Curriculum Overview Term 2 Unit 4

UKG Curriculum Overview Unit 4
Central Idea: Patterns are all around us in the natural and man-made world.
Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Connection
Transdisciplinary Skills: Research skills: observing. Thinking Skills: analysis.
Learner Profile Attributes: Inquirer, Reflective, Thinker
Attitudes: Creativity, Confidence
Subject Area
Unit of Inquiry
Assessment Tasks
Students will:
- design and create a
bird picture, using
real feathers and
palm printing. Write
about the colour and
pattern choices they
have made.
- design tile patterns
using clay
- create a ‘seasons
booklet’, showing
what we find, wear,
eat in each of the
four seasons
Key Objectives
Lines of inquiry:
 Patterns around us in nature
 Different ways people have used
 Creating our own patterns
Example Activities
Students will:
- sort and arrange objects and make patterns with
- identify different patterns such as, spot,
stripes, zig-zags, waves, spirals
- will make patterns using 3D objects such as
beads, maths manipulatives etc.
- understand the pattern of day and night, seasons
through craft activities and role plays
- identify patterns found on animal fur, feathers
etc and make
- identify patterns we find in the home, on
clothing, decorations
- make a mehendi design
- make a rangoli pattern
Key Vocabulary
Pattern, spot, stripe,
ziz-zag, spiral, waves,
day, night, sun, moon,
stars, seasons, fur,
feather, clothes,
decorations, mehendi,
Students will:
- independently
select and write
appropriate words or
phrases to describe
patterns that they
have learnt about
- learn and remember
the words to action
rhymes and perform
them in front of an
- listen to and select
end sounds of words
Students will:
- be regularly
observed on their
performance in minitests and
assessments on
concepts covered.
-do addition &
subtraction, observe
patterns and identify
- Various physical
counting games
Key Objectives:
 to identify word end sounds when
heard and written
 to select and correctly write word
end sounds
 to develop observation and imitation
skills of words heard and written
 to perform action rhymes to an
 to continue to build up a repertoire
of stories
Listening: students will identify end-of-word
rhyming sounds. They will continue to listen to
stories read to them and identify various features
Speaking: students will learn rhymes which have a
definite pattern and will perform them to an
Viewing: Students will identify and count straight
lines sleeping lines, slanting lines found in letters,
common words and numbers
Presenting: students will continue to develop their
handwriting and colouring skills.
Reading: students will continue to read various
stories and poems. They will be able to identify
the phonic end sound while reading.
Writing: students will create sentences using
word cards, clay and writing. They will write words
with rhyming end sounds
Maths strand focus:
- practicing counting out loud from 1 - 100
- recognising written numbers
- Sorting items, more, less, equal, big, small
- practicing writing numerals from 1 to 100
- writing numbers in word form 30-50
- skip counting in 2s & 5s
- simple addition & subtraction of single-digit numbers
- arrange shapes according to size
- ascending order and descending order
Rhyme, straight line,
sleeping line, slanting
line, end sound.
After-before, between,
big-small, circle, square,
triangle, oval, semicircle, add, subtract,
time, hour, minute
Students will:
-akshar se
sambandhit chitro ka
chart banana hai.
Key Objectives:
-shabdh ka phela akshar phechanna.
Listening: shabdho ka phela akshar phechankar
chitro se milana.
-akaro (shapes) ke bare me jankari dena.
Speaking: akaro ki aavriti, kavita
-kavita bolna.
Viewing: chitra dekhkar shabdo ko phechanna.
-shabdh aur chitro ka
Milan karna.
-akshro ko vyavasthit
roop se likhna.
-lekhan vidhi.
Aakar, gol, tribhuj,
chaturbhuj, aanadakar,
din-raat, ritu, suraj,
Presenting: chitra dekhkar abhinay karna.
Reading: 2 akshro ka shabdh parna.
Writing: swar akshar, vaynjan akshar likhna, khali
sthan bharna, chitro ke sath akshar ka Milan
karna, akshro ko vyavasthit roop se likhna,
-maukhki: akshro aur
awazo ko phechanna.
Key Objectives
 for students to explore ways of making sound patterns using
their bodies and classroom instruments
Students will:
- create sound patterns with body parts and
- listen to and copy sound patterns
Sound pattern, repeat,
Key Objectives:
 for students to use a variety of media to explore patterns,
including clay, powder paint, poster paint, collage, printing.
Students will:
- Create various craft items/displays using
different media.
