Why not exhibiting at the Stuttgart Antiquarian Bookfair?

Why not exhibiting
at the Stuttgart
Antiquarian Bookfair?
The Stuttgart
Antiquarian Bookfair,
established in 1962,
is one of the oldest
fairs in Europe.
We would like to invite you to show a selection
of your rare, unique and magnificent books,
maps, prints, manuscripts, autographs and other
ephemera at the end of January in Stuttgart.
Every year, the opening of the international fair
season attracts numerous international dealers
and potential collectors.
For further informations, please send an
e-mail to: [email protected] or phone:
Verband Deutscher Antiquare e. V.
Die Vereinigung von Buchantiquaren,
Autographen- und Graphikhändlern
Seeblick 1 · 56459 Elbingen • GERMANY