昼間コース・情報理工学部 3 年次及び4年次の学生へ

3 年次及び4年次の学生へ
TOEIC-IP テスト(カレッジ TOEIC)の実施について(通知)
2012 年4月に実践教育科目として、必修科目学部「技術英語」(Technical English)
(3 年次前・後学期)が開講されました。これに関連して、みなさんの英語力の一端を、
全員及び再履修の学生を対象とする TOEIC-IP テスト(カレッジ TOEIC)を、下記
開始:13 時 00 分(解散:15 時 40 分頃)
今年度の TOEIC-IP テストは、二回実施されます。前期の TOEIC-IP テストの実施
日は6月28日(日)ですが、後期の TOEIC-IP テストの実施日は12月末或いは
二回の TOEIC-IP テストとも「学部技術英語」科目を履修中の3年生及び同科目を
前 期 の TOEIC-IP テストを 受験した学 生全員 が前期学部 「 技術英語」( Basic
Technical English)の成績に加算できる10%の出席ポイントをもらえます。
TOEIC テストは何度も受けたほうが成績が上がる傾向にありますので、今年度の二
回の TOEIC-IP テストは絶好の試験練習の機会になります。
Daytime Undergraduate Students
in the 3rd or 4th Year
Undergraduate Technical English Management Committee and Kyomu Office
Announcement of TOEIC-IP(Institutional TOEIC)
From April 2012, the Undergraduate Technical English Program was established as a
required practical education class for third-year students in both Spring and Fall semesters.
In connection with this, for students to understand their English strengths and weaknesses
and for instructors to better ascertain the level of students’ English abilities, all third-year
students currently enrolled and students who are re-taking the course are required to
take the TOEIC-IP as part of the program. The testing fee is sponsored by the
university, therefore free to students.
Date : Sunday, June 28, 2015
Time : 1:00 p.m.to 3:40 p.m. (approximately)
Place : Buildings of A, B, Old C and New C
Cost : Free (University-sponsored)
Application:No application necessary. All third-years and above who are taking
or re-taking BTE are eligible
 The Technical English Program will hold two TOEIC-IP tests this academic year. The
Spring Semester test will be held on Sunday, June 28, 2015, and the Fall Semester test
will be held either in late December or early January of 2016.
 All third-year students and students re-taking Undergraduate Technical English are
eligible and required to take the test.
 All students who take the Spring Semester TOEIC-IP will receive 10% attendance points
which can be added to their semester grade for Basic Technical English.
 Takers of TOEIC often improve their scores as they sit the test a number of times.
Therefore, these two TOEIC-IP tests will serve as excellent practice.
 More details will become available as the test date approaches.