. Ed: Monday thru Thursday—3:30 to 8:30 PM Friday—3:30 to 8:00 P.M Saturday—9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and Sunday—9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Please call or visit the Rectory during scheduled business hours to ensure prompt attention to your requests. September 21, 2014 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three St. Vincent de Paul Society News Religious Education News Sandwich Schedule for Adult Members at 9:00 A.M. in the Convent on the following Wednesdays: Happy Catechetical Sunday 2014 September 24 October 8 & 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CAN YOU HELP? The Society of St Vincent de Paul at Queen of Martyrs is “looking for a few good men and women” who have a few hours each month to help us continue our service to the community. We meet twice a month after the 9:30AM Mass on Sundays and participate in various activities to provide assistance where needed. If you would like to enhance your personal Spiritual growth and development by helping to serve the needy of your community and others, please leave your name and number at the rectory and a member will contact you with more information. To all who teach as Jesus did. This year the theme is “Teaching about God’s Gift of Forgiveness” Our parish is fortunate to provide a day school and a religious education program in the Saturday School of Religion. We recognize the people who make this possible. Saturday School of Religion Faculty and Staff Grade 1 Emily Bounardj, Jennifer Mangan, Megan and John Szczesniak Grade 2 Chris Rados, Jan Corriero, Maria Pazienza Grade 3 Jeanne Norville, Sheila Martin Grade 4 Julie Yaverski, Cyndi Kenzinger, Kelly McCann Grade 5 Dawn Doherty, Maureen Lotti Grade 6 Amy Parisi Grade 7 Richard Widmer, Patrick McGarry Grade 8 Ann Doyle Office Staff: Sara Dickey, Kayley Rayl, Caitlin Ryan, Elizabeth Stalla Queen of Martyrs School Faculty and Staff Results for 09/15/14 On Monday, September 15th, Envelope No. 0301 was drawn. There was NO winner. The total amount of the prize pot was $4,695.00. To be eligible for the raffle, you must use two separate envelopes for the current week. In your regular weekly envelope, your contribution must be at least $5.00; and you must use the corresponding week’s 50/50 envelope with a $5.00 contribution in that envelope. To be included in the weekly 50/50 drawing, envelopes must be in the rectory office by 8:30 A.M. on the Monday morning immediately after the weekend. Good luck next week! 3 year old program Patricia Griffin 4 year old program Lexie Brown Kindergarten Mary Cosentino, Sarah Turano Pre-School Aides Denise Clemens, Mary Jo Schoper Grade 1 Lisa Gagner Grade 2 Jackie King Grade 3 Ashley Flores Grade 4 Gina DiCola, Jacqueline Lang Grade 5 Carla Kirkland, William Langevin Grade 6 Robin Creevy, Kim Felmon Grade 7 Lois Kettering, Colleen Biszewski Grade 8 Patricia Pekelnicky, Julie O’Connor Gym and Library Mary Ann Cronin Music and Spanish Jose Porcayo Learning Resourse and Computer Dina Egan Principal Ted Morgan Administrative Assistants Colleen Budz, Sandy Melant Next Saturday School of Religion class is Sat. October 4 at 9:30. No class Sat. September 27 due to the FEST weekend. FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST COMMUNION PARENT MEETING is planned for October 1 at 7 PM Total Parishioners Pledged:……………………………… 275 Total Pledges:……………………………………... $506,043.00 Amount on Deposit as of 8/29/14 In “To Teach Who Christ Is” Account:……………..$76,855.96 nd at ST. BARNABAS CHURCH 102 and Longwood. A speaker is coming from the Archdiocese and details about our First Reconciliation November 15 will be shared. We look forward to seeing our 2nd grade parents there. Thank you for joining us at Mass today! Enjoy the week! See you at MartyrsFest! Page Four 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Martyrs Youth Ministry QMYM Mission Trip 2014 Making Others Very Important Every Summer “Prior to actually going to Harlan, I was most nervous about the physical labor I was going to have to do. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep up. While in Harlan, I was amazed and so impressed by how hard the youth worked and how they preserved no maƩer what the task. As a result of watching them, I was inspired to work just as hard as they did. I preserved and before I knew it, it was Friday and the work week was over. That’s how God works in my life. I trust him and the work gets done. My trip to Harlan, KY, does not compare to anything I have ever done. There were 25 youths driving in 3 vans, there was so much laughter, beauƟful country, kind people, service work, evening reflecƟon, plenty of music, and I saw God in all of that all week.” –Joan QMYM will once again be selling Dippin Dots at MartyrsFest to help fundraise for the Youth Ministry Program!! Stop by the St. Joseph’s Room. Only $3 CRHP 4 “We Lived” Christ Renews His Parish Retreat Weekend When: Saturday November 