Collage, clay, paint, print.
Class 1 Curriculum Overview Unit 4
Central Idea: Materials have different properties which affect the ways they are used.
Transdisciplinary Theme: How the World Works
Key Concepts: Form, Change, Function
Transdisciplinary Skills: Research Skills: Observing and Presenting Research Findings
Learner Profile Attributes: Knowledgeable, Inquirer, Reflective
Attitudes: Curiosity, Creativity
Subject Area
Unit of Inquiry
Assessment Tasks
Students will:
- sort and categorise
materials according to
- produce write-ups of
scientific experiments
including prediction,
observation and
Key Objectives
Lines of inquiry:
 Properties of materials and their
 Changing properties
 Uses of materials
- undertake a written
test in which they have t
select appropriate
materials for particular
Students will:
Key Objectives:
Example Activities
Key Vocabulary
Students will:
- go for campus walk and identify manmade and
natural things
- sort materials into different types according to
their properties and classify them using graphic
- understand how different types of materials are
used and processed to create items
- understand the three states of matter through
observation of items and images
- do cooking activities so the students understand
the change of states
- understand reversible and irreversible changes
and soluble/insoluble
- identify magnetic and non-magnetic materials
- develop the scientific skills of asking questions,
predicting, observing and evaluating
evaporation, magnet,
reversible and
irreversible changes
solid, liquid, gas,
processed, manmade,
natural, predict,
observe, evaluate,
metal, wood, rubber,
plastic, paper,
leather, concrete,
soluble, insoluble.
Listening: students will learn and use a variety of
sound words such as ‘jingle’, ‘hammer’, ‘thud’. They
Sound words,
instructions, present
- undertake a listening
test on their
understanding of
- write up scientific
experiments with a
focus on present and
past tenses and correct
spelling of new
- do individual read aloud
assessments (one-toone) on an on-going basis
Students will:
 Developing active listening skills
through listening and identifying
sounds, sound words and instructions
 Developing skills of orally expressing
their knowledge and understanding
 Observing and using the combination
of text and images provided in picture
books to understand story elements
 Building word skills through dictionary
 Revision and consolidation of
previously-learnt grammatical
concepts in written work
will listen for information in instructions for
making things.
Speaking: students will recite and perform a poem
on materials. They will be able to give an oral
explanation of their understanding of materials
and caring for the environment. Students will use
online listening software to improve their
Viewing: students will study the picture books by
the author, Eric Carle, who uses a distinct artistic
style. They will explore the combination of text
and images.
Presenting: students will create collages
presenting various materials
Reading: students will revise their alphabet skills,
through dictionary activities, focusing on the
second and third letters. A range of verbs in
present and past tense will be used.
Writing: students will write sound poems using
new vocabulary. The focus of writing activities will
be sentence parts and formation, with a revision
of earlier concepts: basic punctuation, noun,
adjective, verb.
Maths strand focus:
- Continuation of adding 2-digit numbers – vertically – 0-100 – using borrowing and carrying
- Ordinal numbers (in context with months of the year and days of the week)
- Using a fixed number line (1-10)
- Using manipulative such as ganit mala (beaded line)
- Continuation of subtracting 2 digit numbers 0 – 100 - using borrowing and carrying
- Continuation of reading story sums
- Non-standard and standard measurement tools
- Measurement of weight and length
- Grams, kilograms, centimetres and metres (plus abbreviations)
- Addition of units of measure
tense, past tense,
noun, verb, adjective.
Add, subtract,
number line, borrow,
carry, shape,
ivaYaya R
mau#ya Sabd
kivata vaacana
pona–popr TosT
[ka[- sao saMbaMiQat kivata
baairSa kOsao haotI hO³khanaI´
‘eo’ tqaa ‘Aao’ kI maa~aa
ivarama icah\na ³pUNa- ivarama evaM Alp
ivarama sao piricat kranaa´
rMgaIna popr pr maa~aaAaoM sao banao SabdaoM kao ilaK
kr idKanaa
caaT- popr maoM ek – Anaok ka imalaana krnaa tqaa
]icat sqaana pr ica~a lagaanaa
nadI ‚ kulhaD,I
panaI‚ kpD,a‚ kagaja,
‚laaoha‚ lakD,I ‚
‘eo’ tqaa ‘Aao’ kI
maa~aa sao banao Sabd
Students will:
- Create a soundscape
using scrap materials
Key Objectives:
- To understand how different
materials create different sounds
- How we can make instruments with
various materials
- We can use musical instruments to
create a ‘soundscape’
Creating and Responding Activities:
- explore and identify materials used to make
musical instruments
- create musical instruments from scrap materials
and use them to create and perform music
dynamics, texture.
