Grade 9 Summer HHW session 2014-15

Summer Holidays Home Work
Session 2014-15
Grade teacher: Ms. Ramandeep
Read any two novels from the list below and prepare a PPT about the book and the writer. Also
design a page for the portfolio of each book.
A Christmas Carol
Anne Frank’s Diary
Do a case study on any one disease. You can visit a patient and use magazines, books, internet to
collect information. Make a report on your findings based on the disease including symptoms,
causes, effects and photocopies of the prescriptions of a patient having that particular disease.
Make a PPT covering the topics Displacement Time graphs, Velocity Time graphs,
accelerations time graphs and graphical representation showing the equation of motions.
Google search the topic – Plasma and write a report on it.
Visit five different banks. Collect the information About (i) Rate of interest on saving account
(ii) On Fixed Deposits (iii) Rate of interest charge by the bank on different kind of loans.
(iv) Annual Charges Taken for Credit Cards.
On the basis of the above information just write a compiled report that which bank is better for
Social Science.
History & Civics: Students have to do a study of French revolution in detail and have to make
project on one topic of their own choice from French revolution.
Disaster Management: Make a power-point presentation on the ‘Himalayan Tsunami at
Uttaranchal- A natural or a man-made disaster’.
kvI :- dmodr , gurU goibMd isMG , v`irs S`h , h`Sm , S`h muhMmd , Pjl S`h b`ry
pMj - pMj sqr~ ilKo |
n`vlk`r n`nk isMG d` koeI ie@k n`vl pVH ky aus b`ry E`pxy ivc`r 500 Sbd~ iv@c ilKo |
Using various features of MS Word, create a comprehensive travel brochure in MS Word for a
travel destination of your choice. You must include the following required elements in your
Use these 5 categories
1. A description of the travel destination
2. Recreational activities
3. What a traveler should bring with them
4. Travel recommendations (how to get to the destination and once there, how to get
5. Travel Packages (for example 3 day, 4 day, or 7 day trips and costs).
Create a visually appealing brochure that will entice customers to go to this travel destination
while including all of the important information AND limiting it to 1 full page. Take its colored
printout and paste it on your ICT notebook.
1´ kaya-klaap
k´ eosao kaOna ¹ kaOna sao xao~ hOM jahaM CaoTI ]ma` ko baccaaoM sao kama krvaayaa jaata hO ÆjahaM baala maja,dUrI kao gaOrkanaUnaI GaaoiYat ikyaa gayaa hOÊ]nakI
saUcaI banaaeM.
K´baala maja,dUrI krnao vaalao tqaa iva&apnaaoM maoM kama krnao vaalao baccaaoM maoM @yaa samaanataeM tqaa AMtr hOMÆilaiKe.
2´ saUrdasa nao Apnao pdaoM maoM kRYNa kI k`ID,aAao ka sauMdr vaNa-na ikyaa hO.AaPakao ]nako pdaoM maoM baala saulaBa ikna ik`yaaAaoM kao pZ,kr AanaMd imalaa
ÆApnao SabdaoM maoM ilaKo tqaa ]nako iksaI BaI ek pd ka vaNa-na ica~ ko maaQyama sao dSaa-eM.
3´inamnailaiKt ]psagaao-M ka p`yaaoga krto hue dao ¹dao SabdaoM ka inamaa-Na kroM :¹
AitÊ praÊ inar\Ê p`Ê sauÊ ivaÊ sama\Ê ]d\ ÊAiBaÊ inaÊ Aa ÊAva Ê]t\
4´ inamnailaiKt p`%yayaaoM ka p`yaaoga krto hue dao ¹dao SabdaoM ka inamaa-Na kroM :¹
taÊ [- ÊpnaÊ AahTÊ [kÊ [-ya Êmaana\Ê [-laaÊ varÊ [-naÊ Aalau Êdar Êhar
5´ AnaucCod laoKna :¹
k´naota nahIMÊnaagairk caaihe.
K´pirEama hI [-Svar hO.
ga´doSa ko nava ¹inamaa-Na maoM yauvaaAaoM ka yaaogadana
6´AnaaOpcaairk p~ :¹
k´Apnao ima~ kao ek p~ ilaKkr ]sao ga`IYmaavakaSa ka kaya-k`ma batato hue Ba`maNaaqa- ko ilae inamaM~Na p~
K´ApnaI kxaa maoM Pa`qama Aanao kI saUcanaa Apnao maamaa jaI kao p~ d\vaara ilaKoM.