8th-Sunday November 9th 8am-4pm Who: Sophomores-Seniors in High School Cost: $40 & 1 Liter of Pop to share Forms available soon!! September 21, 2014 Youth Leadership Board YLB team will be meeƟng on Tuesday September 23rd at 7pm in the Youth Room. Contact Tina if you are interested in being a LEADER in Youth Ministry. QMYM Issue MeeƟng will take place Wednesday September 24th in the Youth Room!! Join us from 7-9pm for discussion on Media Mania, snacks, & fun. QuesƟons about QMYM? Contact Tina O’Shea at [email protected] The Circle of Life "The Heart's Journey through the Seasons" By Joyce Rupp & Macrina Wiederkehr Monday nights, 7:00-8:00pm September 29th, October 13th, October 27th and November 10th School Library or our NEW morning Ɵme Wednesday mornings 10:00 - 11:00 am October 8th, October 22nd, November 5th and November 19th Convent MeeƟng Room The Circle of Life encourages women to connect their experiences of the evolving seasons with inner spiritual growth. Each season is a stepping stone in a great circle of life. No season is ever exactly the same as the year before. Each season teaches us something more about who we are and about how life is to be lived. All women are welcome to come to any or all sessions to discover the link of the seasons to our lives. If you have any quesƟons please contact JoAnne at 773-520-7454 ([email protected]) or Margie at 773-842-4104 ([email protected]) “Teach Christ” with Scripture We invite you to join Fr. Kevin McCray and your fellow parishioners for a discussion of the Sunday readings after 7:30AM Mass, beginning October 12th, 2014. We will meet in the usher’s room of our Church for about 30-45 minutes to discern how these teachings of Jesus affect our every day life, and to prepare for the following Sunday’s Word. Scripture passages and questions to consider will be posted in the bulletin for your reflection one week prior to our first meeting. Please join us for the new adventure in learning so that we might “Teach Christ” with Scripture. Coffee and donuts will be available. We look forward to see you there! September 21, 2014 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Queen of Martyrs Student Council Celebrate Installation On Monday, September 8th, students and faculty came together to observe Mary’s Birthday during an “All School Opening Mass”. The Alter Servers, who are also members of Queen of Martyrs Student Council, placed flowers at the base of our beautiful Blessed Mother Statue. Students and faculty celebrated Mary by reciting the Hail Mary in her honor. Following the Mass the 2014/2015 Student Council took their Oath to serve the entire Queen of Martyrs school community. Student Council members vowed to share their abilities and talents and to always be true examples of our Catholic Faith. Page Five Please Pray for Our Sick Relatives and Friends Prayer is a powerful prescription for whatever ails you. Please remember our sick in your prayers: Luke Amelio Catherine Bahls Bill Barts Jerry Becmer Maddux Blunt Bob Cachor Jack Carr Jan & Jack Clisham Carol Coleman Baby Patrick Cox Janice Della Posta Don DiFilippo William Dillon Jim Downing Marge Eggert Erin Eustaquio Raymond Farano Vikki Finkel Mary Fergus Jean Harazin Joyce Hoff Ann Jablonsky Conor Kilmartin Teresa Li Lauren McGovern Maureen McIntyre May Mesco Georgene Mitchell Judy Mitchell Sharon Nanesta Jacqueline Olsen Bernie O’Reilly Laura Orlando Alex Pier Richard Pollack Mary Kay Prucha Daniel Ramsden Elizabeth Reilly June Royals Mary Schneider Judy Ulrich Winnie Walter Bob Warda While They Serve… We pray for our Parishioners and the Relatives of Parishioners who are serving in the Military and protecting us… Jason Eckert—nephew of Jim and Bernadette Martin Captain Daniel R. Johnson—US Army—son of Betty and Roy Johnson Congratulations to the following students who were installed to serve as leaders and accepted the challenge to lead with honor and responsibility: Ryan Marth Sgt. First Class Wayne Mutnansky Lt. John Mutnansky Lt. Col. John “Pete” Petracca—US Army—nephew of President: Grace Arvesen Vice President: Matt Reidy Secretary: Tess Clifford Treasurer: Kyle Nieciak Colin Prendergast—son of Carole Prendergast Lt. Col. Ellen Shannon-Ball—daughter of Barbara and Grade 8 Homeroom Representative: Ben Burchett and Regan Rayl Grade 7 Homeroom Representative: Kelly Ryan and Martin Murray Grade 6 Homeroom Representative: Sarah Scott and Sean Deane Grade 5 Homeroom Rep: Bridget Smith and Liam Dougherty John and Judy Berleman sister of Jack Shannon Mike Slomski—US Marine—nephew of Steve & Mary Currier David Slomski—US Army—nephew of Steve & Mary Currier 2LT Martin J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer 2LT Robert J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer Daniel Talty—USMC—grandson of Colleen & Pete Cunningham Cpl. Clifford Oskvarek—USMC—son of Chuck & Carol Oskvarek Ted Bos—USMC—grandson of Theresa Bos If you would like us to pray for a Parishioner