Students will:
- Use a variety of
materials to create
different art works
Key Objectives:
- to explore ways we can use different
materials to create artworks
Creating and Responding Activities:
Creating various artworks with different
Class 2 Curriculum Overview Unit 4
Central Idea: People explore and express ideas and emotions through visual arts
Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Perspective
Transdisciplinary Skills: Communication Skills: non-verbal communication, presenting, viewing. Research Skills: Observing, interpreting data.
Learner Profile Attributes: Communicator, Thinker, Reflective
Attitudes: Creativity, Cooperation
Subject Area
Assessment Task(s)
Unit of
Students will:
- undertake a penand-paper test on
art techniques
- prepare and
deliver an oral
presentation on one
chosen artist from
any culture
Key understandings
Lines of inquiry:
 Different forms of visual art
 Roles of art in different cultures
 Art as a means of expression and
Example activities
Key Vocabulary
Students will:
- identify 2D and 3D shapes
-identify 2D and 3D art types
- describe elements of art used in their own
and others’ art works
- learn about and describe the lives and work of
famous artists from India and around the world
- observe scientific illustrations and botanical
drawings – insects, seeds and plants
- observe plants and seeds with magnifying
- understand how dyes and paints are made
2D, 3D, art work, expression,
illustration, botanical drawing,
abstract, technique, sculpture,
material, medium,
architecture, mosaic, collage,
print, design, shape, line,
texture, photography, carving,
Listening: students will listen to soundscapes
and represent what they hear through
Adjective, comparative,
- contribute to and
reflect on a wholeclass art exhibition
Students will:
Key Objectives:
- pen-and-paper test
on adjectives
- create a selfportrait and
annotate it with
adjectives – words
and full sentences
 Listening for information and
portraying in pictures what they
hear described
 Developing skills of expression and
sharing opinion
 Writing descriptions of objects,
artworks and feelings, using
- do individual read
aloud assessments
(one-to-one) on an
on-going basis
Students will:
- take regular minitests on concepts
- create
tessellations and
Speaking: students will be able to talk about
their own and others’ art work using
appropriate vocabulary
Viewing: students will identify different art
techniques used in picture book art
Presenting: students will illustrate a short
Reading: students will do various reading
comprehension activities using a range of
picture books and non-fiction information texts
Writing: students will use adjectives to
describe observations they make about
feelings, objects and art works
Maths strand focus:
- On-going practice of problems involving basic operations, addition, subtraction &
- Multiplication tables up to 12.
- Finding patterns using multiplication table
Shape and Space
- Exploring shapes – 2D and 3D
- Study of Islamic art patterns
- Introduction to tessellation
- Introduction to symmetry
Diamond, hexagon, pentagon,
star, octagon,
tessellation, tessellate,
pattern, face, side, corner,
vertex, vertices, symmetry,
- work on extended
problems in which
they have to use
strategies to solve
[Md`QanauYa AaOr baUÐdoM ‚
mau#ya Sabd
kivata vaacana
pona–popr TosT
poMisala kI khanaI
ivaSaoYaNa‚ pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd‚ inabaMQa
saat rMgaaoM ko popr laokr [Md`QanauYa banavaanaa tqaa baairSa ‚ baUÐdoM‚ [Md`QanauYa‚ panaI‚
saBaI rMgaaoM ko naama ilaKnaa
ivaSaoYaNa sao saMbaMiQat gaitivaiQa
‚pgaDMDI‚ JaaiD,yaaoM
‚krahnaa ‚mauiSkla ‚]tavalaa
Students will:
- perform a song in
Hindi and English
Key objectives:
- develop vocal control and confidence
in performing with a small group
Creating and Responding Activities:
- learn various songs in English and Hindi
Sing, song, vocal.
Students will:
- create various
items using a range
of Art and Craft
Key objectives:
- identify various Art techniques
- apply understanding of techniques in
their own work
Creating and Responding Activities:
-using a colour wheel, students will understand
how to mix colours
- make a mask
- create a large-scale paper mosaic as a whole
Colour wheel, mix, technique.
Class 3 Curriculum Overview Unit 4
Central Idea: Children around the world face range of challenges, risks and opportunities
Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet
Key Concepts: Causation, Form, Perspective
Transdisciplinary Skills: Social Skills: accepting responsibility, cooperating. Self-Management: informed choices, codes of behaviour
Learner Profile Attributes: Reflective, Knowledgeable, Caring
Attitudes: Commitment, Appreciation
This unit is being explored as part of the British Council International School Award
Subject Area
Unit of Inquiry
Assessment Tasks
Students will
- create a graphic
organiser, depicting
different aspects of
- using empathy and
thinking skills, write an
imaginative passage
entitled, “What would
Key Objectives
Lines of Inquiry:
 The reasons for inequality in
challenges, risks and opportunities
faced by children
 How children respond to challenges,
risks and opportunities
 Ways organisations and individuals
work to improve the quality of
children’s lives
Example Activities
Key Vocabulary
Students will:
- View images and videos about children in
different settings, sharing ideas about the
possible background of the stories
- Contribute to discussions on certain topics
surrounding children’s lives
- Interact with local village children
- Research into various NGOs and how they
- Explore children’s rights as presented in the UN
Charter on the Rights of the Child
Inequality, income,
low-income, highcome, labour, law,
illegal, disability,
poverty, challenge,
rights, responsibility,
risk, opportunity,
I have done in his
Explore how low-cost innovations such as the
Clockwork Radio or Solar Cooker work
- design an NGO that
works for the benefits
of children
Students will:
- do reading
comprehension tasks
of fiction and nonfiction texts
- write their own
stories, using basic
story elements of plot,
character, setting,
problem and solution.
- do individual read
aloud assessments
(one-to-one) on an ongoing basis
Students will:
- take regular minitests on concepts
- work on extended
problems in which they
Key Objectives:
 Listening for information
 Developing skills of discussion and
debate in conversation about
complicated issues
 Understanding story elements
including plot, setting, problem and
 Applying grammatical knowledge and
understanding to their own creative
Listening: students will listen to stories and
documentaries about children’s lives
Speaking: students will do various drama activities,
exploring issues and feelings around children’s lives.
They will hold discussions and JAM sessions on
these issues.
Viewing: students will students will watch various
videos, extracting information about children’s lives
Presenting: students will create an informational
booklet about children’s rights. They will create a
display about the novel study book, ‘The Owl Who
was Afraid of the Dark’.
Reading: students will read the book, ‘The Owl Who
was Afraid of the Dark’ and identify character,
plot, setting, problem and solution. They will do
reading comprehension of various non-fiction and
stories about real children’s lives.
Writing: students will do various activities
exploring adjectives and adverbs, including writing
short stories. They will create stories about
children’s lives using the 5 basic story elements.
They will write chapter summaries at the end of
each chapter.
Maths strand focus:
- On-going addition and subtraction, multiplication and division operations practice
- Focused practice of 3-digit division
- Continuation of rounding up and down to the nearest 50 and 100.
- Dodge tables, and words involving multiplication tables up to 15
- introduction to fractions – half, quarter, third, sixth,
Story, documentary,
novel, plot, character,
setting, problem,
solution, adverb.
Fraction, half,
quarter, third, sixth,
have to use
appropriate strategies
to solve problems.
mau#ya Sabd
pona–popr TosT
Apnaa AnauBava bataeÐ
ivad\yaalaya ka phlaa idna³saMvaad pr
AaQaairt paz´
ivaSvaasa AaOr lagana
ivaSaoYaNa‚ ivarama icah\na ‚ p~a laoKna
paosTkaD- maoM p~a laoKna
ilafafa banaanaa tqaa ]sapr Apnaa pta ilaKnaa
ivaSaoYaNa sao saMbaMiQat gaitivaiQa
ivaSvaasa‚ ivad\yaalaya‚
ËaoQa‚ ivad\vaana‚
saaih%ya‚ Saas~a Aaid
Students will:
- create a playground
chant and teach it to
Key Objectives:
- to understand the role of music in
everyday activities
- to explore rhythm, rhyme and body
Creating and Responding Activities:
- learn and perform playground chants and clapping
games in English, Hindi and Bengali
- compose and teach a playground chant
with/without actions
Rhyme, beat, actions
Students will:
- create a textured
item for a blind person
to use
Key Objectives:
- to develop sewing skills
Creating and Responding Activities:
- develop sewing skills, learning various simple
stiches and techniques
Running stich,
Class 4 Curriculum Overview Unit 4
Central Idea: Efficient systems ensure minimum loss from natural disasters.
Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organise Ourselves
Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Change
Transdisciplinary Skills: Self-Management: time management, safety. Social Skill: respecting others, group decision-making
Learner Profile Attributes: Risk Taker, Caring
Attitudes: Empathy, Curiosity
This unit is being explored as part of the British Council International School Award
Unit of
Assessment Tasks
Students will:
- design and create an
informational chart in groups
about 1 disaster and present to
the class. Students will listen to
the presentation and make
notes/ask questions to the
Key Objectives
Lines of Inquiry:
 Different natural disasters
 Impact of natural disasters
on people and the
How people cope with
natural disasters
Example Activities
Students will:
- Research in books, the internet, newspapers and through
PPTs and videos, types of disasters, reasons for their
occurrence and their after effects
- Collaborate with people in some other to learn about
disasters and how people prepare
- Develop map-reading skills using their atlases
- use various graphic organisers to arrange thoughts and
information including, flowchart, Y-chart, spider map,
Key Vocabulary
Man-made, natural,
disaster, maps, index,
continent, ocean,
impact, tectonic plate
movement, tsunami,
hurricane, cyclone,
earthquake, tornado,
forest fire, first-aid.
- enact and reflect on a newcast style drama presentation
on the effects of a particular
- learn basic first aid techniques and teach others their
new skills
- prepare an action plan,
detailing how we can prepare
for disasters
Students will:
- write newspapers recounts,
using the focus grammar
areas, on disasters.
Undertake a reading
comprehension task,
answering questions on a
non-fiction text
Contribute to a group drama
presentation and reflect on
the same
Students will:
- demonstrate an understanding
of fractions with manipulatives
and using standard calculations
- take regular mini-tests on
concepts covered.
- work on extended problems in
which they have to use
Key Objectives:
 Listening for information
in news pieces and
 Developing oral
presentation skills
through drama
 Reading for information
and sorting fact from
 developing descriptive
and informative writing
Listening: students will listen for information given in audio
accounts of events
Speaking: students will enact newscast/documentary-style
Viewing: students will watch various documentaries and
news pieces about disasters. They will interpret written
instruction manuals which combine text and images.
Presenting: students will combine photos and text to
create informational documents.
Reading: students will read various texts, including news
articles and first-hand accounts, about disasters. They will
understand how to sort fact from opinion.
Writing: students will write newspaper-style recounts.
They will write instructions. They will build on their
understanding of poetry writing and use descriptive
language to write poems on the theme of disasters. The
grammar focus will be conjunctions, prepositions, direct and
indirect speech.
Maths strand focus:
- Addition and subtraction of fractions
- Multiples and factors
- Lowest common multiple (LCM)
- Correspondence of fractions with percentage and decimal
- Time
- Timeline
- 24-hour clock
prepositions, direct
and indirect speech,
first-hand account,
fact, opinion,
documentary, news
article, descriptive
writing, informative
numerator, multiple,
factor, LCM, decimal,
appropriate strategies to solve
mau#ya Sabd
pona–popr TosT
maaOiKk jaaÐca
saunaamaI ³khanaI´
[ka[- sao saMbaMiQat khanaI
ivaSaoYaNa‚ AnaucCod laoKna
ivaiBanna trh kI p`aÌitk AapdaAaoM ko ica~a
icapkanaa tqaa ]nako baaro maoM ilaKnaa
ivaSaoYaNa sao saMbaMiQat gaitivaiQa
saunaamaI‚ jvaalaamauKI‚
BaUkMp‚ BaU–sKlana‚
p`aÌitk Aapda
Students will:
- create and perform a rap on
the theme of disasters
Key Objectives:
- to develop skills of writing lyrics
- to explore rhythm and rhyme
- to perform a group piece with
attention to beat
Creating and Responding Activities:
Students will explore rap lyric-writing and create a
rap, focusing on rhyme and rhythm.
Rhythm, rhyme, beat,
rap, lyrics.
Students will:
- design and create a
contrasting two-piece painting
set depicting before and after a
Key Objectives:
- to develop skills in the use of
paint medium
- to explore contrast
Creating and Responding Activities:
Students will explore various techniques using paints,
focusing on how to depict contrast in choice of colour
and tone.