or a Relative of a Parishioner serving in the Military, please contact the rectory at 708-423-8110 or email [email protected]. The COURAGE Program is looking for golfers and sponsors for our 13th Annual Golf Outing to be held on October 4, 2014 at Old Oak Country Club in Homer Glen. Proceeds will help fund the varius programs offered by the COURAGE Program to single, pregnant young women and their children. For further information, please contact the COURAGE office at 708-636-8001 or [email protected] On Sunday, October 5, 2014, we will play our annual Miracles Happen Baseball game for children and adults with special needs/disability. There will be one game at 12:00 noon on the White Sox Miracle Field located behind the Chicago Ag High School 111th and Pulaski. If you know of any child or adults who would like to play or for further information, you can contact: Katie Kettering: 773-239-5388 Nancy Cranston: 773-779-2897 Page Six 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time MONDAY — 6:30 AM— 8:30 AM— Sept. 22, 2014 Communion Service Patricia Corcoran Walter & Rosemary Rosignal TUESDAY — 6:30 AM— 8:30 AM — Sept. 23, 2014—St. Pius of Pietrelcina Communion Service Joseph Kaczanowski September 21, 2014 Sept. 27 4:00 PM (L) Altar Servers WEDNESDAY—Sept. 24, 2014 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM — Bette O’Brien Sept. 28 7:30 AM THURSDAY — Sept. 25, 2014 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM — Rosemary Cotter (L) Altar Servers FRIDAY — 6:30 AM— 8:30 AM — Sept. 26, 2014—St. Cosmos & St. Damian Communion Service Matthew & Mary Fiske Walter Kraus Irene Mokrzycki SATURDAY — Sept. 27, 2014—St. Vincent de Paul 8:30 AM — Valerie Lebonsorger 4:00 PM— Byrne/Casey Families David Bettenardi Tom Hopkins SUNDAY — 7:30 AM — 9:30 AM — 11:30 AM — Sept. 28, 2014—26th Sunday in Ordinary Time John J. Martus Marie Gardner Ana Maria Zamora Mary Donahue Francis Gainer Rosemary Hector Maryann Mitchell Barbara Lichay Vincent Churak D. Siska J. Martin C. Biszewski J. Springer D. McGuire TBD J. Jager N. Cummings K. Boucher P. Scolan K. Nieciak A. Powell 9:30 AM J. Pearson R. Paglia D. Parisi J. McKenna E. Griegel M. Griegel M. Walsh A. Powell P. McCann J. Anderson (L) K. Lang Altar Servers T. Quinn M. Reidy S. Moss 11:30 AM K. O’Neil (L) J. Donnelly Altar Servers D. Revers N. Revers M. Mizera S. Lorimer J. Revers M. Evans R. Rayl Altar Servers May She Rest in Peace Jeanette Streit Lois Kraus Week Days Sept. 22—27, 2014 Mon. — Wed. 8:30 A.M. (Sept. 22 - 23 - 24) K. Gniady J. Granat R. Mahoney Thurs.—Sat. 8:30 A.M. (Sept. 25 - 26 - 27) L. Manning M. Maples M. Maples September 21, 2014 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Seven QUEEN OF MARTYRS CHURCH - PARISH INFORMATION RECTORY 10233 S. Central Park Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 708-423-8110 FAX 423-7372 Parish Secretary: Janine Missey Business Manager: Irene Smith Administrative Assistant: Peggy Klein Bulletin Editor: [email protected] SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Anticipated Mass on Saturday: ............................... 4:00 P.M. Sunday: ................................. 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M.,11:30 A.M. Vigil of Holy Day: ..................................................... 7:00 P.M. Holy Day: Eucharistic Service ................................ 6:00 A.M. Masses ............................... 8:30 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. Weekdays: Eucharistic Service Mon.—Fri. .............. 6:30 A.M. Morning Mass Mon.— Sat. ……………..8:30 A.M. MUSIC DIRECTOR Carole Prendergast 708-423-8110 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Bernadine Smierciak — 708-422-1647 [email protected] Religious Education Classes for Public School Children, Gr. 1-8 YOUTH MINISTRY Tina O’Shea, Youth Minister —773-332-7553 SCHOOL Ted Morgan— Principal: [email protected] 3550 W. 103rd Street Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 708-422-1540 FAX 422-1811 Website: www.qmschool.com EXTENDED CARE PROGRAM Amy Bauman, Coordinator — 708-423-8120 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Jennie Schmitt—708-252-0359 [email protected] SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Pre-marriage instructions required. Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple, in person, at the Rectory six months prior to the wedding. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY: For membership info or assistance call the Rectory. Confidentiality assured. MINISTRY OF CARE Jane Dunne, Coordinator — 708-499-9808 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL 10240 South St. Louis Open daily from 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. Registration of New Parishioners: Please register at the Rectory at your earliest opportunity. Moving: Please notify the Rectory of your departure or of a new address in the parish.
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