Paint, mix, tone,
Class 5 Curriculum Overview Unit 4
Central Idea: The choices people make while purchasing, using and disposing of products have a wide-ranging effect
Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet
Key Concepts: causation, change, responsibility
Transdisciplinary Skills: Thinking Skills: Acquisition of knowledge, Analysis, Social Skills: Accepting responsibility, respecting others
Learner Profile Attributes: Principled, Caring
Attitudes: Appreciation, Empathy, Respect
Subject Area
Unit of Inquiry
Assessment Tasks
Key Objectives/areas of understanding
Students will:
Lines of inquiry:
-will create an
 The processes involved in the production
attractive, informative
of everyday items
chart showing various
 Fairness and sustainability in trade of
process involved in the
production of everyday  The environmental effects of the
production, transportation and disposal
of products
-will design a poster on
fair trade
Example activities
Students will:
-give pen and paper
tests which will contain
diagrams, open-ended
tasks and applicationbased questions.
Key Vocabulary
Understand the process of manufacturing a
product through various videos and PPTs.
Will learn the various types of economic sectors
Will understand the difference between fair trade
and unfair trade through various classroom
Will watch various videos on child labour and would
reflect on them
Will learn various science related concepts for e.g.
water cycle, water pollution, air pollution,
properties of air, nitrogen cycle, erosion, soil
pollution etc.
Will learn the importance of 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle
Need, want, goods,
services, supply,
demand, market,
buyers, producers,
consumers, industry,
economic sectors,
primary, secondary,
tertiary, poverty, fair
trade, sustainability,
environment, pollution,
natural resources,
reduce, reuse, recycle
-will perform a street
play to create
awareness against the
child labour and other
environmental issues.
Students will:
- write report and
article on the survey
or on tasks assigned.
- do regular spelling
tests with a focus on
- various grammarbased worksheets
Students will:
- demonstrate
practical measurement
skills and do various
calculations of
measurements using
standard operations
- take regular minitests on concepts
- work on extended
problems in which they
Key Objectives:
 listening for specific information
 developing quick-thinking in English
 extracting information from non-fiction
 developing writing skills and use of
active/passive voices
Listening: Students will extract specific information
from videos on consumption.
Speaking: Students will take part in JAM sessions to
develop their ‘on-the-spot’ thinking and communication
Viewing: Students will watch various videos about
consumption and English related topics.
Presenting: Students will present their analysis on
Reading: Students will read a range of non-fiction
texts and some poems. They will continue to develop
comprehension skills, using graded reading cards.
Writing: Students will develop skills of report and
article writing. They will explore active and passive
voices. Write a pen-and-paper tests.
Maths strand focus:
- Continuation of decimals and percentage
- Continuation and practice of decimals and operations associated with them
- Conversions between fractions, decimals, and percents
- Using money in real life
- Unitary method
- Profit and loss
- Currency and conversion of currency
- Expression of money as fraction, decimal and percentage
Data Handling
Article, report, active,
passive voice, survey,
good, service,
consumer, producer,
demand, supply,
transportation, fair
trade, business, etc.
Money, profit, loss,
currency, percentage,
decimals, mean, median,
mode, average, crossing
off, range, interpret,
have to use
appropriate strategies
to solve problems.
- Develop a strategic approach to organising data
- Calculate the mean, median, mode and range of a given set of data
- Collect data and represent it on bar graphs, double bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts
mau#ya Sabd
pona–popr TosT
maaOiKk jaaÐca
kpD,o sao kagaja,Ê jala hI jaIvana hO
³khanaI´ Ê
kalaÊ inabaMQa Ê Aa%makqaa³maaOiKk´ Ê
kagaja, bacaaAao yaa poD, vacaaAao pr ek bauk maakbanaakr ek slaaogana ilaKnaa
hstiSalp kagaja, sao Apnao ima~a ko ilae janmaidna ka
kaD- banaanaa
inamaa-Na‚ saByata‚
hstiSalp‚ Baaojap~a‚
inamaM~aNa‚ p`NaalaI
AivaYkar‚ ga`amaINa‚
pMKuiD,yaaÐ Aaid
Students will:
- Perform and reflect
on a street play
Key Objectives:
- to develop drama creation and enactment
Creating and Responding Activities:
Students will create and enact a street play on the
subject of consumption
Voice projection,
Students will:
- Create a range of
items using waste
Key Objectives:
- to develop creative thinking skills
- to develop paper craft skills
Creating and Responding Activities:
Recycling materials, especially paper, to make new
Paper craft, origami